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OBJECTIVE: EFL.1.1.1. Respond to simple

questions about personal information in class using the
following: example (What´s your name? I´m ….., How
old are you? I´m……, Where do you live? In …..).

IMPORTANCE: This activity will help the students

to feel safe and secure inside the classroom. Also, they can practice basic introduction
as My name is……., Nice to meet you……. It is useful for the teachers due to introduce
themselves and practice oral production during they are playing.

TOPIC: Names, basic introductions and greetings.

AGE: 5 +

TIME: according the number of students. 5 -10 minutes.

MATERIALS: small ball, whistle and drum.


1. The students and teacher sit on the floor in a circle.

2. Teacher start to make an example of the activity. Shake your hands and say:
“Good morning, my name is……….”
3. Then, the teacher throws the small ball to other student, and the student will say
his/her name according the example: “Good morning, my name is…….”
4. All students have to answer “Nice to meet you ……..” to each classmate.
5. Now, the teacher make noise with the whistle and drum and the students should
stand up and look for a new seat in the circle. Everybody must change the seat.
6. The student does not find a new seat will go to the middle of the circle and
throw the ball again to continue with the game.

The teacher can use the first song until to star the activity. It is
important make movements to each song. And use the second it after
the activity to make a feedback of activity.

1. The Greeting song:

2. What’s your name?:


The teacher can use an online wheel with the names of students
instead of the ball. And use an interactive song to move them
instead of the whistle and drum. Also, the teacher should use the
same song at the start and the end of the activity.

Virtual wheel:

Dance song:


My name is worksheet encourage to students to apply the topic that they learned with
the Good morning activity. They should write his or her name and decorate it. After
that, they should present the worksheet and practice the basic introduction in front of
the class.

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