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Today’s society is giving much of attention on creating things which will bring convenience

and benefits to human being. The modern lifestyle demands for things beyond our basic needs

The use of cleaning agents be it for personal or home use has become a necessity than an

extravagance. This is because of dependence of health on hygienic practices. On the contrary, the

present economic distress leads to a difficulty in meeting these needs for we have to prioritize the

things which we really can’t live without as food, clothing, and shelter. Because of this, the

notion on direct selling and distributing GRIST products was initiated. These are products which

have the same qualities with those well-known and branded in the market. This idea came with

the aim to assist the public in reaching and obtaining some needs which are within the main

priorities yet important and at the same time securing the benefits of good qualities from those

without worrying on the affordability. With the thought of the business as a distributor,

maximization of resources usage through an extended service with laundry acceptance was

decided to be added. Moreover, a new kind of service is to be opened for the availment of the

people of , in Lavezares, N. Samar.

Nature of the Business

In real sense, Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop has for its main objective

a necessity of today’s living, the sanitation. Human health is bound on the situation of his

environment, thus, this business intends to serve this ultimate purpose.

The need for cleaning agents for personal, home/ building and laundry use, as well as

perfumes for men and women is what this business will be trying to meet. These products do
have the same, and if not, at least have almost the same qualities with those currently existing at

the market. Only that the packaging is a bit given up for those are directly taken from the

manufacturer. Laundry services is also expected to be rendered to those who seek quality

cleaning process of clothes, be it from households or business establishments.

This business will be distributing its products through direct selling, thus, a credit system

is expected to create a broad and accessible market. Some of its products will of course be used

in its laundry division to likewise promote and attest the quality of the products.

The community in the town proper of in Lavezares, N. Samar is the initial target market

of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop. But once the business is already well-

established, it is expected to cater the needs of the neighboring communities. The absence of

businesses of exactly the same nature Albay is one of the opportunities Liezel’s Sabon Factory

Outlet and Laundry Shop is expecting to seize. Yes, there are general merchandise stores existing

but none of them offer the products at the form and price this business offers. It must be

emphasized that the products to be sold might be inferior in packaging compared to the one’s

already existing in the market but the quality is surely not sacrifice. And the necessities of

practical living are expected to lead to a choice of sacrificing packaging for the same product

quality at a lesser price. In addition, the credit system to be established is expected to be taken

advantage by the customers who have the intention of reselling the products.

The business will be situated in a commercial area of in Lavezares, N. Samar, exposed

enough to create a market for its laundry services. Some people may perceive seeking of a

laundry service as an extravagance but it could be a great help to individuals and businesses that

are busy enough to do this with themselves and to those who seek a better cleaning process for
their clothes. Its presence at the center of the town is expected to create an extensive demand for

both the products and laundry services.

Standing on the main base which is the products and services’ nature itself being a

necessity makes its great opportunity to sell on individual household, and businesses. As the

location and size of the business suggests, Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop

conserve as a wholesaler to those who want to earn through reselling. You earn from them as

they earn with you. This is an encouragement which will open opportunities for an increasing

number of patronizes. Given the loose competition in the market, necessary nature of the

products and encouraging credit system Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop is

projected to be feasible.


Market Analysis

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop will be located in one of the available

space for rent beside the M Lluihller Pawn Shop at Barangay Sabang, Poblacion, Lavesarez,

Northern Samar. Considering it is within the commercial center of the municipality and that is

close to the different business establishments such as bakery, department stores, etc. and

residential houses, its target market will be those that live and reside within the area. The

proponents of this project feasibility will make a survey on the target market to establish the

market demand and the size of the different segments of the potential customers through

questionnaires as research instrument.

To compute the number of respondents or the sample population, the following formula will be

used and a margin of error of 5%:

N Where: n = sample population

N = the population size

e = the margin of error


Caburihan (Poblacion) 1539

Caragas 1172

Cataogan 596

Ocad 866

Sabang Tabok 1853

Total 6026

n= = 375
1+[6026 x 0.052]

It will be assumed that the decisions and answers of these respondents to the survey

questionnaires is representative of the whole target market, which is the population of the

poblacion district, Albay, with only a 5% margin of error.

