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Course: Degree in Mathematics Teaching

Subject: English Language

Fieldwork 2

Topic: Solutions for the Problem of Hidden Debts Contracted by the Government
of Mozambique

Name of Student: Abdumagido Amisse Abubacar

Code: 708214833
Year: 1
Class: B

Tutor: Cremildo Augusto Almeida Cuvejengua


Nampula, June, 2022


Contentes page …………………………………………………..……………..………3



Bibliography …………………………….…………………………………….………...

Solutions for the Problem of Hidden Debts Contracted by the Government of

For me, the Scandal of hidden debts nas negative impact in all ecomomy sector. The
hidden debts caused harm in the public fiction, increased significantly the unduly
infernal to finance the fiscal policy. The fall in the external jeans cause a depreciation of
metical and, in consequence, a acceleration of inflation caused.

The cost of life increased considered, with acceleration of inflation average annual and
accumulate to maxim historical of 19,85% and 25,27% in 2016, respectively,becoming
each time more difficult to feed the Basic in the. Otherwise the income of mozambicans
in term of USD (2015) fall of 604 in 2015 to 386 in 2016-2017, 406 in 2018 and 390 in
2019. Obviously, the PIB real per remains level below of 2015.

The trade slowed down, there was reduction of imports volume in fence of 55%
between 2013 and 2015, and, being Mozambique a country extremely dependente,
became each time more hard overcome the basic need of consumption and of

My solution would i propose for solving this evil that sickens Mozambican society, is
when the president of republic go to treat of any area for exemple subjects of
Agriculture, should not take the agriculture minister, must go alone as doing the ex
president Samora Moisés Machel.

And the our justice system must be serious, must judge all involved on that debt in the
case of Republic President, the ex finance minister and vice-finance minister.

The people involved in the hidden debts, must return the value to mozambican state.

The lawyers must treat the people by equal. The processes autonomous that vain to be
judge, must be called and judge.

What not wanted that happened, is the release priey people. We refused with the court
with the release people in the chain. We can not pay the that others ate, the hidden debts
is a question that go to move us next century.


To presente work is, Solutions for the Problem of Hidden Debts Contracted by the
Government of Mozambique, We have already gathered some information showing that
extreme events are becoming more frequent.

We talked, Mozambique will have to pay as to value of debts actual, a total of 4 billion
USD.A group of peoples connected to scandal of hidden debts, some are Mozambican
and other are foreign, caused damage that exceeded in great scale. The debts that they
geted hide until 2016 resulted n'uma economic fall, embrittlement of government
institution and to loss politic confidence, national and internation.

This work is composing by cover, introduction, contentes page, conclusion and



This work has a theme Solutions for the Problem of Hidden Debts Contracted by the
Government of Mozambique,to my side, i pekoe that is known the extension and the
gravity of committed justice, which was if say that, and that the your topic is utilized to
build a society more fair,equitably and holding.

The work is organized in cover, introduction, contentes page, conclusion and



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