Relationships Hades Persephone

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1 Hades made millions of Americans aware of deep, hidden

racist feelings, but he didn't do anything to improve
relations between the races.

Other Personality Type Systems Hades is repre-

sented in astrology by Scorpio (basing one’s life
on one’s deepest convictions), and the 8th House
(of Death, and major transformation). Hades isn't
represented in the Enneagram.

Sex and Marriage The characters within the book “In-

terview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice (1976) is
comparable to the Greek god Hades servants.

But Hades servants can be invisible to women. A Hades

man may not be good at flirting or dating. He may
have elaborate, deep fantasies rather than relation-
ships with real women. If he tries to make a relation-
ship real, the woman may accuse him of abduction-
perhaps only because he lacks social skills.

Hades men can deeply love women, in committed, faith-

ful relationships. Marriage can draw a Hades man
out of reclusion, and into participation in family and

Howard Hughes, 1936 Meeting To meet Hades men, wear Goth black velvet
dresses. Dive into the depths of depression, and look
around at who’s there.
Celebrities Sigmund Freud, Chad Gray, Howard
Hughes, Vincent Price, Christopher Reeve, vam-
pires, serial killers, drummers in rock bands[1] .
2 Persephone
Favorite Movie The Sixth Sense, starring Bruce Willis
(1999). Celebrities Ophelia in Hamlet; Laura in Tennessee
Williams’ The Glass Menagerie (1944); Sylvia
Plath; Dory Previn (Mythical Kings and Iguanas
Mythology Hades ruled the underworld, the realm of singer-songwriter, André Previn’s wife); Hannah
the dead. He was wealthy beyond counting, but was Green, author of I Never Promised You a Rose Gar-
a recluse. Hades wore a cap of invisibility when he den (1988).
left the underworld. The Romans knew Hades as
Hairstyle Changes her hairstyle to reflect personal
growth. Tries new hairstyles to try new directions
Emotional Control Systems Hades symbolizes the
for personal growth.[2]
psychic pain of sorrow, grief, and loneliness-and
the psychological insights this can lead us to.
Shoes Platform Mary Janes.
Shadow A dysfunctional Hades man may make people
connect to deep feelings, but not help them move to Favorite Movie The Cell, starring Jennifer Lopez
higher states of consciousness. E.g., O.J. Simpson (2000).


Mythology Persephone was the young daughter of Zeus A Persephone psychologist sees depression and mental
and Demeter. She was picking flowers one day on illness not as symptoms to be medicated or erad-
the plain of Enna. She pulled an especially beautiful icated, but as profound journeys. The sojourner
narcissus, the earth split open. Hades, ruler of the goes through pain and suffering, but sooner or later
dead, came out of a gap in the earth and thundered reaches a greater level of consciousness. Just as
up in his golden chariot pulled by four black horses. Persephone guided Odysseus, Heracles, Psyche, and
He grabbed the screaming girl and carried her down Orpheus in their journeys to the underworld, a
to the underworld. When this happened only Zeus Persephone psychologist guides a patient to find his
and Helios, the sun titan, saw it. life’s treasure, and then return to the world of the
living. Hades, which was the name of both the un-
As Demeter searched for her daughter, her despair derworld and its king, had uncountable riches. This
caused crops to die. Helios told her what he had symbolized that personal growth can lead to great
saw and Demter became furious. She would not let rewards.
anything be fertile until Persphone came back. Zeus
could no longer let this go on so he sent Hermes to Shadow A dysfunctional Persephone woman is passive,
fetch Persephone. compliant and uncommitted to goals. She may es-
Hades allowed Persephone to go back to her mother, cape into a fantasy world. She may be psychi-
even though he did not want her too. He did not like cally gifted, but suffer from psychiatric illness or
the fact so before Hermes came to fetch her, he gave anorexia. Depression makes her “fade away” qui-
Persephone a pomegranate. When she ate the seeds etly, as opposed to forcing her depression onto oth-
of the delicious fruit she was then bound to the un- ers (as Demeter did).
derworld forever. Demter was furious, but could do A Persephone woman tries to please her mother and be
nothing about it. Persephone from then on spent 1/3 a “good girl.” She expects teachers or supervisors to
of the year in the Underworld with the King and her hold her hand through each step. But Persephone
cold blooded husband, Hades. Eventually she began lied to her mother about the pomegranate. A Perse-
to love him more and more. Demeter still did not phone woman will use deviousness, lying, and ma-
like this so she spent the time that her daughter was nipulation, while maintaining a guise of innocence.
gone, sulking and would not let anything be fertile.
This time is known as winter. Other Personality Type Systems Persephone is rep-
As Queen and Goddess of the Underworld, Persephone resented in astrology by Virgo. THIS IS INCOR-
guided mortals who descended to the realm of the RECT. As a professional astrologer and esoteric
dead on a quest. When the musician Orpheus teacher. Persephone is represented by SCOR-
came looking for his dead wife, his song was so PIO. SCORPIO RULES THE 8TH HOUSE AND
beautiful that Persephone granted his wish and re- ITS PLANETARY RULER IS PLUTO/HADES.
stored his wife’s life. When Aphrodite sent Psyche WHEN READ FOR A WOMAN PERSEPHONE
to the underworld for cosmetics, Persephone filled CAN REPLACE HADES/PLUTO AS THEY ARE
Aphrodite’s box (the word psychology derives from ONE AND THE SAME. Demeter is VIRGO. All of
Psyche’s name). When Heracles (a.k.a. Hercules) the Persephone themes are 8th house themes.
descended to Hades for his 12th labor, Persephone
helped the hero bring Hades’ three-headed dog Cer- Sex An advice columnist received the following letter:
berus to show the king of Mycenae. My friend is the most wonderful, caring,
The Romans called her Proserpina. Persephone as the loving person I've ever met, but also the
innocent maiden was Kore (the Romans called her most naïve. I know from personal ex-
Cora), to distinguish her from Persephone as Queen perience that she has an unusually large
of the Underworld. sexual appetite, little if any interest in
foreplay, and cannot seem to reach or-
gasm, ever. I am sure that I'm not her
Emotional Control System Persephone symbolizes only current partner, as much as she as-
separation distress, from one’s mother or, more sures me I am. In the past, she has given
broadly, from one’s old life to a new life. Separation herself away so many times, I can't count
distress is the basis of anxiety and panic attacks. them. For all her goodness, I've seen her
lie to other people so convincingly they
Life Purpose A Persephone woman’s life purpose is to wouldn't believe she was lying, even if
separate from her past, and transform into a new you told them. My concern now is not
person. She then guides other individuals through me, but her....Even if I never touched
personal transformations. Ideal professions include her again, I really do care about her and
counselor, psychologist, lawyer, or social worker. would like to help her.[3]
3.3 Lack of Emotional Range 3

