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Presentation evaluation:


Student’s name:

1) Which data would be suitable for a pie chart?

A) Whirlpool Corporation's sales revenue for the last five years
B) Oxnard University student category (undergraduate, masters, doctoral)
C) Average SAT scores for entering freshmen at 10 major U.S. universities
D) U.S. toy imports from China over the past decade

2) A histogram can be defined as

A) a chart whose bar widths show the cumulative frequencies of data values.
B) a chart whose bar widths indicate class intervals and whose areas indicate frequencies.
C) a chart whose bar widths show class intervals and whose heights indicate frequencies.
D) a chart whose bar heights represent the value of each data point.

3) A population is of size 5,500 observations. When the data are represented in a relative
frequency distribution, the relative frequency of a given interval is 0.15. The frequency in this
interval is equal to
A) 4,675 B) 800 C) 675 D) 825

4) Below is a sorted stem-and-leaf diagram for the measured speeds (miles per hour) of 49
randomly chosen vehicles on highway I-80 in Nebraska. What is the fourth slowest speed in the
sorted data array?
Stem unit = 10 
Leaf unit = 1 
Frequency Stem Leaf
  1 4 9
  1 5 5
  17 6 01222455556688999
  19 7 0111233345666778999
  7 8 0133557
  4 9 0122

A) 61 B) 60 C) 55 D) Impossible to tell

5) Which of the following is least useful in visualizing categorical data?

A) Bar chart B) Pie chart
C) Line chart D) Pareto chart
6) The distribution pictured below is

A) bimodal and skewed right. B) bimodal and skewed left.

C) skewed right. D) skewed left.

7) The graph below illustrates which deceptive technique?

A) Poor Y axis scale B) Area trick C) Unclear grid lines D) Dramatic title

8) Which is not a characteristic of a log scale for time series data?

A) Log scales are useful when data change by an order of magnitude.
B) The distance from 5 to 50 is the same as the distance from 50 to 500.
C) On a log scale, equal distances represent equal ratios.
D) Log scales are generally familiar to the average reader.

9) Bob found an error in the following frequency distribution. What is it?

Class Frequency
  1–10    2  
  11–20    6  
  25–30    8  
  31–40    12  
  44–50    6  
A) The class limits are overlapping too much.
B) The classes are not collectively exhaustive.
C) There are too many classes by Sturges' Rule.
D) The first class must start at 0.

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