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Pokemon X and Y Guide

Table of Contents
Pokemon X and Y Guide............................................................................................................................1
Exp Training...............................................................................................................................................5
Other Item Locations.............................................................................................................................5
Other Notes:..........................................................................................................................................6
Battle Items and Vitamins.....................................................................................................................7
BATTLE MAISON...............................................................................................................................8
Breeding Pokemon...................................................................................................................................10
Things you'll need before you start:....................................................................................................10
Understanding the IV judge and checking for perfect IVs.............................................................10
Step-by-step on getting a 5+ IV pokemon .....................................................................................11
Hatching/breeding tips:.......................................................................................................................13
Pokemon Chaining...................................................................................................................................15
What is chaining?................................................................................................................................15
Why should I chain?............................................................................................................................15
What are the rules/steps to chaining?..................................................................................................15
Ways in which a chain can break........................................................................................................16
Some rare occurrences and how to deal with them.............................................................................17
Mega Stone Locations..............................................................................................................................18
What is Pokémon-Amie?.....................................................................................................................20
Pokémon Stats.....................................................................................................................................20
Petting Your Pokémon.........................................................................................................................21
Poké Puffs............................................................................................................................................21
Poké Puff Types..............................................................................................................................21
Poké Puff Flavours.........................................................................................................................21
Berry Picker....................................................................................................................................22
Head It............................................................................................................................................22
Tile Game.......................................................................................................................................22
Fastest Method to 5/5 Affection..........................................................................................................23
O-Power Guide........................................................................................................................................24
Technical Machines & Hidden Machines................................................................................................25
Illustration 1: Pokemon Gen 6 Type Matchups
Illustration 2: Lumiose City Map
Exp Training
Alright I have been doing some tests with the Exp Point Power and there seems to
be a way to abuse the 3 minute timer by battling at Restaurant Le Wow!
Simply use the Exp Point O-Power on yourself then do the Triple Battle
Option. You will keep the Exp O-Power bonus for every battle since it is a battle
chain! The Pokemon that you will battle are in the mid 60's.
To test this I started the first battle, waited 4 minutes to make sure the O-Power
should have ended, then continued to the second battle which has an Audino.


The cost to do this is $100,000/run! You will make ~$170,000 back

total after selling Mushrooms and using Amulet Coin
1. Go to Anistar City Pokemon Center and talk to the man in the top
left corner to gain the Exp Point O-Power
2. Fly to the center of Luminose City, then make your way
to Hibernal Avenue (between Rouge Plaza and Jaune Plaza).
3. Enter Restaurant Le Wow (Black building with 3 stars).
4. Use the Exp Point O-Power (Second page in PSS, under the GTS
5. Talk to the lady and choose the Triple Battle option.
6. Battle the 5 trainers (If you want more money, pay attention to
how many turns they ask for you to complete them in).
7. When finished, exit the restaurant and repeat from step 3.

Other Item Locations

Lucky Egg: Coumarine City Hotel (Fly to Coumarine and take the
train back, then exit the station and go north when possible into a
build. Girl will be on the left)
Amulet Coin: Parfum Palace (Inside the fireplace in one of the


Garchomp (Full Affection/Lucky Egg)

Normal Audino Kill:7,897 Exp. Points
Exp O-Power 1 Audino Kill: 9,476 Exp. Points
Exp O-Power 2 Audino Kill: 11,845 Exp. Points
Bonus Exp % Rate:
EXP Power Lvl 1: 20%
EXP Power Lvl 2: 50%
EXP Power Lvl 3: 100%
Number of Balm Mushrooms/run (Worth $6,250ea)

Other Notes:

•I highly recommend getting your Pokemon that you want to train to full
affection as it increases exp by 20%, as well as use a Lucky Egg.
•Use moves that hit multiple Pokemon as well! Im currently using Earthquake,
Heat Wave, and Dazzling Gleam with my Garchomp, Charizard, and Sylveon
•You'll gain Balm Mushrooms for doing this which currently gives me around
$100,000 per run as I don't go for the recommended turns. Finally, give one
Pokemon an Amulet Coin to increase profits :)
•If you want to gain the most money possible, be sure to do it in the amount of
turns that you're told before the battle. This will help you get the 25 max Balm
Mushrooms that is possible. Personally, I choose to ignore it and kill in 1 or 2
turns as you'll be doing this a lot and gaining a lot of money anyways :)
•O-Powers recharge rate depends on how many steps you have on your 3DS
step counter throughout the day. Once you hit 4,000 steps your O-Power's will
recharge at 4x the normal rate.
•This will work with all other restaurants! However, do not use this at Sushi
High Roller to grind as the difference in Pokemon levels and the $500,000 fee is
not worth it.
I looked online for some sort of guide to what shops offered which items, and as I
found nothing I decided to make one myself. All marts offer the same basic items
depending on how far you are in the game, but in certain towns you can purchase
specialty items from the right-hand clerk.

All prices listed here are standard and do not factor in Bargain Power (O-Power).
The marts in Central Lumiose, Camphrier, Ambrette, Geosenge, Dendemille,
Couriway, and the Pokemon League do not sell any specialty items.

Battle Items and Vitamins

X Speed, 350 Protein, 9800
X Attack, 500 Iron, 9800
X Defense, 550 Calcium, 9800
Guard Spec, 700 Zinc, 9800
Dire Hit, 650 Carbos, 9800
X Accuracy, 950 HP Up, 9800
X Sp. Atk, 350
X Sp. Def, 350


*Snowbelle City Mart sells all seven of these balls at the listed prices.
Heal Ball, 300 Net Ball, 1000 Quick Ball, 1000
Net Ball, 1000 Nest Ball, 1000 Timer Ball, 1000
Nest Ball, 1000 Dusk Ball, 1000 Repeat Ball, 1000
Coumarine is also where you can find every type of Incense for 9600 each. Ride
the monorail to get to the merchant. Next to him you will find a stand that offers
one free random berry everyday.

