Pathophysiology and Management of Urinary Retention in Men: Review Article

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Review Article

Pathophysiology and management of urinary

retention in men
Ahmed Muhammed, Abdulkadir Abubakar1
Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, 1Department of Surgery,
Division of Urology, Bayero University/Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria

Background: Urinary retention is a common problem in the elderly. The incidence increases with age so that a man in his 70s
has a 10% chance and a man in his 80s has more than 30% chance of having an episode of acute urinary retention. Inadequate
management of the condition can lead to unnecessary morbidity and occasionally mortality. Increasing knowledge over the years of
its pathophysiology has greatly improved the management. Thus, the objective of this study is to review the current concepts in the
management of urinary retention in men.
Materials and Methods: Current literature on the pathophysiology and management of urinary retention in men was reviewed. The
PubMed database was searched using the key words; pathophysiology, management, urinary retention, and men.
Results: Urinary retention is a common problem in the elderly worldwide; the incidence rises with age, and by the 9th decade of life,
a man has more than 30% chance of an episode of retention. There are three main pathophysiologic mechanisms: Increased urethral
resistance secondary to bladder outlet obstruction, impaired bladder contractility, and loss of normal bladder sensory or motor
innervations. It may be acute, acute-on-chronic, or chronic. It is now generally agreed from urodynamic studies that the traditional
slow decompression of the bladder in chronic retention does not serve its aim of gradual reduction of vesical pressure; thus, the
current practice is immediate and complete decompression and managing anticipated complications of postobstructive diuresis or
hematuria whenever they occur.
Conclusion: Advanced age and bladder outlet obstruction secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia remain the commonest risk
factors for urinary retention. Secondary bladder dysfunction in bladder outlet obstruction, detrusor myogenic dysfunction, and
alteration of bladder innervations are the major mechanisms. Immediate and complete decompression in both types of retention is
the current practice.

Key words: Management, pathophysiology, urinary retention and men

Introduction void or the residual urine after voiding is about or greater

than the bladder capacity. The International Continence
Urinary retention represents a clinical state in which the Society defines chronic retention as non-painful bladder,
amount of urine drained or measured using ultrasound which remains palpable or percussible after the patient
in the urinary bladder of patient who is either unable to has passed urine. Such patients may be incontinent.[1]
Urinary retention may be acute or chronic; the acute may
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ahmed Muhammed,
be spontaneous or precipitated. Precipitated acute urinary
Department of Surgery, Ahmadu Bello University/Ahmadu Bello
University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria. retention (AUR) has a better prognosis.[2-4] Chronic retention
E-mail: may be low pressure or high pressure, and the reason why
a patient develops either the high-or low-pressure retention
Access this article online has not been elucidated.[5] AUR is painful inability to void
Quick Response Code: which is usually relieved by drainage of the bladder. The
mere inability to void or voiding of scanty urine associated
with suprapubic pain is insufficient to make a diagnosis
as other disease conditions can be associated with lower
10.4103/2278-9596.110018 abdominal pain and reduced urine volume. Thus, a major
criterion in the diagnosis of urinary retention is the

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Muhammed and Abubakar: Urinary retention in men

