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At the end of this module, the learners should be able to :

• Explain what makes us human
• Explain how the different ideological state apparatuses can influence people’s
behavior and attitudes
• Realize that art and language is used in imparting knowledge
• Discuss how Filipino communities were educated before formal education came to be
• Differentiate art appreciation from art practice
• Differentiate the sciences from the humanities
• Discuss the different paradigms for learning in the sciences and in the humanities
• Compare and contrast the scientist from the humanist
• Explain and evaluate different theories of art

Without a doubt, the human trait that sets us
apart the most from the animal kingdom is
our extraordinary brain. Humans don't have the largest brains
in the world — those belong to sperm whales. We don't even
have the largest brains relative to body size — many birds have
brains that make up more than 8 percent of their body weight,
compared to only 2.5 percent for humans. Yet the human
brain, weighing only about 3 pounds when fully grown, gives
us the ability to reason and think on our feet beyond the
capabilities of the rest of the animal kingdom, and provided
the works of Mozart, Einstein and many other geniuses.

Choi, C. (March 25, 2016) Top 10 Things that Make Humans Special. Retrieved from

Empathy is a common human phenomenon, surely

associated with our advanced intelligence, which allows
us to understand the harms or benefits that impact
other humans, as well as their associated feelings.
Empathic humans may consequently choose to behave
according to how their behavior will impact those for
whom we feel empathy. That is, human empathy occurs
because of our advanced intelligence. Humans may then
choose to behave altruistically, or not, that is morally, or
not, in terms of the anticipated consequences of their
actions to others.

Ayala, F.J. (May 11, 2010) The Difference of Being Human: Morality. Retrieved from

If I only If I only
had a had a
brain... heart...

Ther Wizard of Oz (Plot Summary) Retrievd


Before she's followed the road very far, Dorothy meets a talking Scarecrow whose
dearest wish is to have a brain. Hoping that the wizard can help him, the Scare-
crow joins Dorothy on her journey. They come upon the Tin Woodman who was
caught in the rain and is so rusty he can't move. When they oil his joints so he can
walk and talk again, he confesses that he longs for a heart; he too joins Dorothy.
As they walk through a dense forest, they encounter the Cowardly Lion, who wishes
for courage and joins the quest in the hope that the wizard will give him some.

To be human is to
have a logical mind
and a feeling heart.

What we hear, see, taste, smell, and touch can provide our brains (mind) with information on
how to feel. In the other direction, what we feel (heart) can be heavily influenced by what our
senses are taking in. The next time you feel happy; know that something you’re sensing may
have an impact in that euphoria.

What 5 things influence the way we think and feel?

These 5 things above are being driven or triggered by our...

We can express our thoughts and feelings through...

Jaydhebil, (October 22, 2012) [video] YouTube

Remember the story of the moth? Explain briefly HOW the young
moth learned his lesson through direct learning.



Nature Art & Language Culture

we learn about

Land,water Plants and Common Art and

& air animals We learn Knowledge Language

Chemistry, Zoology, things better Sociology

Physics, Botany, Linguistics
using art and
Political Science
Geology Biology Anthropology History

Natural Sciences
language. Social Sciences

A term developed by the Marxist

theorist Louis Althusser to denote
institutions such as education, the
churches, family, media, trade unions,
and law, which were formally outside
state control but which served to
transmit the values of the state,
to interpellate those individuals affected
by them, and to maintain order in a
society, above all to reproduce
capitalist relations of production.

These institutions utilize art and language Oxford University Press (August 29, 2020) Ideological State
to influence and teach people. Apparatus. Retrieved from
Schools and educational institutions are, for Louise Althusser, part of the
Ideological state apparatus: they prepare working-class pupils to accept a life of

“A child educated only in school is an uneducated child.”- George Santayana

Write down your thoughts about the above-mentioned quote by Santayana and be able
to connect it with Althusser’s philosophy.

The early Filipino Using art and
inhabitants were language, important
mostly river dwellers. knowledge was
That is where the passed on from one
term “taga-ilog” generation to
came to be and later another. Our
on became Tagalog. ancestors used songs,
poetry, riddles, proverbs,
We were educated
epic stories, myths,
through rituals and
legends and folklore in
beliefs using oral teaching the essential
tradition. things we need for
People as the center of the community survival.

Municipal Bldg



There was urban restructuring when the Spanish conquerors arrived. People were migrated from
the riverbanks to live around the plaza where all important control institutions were strategically
placed. The bayan became the center of the community were colonizers were free to observe and
monitor the “taga-bayan” anytime. Those living outside the bayan are the “taga-bukid” whose
purpose is to provide food for the “taga-bayan.” There were those who opposed this setup and
went to the mountains to fight the oppressive system. They are the “taga-bundok” who were later
branded as “erehe”, and subersives.
The church “controlled “
education using art and
language through our oral
They observed that
Filipinos were fond of
poetry. So, they used it
to indoctrinate us.