TM78 Bulldoze, 10000 TM28 Dig, 10000 TM14 Blizzard, 70000 TM50 Overheat, 80000
TM76 Struggle Bug, TM84 Poison Jab, TM93 Wild Charge,
TM25 Thunder, 70000
10000 10000 50000
TM75 Swords Dance, TM20 Safeguard, TM68 Giga Impact,
TM38 Fire Blast, 70000
10000 30000 90000
TM52 Focus Blast,
TM11 Sunny Day, 50000 TM07 Hail, 50000 TM33 Reflect, 30000
TM18 Rain Dance, 50000 TM37 Sandstorm, TM15 Hyper Beam, TM16 Light Screen,
50000 90000 30000
*South Lumiose is also where you can find the PokeMiles merchant.
There are also several shops outside of the Marts where you can get specialty
items. Here are a few you can find in Lumiose City:
Lumiose Bakery Pokeball Boutique Herboriste
Menu changes. Quick Ball, 1000 Heal Powder, 450
Dive Ball, 1000 Energy Powder, 500
Timer Ball, 1000 Energy Root, 800
Premier Ball, 200 Revival Herb, 2800
Heal Ball, 300 Stone Emporium
Net Ball, 1000 Fire Stone, 2100
Dusk Ball, 1000 Water Stone, 2100
Repeat Ball, 1000 Leaf Stone, 2100
Luxury Ball, 1000
Berry Juice Shoppe
Menu changes daily.
The old man in purple in the right corner of the Stone Emporium will sell you a
different Kanto Starter Mega Stone every day, starting at 1,000,000. His prices
change depending on your style rating, BUT you can only buy each stone ONCE.
This site offers a nice full guide to Lumiose City, so check that out for information
on Cafes and Boutiques.


The Battle Maison is located in Kiloude City. All items are purchased with Battle
Points (BP), which you can earn participating in Maison battles.
Vitamins Power Items Hold Items Hold Items Hold Items Evolution Items
(2) (16) (16) (32) (48) (32)
Protein Power Bracer Toxic Orb White Herb Wise Glasses Protector
Calcium Power Belt Flame Orb Power Herb Choice Specs Whipped Dream
Iron Power Lens Absorb Bulb Scope Lens Sachet
Zinc Power Band Cell Battery Zoom Lens Electirizer
Carbos Power Anklet Red Card Wide Lens Magmarizer
HP UP Power Weight Eject Button Muscle Band Reaper Cloth
Focus Band Up-Grade
Ring Target Choice Band Dubious Disc
Choice Scarf
Assault Vest
Focus Sash
Vitamins Power Items Hold Items Hold Items Hold Items Evolution Items
(2) (16) (16) (32) (48) (32)
Razor Claw
Razor Fang
Bright Powder
Life Orb
Iron Ball
Air Balloon
Binding Band
Safety Goggles
Rare Candy
There is also an Ability Capsule for 200 BP.
TMs Cost
TM48 Round 16
TM59 Incinerate 16
TM87 Swagger 24
TM60 Quash 24
TM05 Roar 24
TM23 Smack Down 32
TM34 Sludge Wave 32
TM51 Steel Wing 32
TM64 Explosion 48
TM67 Retaliate 48
TM72 Volt Switch 48
TM85 Dream Eater 48


In the South Lumiose Pokemon Center, an old man in a suit will trade you prizes
for PokeMiles. You can earn PokeMiles by participating in trades. I've been told
that if you use Game Sync, you can get the prizes for half price, and that you can
unlock new prizes this way. It may be better to not spend your miles in game.
Prize Cost
Berry Juice 10
MooMoo Milk 20
Full Heal 30
Max Repel 35
Hyper Potion 60
Ultra Ball 60
Ether 120
Max Potion 125
Full Restore 300
Max Revive 400
Rare Candy 500
Prize Cost
PP Up 1000
Breeding Pokemon
I have posted replies with this information in a few threads and I'd like to share it
with all of you, in one place, so hopefully you can take advantage of IV breeding
in gen 6 (which is easier than ever). This is my first time doing IV breeding, but
I've successfully bred a 5 IV adamant dratini w/ hidden ability (the toughest of
my future team).

Things you'll need before you start:

•Dittos with perfect IVs in the five stats you want
Try to catch these in the friend safari: unlike in the wild, anything you
catch there will have at least 2 perfect IVs, but it can have up to 5
supposedly. It's easier if you have a ditto with a lot of perfect IVs
right off the bat.
•Destiny Knot
Found in Cyllage City, from a maid in the hotel. When attached to a
parent, it ensures the offspring inherits 5 out of its 6 stats
from either parent (no matter which parent holds it).
•These items (except macho
16 BP each at the battle maison.
From a scientist in the house on the left of Geosenge town. Passes
down nature (can't forget about that).
•Pokemon with the flame body or magma armor ability in your party to speed
up hatching

Understanding the IV judge and checking for perfect IVs

(READ! Not sure why people are still asking 'How do I know if my IVs are
perfect? How do I check IVs?')
How the IV judge (ace trainer, inside the Kiloude City pokemon center, on the
left) works:
His dialog is similar to what's laid out in the tables there. Basically he will look
over your pokemon, and the first thing he says is a general comment about its
potential. If he says "outstanding" (the highest rating), it means its combined six
IVs are 151 to 186 (the max).

Pokémon's Potential IV Total

Decent 0 to 90
Above Average 91 to 120
Relatively Superior 121 to 150
Outstanding 151 to 186

Highest IV Range
Rather Decent 0 to 15
Very Good 16 to 25
Fantastic 26 to 30
Can't Be Better 31

He will then go on to list its highest IVs, in the order of HP, ATK, DEF, SPATK,
SPDEF, and SPEED. Keep in mind, the order he lists them off is always like that,
and it is NOT the descending order of the stat values. If he mentions more than
one stat, it means they are tied for your highest IV.
He may say something to the effect of "your highest stat is HP, ATK is also good,
SPDEF is also good, SPEED is good too." This means HP, ATK, SPDEF, and SPEED
are tied for your best IV, even though it's not explicitly stated as such.
After listing those stats, he'll make an overall comment on them. This is
important. If he says "they can't be beat", that means the stat(s) he just listed
are 31 IVs each. That's what you want.
He'll then go on to tell you if you have any particularly low ones. He might say
"how do you get through battle with a DEF stat like that?" This means DEF is
really low. I'd like someone to confirm if this means the stat is 0, as I'm unsure.
Sometimes you actually WANT a Pokemon with the lowest possible speed, for
Another clue that you might have a VERY low IV somewhere in the mix, is if he
lists 4 or more IVs as being very high ("fantastic" or "can't be beat") and yet your
overall rating at the very beginning was NOT "outstanding" or even "relatively
superior" but just "above average." This means that some of the other,
unmentioned stats are dragging down the total.