drainage of large volume of urine after catheterization or chronic. Acute retention could be precipitated or
with relief of the pain.[3] Chronic urinary retention is not spontaneous, while chronic retention could be low
usually associated with pain and patients are still able to pressure or high pressure. Urinary retention commonly
void or have overflow incontinence. Occasionally these results from anatomical obstruction from benign prostatic
patients also develop inability to void and it is termed hyperplasia (BPH), carcinoma of the prostate, urethral
acute-on-chronic retention. There is no consensus on stricture; iatrogenic causes such as in intraurethral
the cut-off urine volume that is diagnostic of urinary injection of bulking agents in the treatment of Intrinsic
retention; however, it has been suggested that drained Sphincter Deficiency (ISD); and also psychogenic causes.[7,8]
volumes between 500 and 800 ml are typical of acute
retention, while 800 ml is suggestive of either chronic Increased outlet resistance as seen in patients with
or acute-on-chronic retention. In chronic retention, urine bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) is the commonest
volumes above 4 L (4000 ml) have been described.[2,3] mechanism of urinary retention. Patients may manifest
a range of symptoms from the resultant urinary bladder
Urinary retention is a common urological problem seen dysfunction and occasional renal insufficiency, in addition
worldwide, predominantly in the elderly. The incidence to the mechanical effect of the obstruction. There may be
increases with age so that a man in his 70s has 10% only mild obstructive symptoms initially, however, the
chance and a man in his 80s has more than 30% chance of patient may often not notice significant change in voiding
having an episode of AUR.[2,3] The resultant functional and pattern, especially with the so-called high pressure
anatomical changes termed obstructive uropathy ranked retention. Increased outlet resistance may result in bladder
11th (with the rate of 15 per million population) in terms of dilatation, hypertrophy, trabeculations, sacculations,
cause of death due to kidney and urologic diseases. It is and diverticulations. The prolonged increased residual
also ranked 9th in terms of cost of all kidney and urological voiding pressure eventually leads to bladder dysfunction
diseases in the USA, as estimated by the National Institutes and may manifest as detrusor instability with decreased
of Health (NIH), Kidney and Urologic Diseases Advisory compliance and compromise of the storage function
Board (KUDAB) study.[6] The incidence and economic worsening the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Such
implication is not known in our setting; however, it is a dysfunctional bladder can suddenly decompensate,
nonetheless a common urological problem. culminating in AUR, or does it insidiously with progressive
distension of the bladder, resulting in chronic retention.
The exact mechanisms responsible for gradual or sudden
Anatomical and Physiological decompensation have not been elucidated.[2] Chronic
Properties of the Bladder retention may be high pressure (30 cm of H2O) or low
pressure. The bladder becomes insensitive, hypocontractile,
The bladder is a visceral organ composed of a syncytium
allowing distension beyond its capacity that may present
of smooth muscles fibers and mucus membrane. The
as overflow incontinence or nocturnal enuresis.[3]
condensation of smooth muscles at the bladder neck forms
the internal sphincter, while the external sphincter forms In the high-pressure retention, bladder changes may also
from the urogenital diaphragm around the membranous result in functional failure of ureterotrigonal complex,
urethra. resulting in vesicoureteric reflux, with the resultant back
pressure on the ureters and collecting system leading to the
The bladder function is controlled by sets of peripheral
development of hydroureters and hydronephrosis. With time,
nerve supply, the spinal motor integration center,
persistent elevated intrarenal pressure may lead to tubular
supraspinal center, pontine and suprapontine centers.
epithelial atrophy and eventual nephron loss. The functional
The physiologic functional properties of the bladder are
consequence is impaired glomerular function and eventual
dependent on appropriate capacity, good compliance,
chronic renal failure.[5] This may further be complicated by
accommodation, and sensation with voluntary control to
calculi formation and recurrent urinary tract infection.
initiate or stop action of micturition. Disruption along the
above neural pathways or anatomical obstruction to the
bladder outlet may lead to urinary retention. Functional Effects of Bladder Outlet
Obstruction in Animal Model
Pathophysiology Urodynamic
Urinary retention may be acute, acute-on-chronic, Initially the hypertrophic response of the bladder meets

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Muhammed and Abubakar: Urinary retention in men