The said survey showed that the prospective customers of Liezel’s Sabon Factory

Outlet and Laundry Shop are composed of the following:

 39.20% white-collar job

 7.20% blue-collar job

 10.67% housewives

 32.53% students

 10.40% do not fit into the first four categories and hereto referred to as the general


The survey just proved that the biggest part of the target market are those employed in

private and governmental agencies, otherwise known as individuals with white collar job. They

are followed by students. So, the marketing plans and strategies should focus mainly on these

individuals who form part of the target market. The general public follows in the said ranking of

market segment, then housewives, and lastly, those with blue-collar job. Although the other three

segments of the market are relatively small as to the total prospective market, still, it must be

considered in the market plan and strategy to be created for the promotion of the business.

With the two different operations of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop, the target

will then be divided into two, these are:

1. Customers for the Sabon Factory Outlet

 Household – the main target for the Sabon Factory Outlet especially those with

extended families that have great demand for laundry and home care product and

personal care product for each member of the family. The Liezel’s Sabon Factory
Outlet and Laundry Shop aims to exploit this market opportunity by selling the above

mentioned care products.

 Students – Students have a constant need for bath soap, lotion and cologne and other

personal care products for their personal hygiene, thus they are potential market of the

Sabon Factory Outlet.

 Business Owners – Owners of the business establishments nearby also need

janitorial care products for their building/ office to maintain the health and sanitation

in their respective areas. Thus they are potential market of the Sabon Factory Outlet.

 Business Dealers – Business-oriented people that would like to earn extra income

sub-dealing the laundry care, home/building care, and personal care products to

ultimate consumer. Thus they are potential market of the Sabon Factory Outlet.

 General Public – This refers to the rest of the population that does not fit into other

four types of target market above that Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry

Shop aims to serve by selling laundry care, home/building care, and personal care


2. Customers for the Laundry Shop

 Household – Most of the household composed of many members that have no time

washing their clothes would resort to the service of a laundry shop especially if it is a

well-off family. Thus they are potential market of the Laundry Shop.
 Employees – Employees in different government agencies and business

establishments that are busy with their work sometimes need a service from a laundry

shop, thus they are potential market of it.

 Business Owners – Owners of the business establishments could be potential market

of the laundry shop in that there is need for them to wash their linens.

 General Public – This refers to the rest of the population that does not fit into other

three types of target market above that Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry

Shop aims to serve by washing clothes.

The commencement of the Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop promotional

campaigns will be launched to let the potential customers be aware of the existence of laundry

care, home/building care, and personal care products and laundry services. During these

preliminary promotional campaigns, all segments of the prospective market must be reached by

the information drive. Posters, flyers and leaflets will be distributed in the locality.

Selling Market

Products Price Price Savings

All Purpose powder Php55.00 Php60.70 Php5.70

Laundry Bar 18.50 24.00 5.50

Fabric Softener 31.50 43.75 12.25

Liquid Bleach 42.00 56.25 14.25

Stain Remover (oxalic) 0.00

Detergent Powder SP100 55.00 57.14 2.14

Detergent Powder QA4 55.00 57.14 2.14

Detergent Powder Ariel Scent 52.00 57.14 5.14

Detergent Powder RG3.2 42.00 57.14 15.14

Liquid Detergent 47.00 150.00 103.00

Powder Bleach 58.50 37.50 -21.00

Air Freshener 100.00 600.00 500.00

Tile Cleanser 91.00 63.00 -28.00

Glass Cleanser 32.50 32.00 -0.50

Dishwashing Liquid 51.00 30.00 -21.00

Dishwashing Paste 39.00 45.00 6.00

Car Shampoo 38.00 200.00 162.00

Armor Shine 55.00 60.00 5.00

Tire Black 90.00 100.00 10.00

Shower Gel 101.50 109.00 7.50

Organic Soap 49.50 41.00 -8.50

Herbal Soap 42.00 58.89 16.89

Whitening Soap (glutathione) 82.00 116.67 34.67

Fragrant Soap 45.00 31.35 -13.65

Feminine Wash 87.50 165.00 77.50

Hand Soap 29.00 52.08 23.08

Hand Sanitizer 42.00 34.58 -7.42

Massage Oil 100.00 40.00 -60.00

Cologne 182.00 41.00 -141.00

Toothpaste 25.00 29.86 4.86



SWOT Analysis
The SWOT Analysis sets out the characteristics of the entity which makes up its internal