Step-by-step on getting a 5+ IV pokemon

Does your pokemon have a hidden ability you want to pass down? If not, skip to
step 2. If it has two standard abilities, I recommend just disregarding the ability
for now, win 200 BP in the Battle Maison, buy an ability capsule, and use it later
to switch abilities to the one you want.

1) Catch your pokemon with its hidden ability. Let's use Dratini as the
example. Make sure it's male, so it can breed with a Ditto and pass down the
ability. (In future steps, assume the Dratini is MALE, when breeding with a Ditto,
to ensure the hidden ability is passed. I don't think a female will work with a
Ditto, but someone can correct me IF they experienced otherwise.) Both male
and female pokemon can pass down hidden abilities through a Ditto. It is NEVER
a sure thing the offspring will carry it, so keep trying til it does.
2) Breed with a Ditto of the right nature. The Ditto should be holding the
Everstone. Hatch the Dratini.
3) Attach Everstone to the offspring (Dratini). Put it back in the daycare with a
Ditto that has the IV you want (Let's say it's ATK). Make sure the Ditto is holding
power bracer. This will guarantee ATK is passed down. Hatch the new Dratini.
Attach the Everstone to it (repeat on every step, always attach Everstone to the
4) This Dratini has perfect IVs in ATK. Next we want SPEED. Attach power anklet
to a Ditto with perfect SPEED IVs, then pair it up with our most recent Dratini.
Here's where we might have to try multiple times. The next Dratini will be
guaranteed to have max IVs in SPEED, but it may not have max IVs in ATK
anymore. Why?
The resulting Dratini inherits 3 stats from its parents, and 3 are randomly
generated. If ATK is one of the randomly generated IVs, it won't be max (unless
you get lucky, which is unlikely). Even if it IS one of the inherited stats, it may be
inherited from the Ditto, and not the Dratini. Remember, our Ditto does not have
perfect ATK IVs, only SPEED. However, if you catch a Ditto with perfect ATK AND
SPEED in the friend safari, this makes things easier. That means that as long as
ATK is one of the 3 inherited, it will be perfect, cause both parents have perfect
We want to keep breeding until the judge in Kiloude city tells us both ATK and
SPEED are max. This may take (quite) a few tries. NOTE: Attaching a different
power item to both parents does not guarantee two perfect stats are passed
down, and nature becomes randomized again since you took off Everstone, so I
advise against this.
5) We now have a Dratini with perfect ATK, and perfect SPEED. Repeating the
above steps with the other Dittos will only get you as far as 3 perfect IVs. The
way to get 5 requires Destiny Knot, and preferably a Ditto with multiple perfect
IVs (at least the two you are missing), in my case my very lovely 4 IV Ditto,
which I caught with perfect HP, DEF, SPATK, and SPDEF.
6) Once you have parents who, between the two of them, have your five different
perfect IVs, you can start using the Destiny Knot. I gave the Destiny Knot to the
4 IV Ditto. My ideal Dratini has perfect HP, ATK, DEF, SPDEF, and SPEED. I don't
need SPATK. It can possibly inherit ATK and SPEED from the Dratini parent, and
the other three from the Ditto, thanks to Destiny Knot.
It's important to note that Destiny Knot simply expands the number of inherited
parental IVs from 3 to 5. So 5 of Dratini's 6 stats are now coming from either of
its parents, not necessarily the holder of Destiny Knot. This means that although
we have the potential to produce that "ideal" Dratini I described, but it may not
inherit the right stats from the right parent. I want SPEED from the Dratini
parent, for example, but it may inherit imperfect SPEED from the Ditto instead,
which would make it a dud.
All you can do now is hatch, hatch, hatch. Probability is a bitch. But here's a tip:
during this step, you may hatch a Dratini with ATK, SPEED (the stats which the
Ditto can't pass down for me), and other perfect IVs, but not all five you want. At
this point, switch out the Dratini parent with this new Dratini to increase your
chances of passing down perfect IVs. You may even decide to switch out the Ditto
with another opposite-gender Dratini, assuming it has MORE perfect IVs. Just
ensure that between the two, all five IVs you want are present. Eventually you'll
get one with your five desired perfect IVs. This may take hours (as it did for me),
especially since the hidden ability being passed is never a guarantee.
7) If you want six perfect IVs, do step 6 AGAIN, until you get another fiver with
the same stats, of a different gender. Breed the two fivers together, one with
Everstone, one with Destiny Knot. Destiny Knot can still only ensure 5 out of 6
will be passed down, but eventually, the sixth randomly determined stat will be
perfect too. There's no trick to this part, just lots of hatching. However, I don't
think this is necessary at all unless you run a mixed attacker, right?

Adapted from this

Hatching/breeding tips:

•Flame body and magma armor have the same effect: they halve the number
of steps you need to take before hatching. Having both abilities in your party
does not stack the effects.
•If you do have access to a Ditto safari zone, catch a bunch and try to find ones
with more perfect IVs. If they have commonly bred natures like Modest or
Adamant, keep them too. I nickname my dittos based on their IVs and natures
so I can reference them later. ('Atk/Def' is literally the name of my Ditto with
perfect IVs in Attack and Defense). You might want to keep a few Dittos with
Imposter in you encounter them (not that rare, in my experience), as there is
no other way to obtain them.
•Since you'll be doing a lot of walking, you might as well keep a pokemon who
evolves via happiness in your party, with a Soothe Bell. For instance, I am
breeding Togepi at the same time as another pokemon, because Togepi has to
evolve into Togetic before I can breed him again (ugh).
•One of the best places to hatch is right outside the day care, as the dirt road
stretches from the cave entrance, through Camphrier City, to a ledge at the
entrance of Route 5. The benefit of this is that you can see if the day care man
is holding another egg when you pass him. Obviously, you want to be holding
as many eggs as possible at one time so the steps you take hatch them all.
Stay on your bike, and use the D-pad to go in a straight line, as the circle pad
may make you veer off.
•Another good place to hatch is the circle around the tower in the center of
Lumiose City. You can get on your bike and just hold left or right, going around
and around instead of back and forth.
•Don't wind up with too many eggs, because you can't release them or get rid
of them, except trading with someone else, which is tedious.