Meeting To meet Persephone women, care about other Traditional societies don't facilitate skipping life stages,
individuals, act decisively, and wear a black cape. but our society does. If a welfare program pays teenage
girls to produce babies, the girls skip the marriage stage
and jump to motherhood. If television news enables us to
care about people on the other side of the world, we jump
3 Hades-Persephone Marriage to agape and skip developing a loving relationship with
one partner.Persephone and hadies had a good relation-
A Hades-Persephone marriage is transformational. A ship although hades sent persephone to the underworld to
couple that successfully uses this energy guides each other be the god os spring and growth
through life-changing experiences. They separate (possi-
bly painfully) from the past. They mature to higher stages
of personal growth. 3.3 Lack of Emotional Range
Our ancestors endured great suffering, e.g., extremes of
weather, or long periods with little food. Human brains
3.1 Caring About More People
evolved to balance suffering and happiness. The greatest
joy follows the greatest suffering (see “Emotional Range,”
Humans, more than other animals, depend on social orga-
page 116).
nizations for survival. Individuals-today or 100,000 years
ago-with more relationships survive and prosper. The modern world minimizes physical suffering, yet our
brains continue to balance happiness and suffering. Our
As our ancestors evolved, they lived in larger groups (see
narrower emotional range leads us to differentiate finer
“Cities and Civilization,” page 35). Larger brains enabled
levels of happiness and suffering, e.g., driving a Lexus vs.
them to keep track of more relationships (and may have
a Chevy. We confuse personal growth with appreciating
contributed to the evolution of larger brains).
luxury goods.
As our individual development mirrors our ancestors’
Seek extremes of suffering and joy. Run marathons.
evolution (see “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny,” page
Travel to third-world countries. Forget about job security
3), we care about more people as we mature. Children
and instead do what you love, even if you have to drive a
are concerned only about their own needs. A young adult
cares about his or her romantic partner. A mature adult
cares about his or her family. A clan elder cares about the
survival of the clan. Personal growth is, stage by stage, 3.4 Getting Stuck
caring about increasing numbers of people.
Caring about other people entails personal suffering. Our Sometimes we feel stuck between stages of personal
minds produce psychic pain (pain that originates in the growth. We don't get stuck because we lack a vision of
mind) to push us to accept physical pain. Psychic pain our new life. We all have dreams of a better life.
can be stronger than physical pain. E.g., a hunter brings We don't get stuck because we don't know how to get to
home only a rabbit. He has to decide between feeding his our new life. We don't know every step of the way, but
family and feeling hunger, or feeding himself and feeling we all know at least one step we could take.
We get stuck because we avoid the suffering of the tran-
sition to our new life. E.g., quitting your job to do what
you love might require trading in your Lexus for a Chevy.
3.2 Skipping Life Stages As if it were that simple--someone’s Lexus need not be
thought of derisively-- that the suffering required is as
Personal growth wasn't an issue before the modern era. close to un/bearable (whether Lexus or Cancer or new
Puberty made young people want a partner. Procreation office) and is perceived to be a loss, though it need not
led to caring about a family. Arranging children’s mar- be thought of as lesser or great than, which causes pain,
riages led to caring about other families. Natural disasters or else the transition would occur without notice, which
forced individuals into leadership roles for the survival of is to say without transition, without change, with out not
the clan. with in. Without noticing the end there is no beginning
The modern world isn't so straightforward. Adolescents within.
sexually mature earlier. We marry later, because our so- Most individuals are more or less equally happy. CEOs
ciety demands more education. and janitors report feeling happy the same number of
Our ancestors were most aware of suffering around them. hours per day, and report the same number of hours of
In contrast, our “electronic global village” makes us aware unhappiness. Only individuals with many relationships
of suffering in far-off corners of the globe. We “think are more often happy than other individuals. I.e., only
globally” as soon as we're old enough to watch television loneliness can make us unhappy more than we're happy,
news. Yet we care less about the people we're closest to. if we let it and perceive it to be a loss or less than rather