and external strengths and weaknesses, as well as the probable opportunities and potential threats

to the organization. Taking these into consideration may help the business know the way to

survival and progress from its present standpoint. This is through making use of the strengths,

giving direct attention to weaknesses, taking advantage of the opportunities and minimizing the

existing threats.


 Simple organizational structure. With the few employees of the business, organizational

problems can be addressed and resolved immediately.

 Incorporated promotion of products on laundry services. The laundry division attests the

quality and promotes some of the products through its services.

 Market-known product qualities. The fact that products to be sold have the same quality

with those existing in the market will create a continuing patronage of those who know


 Accessibility of supplier. Supplies of product will be taken from a distributor in UEP

Catarman, near enough to cover immediate orders and avoiding transportation expenses if

the products will be taken directly from the supplier.

 Strategic location. The business will be situated within a commercial area in the town

proper of Lavezares, N. Samar, thus, creating accessibility for the target customers.

 Monopolistic character. No existing establishment of the same industry is operating

within the immediate area of proposed location.


 Unestablished name and goodwill of products and services. The entity cannot use the

name of the products already existing in the market though they have the same quality.

This will create a competition and strive to make the products known to the market. The

laundry shop has no established goodwill since the business is just to commence.

 Inability to accommodate large number of customers. Since the laundry shop will just be

starting, the business will initially operate with a single operating machine which may not

be enough to accommodate too much customers.


 The business will just be the second factory outlet in Northern Samar of the Grist

Company. The other one is situated in UEP Catarman which is relatively far from

Lavezares and which may give broader market coverage for the products and services.

 The absence of same factory outlets in the second district of the province will create an

opportunity for the business to earn through recruitment.

 Spreading public knowledge about the good qualities of products at lower cost as well as

on its laundry services may lead to business monopolizing the market.


 The continuing entries of imitated products in the market may lead to the misconception

of the public that the products offered are mere imitations and ineffective.
 Increasing cost of living and business costs may trigger the laundry shop customers to

resort to cheaper alternatives as household “labanderas.”


 Advertisements. Flyers with products and services price list will be distributed

throughout Lavezares, Northern Samar and the neighboring communities for the

awareness of the public on authenticity of products and its less cost.

 Credit system. Establishing a good credit system will create extensive patronage by those

who want to avail of the products but don’t have the immediate means.

 Direct selling. Employing the service of dealers who will undergo direct selling of the

products at an extension of credit line as an incentive will enhance sales.

 Recruitments. Recruiting distributors from the second district of Northern Samar who

will directly buy the products from the business will yield an additional profit and

broaden the market.

 Discounts. Offering discounts for large number of purchases and availments of services.

Keys to Success

 The location of the project is an important factor to success. It should be situated on area

accessible to the general public, thus, this project will be located on a site within the

commercial area which is on Brgy. Sabang Tabok in the town proper of Lavezares, N.

Samar where it is near to the other businesses and could be easily seen by the people.
 For the products and services to enter the market, promotional activities should be

conducted. Flyers with products and services price list should be distributed within and

outside the town proper.

 Orders received through the dealers and distributors should be filled promptly as well as

the collection of the accounts.

 Maintenance of good relationship with customers is important. Their concerns should be

addressed to as soon as possible.


It is advisable for this kind of business operation to be organized as either sole

proprietorship or a partnership for it is less complicated to manage than a corporation. Thus, the

Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop will be a sole proprietorship. This will be

owned by Ms. Liezyl and will invest the needed initial capital and will solely benefit from the

profits of the business.

Market Entry Timing

The Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop should commence its operation at

the start of the summer season expectedly this coming third week of March. In this way, the

people in the community will become aware even before the peak demand for these type of

products in the later month of the year.