Illustration 3: Breeding Illustration

Pokemon Chaining
During my playthrough of Pokemon X this past week, I found 2 shinies (Quagsire
and Absol) in the wild. After I completed the game, I felt the thirst to acquire
more and more shinies. I tried the masuda method, got the foreign ditto and
everything, however I was instantly bored with it. My grievance with MMing for
shinies is that there is no assurance of when you will get your shiny, if you ever
actually do; it could be 3 eggs or 3000 eggs. I knew about chaining from previous
gens, but never tried it out of fear for its complexity. Chaining can be frustrating,
however it is very rewarding, as if you do it correctly, you are guaranteed a shiny.

What is chaining?

Chaining, in simple terms, is the act of encountering a pokemon over and over
again using an item called the PokeRadar. For those of you that don't know, you
get the PokeRadar after the Elite Four in Professor Sycamore's Lab in Lumiose
City on the 2nd floor. The PokeRadar works like this: you use it in some grass and
patches of grass around you shake, indicating a pokemon is in one of those
patches. The PokeRadar recharges after you take 50 steps.

Why should I chain?

Chaining on its own is very boring, and seemingly unimportant. However, if you
are able to chain a pokemon 40 times successfully, certain "shiny patches" will
start to show up every few resets of the PokeRadar. These patches indicate a
shiny pokemon dwelling in this grass, aka when you enter the grass, you get

What are the rules/steps to chaining?

While there are no concrete laws to chaining and everyone has their own
methods, I will explain the method I have found works 100% of the time for me.
It took me a disgusting amount of testing to figure these principles out.
1.Buy super repels. A lot of them. These will ensure that you do not break a
chain of encounters by running into wild pokemon in the middle of chaining.
Also, I should emphasize the phrase a lot of them. I usually bring around 200.
Nothing is worse than running out of repels at a chain of 20. (I should mention
max repels work fine as well, however it is more cost effective to use super
repels as max repels only give 50 more steps for $200 more.)
2.Put a pokemon with moves that have a lot of PP in your party. I would highly
suggest a pokemon with 2 moves with 20pp or 1 move with 40pp, as it makes
counting much easier.
3.EDIT: /u/bgw92 says to register the poke radar and unregister any other
items, as using another key item breaks the chain.
4.Find a field of grass with at least 5 patches of grass by 5 patches. It is
important to have a large field and this will be explained shortly.
5.Walk into roughly the middle of the field and use your PokeRadar, making
sure you've already used a super repel. Several patches of grass will shake.
6.Walk into one of the patches of grass, being sure to remember the nature of
the shaking. There are two types of shaking, I will refer to them as rough and
soft shaking. Rough shaking is, well, rough shaking and soft shaking is the
7.If the pokemon you encounter is one that you would like to chain, KO it. This
will ensure that the chain continues off of that pokemon. Congrats, you now
have a chain of 1. (You can use a notepad to count your chains, but I find it's
easier to count with your pokemon's PP.)
8.After you KO the pokemon, more grass will shake. PAY VERY CLOSE
ATTENTION TO THE SHAKING GRASS. This is easily the hardest part of
chaining as well as the most confusing. Not every grass will yield the pokemon
you previously KO'ed. There are a few rules to making sure the pokemon is the
same. 1: The grass must be of the same nature of shaking, ie: if your first
grass was a rough shaker, only go to rough patches. 2: Only go to a patch that
is at least 4 spaces horizontal or vertical away from you. There is much
disagreement among this rule and you may find that another distance works
better for you. However, if you're just starting, I would recommend doing
everything in a very formulaic fashion. 3: If no patches meet this criteria,
simply reset the PokeRadar until a patch works. Do this by running back and
forth inside the field of grass, taking care to not run over one of the patches
that wouldn't work. 4: If you KO a pokemon in a patch that is on the edge of
the field (ie if the grass is not surrounded on all sides by other grass) you must
reset your PokeRadar. Many chainers believe that KO'ing a pokemon on the
edge of a field is a death sentence for your chain. This is only true if you do not
reset after you KO an edge piece. If you neglect to reset, there is a good
chance a shaking grass (even if it fits aforementioned criteria) will give a
message saying "It seems there is no pokemon here," which will break your
chain in a very demeaning manner. 5:When you finally reach a chain of 40, pat
yourself on the back and take a bathroom break (it's been stored up for awhile
now I'm sure). When you come back, it is unnecessary to chain any more
pokemon. Getting a chain of 40 or 70 yields the exact same odds of getting a
shiny. What you should do is reset your PokeRadar over and over again until
you see a patch that shines. I would suggest having the volume turned on at
this point because when shiny patches appear they emit a pleasant sound. You
shouldn't be able to miss the shiny patch, as it is made very clear which patch
is shiny. 6: Catch the shiny and bask in its shiny glory.

Ways in which a chain can break

1.Entering a patch of grass that does not have the pokemon you have been
2.Entering a patch of grass and having the message "It seems there is no
pokemon here".
3.Leaving the field you are chaining in.
4.Turning off your game.
5.Using the roller skates.
6.EDIT: /u/thekingofnarwhals said he hatched an egg while chaining and it
broke his chain.
7.EDIT: /u/Minkelol said his chain broke by encountering a wild pokemon even
when he did everything right. This could confirm a very small chance that
another pokemon can show up even if you do it right.