the physiological demand of outflow resistance since most is enhanced through vasodilatory effects of substances,
parameters of tissue function remains normal. In this e.g., NO. With time, this ultimately fails and hypoxic
phase, animal models have increased frequency, smaller effects on smooth muscles and nerves result in bladder
volumes per void, and increased voiding pressure.[9,10] dysfunction.
More prolonged periods of obstruction typically lead
to urodynamic features of overflow incontinence. [9] Role of growth factors and proto-oncogens
Information from these anesthetized animal models does An increase in the expression of basophilic growth factors
not give the clear extent the medication disrupts normal and a decrease in that of transforming growth factor beta-1
micturition patterns. Also, it cannot be concluded if the were noted following acute obstruction in rabbits. This is
increases are due to voids or simply due to passive feeling reversed with relief of obstruction.[15] Also, there is increase
as the limits of viscero-elastic properties of the smooth in transcripts for proto-oncogens, c-myc, cfos, Her-Ras,
muscle bladder are met.
linked to hyperplastic and hypertrophic process occurring
after obstruction.[13]
Mechanisms of Outlet-Induced
Bladder Dysfunction Effect of BOO on Extracellular Matrix
Microstructure: Cell–cell communication Ultrastructural examination of obstructed human bladder
Alteration in cells’ electrical and mechanical ways of in aging humans reveals that collagen in particular is
communication is noted. Gap junctions are scanty in deposited between the hypertrophic smooth muscles
the bladder; intermediate or adherent type cell junction cells, widening the space between the individual muscle
provides mechanical coupling between cells. This supports cells. Hyperelastosis is also seen in some instances,
compliance and aids in coordinating the physical response which explains the poor compliance in elderly with BOO.[11]
of one smooth muscle to its neighbor. The intercellular Mesenchymal cells in the serosa are thought to transform
projections and the changes in the electrical properties of to myofibroblast capable of synthesizing collagen and fetal
individual cells most likely contribute to detrusor instability type of smooth muscle cells. Kinotam noted predominantly
resulting from BOO.[11] type 1 collagen in comparison to more distensible
type III.[14] Altered collagen deposition is believed to affect
Effects of BOO on bladder innervation
passive mechanical processes of the bladder. Also, the
These include obstruction-induced denervation in the ratio of subtypes is more important than the total volume
form of selective degeneration of the axonal elements with of collagen deposited. In addition to connective tissue
findings correlating with those of impaired contractile hyperplasia, urothelial and smooth muscle hyperplasia
force generation in response to electrical stimulation.[12]
was demonstrated based on the estimate of DNA content
Other studies revealed obstruction-induced nerve growth
and the level of H3-thymidine in obstructed rats and
occurs following chronic urine obstruction and these may
rabbits,[13,15,16] though most studies revealed predominantly
be responsible for the irritative LUTS.[12]
smooth muscle hypertrophy as a cause for the increase in
Ischemia and BOO bladder mass.
Research findings show ischemia as a major inciting factor
in the sequence of events following BOO, characterized by Contractility
hypertrophy, compensation, and decompensation.[13] This
In general, electrically induced contractions appear to be
was confirmed using laser Doppler flowmetry.
more sensitive to the effect of obstruction than cabachol-or
In a rat model, Zhao, et al . demonstrated that KCl-induced contraction query.[14] More prolonged severe
ischemia–reperfusion temporarily mimicked the effect obstruction leads to diminished contraction. In obstructed
of BOO and the two had similar effects on the tissue bladder with detrusor instability, unlike normal bladder,
proteolysis believed to be involved in BOO-induced atropine resistance has being demonstrated.[8,14] Unlike
muscle dysfunction. [14] An increase in mRNA and in animals, the contribution from non-adrenergic and
protein levels of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase non-cholinergic innervations remains controversial,
was demonstrated soon following partial obstruction, and their presence in pathologic condition suggests an
showing that the metabolic effect of bladder musculature induction.[12]

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Muhammed and Abubakar: Urinary retention in men