Proposed Costing and Accounting System

The Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall account the following

1. A separate checking account

- Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall establish a separate checking

account for its business operation. All collections and disbursements made by

distributing and/or selling products and rendering laundry services shall be deposited

and paid through this account.

The purpose of creating such account is to avoid misallocation of resources and funds

between personal interest and development of the entity as a whole.

2. Establishment of petty cash fund

- Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall establish a Php 6,000.00 petty

cash fund under the imprest system.

The main objective of integrating imprest fund system is to eliminate the

impracticality of issuing checks for immaterial amount of ordinary and necessary

expenditures and to make sure that all collections are deposited to the checking

account in a consistent manner.

3. Adoption of a double entry system

- The Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall adopt the “double entry

bookkeeping system.” Tacit to the integration of this system are the following:

 Chart of accounts

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall use the following accounts:

 Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division

110 – Cash 210 – Accounts Payable 520 – Freight-in

120 – Accounts receivable 220 – Other Payables 530 – Utilities Expenses

130 – Inventories 310 – Liezyl, Capital 540 – Rent Expenses

140 – Prepaid Expenses 320 – Liezyl, Withdrawal 550 – Supplies


150 – Other Assets 410 – Sales 560 – Depreciation Expenses

(160 – 190) Fixed Assets 510 – Cost of Sales 570– Doubtful

Accounts Expenses

580 – Other Expenses

 Laundry Shop Division

110 – Cash 210 – Accounts Payable 520 – Utilities


120 – Accounts receivable 220 – Other Payables 530 – Rent Expenses

130 – Inventories 310 – Liezyl, Capital 540 – Depreciation Expenses

140 – Prepaid Expenses 320 – Liezyl, Withdrawal 550 – Doubtful

Accounts Expenses

150 – Other Assets 410 – Laundry Services Revenue 560 – Other


(160 – 190) Fixed Assets 510 – Supplies Expenses

 A General Journal and Ledger Book

Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall open a general journal and a

general ledger for each revenue unit. The former is for chronological and systematic

record keeping. For the latter, it’s for classifying accounts for its easy reference and

accumulating information.

Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall follow the common format of

journal and ledger.

 Journal

Dat Account Title & P.R Debit Credit

e Explanations .

 Ledger

Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit

4. Methods of Asset Accountability

 Cash - Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall measure

cash on its face value. Cash on hand and at the end of the operating period.

Any shortage or overage should be charged according to the identifiable

reason of such cash shortage/overage.

 Inventory - Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall

measure base on the physical count. Any discrepancy shall be changed


 Prepaid rent - Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall be

recorded as an asset instead of expenses.

Cash Control

A cash control system must be developed and maintained to ensure no irregularities in

handling cash. This is also designed to avoid or lessen frauds, errors, and misstatements during

the accounting period. The division of duties and responsibilities of every personal is well-

defined to prevent conflict of interest:

1. The manager (also acts as cash custodian) will be responsible for receipt of cash sales,

laundry fees, and collection of sales on account. He will verify and check all accounting
records and documents that are submitted by store custodian and laundry shop operator.

He will check and verify all collections and disbursements made with supporting

evidences or documents. He is the one who will issue checks for any payment made by

the business.

2. A petty cash of Php 1000.00 will be maintained and shall be in the custody of the

manager as a change fund and small amount transactions.

3. Accounting books for financial transactions must be maintained by store custodian for

store operations and by the laundry shop operator for the laundry shop operations.

4. Excess cash of the business shall be deposited to a checking account in the name of the

business with the managing partner as the signatory.

5. All payments to be made by the business shall be made by drawing an account from the

above mentioned checking account.

6. The managing partner will approve the purchase order made by the store custodian. At

the same time, the purchases are made by the latter.

Proposed Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop shall operate a direct selling business of

laundry, car, home/building and personal care products. Aside from selling to its final customer

it opts to extend credit to those who are willing to serve as sub-dealers for the product listed

below provided they are to fill-out registration form. This will serve as a document binding

him/her as an official dealer of Liezyl Sabon factory outlet.

For the list of products, see Appendix.