Some rare occurrences and how to deal with them

1.Sometimes if you enter a patch of grass on accident that does not fit the
criteria, you may still encounter the pokemon you were chaining. In this case,
you are very lucky. However, next time you may not be so lucky.
2."Hey, I accidentally entered a patch of grass that had a different shaking than
the one I've been using and I still found the same pokemon!" If you happen to
notice when this happens (which you likely won't) you have two choices.
Essentially, what has just happened is you have "reset" the type of grass your
chain is associated with. This means you could continue the chain with the new
grass shaking and everything is fine. However, if you're like me and cannot
notice one patch as well as the other, I would suggest just resetting your chain,
if it's still a pretty small chain.
3.After the Elite Four, you may have noticed a certain legendary bird
occasionally occurring in wild grass. These guys are unaffected by repels, so
many have come to believe that encountering a bird messes up your
chain. THIS IS NOT TRUE, PRAISE GOOMY. The legendary bird runs away
and has no effect on your chain. Zip. Nada. Zilch.
4."Help! The pokemon I've been using to KO the others is out of PP!" Calm
down. Using the menus for anything does not break your chain, even if you
save. However, saving in the middle of a chain does nothing because when you
reset your game a chain is broken.
5."My power died!" Sorry, chain broken. Next time pay attention to the lovely
notification on the bottom screen when your battery is low.
Well, I think that about covers it! If anyone has any additions, let me know and I
shall add the information into the tutorial, giving you credit.
Mega Stone Locations
A lot of people are asking how to obtain the mega stones. Here's a list of them all
and where you'll find them. Obviously, there will be some spoilers so proceed with

This is given to you when you save Abomasnow in Frost Cavern.
You will get this stone when you defeat your rival in Kiloud City in the postgame.
This one is in Ambrette Town, where you'll get it from a scientist in the Fossil Lab. The scientist is
located on the right side of the lab.
This one is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon Y. When you enter Cyllage Gym, go to the right
and climb the first wall, then climb the next wall on the right. It is on the ground around the corner.
This one is found at night. Find this Mega Stone on B3F of the Reflecting Cave in the postgame.
Go in Azure Bay and you'll find an old man on an island who will give this to you. The man is standing
next to a fisherman and the island is just south of the Sea Spirits Den entrance.
Find it in the Chamber of Emptiness at night.
When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Squirtle and
you'll get this Mega Stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in the
Stone Emporium in Lumiose City in the postgame. It costs 150,000 and is only available every three
You get this from the event Torchic. You need to go to the main menu and choose Mystery Gift. Select
Receive Gift, then Via Internet and you'll get the Torchic after visiting talking to the woman to the left
of the desk in any Pokemon Center. It's holding the Blazikenite.
Charizardite X/Y
When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Charmander
and you'll get this Mega Stone. Depending on the version of the game you have, you'll receive either
the X or Y version of the stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in
the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City in the postgame. It costs 150,000 and is only available every
three days.
This one is found at night. You'll find this one near a small tower near the end of Victory Road. The
tower is behind a wall that needs to be destroyed by Rock Smash.
Find Diantha in Lumiose City, who is in a small cafe (Cafe Soleil). Trade any Pokemon with her to get
a Ralts with the stone.
A black-haired woman will give you this in Lavarre City.
You can find this one at night. It's in the southeastern section of Couriway Town. There are three small
waterfalls and this stone is in the middle one.
This one is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon Y. It's found in some tall grass in Santalune
Forest, near the Route 2 exit/entrance.
This stone is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon Y. In Route 16, there is a spot where two
skaters are going around a rock formation. The stone is on the ground on the southern side.
This one is found at night. Go inside Glittering Cave and take the first right. The stone will be found at
the dead end.
After defeating Korrina at the Tower of Mastery, she'll give you this.
This stone is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon X. In Route 16, there is a spot where two
skaters are going around a rock formation. The stone is on the ground on the southern side.
This one is found at night. When you enter Shabboneau Castle, go to the left and use the stairs to get to
the second floor. The stone is on the ground just north of the western staircase.
This one is found at night. It can be found in Lavarre City, by a well.
Mewtwonite X/Y
The stone you receive depends on the version of the game you have. You'll get the stone when you
capture Mewtwo in the cave west of Pokemon Village.
This one is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon X. It's found in some tall grass in Santalune
Forest, near the Route 2 exit/entrance.
This one is found at night. It can be found behind the Abomasnow in Frost Cavern.
This one is found at night and is exclusive to Pokemon X. When you enter Cyllage Gym, go to the right
and climb the first wall, then climb the next wall on the right. It is on the ground around the corner.
When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Ivysaur and
you'll get this Mega Stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in the
Stone Emporium in Lumiose City in the postgame. It costs 300,000 and is only available every three

What is Pokémon-Amie?

Pokémon-Amie is a new mechanic introduced in Generation 6 that allows you to

build bonds with your Pokémon. Pokémon-Amie can be accessed in-game using
the L/R bumpers to switch between the PSS and Super Training tabs.
Trainers who have taken time to forge bonds with their Pokémon will see an
improved performance in battle. More specifically, Pokémon have an increased
chance to perform critical hits, evade incoming attacks and endure otherwise 1 hit
knock-outs, amongst others.


Pokémon with the strongest bonds will see the following benefits:
•20% increase in experience gained;
•Increased critical-hit ratio;
•Increased evasion chance;
•Chance to "shrug off" status effects;
•Chance to endure a hit that would otherwise knock it out;
•Certain Pokémon evolve when they reach a high Affection level.

Pokémon Stats
Each of your Pokémon has three stats that can be improved through playing with
it in Pokémon-Amie.
Hunger: Obviously indicates how hungry your Pokémon is. Can be increased by
feeding your Pokémon Poké Puffs (see below). This stat decreases slowly over
time, however playing mini-games will make your Pokémon more hungry more
Enjoyment: This stat is increased by petting and playing mini-games with your
Pokémon. Decreases over time.
Affection: Denotes the strength of the bond with your Pokémon. This stat will
never decrease. Once Affection has increased to 5/5, you don't need to play
with that Pokémon again, and it will see all the above in-battle benefits. Affection
can be increased by collecting small hearts that your Pokémon emits when
feeding it Puffs and petting it. Each level requires the following number of small
•Level 1 - 1 heart;
•Level 2 - 50 hearts;
•Level 3 - 100 hearts;
•Level 4 - 150 hearts;
•Level 5 - 250 hearts.