Despite Storms and Darkness (Though It May Be Stormy and Dark) is one of
the earliest Tagalog poems ever to be published. It was in a book printed in the
year 1605. The poet is unknown. Tagalog Lang. May Bagyo Ma’t May Rilim. Retrieved from

May Bagyo ma’t Rilim

May bagyo ma’t, may rilim Naguiua ma’t, nabagbag

Ang ola’y, titiguisin, Daloyong matataas,
Aco’y, magpipilit din: Aco’y magsusumicad
Acquing paglalacbayin Babagohin ang lacas;
Toloyin cong hanapin Dito rin hahaguilap
Dios na ama namin. Timbulang icaligtas.

Cun di man magupiling Cun lompo ma’t, cun pilay

Tocsong mabaomabaoin,
Anong di icahacbang
Aco’y, mangangahas din:
Itong libro’y, basahin, Naito ang aacay
At dito co hahangoin Magtuturo nang daan:
Acquing sasandatahin. Toncod ay inilaan
Sucat pagcatibayan.
Cun dati mang nabulag
Aco’y, pasasalamat,
Na ito ang liunag
Dios ang nagpahayag
Sa Padreng bagsiulat
Nitong mabuting sulat.

Analyze the poem based on the guide questions that follow. Using Word
document format, TURN IN your essay analysis in the Edmodo Assignment
page. Use the mind mapping diagram to organize your thoughts. Give your
essay a catchy title.

Guide Questions :
1. What do you think the poem is about?
2. What is the theme of the poem?
3. What can you say about its tone and diction?
4. Who do you think is speaking and what do you think is his purpose for doing so?
5. If you were a Filipino living in the 16th Century, how would you react to the poem?
6. According to the poem, there are three things we should put our trust on. What are they?

From poetry came the Pasyòn or Pabasa. The
text is an adaptation of the pre-Hispanic Filipino art
of chanting epic poems as a part of oral tradition.

After Christianity was introduced by the Spaniards,

the Passion cycle was adapted into this native
narrative form.

The indigenous form of the Pasyón was first written

down by Gaspar Aquino de Belén in "Ang Mahal na
Pasión ni Jesu Christong Panginoon Natin na
Tola" ("The Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ Our
Lord that is a Poem"), written in 1703 and approved
in 1704. Wikepedia.(April 6, 2020) Pasyon.Retrieved

Drama became
the platform for
the Senakulo.

Religion uses art

and language to And why
teach about are they
good VS evil.
So, why are always
Christians right?
always the good

Komedya - a stage performance depicting the war between the Muslims and the
Christians. Guess who always win?

Share your 321 thoughts and ideas about the lessons on pages 9-11. Use the space below to
organize your thoughts.

Mass Media also uses art and
language primarily to sell products.
It also sets certain standards
especially on the concept of beauty
which is far from reality. People
become so self-conscious about
their appearance and feel bad if
they don’t look like the models
they see on TV or the internet.
Everything we do is influenced by
mass media.
In the end, the capitalist wins.

How has mass media influenced your decisions and choices in life? Share how you felt about it.
What do you think would’ve happened if you didn’t allow yourself to be influenced by what you
see on TV or the internet?


Art Creation Art Appreciation
Art Practice Spectator Theory


Deals with the Deals with the

Natural & Physical Human
Phenomena Phenomena


Scientific method
The scientist learns about
things in the world



Reflexive Method

The humanist learns

about the self.


What is the difference between learning the sciences and learning the humanities?
What benefits would you get from taking Art Appreciation seriously? Write your
brief explanation below.

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Who am I really?’ Am I a father, a husband, a friend, a student, a
passenger, or a patient? The truth is that you are a father because you have a son. You are a
husband because you have a wife. A passenger because you are on a train. Therefore, all your
identities, everything you believe yourself to be, are all dependent on something else. So then, who
are you? Tell us who you are inside and out by writing your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to
paste a selfie on the box provided.



The scientist becomes

a learned man. The Humanist becomes
a wise man.

Thales of Miletus
(620-546 BC)
A Scientist tends to know everything
about the world that he forgets to know
anything about himself.

(The Great Sage)
555-479 BC

Confucius has written hundreds of sayings that are full of wisdom. Look for at least 10 sayings
from Confucius talking about the importance of knowing ones self. Write your sayings below.

So, what’s the basic answer to the
question “Who am I?”
Complete the statement below and
find out.
By not knowing the answer to the question, 'Who am I?', you keep on creating new identities of yourself,
consequently going farther away from your true Self. All the suffering in life is because of not knowing your true
identity. Until you realize your true Self, you believe yourself to be the name that has been given to you.

Additional Reference:
Orate, A. (2017) [PowerPoint/slides] Lecture 1: Art as a
Humanistic Discipline. University of the East, Manila


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