Every dealer of the Liezel’s Soap Factory Outlet Division shall have a registration form

free of charge that will be used to keep tract of his/her credit purchases, payment, etc. after

issuing him/her unique ID number/Dealer code.

The following must be observed upon signing in as a dealer.

1. Completely filled-out original Liezel’s Sabon factory outlet registration form in

two copies.

2. Photocopy of both front and back sides of any one valid ID number, ID type,

signature and unique cell phone number.

3. The ID type details have to match the valid ID’s photocopy. Also the member’s

signature at the bottom has to be identical with the signature on the valid ID.

Terms and Conditions

1. Upon sign in of the new Dealer, he/she shall have an automatic Php 1,000.00 available credit

line at an outright 10% discount payable immediately after seven days upon purchase order of

product from Liezly’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division.

2. In every purchase of dealers, he/she is entitled to an outright 10% discount.

- An outright dealer’s discount of 10% on catalog price is granted immediately to all

Liezly’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division dealers on product purchase in catalog.

- When purchasing products at the 10% discounted price, Leizel Sabon Factory Outlet

can re-sell the products to non-dealers or final costumers at catalog price and earn the


3. Upon every purchase, the dealers must pay at least Php 50.00 to serve as down payment. This

amount shall be deducted from his/her total personal sales to arrive at final amount due. When

personal sales exceed the available credit line, the difference must be paid upon purchase.

4. He/she shall pay the amount due to him/her immediately after seven days, counting from the

day of purchase order. Failure to pay on time shall mean a penalty on delinquent account. An

additional charge of 1.5 % on the amount payable to Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division

shall be paid by the dealers.


Amount payable xxxx

Add: Delinquency interest

(Amount payable x 1.5% x number of days delayed for

payment) xxx

Tota lamount payable xxxx

For dealers who want to earn more from Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet Division, they

can expand their credit line for an opportunity to increase their personal sales with a very low

cost of capital.
a) First, always pay on time and top-up

Proposed Operation for Liezyl’s Laundry Shop

Liezyl’s Laundry Shop will offer laundry services that are generally related to the

cleaning of various types of fabric. It can be a range of activities such as washing and drying of

clothes and linens. In addition to this, Liezel’s Laundry Shop will also offer ironing and

packaging garments for ready use. And if it will include pick-up and delivery of clothes and

linens to a particular location.

A different charge is also expected for different types of laundries. For regular clothes

(composed of t-shirts, blouses, shorts, pants, jackets, office and school uniforms) will be charged

Php 38.00 per kilo for wash-dry-fold services and Php 100.00 per kilo for wash-dry-press

services. For linens/garments (composed of comforters, curtains, pillow cases, bed sheets,

towels, and car covers) will be charged Php 45.00 per kilo for wash-dry-fold services and Php

150.00 per kilo for wash-dry-press services. For ironing services of regular clothes – cleaned

clothes already, will be charged Php 50.00 per pair of office and school uniform, Php 8.00 per

piece of t-shirt and blouse, and Php 10.00 per piece of shorts and pants.
In operation, the first thing that should be done is to tag and inspect the laundry that is

brought by the customer. Paper tags or labels are placed on the clothes to identify them with a

particular owner and prevent the clothes from being mixed up. The garments are also inspected

for damages such as tears or missing buttons to take note of their condition before they are

brought in.

The customer will be given a job order sheet (refer to Appendix C) to make them aware

of the terms and conditions of the services. This will be presented upon pick-up of laundries by

customers or upon delivery.

Before wash proper is started, the supplies and equipments are inspected if they are

available and/or ready for use. Supplies are soap, laundry detergents, and fabric softener that will

be purchased from Liezyl’s Sabon factory Outlet at full cost. While equipments are washing

machine, electric fan, and electric iron. Finally, the laundries are being washed, dried, folded,

and pressed, depending on the customer specification, and packed to make it ready for pick up or


The capacity of washing machine is estimated at eight kilos of laundry, six times per day.