Petting Your Pokémon

Most Pokémon have an area which they prefer to be petted, as well as an area
they don't like you touching. You'll get more hearts per pet if you rub them in
their preferred spot. Your Pokémon will give you visible clues to where they prefer
to be petted (closed eyes, open mouth, head back, etc.). Additionally, the game
will produce a low-pitched noise in areas the Pokémon dislikes, and a high-
pitched noise in the area the Pokémon most prefers. Listen closely.

Poké Puffs
Poké Puffs are treats that you can feed your Pokémon whilst playing with it
Pokémon-Amie. You can feed your Pokémon a Puff by tapping the icon in the
upper left of the screen, then dragging the chosen Puff down to the Pokémon's
mouth. Smaller Pokémon may take 3/4 bites, while larger Pokémon may only
take 2. Pay attention to the speed at which your Pokémon eats. You'll be able to
sense whether your Pokémon's getting full when it eats a Puff very slowly. When
full, your Pokémon will refuse to eat the Puff you're holding.

Poké Puff Types

Poké Puffs fall into one of 5 categories, each awarding different numbers of hearts
when fed to your Pokémon. The better you perform in mini-games, the better
Puffs you will receive.
•Regular Puff: awards 2 hearts - no decoration;
•Frosted Puff: awards 3 hearts - swirly frosting;
•Fancy Puff: awards 4 hearts - fruit/chocolate topping;
•Deluxe Puff: awards 5 hearts - swirly frosting + topping;
•Supreme Puff: awards [unknown] hearts - [unknown decoration].

Poké Puff Flavours

Poké Puffs come in a variety of flavours, and your Pokémon will have a personal
preference based on their Nature. See this link to find out which your Pokémon
prefers: Bulbapedia->Flavor
•Sour: Citrus Puff (Orange)
•Sweet: Sweet Puff (Pink)
•Bitter: Mocha Puff (Brown + Light Brown)
•Spicy: Spiced Puff (Dark Brown)
•Dry: Mint Puff (Green)
Note: This info regarding flavours has come from other sources, and I'm not
convinced that the flavour has an effect on the number of hearts received when
feeding. There seems to be no change in the number of hearts, regardless of
theoretical preference.

In order to collect Poké Puffs (and to make your Pokémon hungry), you'll need to
play mini-games with your chosen Pokémon. The number of Poké Puffs you'll
receive upon completing the mini-game will be dependant on both the difficulty
setting and how many stars you earn. Obviously, the harder the difficulty and the
better you do, the higher quality Puffs will be awarded.
Berry Picker
Up to three of your Pokémon will appear at the bottom of the touch screen with a
berry icon in a thought bubble above their head. Simply drag the corresponding
berry from the tree to the correct Pokémon.
Easy: Three types of berry. Pokémon will wait for quite a while;
Normal: Five types of berry. Pokémon are more impatient and will leave
promptly if you don't retrieve their chosen berry quickly;
Hard: Seven types of berry. Pokémon are very impatient and will leave quickly if
you keep them waiting too long.
Head It
Balls of yarn will fall from the clouds above one of three of your Pokémon. You
must tap the Pokémon when the yarn is just above their head to 'head it' back
upwards. Pokémon have a 'sweet spot' where they can head the yarn. You get 3
points if you hit it in the sweet spot, or 1 point for a slight miss-hit. At the end of
the game, a large ball of yarn falls. If you manage to head that one back up you
get a large point bonus (and must be a wizard, because that's near impossible).
Easy: Yarns falls more slowly and is less frequent. The sweet spot is largest.
'Fever' mode kicks in at 5 consecutive heads (double points);
Normal: Yarn falls at a moderate speed and is more frequent. Slightly smaller
sweet spot. 'Fever' mode after 15 consecutive heads (double points);
Hard: Yarn falls very quickly and very frequently. Sweet spot icon removed.
'Fever' mode after 15 consecutive heads (double points). Introduction of very
quick-falling purple yarn.
Tile Game
You will be shown an image of three of your Pokémon, which will then get mixed
up. All you need to do is rebuild the image by moving the tiles. Tip: Place the
corners first, then work along the borders. Extra tip: Pressing B will pause the
timer. This may help you locate the tile you need.
Easy: 5x4 grid. 2 colour border;
Normal: 6x5 grid. 3 colour border;
Hard: 8x6 grid. Multiple colour/pattern border.

Fastest Method to 5/5 Affection

To do this, you will need to have unlocked the Unlimited game mode for the Head
It mini-game.
1) First, select the Pokemon you wish to play with.
2) Pet it in it's preferred place until no more hearts are released.
3) Feed your Pokemon the highest quality Puffs you have available until your
Pokemon is full.
4) Start an Unlimited game of Head It, and play until you will have at least 100
points. Then, purposely miss the remaining yarn balls and let the game end. You
should be awarded at least 3 of the highest quality Puffs.
5) Play another Unlimited game of Head It, and play up to 100 points again.
6) Go to Step 2 and repeat.
Using this method, I was able to get around 35-40 hearts per cycle.
O-Power Guide
•Route 5 (Attack, Defense, HP, & Capture)
•Camphrier Hotel, second floor, far right room (Sp. Atk)
•Ambrette Hotel (Sp. Def)
•Cyllage Hotel (Prize Money)
•Geoseng Hotel (Speed)
•Shalour Pokemon Center (Critical)
•Cormarine Pokemon Center (Befriending)
•Lumiose Hotel Richissime, on North Blvd, between routes 16 and 14, near
Hibernal Avenue (Bargain)
•Laverre Pokemon Center (Encounter)
•Dendemille Pokemon Center (Accuracy)
•Anistar Pokemon Center (Exp Point)
•Couriway Hotel (Stealth)
•Snowbelle Pokemon Center (PP Restoring)
•Lumiose Cafe Introversion, on South Blvd, between route 4 and 5, near
Vernal Ave Max Style and all other O-powers required (Hatching)
Technical Machines & Hidden Machines
Like the previous games, Pokémon X & Y have dozens of Technical Machines and Hidden Machines
for you to use. These TMs, like in Black & White, are all usable unlimited times meaning there is
only one of each.TM List
Base Acc
TM# Name Type Cat PP Pow urac Effect Location
er y

TM01 Hone Claws 15 -- -- The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy. Route 5

TM02 Dragon Claw 15 80 100 The user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws. Victory Road

The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target.

