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- Platinum Jubilee : Seven Decades in Seven Royal Facts

27th May 2022 – The Royal Family Channel

1. Match the words with their definition

A corgi 5 ● ● Written words to say “congratulations”

A jubilee 7 ● ● A reunion

To achieve 1 ● ● A celebration of an important event

Congratulatory 2 ● ● A small breed of dog

Ranks and appointments 4 ● ● Someone who can speak easily a language

A gathering 3 ● ● A position in a job. Ex : lieutenant is a rank

Fluent 6 ● ● To have success

2. Can you guess the link between “platinum jubilee” and “seven decades in seven royal facts” ?

The seven decades of reign “royal facts” are celebrated by a platinum jubilee. A gold jubilee is fifty years.

3. Write hypotheses about people, places, dates and occasion that we will see in the video. What do you
expect to see ?

The Royal Family, Buckingham Palace, London, Queen Elizabeth II

II. The video

1. Number the words from exercise 1 in the order in which they appear in the video.
2. Did you see what you expected to see ? Circle your correct answers. All answers were correct
3. What type of document is it ?  a documentary  an interview  a report
4. Link the title and the images. What do you expect to (s’attendre à) hear ?
Same hypotheses as before.

III. Global comprehension

1. The situation

Who do you see/hear ? The Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth II, US Presidents, UK Prime Ministers

What places do you see/hear about ? London, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle

When is the video recorded ? What time periods do you see / hear about ? World War II, when the Queen was 7yo

What is the topic of the video ? The history of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

2. The structure (focus on the numbers and the nouns you hear)
1) Achievements : portraits
2) Congratulatory messages = the Queen congratulates important people for their marriages or children.
3) Ranks and appointments : the Queen has held a lot of ranks in the military
4) Gatherings : the Queen has hosted (a organisé) a lot of Garden Parties.
5) Corgis : The Queen has had a lot of corgis, most of them were the descendants of her first corgi.
6) Fluent : the Queen is fluent in French
7) Jubilee : the Queen celebrates her platinum jubilee : she is the longest reigning monarch !

What are the adjectives used to describe the Windsor castle ? oldest, largest
Presenting a topic, keep your viewer/listener interested !

Fill in the blanks

Introduction :

 “………………. …….. just some of the things Her Majesty has achieved during her reign”

Keeping the viewer interested :

 “It will come as …………. ………………………….. that Her Majesty has supported and worked closely with the
 “………………………………… ………….. her love of dogs…”


 “And ……………………….., the Queen is …. …………………………. Known for her many skills”.

What are the adjectives used to describe the Windsor castle ? ……………………………………………………………………………

Presenting a topic, keep your viewer/listener interested !

Fill in the blanks

Introduction :

 “………………. …….. just some of the things Her Majesty has achieved during her reign”

Keeping the viewer interested :

 “It will come as …………. ………………………….. that Her Majesty has supported and worked closely with the
 “………………………………… ………….. her love of dogs…”


 “And ……………………….., the Queen is …. …………………………. Known for her many skills”.

What are the adjectives used to describe the Windsor castle ? ……………………………………………………………………………

Presenting a topic, keep your viewer/listener interested !

Fill in the blanks

Introduction :

 “Here are just some of the things Her Majesty has achieved during her reign”

Keeping the viewer interested :

 “It will come as no surprise that Her Majesty has supported and worked closely with the military”.
 “………………………………… ………….. her love of dogs…”


 “And finally, the Queen is of course (bien sûr) Known for her many skills”

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