Etiology of Contractile Dysfunction retention are calm. Facial puffiness, pedal edema, anemia,
acidotic breath, and elevated blood pressure may be found
This includes alteration in cytocontractile proteins,[16] in patients with impaired renal function.
which may be linked to induced hypocontractility. Changes
in intracellular calcium ion concentration paralleling the The abdomen should be examined for suprapubic swelling
altered contractile response following BOO are nearly and tenderness. A tensely distended swelling in the
identical to those seen following inhibition of Ca2+release suprapubic region could be acute, acute-on-chronic, or
from intracellular stores.[13,17,18] There are also changes high-pressure chronic retention. In low-pressure chronic
in smooth muscle metabolism following the hypertrophy, retention, bladder outline may be vaguely palpable because
with decreased ATP availability for metabolism as a result of the flaccid bladder, but the area is dull to percussion.
of a shift to anaerobic metabolism.[17,19-22] Kato, et al.[22] Urethral discharge or palpable indurations plus features
noted no change in ATP with mild obstruction as against of epididymo-orchitis are suggestive of urethral stricture.
severe obstruction with ischemia where increased voiding Perianal and perineal sensations as well as anal sphincteric
pressure and prolonged act of micturition and lowered tone and bulbocarvenosal reflex test the integrity of the
ATP production creates avenue for impaired contractile sensory and motor efferent fibers in the pudendal nerves.
function. Prostate may be enlarged with benign or malignant features.
Lower limb motor and sensory evaluation including deep
Patient’s Evaluation tendon and plantar reflexes are the important components
of genitourinary neurological examinations.
This must be prompt, systematic, and thorough to ensure
a proper diagnosis and initiation of the appropriate
treatment. Initial evaluation is aimed at characterizing the
type of obstruction as either acute or chronic retention. The basic laboratory investigation includes serum
Following emergency presentation in AUR, priority must be urea, electrolytes, and creatinine, urine analysis, urine
to relieve retention, and prevention or control of sepsis with microscopy and culture, blood sugar, and Prostate Specific
correction of possible fluid and electrolyte derangements. Antigen (PSA). Patients in chronic retention with elevated
urea and creatinine risk postobstructive diuresis. These
Appropriate history should include characterization
patients also risk postobstructive hematuria and further
of the voiding symptoms including continence, the
deterioration of the renal impairment. Abdominopelvic
duration and onset, past voiding symptoms, and history
ultrasound will measure residual urine in chronic retention
of hematuria. Symptoms in patients with BOO are
in addition to unveiling some of the complications following
variable, with a relatively poor correlation between
chronic retention, such as hydronephrosis, bladder stone,
individual symptoms and the presence of BOO.[23] In fact,
and loss of corticomedullary differentiation associated
only about half of men judged to be clinically obstructed
with impaired kidney function. Transrectal ultrasound
on a clinical basis will have urodynamic evidence of
assesses the prostate size, echogenicity, and integrity of
outlet obstruction.[24] Therefore, while symptom scores
provide a useful tool for guiding management strategies the capsule. Urethrocystoscopy and urodynamic studies
and follow-up responses to therapies, they are generally not may all be indicated.
predictive of outlet obstruction or impaired contractility.
History of any form of sexual dysfunction, weight loss, Treatment
generalized body weakness, and anorexia may suggest
prostate cancer. Neurological evaluation is crucial to Treatment begins with prompt bladder drainage via
exclude neurogenic bladder. Past medical history may urethral catheterization; if this fails then drainage should
unveil hypertension, diabetes, and other significant be via suprapubic cystostomy. In patients with deranged
co-morbid conditions. It should be established if the acute renal function, close monitoring for postobstructive
retention is precipitated (prolonged postponement of diuresis, hematuria from hyperemia or rupture of
micturition, ingestion of large volume of fluids, or diuretic distended veins, and the risk of further progression of
abuse) or spontaneous. Precipitated retention has a better the impaired kidney function is important. To reduce
prognosis following trial without catheter (TWOC).[3,25] the risk of these complications, some schools of thought
advocate that bladder should be decompressed slowly in
On examination, patients with acute retention are usually all patients with chronic urinary retention. In theory, slow
in severe pains and restless, while those with chronic decompression should relieve the sudden engorgement

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Muhammed and Abubakar: Urinary retention in men

of the bladder mucosa and the development of petechial obstruction, an impaired concentrating ability of renal
hemorrhages. In practice, however, slow decompression tubules due to loss of the corticomedullary concentration
is extremely difficult to achieve; the first few milliliters of gradient, effect of circulating hormones, especially
urine withdrawn from a bladder which is totally inelastic atrial natriuretic peptide,[2,26] and occasionally caused
will reduce the pressure at a considerable rate.[21] The by iatrogenic infusion of sodium-rich intravenous
traditional slow decompression of the bladder by gradually fluids. The mean drained urine volume is 1.5 L with a
releasing a gate clip on the drainage tube, or by removing range 800-4200 ml. O’Reilly, et al.[5] reported a mean
small quantities of urine at regular intervals, does not residual urine volume of 2.4 L in 36 patients, while
achieve its aim of gradual reduction in intravesical
Abrams, et al.[27] and Bishop[15] reported 1.4 L and 1.43 L,
pressure[21] because firstly withdrawal of as little as 50 ml
respectively, in 55 patients each. The reported incidence
of urine from a tensely distended inelastic bladder leads
of postobstructive diuresis has a wide variation ranging
to close to 50% reduction in vesical pressure; secondly,
from as low as 0.5% and to as high as 78%.[8,15] O’Reilly,
prolonged drainage of stagnant urine at high pressure
with an indwelling catheter predisposes to urinary tract et al. had reported 78% incidence of postobstructive
infection which could worsen the already compromised diuresis, while Bishop[28] reported diuresis in 27 of the
renal function; and thirdly it is time consuming and 47 patients (57%) with elevated plasma creatinine (120
labor intensive.[4,6,7,13] Recently, Perry, et al.[21] suggested mol/L). While all the patients studied by O’Reilly, et al.
slow decompression of the bladder with a suprapubic had elevated plasma creatinine, only 57% developed
intravenous fluid giving set; however, it is also susceptible postobstructive diuresis following rapid bladder
to the same disadvantages enumerated above. George and decompression. Thus, postobstructive diuresis has
co-workers have shown from isotope renography that there not been shown to correlate with the degree of plasma
is a dramatic change in isotope washout from the upper creatinine elevation or the extent of renal impairment.
urinary tract as the bladder pressure diminishes, and there Studies that directly compared slow versus rapid
seems no justification for delaying this improvement by bladder decompression found no significant difference
slow decompression.[21] in the incidence of complications.[29-33]

