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Gas of the Evil God Trap

You enter a room with large holy symbols

painted on the East and west wall and a larger
version of this symbol in faded paint on the
floor in the center of this room. The holy
symbol is a white, jawless skull with a black star
background. There is a 10-foot tall statue in
each corner of this room.

If the PCs want to know what deity the holy

symbols are or what the statues are, allow a DC Roll for Initiative (to better organize the
12 Religion Check. On success, they will characters actions)
recognize this as an evil Trickster god of Lies,
Poisoned characters may only do one of two
Death and Illusion.
things. Run in Fear or Attack the statues (they
On a roll of 18 or higher, they may also recall look like demonic wraiths under the poison’s
lore that this deity enjoyed manipulating the influence).
minds of individuals through magic and illusion
Those that ATTACK proceed as follows:
until they considered taking their own lives.
Attacking a statue is an auto hit that does no
After their first action, have the players make a damage to the statue. However, the poisoned
DC 12 Perception check. Success will notice that character will hear the evil laugh of the deity
the air in this room has a tangy taste or smell to and take 2d4 Psychic Damage for every hit
it. On a roll of 25 or higher, they will also notice against the statue. Each round a PC may decide
a wavy “glitch” in the middle of the North to continue their attack on the statues or run
section of the wall (an illusion masking a through the Northern passageway.
Those that RUN proceed as follow: Running
Immediately after the Perception results, all through the North wall (an illusion masking an
characters must make a DC 15 CON saving adjoining room), they will immediately fall into
throw. Those that succeed will need to make a pit trap and take 2d6 falling / bludgeoning
the saving throw again at the end of every turn damage and 1d8 piercing damage. They will at
(or at a length of time determined by the GM) this time be out of the area of the poisonous
gas and the poison will subside, as mentioned
On failure, the character is poisoned and will
above, in 1d4 minutes.
begin to hallucinate. They will see the statues
warp and distort, becoming demonic entities. Unpoisoned characters may take a normal turn,
The statues look as if they are wraiths attacking but must repeat the DC15 Constitution Saving
them. Also, characters under the effects of the throw or fall under the hallucinatory effects of
poison will no longer see an open passageway the poison.
to the South. However, they now see a
Unpoisoned characters that witness someone
passageway to the North (previously masked by
running through the illusionary wall to the
an Illusion).
North, can make a DC 10 Arcana check to
Once poisoned, characters will be under its determine it is an illusion (if they haven’t
effects for as long as they stay in the room. figured it out already).
Once out of this room, the poison will subside in
At the bottom of the spiked pit trap is a door
1d4 minutes.
that will lead them to the next area of the
Trap idea by @Nobody and expanded on by the Wally DM Discord Team

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