than just difference. Connection to a partner, family, and done is a masculine trait. Combined, the Hades partner
community is the only way to be happy more than you're uses masculine and feminine behaviors at the same time.
unhappy, which cannot always be considered the truth. He transcends gender roles. The relationship transforms
him, as well as transforming his partner.

3.5 Psychic Pain Indicates Readiness for The wrong masculine response is to selfishly do what you
want to do, ignoring what you're told, caring only about
Personal Growth your own needs. The wrong feminine response is to do
what another person requests, against the other person’s
The modern world eliminates physical suffering. We now
best interests, or against your own best interests (i.e., self-
feel psychic pain with no connection to physical suffering.
sacrificing behavior).
The modern world confuses our stages of personal
A Hades-Persephone relationship demands deep, imme-
growth. We now feel psychic pain with no indication of
diate commitment. Such a relationship takes place right
the direction in which we need to grow.
here, right now. You're committing to the relationship
Psychic pain-e.g., depression, anxiety, guilt-indicates that until your partner reaches the next stage of her personal
we're ready to mature to a new stage of personal growth. growth. This could be years, or could be hours. Don't be
One response is to numb psychic pain, e.g., alcohol, afraid to enter a Hades-Persephone relationship -you're
Prozac, “feel good” psychology, or switching on a televi- not committing to a lifetime together.
sion. Another response is to buy luxury goods. But your A Hades-Persephone relationship is a moral dilemma for
psychic pain soon returns, making you repeat the process. the Hades partner. If he does what she tells him to do, he
Self-destructive behavior is another response. Everything fails to care about her. If he does what must be done, he’s
that reminds you of your old self-e.g., spouse, job, neigh- acting against her will (and possibly against the law).
borhood, hobbies-causes psychic pain. You try to destroy Sexually, our culture associates Hades-Persephone re-
your old life, instead of building a new life. lationships with BDSM (bondage, domination, sado-
masochism). But BDSM is a stuck Hades-Persephone
relationship. If your goal is personal growth and trans-
4 The Hades-Persephone Relation- formation, keep the relationship non-sexual. If a Hades
man is having sex with a Persephone woman, he'll focus
ship on his needs instead of her needs.
This is not always so. Please keep in mind that the very
(Men and women can use either Hades or Persephone be- foundation of this relationship is sexuality. The expres-
havior. To simplify language, I use male pronouns to refer sion of sexuality here is mutual,were both partners gain
to Hades partners, and female pronouns to refer to Perse- something that instigates the transformation of both of
phone partners.) the souls involved. If done properly sexual expression
In a Hades-Persephone relationship, the Hades partner can lead to deep spiritual and psychological transforma-
forces the Persephone partner to change. He loves her tion as well as emotional. It gives the hades/persephone
without loving her present or past self. He sees her archetype something to “chew” on so that both are ren-
emerging new life stage and loves her for that, but without dered free from the “bond” that binded them in the first
projecting his own issues onto her. place. Things such as fear, sexual abuse, emotional abuse,
are common here. Also, repressed sexuality based on
He forces her to experience pain and suffering. He main-
any of these things can hinder a true peresephone from
tains a close, supportive relationship until she’s through
growing and becoming sexually ripe. With the right
her painful transformation.
hades she can move across the stifling dimensions of
The Hades partner must do two, contradictory actions: past lives, break down emotional barriers and find her-
self fully awakened by the PROCESS of being reborn.
1. Care about his partner more than cares about him- The right hades man will take pleasure in her submission,
self. because it is a GIFT.Persephone is not weak by nature,
she is seeking something greater than being the bringer
2. Do not what he’s told, but what must be done. of spring. She represents true change and deep psycho-
logical growth and requires restriction in order for it to
E.g., a favorite movie theme is an individual putting him- be felt, integrated, sifted through and truly transformed.
self in harm’s way to help another individual, while at the Letting go, allowing hades to shape her, mold her, seduce
same time rejecting orders from an authority figure. A her, and take her into realms beyond her wildest mind is
hero takes decisive action, and takes responsibility for his what allows her to renew and thus see and ACCEPT her-
action. self as she truly is. Hades will love her the more she sub-
mits, releases, and integrates parts of herself she would
Caring about another person more than yourself is a fem-
not have found had she not surrendered. She comes out
inine trait. Doing not what you're told, but what must be

