C Programming Course Exam - 80 Marks

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2/86 Bibeknagar, Kolkata-75
(An I.T & Vocational Training Awareness
M: 8017687140 / 7278081991
Initiated By: E-Max Education I.T. & Educational
email: duttacomputeracademy@gmail.com
Development (India)
An Autonomous National Organization for I.T, HRD
& Literacy Works
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization
Course Name: C Programming
Full Marks: 80
% of Marks Grade
Time: 1.5 Hours
91-100 O
81-90 E
71-80 A
61-70 B
40-60 C
<40 F

1. Write a C program to find out the LCM and HCF of two integers. [5]
2. Write a C program to print the sum of three digits prime numbers.[5]
3. Compare the use of the switch statement and the use of nested if else statement with
suitable example.[5]
4. Write a C program to interchange the largest and the smallest numbers in the array. [5]
5. What is String in C? Explain working principle of any four string functions. [1+4]
6. Write a program that will generate and print the first n Fibonacci series. [5]
7. What is SWITCH case? Explain with example. [5]
8. Write a C program to find the factorial of a given integer using a user defined function facto(). [5]
9. Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not. [5]
10. Discuss about all the basic data types in C. [5]
11. Write a program in C to print the sum of the following series (up to n terms where n should
be given by the user): 1 + 2^2 / 2! + 3^3 / 3! + .... n [5]
12. Write a program that will accept a digit and compute the multiplication of the digit
(like 456 => 120) [5]
13. What do you mean by iteration(loop)? Explain different iterations with suitable examples. [5]
14. Write a C program to check a string is Palindrome string or not? [5]
15. Write a C program to check a year is Leap year or not? [5]
16. Write a C program to find the sum and average of all the elements in an array. [5]

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