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Vivy Liu

Period 8
Cellular Respiration Digital Foldable

Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Mitochondria are round, oval-shaped organelles found in all eukaryotic cells.
They have an outer membrane and an inner membrane, which creates an
intermembrane space. This is crucial in cellular respiration, as it is part of the
proton gradient needed to synthesize ATP. The mitochondria also has inner
membrane folds called cristae, which is used to increase the surface area. The
inner mitochondrial membrane is also where oxidative phosphorylation occurs
in cellular respiration. The fluid inside the cristae is called the matrix, and it
contains mitochondrial DNA, ribosomes, and granules.
Glycolysis is the process of which a molecule of glucose is broken down into 2
pyruvate molecules. There are two main phases; the energy investment phase,
and the energy payoff phase. In the energy investment phase, 2 ATP molecules
are used to break the glucose molecule. This creates 2 molecules of
glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate. Then, in the energy payoff phase, 2 NAD+
molecules are reduced to make 2 NADH molecules, and 4 ADP molecules are
phosphorylated to make 4 ATP molecules. The end result of glycolysis is 2
molecules of pyruvate, which store most of the energy originally from the glucose
Prior to the Krebs cycle, a link reaction occurs where the 2 pyruvate enter the mitochondria and
is oxidized to form two 2 carbon molecules of acetate, 2 molecules of CO2 as waste, and 2
molecules of NADH. Coenzyme A comes into the matrix and binds with the acetate molecule,
creating Acetyl CoA. In the krebs cycle, acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate join together to form a six
carbon molecule of citrate. In the process, the coenzyme A is released. The citrate is turned into
another 6 carbon molecule of isocitrate. Then, isocitrate is turned into a-ketoglutarate. 1 molecule
of CO2 is released as waste and 1 molecule of NADH is formed from NAD+. Next, the
a-ketoglutarate is turned into succinyl CoA and another NADH molecule is formed, along with
another CO2 released as waste. The succinyl CoA is converted into succinate and one molecule
of GTP is made. The GTP can be used to create ATP. Then, succinate is turned into a four
carbon molecule of fumarate, and one molecule of FADH2 is created. Fumarate is converted into
malate. Finally, malate is converted back into oxaloacetate and a third NADH molecule is
produced. The products of one kreb cycle are:
2 CO2
Regenerated oxaloacetate
Acetyl CoA



Malate a-Ketoglutarate

Krebs Cycle
Succinyl-CoA CO2
Oxidative phosphorylation occurs on the inner membrane of the mitochondria. A
series of protein pumps move electrons along the transport chain. These electrons
come from NADH and FADH2, which were created earlier from glycolysis, link, and
the kreb cycle. NADH and FADH2 are reduced to NAD+ and FAD, which can be
reused in the earlier steps of cellular respiration. In this process, they release
electrons, which pass through the protein pumps, pumping H+ ions from the matrix
into the intermembrane space. A proton gradient is created and protons (H+ ions)
return to the matrix through the enzyme ATP synthase. As protons pass through ATP
synthase, their energy is used to create ATP. This process is known as
chemiosmosis. Oxygen is the last electron acceptor in the electron transport chain,
and it accepts electrons and combines with H+ ions to form H2O as a waste product.
Water is released and new electrons can enter the chain for the ETC to continue
functioning and making ATP.
Electron Transport Chain
Anaerobic respiration happen in two main forms; lactic acid fermentation and
alcoholic fermentation. Both types happen in the cytoplasm of cells after the
process of glycolysis. Glycolysis produces 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules
of NADH. In lactic acid fermentation, the NADH is used to reduce pyruvate to
lactic acid, thus regenerating NAD+ to keep glycolysis going. Likewise, in
alcoholic fermentation, pyruvate is converted into acetaldehyde and CO2 is
released as a waste product. NADH is used to reduce acetaldehyde into
ethanol, regenerating NAD+ for glycolysis. Fermentation does not produce any
ATP, however it is necessary for when there is a lack of oxygen and cells cannot
undergo the link reaction, krebs cycle, or oxidative phosphorylation.
Fermentation regenerates NAD+, which can be used in glycolysis to make a net
amount of 2 ATP molecules. Although much less than the ATP produced in
aerobic respiration, it is necessary for the cell to not lose all its energy.

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