The policy on claiming cleaned laundries is “first come, first serve” basis. If the number of kilos

received on that day is less than fifty kilograms, the customer can claim their clothes the next

day. If more than fifty kilograms of laundry is received on that day, the excess of fifty kilos will

be claimed two days after. Completion of service and delivery depends upon the receipt of

laundries in kilo per day. Once delivered or picked-up, collection of laundry fee is done but

advance payment is always accepted. No down payment is necessary. Free delivery will be

granted to loyal customers and/or ten kilos above of laundries.

Procurement Process
For practicality purpose, the owner/proprietor of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and

Laundry Shop shall serve as liaison between the business and the supplier and at the same time

as procurement officer. She shall also be responsible for the ordering of stocks from the supplier

of personal care, home/building care, and car care products. She is also in charge of transporting

the goods from the supplier to the store.

The procurement officer shall be given an allowance for the necessary expenses that will

be incurred for the procurement transactions.

Location and Site

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop will rent a 24 square meter space

located at Brgy. Sabang Tabok, Lavezares, Northern Samar. The location is very viable to

conduct business because it is near the residential area, school, church, and public market.

The location and site can introduce the business itself and the product and services it



Organizational Structure

The organizational structure describes the official relationships of persons in an organization.

It has to do with the chains of command and the division of duties, with the emphasis on the

former. It forms part of the over-all organization plan. The organization chart should be set in a
clear picture with the job descriptions and operating procedures to give emphasis and

particularity on the delegation of authority and responsibility.

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop organization will be on a line type of

structure. Centralization of operation and decision making will be observed though the business

has two divisions considering the size of business itself and the simplicity of the organizational

structure. The owner, as also the manager, will be seeing through the management and over-all

operation of the business. The store custodian will handle the selling operations of the products

as the laundry shop operator will take care of the laundry services. Their responsibilities extend

to the custody of the assets within their division.

A liaison employee will be hired for the entire business. His responsibility is on assisting the

laundry shop operator in its daily operation. He will also be taking care of the deliveries of

products from the supplier to the store. A single liaison employee will be hired with the thought

that some store deliveries will not be often done as the assisting in the laundry shop. And so it is

reasonably expected that he will be able to meet his responsibilities in both divisions.

Good relationships of the divisions as well as their respective personnel should be developed.

This is to initiate congruencies so as to signify the duties and responsibilities of each person

making up the whole organization.

Organization Lay-out

Manager/ Owner
Store Custodian Laundry Shop Operator

Liaison Employee

Line Relationship

A line relationship represents the power of authority to command that is exercised by a person

over his direct subordinates. The manager /owner has the power of supervision, direction and

evaluation on the work of his subordinates. The store custodian and laundry shop operator will

share authority over the liaison employee.


Position Title: Manager

Job Summary: Responsible for the profitability and growth of the business

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Planning – Establish and maintain an integrated plan consistent with both short and long

term goals and objectives.

2. Organizing – Develop and maintain an effective organization which will ensure that work

is done effectively and economically.

3. Control- Develop and maintain control system to ensure conformance of operations and

results to what was planned.

4. Design, establish and maintain an effective accounting system for financial transactions

of both divisions.

5. Verify and check all accounting reports and documents that are submitted by the store

custodian and laundry shop operator.

6. Check and verify all collections and disbursements made with their supporting


7. Signs check for any payment made by the business.

8. Responsible for implementation and monitoring of organization rules and regulations.

9. Responsible for fixing salaries and benefits.

10. Assumes other duties analogous to the above mentioned.


Position Title: Store Custodian

Job Summary: Responsible for the selling operations of the products

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Entertaining of customers on products offered.

2. Maintaining enough stocks for the store.

3. Setting of reorder point for inventories.

4. Collection of customer due accounts.

5. Assessing credit lines of customers, dealers and distributors.

6. Maintaining books in accounting for financial transactions.

7. Providing periodic reports on the financial position and performance of the division.

8. Taking care of assets within the division.

Job Specification:

1. Male/ Female, 20-35 years of age

2. At least high school graduate, preferably college level.

3. Excellent in oral and written communication.

4. Has an excellent interpersonal skill.


Position Title: Laundry Shop Operator

Job Summary: Responsible for the operation on laundry services

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Handling the actual cleaning of laundries.