empowered, whole, powerful, and wields that power in woman needs a strong, loving man to support her through
her walk, her sexuality and her treatment of others. Hades painful but necessary transformation. Persephone women
feels stronger,capable and is allowed to push her limits, to are “high maintenance” but worth it.
find himself, to love himself and to find greater parts of I beg to differ Persephone women are NOT high main-
himself that NEEDS to dominate. Not to control her ev- tenance, they are in fact misunderstood. Diva’s they are
ery being, to change who she is but to mold her, massage not. Persephone women need a strong man who has self
her, to assist in her birthing process as he releases her mastery, who can also be a natural dominant so that they
bondage, her chains her self misunderstandings. Hades BOTH can transform. Any man that is “vanilla” or static
role is just as powerful as he has to exercise self control,
in representation will die a needless death (divorce or
have a commitment to Persephone, give attention to de- abandonment which is a Persephone theme) because he
tail in every facet of her life. Hades is an instrument of
could not HANDLE her energy, her spiritual goal or her
the mundane in their lives that requires order, attention sexuality. There are many men who ACT DOMINATE
and lessons to be executed. Sexually he is her slave he
who in their very nature are not TRUE dominants.
finds her most deepest desires and seeks to transform her
through experience them, and yes, this also includes her Looked at another way, all women have all seven god-
fears. This is no small order. It takes a man that is in desses in them. When they're using the other six
control of himself, self mastery, his emotions,his vision, archetypes they have little or no need for men. But a
his desires. In everything he puts Persephone FIRST. I woman goes into Persephone mode to express her need
hardly call that selfish. The “true” hades man will focus for intimacy with her man. When your woman becomes
more on his persephone’s needs than his own. a self-destructive “lunachick” and drives you up the wall,
she’s not trying to break off the relationship. She’s trying
to transform herself, yourself, and the relationship to next
5 Why Women Do Things to Drive
the Men They Love Up the Wall
7 References
A woman uses Persephone behavior to test whether
her man is capable of being Hades. She uses Perse- [1] Leung, Shirley, “Why Doesn't Anyone Want to Play
phone behavior-passive-aggressive, self-destructive, or Drums for a Rock 'n' Roll Band? extquotedbl The Wall
just annoying-to communicate that she’s unhappy with Street Journal, July 31, 2001, A1.
her present life and wants to move to a new stage of per-
[2] McCracken, Grant. Big Hair: A Journey Into The
sonal growth. She tests whether he loves her for who she Transformation of Self (Overlook, 1996, 0-87951-657-
will be-her inner, emerging self-not who she is now. 7). Photo of Sylvia Plath from
With a Dionysus partner (e.g., a cult leader), a Perse-
[3] Louanne Weston; WebMD; March 11, 2002;
phone woman gets madness. With an Ares partner, she
gets physical abuse. With a Poseidon partner, she gets 1687.51066?z=1687_00000_0000_f1_02
emotional abuse. With Zeus, she gets cheated on. Her-
mes and Apollo talk with her endlessly (with and with-
← Dionysus-Demeter · Recommended Books →
out jokes, respectively). With Hephaestus, she gets useful
electronic gadgets.
But with a Hades partner, a Persephone woman goes
through pain and suffering with her partner’s attention
and support. She’s transformed to a new stage of personal

6 Hades and Persephone in Every

Artemis, Athena, and Hestia women don't need men. A
Hera woman needs a husband, but he can be absent or
even dead. A Demeter woman needs only a sperm donor.
Aphrodite women enjoy men, but are happy with fun,
shallow relationships.
Persephone women exasperate men, but they're the only
women who need intimacy with men. A Persephone

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
• Relationships/Hades-Persephone Source: Contributors:
Jomegat, Tdkehoe, Jguk, Hagindaz, Xania, Mike’s bot account, QuiteUnusual, Adrignola, Moon Child, Megwhitt, Harrybrowne1986 and
Anonymous: 25

8.2 Images
• File:Book_important2.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: darklama
• File:Howard_Hughes.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

8.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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