These patients should have intravenous line in situ

with strict input and output monitoring; it is necessary Postobstructive Hematuria
to monitor the serum and urinary electrolytes every
In some instances, this may be heavy requiring bladder
6-12 h to appropriately replace the sodium and potassium
irrigation with normal saline and blood transfusion.
intravenously, preventing hyponatremia and hypokalemia.
Bleeding which occurs within an hour or two of emptying
the bladder will almost certainly be caused by the sudden
These patients can be started on intravenous fluid 0.45%
NaCl at a 2-hourly rate, replacing half the previous 2 h hyperemia which develops in the bladder mucosa from the
urine output once there is an evidence of hemodynamic large veins that become grossly distended as a result of
instability. Once the patient’s urea and creatinine have the sudden release of pressure or rupture of these veins,[32]
normalized, then all intravenous fluid therapies can though rarely, from acute tubular necrosis in the kidney.
be stopped. However, there is experimental evidence Postobstructive hematuria is thought to be a common
that maintaining dogs in a volume-replete–expanded complication, and advocates of slow bladder decompression
state during obstruction helped them achieve their are quick to site the sudden decompression of the bladder
preobstruction baseline serum creatinine after relief of and subsequent engorgement of the vesical veins and their
obstruction.[22] rupture to be responsible.[33] However, they fail to put into
account the contribution of urinary tract infection and
Postobstructive Diuresis trauma of catheterization. Studies have shown that the
incidence of hematuria is low and is often variable; when
This refers to the marked polyuria (3 L/day or more it does occur, it is usually mild, inconsequential, resolves
than 200 ml/h on three consecutive measurements) and within 24-48 h, and rarely requires blood transfusion.[34,35]
natriuresis that occurs after the relief of BOO, bilateral The largest study that specifically looked at the incidence
ureteral obstruction (BUO), or obstruction of a solitary of hematuria following rapid bladder decompression was
kidney. The causes of the diuresis are multifactorial: by Glahn, et al.[32] in which they studied 300 patients and
from retained urea, sodium, and water during the they found only a 16% incidence of hematuria.

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Muhammed and Abubakar: Urinary retention in men

Persistent Elevation of Urea and Conclusion

Creatinine Advanced age and BOO secondary to BPH remain the
commonest risk factors for urinary retention. Secondary
For the patient whose urea and creatinine are persistently
bladder dysfunction in BOO, detrusor myogenic dysfunction,
elevated, i.e., not steadily declining after decompression of
and alteration of bladder innervations are the major
the bladder, or they decline but then plateau at a value above
mechanisms. Immediate and complete decompression in
normal, a repeat renal ultrasound will provide valuable
both types of retention is the current practice.
information when compared to the original (pre-relief)
study. [35] Persistence of the hydronephrosis on renal
ultrasonography may signify concomitant obstruction of References
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How to cite this article: Muhammed A, Abubakar A. Pathophysiology
and chronic retention of urine. Br J Urol 1984;56:9-12. and management of urinary retention in men. Arch Int Surg 2012;2:63-9.
26. Gulmi FA, Mooppan UM, Chou S, Kim H. Atrial natriuretic
peptide in patients with obstructive uropathy. J Urol Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: No.

Archives of International Surgery / July-December 2012 / Vol 2 / Issue 2 69

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