2. Scheduling of accepting and returning of laundries to customers.

3. Procurement and maintaining of stocks of supplies to be used in service.

4. Maintaining books in accounting for financial transactions.

5. Providing periodic reports on the financial position and performance of the division.

6. Taking care of the assets within the division.

Job Specification:

1. Male/ Female, 20-35 years of age

2. At least high school graduate

3. Knows how to operate a washing machine


Position Title: Liaison Employee

Job Summary: Responsible for the assistance on laundry shop and store division

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Assisting the operator of laundry shop on entertaining of customers and cleaning of


2. Taking care of the deliveries from the supplier to the store.

3. Assistance on whatever situation which requires such.

Job Specification:

1. Male, 20-35 years of age

2. At least high school graduate

3. Have excellent interpersonal skills

Management and Supervision

The proprietor will be the one to manage and supervise the business operation. As the

manager, she will direct and control the operations in both divisions with the objective of

bringing out quality service to customers. To accomplish these requirements, a manager needs to

meet and practice ethical standards and apply strategies on dealing with its employees.

The Recruitment Process

The manager shall personally choose and hire the employees for the business. The

specifications required for each job should be met by the chosen applicant. A weight on

trustworthiness should be considered for they will be entrusted with the assets of the business, so

it would be better if the manager personally know them. In addition, the requirements for the

oral and written communication skills and ability to operate a washing machine should be given

an emphasis for these are vital in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Training and Development

Training and development refers to employees’ acquisition of knowledge, development of

skills and proper work attitude.

Training of employees is a means for Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop

to ensure job security which is necessary in giving quality services.

The store custodian must be oriented by the manager/ owner on his line of duties and

responsibilities, particularly on dealing with sales, credit system and customer relation. A

training which will be given by the company from which the laundry shop equipments will be

purchased should be undergone by the laundry shop operator. The liaison employee should as

well be trained and oriented on his role in the business.

Many new employees are very uncomfortable in a new job, and the new orientation program

of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop should serve, among other things, as gradual

introduction to the organization as well as the job. The new staff member will be given the


1. Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop history, its policies, programs and

procedures, objectives, and organizational structure.

2. Working hours, salaries and benefits.

3. Brief description of duties and time of breaks.

4. Dress code.

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is the main function and responsibility of management which

includes planning, organizing, directing, controlling and coordinating of employees.

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop has a small organizational structure that

is in a sole proprietorship form of business. This establishment cannot provide separate human
resource management department to handle its employees but instead, dealing and handling of

personnel lies on the manager/owner.

The manager and the line staff are carried on in a constant coordination to exchange their

ideas and synchronize their duties about the matters concerned under a particular supervision.

Importance of Human Resource Management:

1. Keeps track on employee’s performance

2. Provides proper training and orientation to an employees’ designated job

3. Maintains good relationship with co-employees

4. Gives rules and policies to be followed

Time of Business Operation

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

(8 hours of operation from Mondays thru Saturdays)

Time of Employees Operation

Eight (8) of operation from Mondays thru Saturdays for the store custodian, laundry shop

operator, and liaison employee who are allowed a one hour lunch break from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00

p.m. wherein they may close the store as they wish.

Salaries and Wages

The following are the rate of salaries for each employee:

Laundry shop operator - Php 150.00 per day/ Php 3,600.00 per month

Store custodian - Php 120.00 per day/ Php 2,880.00 per month

Liaison employee - Php 100.00 per day/ Php 2,400.00 per month

Employee Benefits

Sick leave – sick leave eligibility starts after six months of continuous service. Liezel’s

Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop considers sick leave as any temporary absence to illness

or non-occupational injury that prevents the worker from coming to work. A medical certificate

must be presented.

