Beside Vs Besides: Are Is Is His/her Was Hadn't He As Well As

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Beside Besides

Preposition Preposition/ Linking Adverb

পাশে /সাথে (Close to / at the side) তাছাড়াও / ছাড়া (without/exception/in addition to)
Structure: Beside+ N/Pro/N Phrase Structure:
◾Besides + Noun= Preposition
◾Besides+ comma= Linking Adverb
Ex: ◾Can I sit beside you? Ex:
◾Put the box beside that file. ◾Besides Rana and Rani, I saw there another one.
◾Shara told the story siting beside me. ◾What are you doing besides present job?
◾I am doing Tuition. Besides, I am trying to get a
new opportunity.
Phrase: Put a comma adding Besides as linking adverb.
Beside the point= irrelevant
Beside oneself= to be extremely excited, angry or
1. Beside vs Besides

2. And vs As well as

◈1st sub + and + 2nd sub = verb plural

◈1st sub + as well as + 2nd sub = verb (according to 1st sub)
Example: Boy and girl are giving their best.
Rana as well as his friends is going to concert.
Exception: And দ্বারা যু ক্ত হওয়া সত্ত্বেও যদি Sub এর সাথে Each/Every থাকে তাহলেও Verb Singular হবে।
Ex: Each boy and girl is giving his/her best
Every man and women was present there.
Roni as well as his all friends had done it, hadn’t he?
I like both tea and coffee as well as ice cream. [both… and….as well as……]
Incorrect: Each boy as well as girl is going there. Correct: Boy as well as girl is going there.

3. Good vs Well
I am good. = Emotional state
I am well. = Health Condition

Good Well
Adjective Adverb
Be verb + Good ◾Sub+ Verb+ Obj+ well
Determiner + good + Noun= Noun Phrase ◾Intransitive verb+ well
Linking verb + good
Ex: I am good. Ex : You sang a song well.
He has a good plan. She dances well.
You seem good. Exception: This idea is well-known to all.[well=adj]
[well-known=hypen adj/ compond Adj

You look sick somewhat. Are you well?==> well= Adjective

Be good=তোমার আচরণ ভাল করো
Be well= তোমার স্বাস্থ্যের প্রতি যত্ন নাও

4. Different from vs Different to vs Different than

It is quite different from/than/to that one. all are correct
Different= Adjective, অর্থঃ একই রকম না / ভিন্ন , তুলনা হবে দুই/ দুই এর অধিক বিষয় বা বস্তুর মধ্যে
◈ Different from ( British & America)
= for written English
This mobile is totally different from the update one.
◈ Different to ( British)
= for spoken English
This mobile is totally different to the update one.
◈ Different than (America)
= than দ্বারা word/phrase/clause যু ক্ত করা যায়
This mobile is totally different than the update one.
Your position in this industry seems different than I observed.[Joining clause]

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