TM03 Psyshock 10 80 100 Victory Road
This attack does physical damage.

The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its
TM04 Calm Mind 20 -- -- Anistar City Gym
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.

The target is scared off and replaced by another Pokémon in its

TM05 Roar 20 -- -- Battle Maison Prize
party. In the wild, the battle ends.

A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage
TM06 Toxic 10 -- 90 Route 14
worsens every turn.

The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Shalour City
TM07 Hail 10 -- --
Pokémon except the Ice type. PokéMart

The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, boosting both its
TM08 Bulk Up 20 -- -- Snowbelle City
Attack and Defense stats.

The user drenches the target in a special poisonous liquid. Its

TM09 Venoshock 10 65 100 Route 6
power is doubled if the target is poisoned.

A unique attack that varies in type and intensity depending on

TM10 Hidden Power 15 60 100 Anistar City
the Pokémon using it.

The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type Lumiose City
TM11 Sunny Day 5 -- --
moves. PokéMart

The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack
TM12 Taunt 20 -- 100 Lysandre Labs
moves for three turns.

The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also

TM13 Ice Beam 10 90 100 Snowbelle City Gym
freeze the target solid.

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It Anistar City Poké
TM14 Blizzard 5 110 70
may also freeze them solid. Mart

The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest Anistar City Poké
TM15 Hyper Beam 5 150 90
on the next turn to regain its energy. Mart

A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from Kiloude City

TM16 Light Screen 30 -- --
special attacks for five turns. PokéMart

It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises
TM17 Protect 10 -- -- Parfum Palace
if it is used in succession.

The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, Lumiose City
TM18 Rain Dance 5 -- --
powering up Water-type moves. PokéMart

The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up
TM19 Roost 10 -- -- Route 8
to half of its max HP.

The user creates a protective field that prevents status problems Shalour City
TM20 Safeguard 25 -- --
for five turns. PokéMart
A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user
TM21 Frustration 20 -- 100 Cyllage City
likes its Trainer.

A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled

TM22 Solar Beam 10 120 100 Route 21
beam on the second turn.

The user throws a stone or projectile to attack an opponent. A

TM23 Smack Down 15 50 100 Battle Maison Prize
flying Pokémon will fall to the ground when hit.

A strong electric blast is loosed at the target. It may also leave

TM24 Thunderbolt 15 90 100 Lumiose City Gym
the target with paralysis.

A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. Anistar City

TM25 Thunder 10 110 70
It may also leave the target with paralysis. PokéMart

TM26 Earthquake 10 100 100 The user sets off an earthquake that strikes those around it. Route 22

A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user
TM27 Return 20 -- 100 Route 4
likes its Trainer.

The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be Shalour City
TM28 Dig 10 80 100
used to exit dungeons. PokéMart

The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce

TM29 Psychic 10 90 100 Pokémon Village
the target's Sp. Def stat.

The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. It may also lower
TM30 Shadow Ball 15 80 100 Terminus Cave
the target's Sp. Def stat.

The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break any barrier
TM31 Brick Break 15 75 100 Terminus Cave
such as Light Screen and Reflect.

By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to Anistar City Pokémon
TM32 Double Team 15 -- --
raise its evasiveness. Center (9am)

A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from Kiloude City

TM33 Reflect 20 -- --
physical attacks for five turns. PokéMart

It swamps the area around the user with a giant sludge wave. It
TM34 Sludge Wave 10 95 100 Battle Maison Prize
may also poison those hit.

The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. It may also Anistar City Pokémon
TM35 Flamethrower 15 90 100
leave the target with a burn. Center

Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the

TM36 Sludge Bomb 10 90 100 Route 19

A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants Shalour City

TM37 Sandstorm 10 -- --
except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types. PokéMart

The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming Anistar City Poké
TM38 Fire Blast 5 110 85
fire. It may also leave the target with a burn. Mart

Boulders are hurled at the target. It also lowers the target's

TM39 Rock Tomb 15 60 95 Cyllage City Gym
Speed by preventing its movement.

The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. The
TM40 Aerial Ace 20 60 -- Connecting Cave
attack lands without fail.

The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of

TM41 Torment 15 -- 100 Laverre City
using the same move twice in a row.

An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned,

TM42 Facade 20 70 100 Dendimelle Town
burned, or has paralysis.

The user cloaks itself with flame and attacks. Building up more
TM43 Flame Charge 20 50 100 Kalos Power Plant
power, it raises the user's Speed stat.

The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the user's
TM44 Rest 10 -- -- Cyllage City
HP and heals any status problem.
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes
TM45 Attract 15 -- 100 Route 12
infatuated and less likely to attack.

The user attacks and steals the target's held item simultaneously.
TM46 Thief 10 60 100 Camphier Town
It can't steal if the user holds an item.

The user attacks the target's legs swiftly, reducing the target's
TM47 Low Sweep 20 65 100 Tower of Mastery
Speed stat.

The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the
TM48 Round 15 60 100 Battle Maison Prize
Round and make the attack do greater damage.

Lumiose City North

The user attacks the target with an echoing voice. If this move is
TM49 Echoed Voice 15 40 100 Boulevard - Hotel
used every turn, it does greater damage.

The user attacks the target at full power. The attack's recoil Kiloude City Poké
TM50 Overheat 5 130 90
harshly reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat. Mart

The target is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the user's
TM51 Steel Wing 25 70 90 Battle Maison Prize
Defense stat.

The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power. It Anistar City Poké
TM52 Focus Blast 5 120 70
may also lower the target's Sp. Def. Mart

The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. It
TM53 Energy Ball 10 90 100 Route 20
may also lower the target's Sp. Def.

A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The

TM54 False Swipe 40 40 100 Lumiose City
target is left with at least 1 HP.