Policies and Disciplinary Actions

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop


In any organization, a code of discipline is vital. As such Liezyl’s Sabon Factory Outlet and

Laundry Shop must maintain House Code of Discipline for every employee to abide by abide

conduct himself accordingly. The purpose of a House Code of Discipline is meant to correct an

erring employee rather than to inflict punishment. It also helps us maintain a standard quality of




a. Stealing, misappropriating or embezzling company’s funds or Dismissal


b. Fraudulent or illegitimate withdrawal or acquisition or release to Dismissal

other person of company’s funds and property

c. Deliberately causing loss or damage to company’s property Suspension

without pay

d. Committing other acts of dishonest, deceit or anomaly Suspension

without pay

e. Unauthorized painting, marking, carving or removal of things Oral/written

f. Indiscriminate use or allowing unauthorized persons to use materials Oral/written

and facilities in loss or damage reprimand

g. Negligence or carelessness resulting in loss or damage of property Oral/written



a. Forging or falsifying or altering record, or other records in such a Dismissal

way as to mislead the user/s thereof

b. Making false or malicious statements about the business Dismissal

c. Disclosing, giving way, or using restricted information without Dismissal

proper authorization

d. Making use of record/s or document/s known (by user) to be false Dismissal

e. Unauthorized use of the business’ name to obtain benefits Dismissal



a. Bringing in, or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other Oral/written

deadly weapons within the store/shop premise or jobsite reprimand

b. Immoral conduct or conduct grossly indecent nature within the Oral/written

business reprimand

c. Stealing, concealing, or deliberately misplacing without justifiable Dismissal


d. Absence without proper notice to notify superior of the cause thereof Oral/written


e. Abandonment of job Dismissal

f. Habitual tardiness Oral/written




Project Investment
The establishment of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet will need a total initial investment of

Php 405,456.46. This will be fully financed by Ms. Liezel Beuna, the proprietor. She will be

entitled to all the profits and losses of the business.

List of Expenses

The following are the expenses involved in the business operation aside from the cost of

sales and cost of services:

o Taxes and licenses. The business will pay for the legal expenses to the

Department of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Internal Revenue, and the Local

Government before the formal operation.

o Consultant’s fee. This will be paid for seeking the service of consultants in

ascertaining the viability of this undertaking.

o Marketing expense. Promotion through radio and flyers distribution will be made.

This expense is presumed to be higher on the first quarter for an intensive

advertisement and will be less and same amount on the following quarters.

o Rent expense. A monthly rent expense of Php 3,000.00 will be paid for the space

occupied by the business.

o Salaries expense. Salaries will be paid for the laundry shop operator, store

custodian and liaison employee.

o Utilities expense. This will include the payment for electricity and water.

o Depreciation expense. Depreciation of fixed assets shall be provided.

o Supplies expense. Supplies expense shall be recognized for the supplies used.
o Miscellaneous expense. This will include transportation and other expenses.

Social Desirability Aspect

The establishment of Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop in Lavezares, N.

Samar will be beneficial not only to the proprietor, but also to the community. The gains that

each sector of the society can obtain from the business operation are stated as follows:

To the Client:

The primary objective of this undertaking is the profit that the owner will derive from its

operations. Offering quality personal care, home/building care, and car care products at a low

price can induce more customers to buy these products; thus, generating more income.

On the other side, the proposed laundry shop will also contribute to the overall profit of

the business. Plus, the fact that there is still no existing business in town that provides the same

services that it offers such as washing, drying, and ironing clothes will make customers who seek

these kinds of services go directly to Liezel’s Laundry Shop.

To the Household and Environment:

The low price of the products that the business will offer will generate more savings to its

customers than if they choose to patronize other brands with equal quality but of a higher cost.
These are designed to maintain good personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surroundings and

personal belongings; thus, providing a more healthy environment.

The laundry shop will ease the lifestyle of the members of this sector as it will lessen the

burden of doing the laundries every now and then.

To the Unemployed Individuals:

Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry Shop at its inception will need experts and

laborers for the design and construction of the building which serve as the venue of its

operations. Subsequently, it will also hire some personnel who will operate the business. On the

whole, the establishment of this business will create employment opportunities for this sector.

To the Supplier:

Since Liezel’s Sabon Factory Outlet and Laundry shop has a fixed supplier of the goods

that it will sell, all the inventory demands of the business will go to it. Thus, creating additional

sales on the part of the supplier.

To the Government and the Public

The right of the business to earn income from its operations has its corresponding duty

and responsibility of paying its taxes and licenses which will provide the government additional

fund for the provision of services to the public.

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