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Fifth Semester


(Regulations 2017)

Time: 3 Hours Answer any one Question Max. Marks 100

Aim/Principle/Apparatus Tabulation/ Calculation Viva-Voce Record Total

required/Procedure Circuit/Program/ & Results
20 25 35 10 10 100

1. (a) Determine the Flash and Fire point of given oil using Open cup apparatus. (50 Marks )

(b) Draw the Valve timing diagram of four stroke petrol engine observing opening and closing of inlet
and exhaust valves. Also draw the theoretical Valve timing diagram of petrol engine.(50 Marks)

2. (a) Determine the viscosity of given oil using Redwood viscometer at 45oC, 55oC,65oC and
75oC.Draw the graph between viscosity and temperature. (50 Marks)

(b) Draw the Port timing diagram of two stroke engine observing opening and closing of various
ports. Also draw the theoretical Valve timing diagram of four stroke engine. (50 Marks)

3. Conduct the heat balance test on Twin cylinder diesel engine at 0%, 20%, 40% & 80% of

full load. Use exhaust gas calorimeter method/Air flow measurement method. Draw the heat balance
sheet. (100 Marks)

4. Conduct the performance test on 4-stroke diesel engine connected with data acquisition system at 0%,
25%, 50%, 75% & 100% of full load. Determine Mechanical efficiency, Brake thermal efficiency,
Indicated thermal efficiency & Specific fuel consumption. Draw the graph for SFC, ηBT, ηT Vs BP.
Tabulate the results. (100 Marks)

5. Conduct the performance test on Steam turbine. Determine Mechanical efficiency, Brake thermal
efficiency, Indicated thermal efficiency, Rankine efficiency & Specific steam consumption. Assume
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dryness fraction of 0.8, friction power of 0.5 kW and generator efficiency of 0.8. (100 Marks)

6. Conduct the Morse test on multi-cylinder petrol engine and determine Friction power and

Mechanical efficiency in the each cylinder of the engine and tabulate your results. (100 Marks)

7. (a)Determine the Mechanical efficiency of Diesel engine by conducting Retardation test. Apply 25%
of maximum load. Tabulate your results. (80 Marks)

(b) Write step-by-step procedure for conducting performance test on steam boiler and write the
relevant equations to determine performance parameters (20 Marks)

8. Determine the convective heat transfer coefficient of air using pin fin apparatus under forced
convection mode. (100 Marks)

9. Conduct the performance test on a refrigeration system and determine the actual COP. Also calculate
the theoretical COP from pressure – enthalpy (p-h) chart (100 Marks)

10. Determine the heat transfer rate, LMTD, overall heat transfer coefficient and effectiveness of a
counter flow concentric tube heat exchanger for at least three Different the mass flow rates of cold
and hot fluids. Plot the variation of temperatures along the length of the heat exchanger tube for both
hot and cold fluids. (100 Marks)

11. Determine the emissivity of a test body with reference to black body (100 Marks)

12. Conduct a performance test on a single-stage air compressor and determine its volumetric efficiency
(100 Marks)

13. Determine the thermal conductivity of the pipe insulation material using lagged pipe apparatus,
considering one dimensional radial heat flow under steady state conditions. Estimate the thermal
conductivity for different heat inputs. Plot the radial temperature distribution diagram of the insulated
pipe from inner to outer radii. (100 Marks)
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14. Determine the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in a radiation heat transfer process and verify your result
with the known value of σ = 5.67 X 10-8 W/m2 K4. State the reasons for variation, if any, in your
experimental value. (100 Marks)

15. Conduct an experiment on a hot vertical cylinder subjected to natural convection heat loss to ambient
air. Measure the temperature at various points on the cylinder surface for different heat inputs.
(100 Marks)

16. (a).Determine the thermal conductivity of the given test specimen using guarded plate method by
giving a specific heat input. (50 Marks)

(b)Determine the emissivity of the given test specimen using emissivity measurement apparatus by
giving a specific heat input. (50 Marks)

17. Conduct a performance test on fluidized bed cooling tower and to determine the efficiency
(100 Marks)

18. Conduct the performance of energy balance test on Steam turbine. Determine Mechanical efficiency,
Brake thermal efficiency, Rankine efficiency & Specific steam consumption. (100 Marks)

19. Conduct a performance on HC refrigeration rig and to determine the C.O.P refrigeration efficiency.
(100 Marks)

20. Conduct the performance analysis on a refrigeration test rig and determine the actual

COP of the system. Also calculate Carnot COP and Relative COP from the temperature and pressure
measured at salient points. (100 Marks)

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