The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. It may also leave
TM55 Scald 15 80 100 Couriway Town
the target with a burn.

The user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and
TM56 Fling 10 -- 100 Lost Hotel
effects depend on the item.

The user attacks with an electric charge. The user may use any
TM57 Charge Beam 10 50 90 Route 13
remaining electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat.

The user takes the target into the sky, then drops it during the
TM58 Sky Drop 10 60 100 Kiloude City
next turn. The target cannot attack while in the sky.

The user attacks the target with fire. If the target is holding a
TM59 Incinerate 15 30 100 Battle Maison Prize
Berry, the Berry becomes burnt up and unusable.

TM60 Quash 15 -- 100 The user suppresses the target and makes its move go last. Battle Maison Prize

The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white flame at the target to

TM61 Will-O-Wisp 15 -- 85 Route 14
inflict a burn.

The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an
TM62 Acrobatics 15 55 100 Courmaline City
item, this attack inflicts massive damage.

It prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also
TM63 Embargo 15 -- 100 Courmaline City
prevented from using items on it.

The user explodes to inflict damage on those around it. The user
TM64 Explosion 5 250 100 Battle Maison Prize
faints upon using this move.

The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical
TM65 Shadow Claw 15 70 100 Glittering Cave
hits land more easily.

If the user moves after the target, this attack's power will be
TM66 Payback 10 50 100 Geosenge Town

The user gets revenge for a fainted ally. If an ally fainted in the
TM67 Retaliate 5 70 100 Battle Maison Prize
previous turn, this attack's damage increases.
The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The Kiloude City
TM68 Giga Impact 5 150 90
user must rest on the next turn. PokéMart

The user polishes its body to reduce drag. It can sharply raise
TM69 Rock Polish 20 -- -- Route 11
the Speed stat.

The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy. It
TM70 Flash 20 -- 100 Reflection Cave
can also be used to illuminate caves.

The user stabs the foe with sharpened stones from below. It has
TM71 Stone Edge 5 100 80 Frost Cavern
a high critical-hit ratio.

After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places
TM72 Volt Switch 20 70 100 Battle Maison Prize
with a party Pokémon in waiting.

A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes

TM73 Thunder Wave 20 -- 100 Route 10
paralysis if it hits.

The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower
TM74 Gyro Ball 5 -- 100 Reflection Cave
the user, the greater the damage.

A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the Lumiose City
TM75 Swords Dance 30 -- --
user's Attack stat. PokéMart

While resisting, the user attacks the opposing Pokémon. The Lumiose City
TM76 Struggle Bug 20 50 100
targets' Sp. Atk stat is reduced. PokéMart

The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by Anistar City
TM77 Psych Up 10 -- --
the target. PokéMart 7pm

The user stomps down on the ground and attacks everything in Lumiose City
TM78 Bulldoze 20 60 100
the area. Hit Pokémon's Speed stat is reduced. PokéMart

The user blows a cold breath on the target. This attack always
TM79 Frost Breath 10 60 90 Frost Cavern
results in a critical hit.

Large boulders are hurled at the opposing team to inflict

TM80 Rock Slide 10 75 90 Couriway Town
damage. It may also make the targets flinch.

The user slashes at the target by crossing its scythes or claws as

TM81 X-Scissor 15 80 100 Azure Bay
if they were a pair of scissors.

The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon Lumiose City
TM82 Dragon Tail 10 60 90
in its party. In the wild, the battle ends. Museum

The target is infested and attacked for four to five turns. The
TM83 Infestation 35 20 100 Santalune City Gym
target can't flee during this time.

The target is stabbed with a tentacle or arm steeped in poison. It Shalour City
TM84 Poison Jab 20 80 100
may also poison the target. PokéMart

The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. It absorbs half the
TM85 Dream Eater 15 100 100 Battle Maison Prize
damage caused to heal the user's HP.

The user snares the target with grass and trips it. The heavier the
TM86 Grass Knot 20 -- 100 Courmaline City Gym
target, the greater the damage.

The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also

TM87 Swagger 15 -- 90 Battle Maison Prize
sharply raises the target's Attack stat.

While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it

TM88 Sleep Talk 10 -- -- Random hotel

After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places
TM89 U-turn 20 70 100 Couriway Town
with a party Pokémon in waiting.

The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy Anistar City Pokémon
TM90 Substitute 10 -- --
serves as the user's decoy. Center
The user gathers all its light energy and releases it at once. It
TM91 Flash Cannon 10 80 100 Kiloude City
may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.

The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to

TM92 Trick Room 5 -- -- Courmaline City
move first for five turns.

The user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into its target. Kiloude City
TM93 Wild Charge 15 90 100
It also damages the user a little. PokéMart

The user attacks with a punch that can shatter a rock. It may also
TM94 Rock Smash 15 40 100 Ambrette Town
lower the target's Defense stat.

The user yells as if it is ranting about something, making the

TM95 Snarl 15 55 95 Lost Hotel
target's Sp. Atk stat decrease.

An attack that makes use of nature's power. Its effects vary

TM96 Nature Power 20 -- -- Ambrette Town Hotel
depending on the user's environment.

The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It

TM97 Dark Pulse 15 80 100 Route 15
may also make the target flinch.

Power-Up Striking opponents over and over makes the user's fists harder.
TM98 30 40 100 Shalour City Gym
Punch Hitting a target raises the Attack stat.

The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful

TM99 Dazzling Gleam 10 80 100 Laverre City Gym

The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to
TM100 Confide 20 -- -- Courmaline City
concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.

The target is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to Parfum Palace - In
HM01 Cut 30 50 95
cut down thin trees. Maze

Courmaline City -
The user soars, then strikes its target on the second turn. It can
HM02 Fly 15 90 95 From Professor
also be used for flying to any familiar town.

It swamps the area around the user with a giant wave. It can also Shalour City - From
HM03 Surf 15 90 100
be used for crossing water. Calem/Serena

The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. Cyllage City - From
HM04 Strength 15 80 100
It can also be used to move heavy boulders. Grant

The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It can also Route 19 - From
HM05 Waterfall 15 80 100
be used to climb a waterfall. Shauna

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