Grade 9 Topic: The Great Depression

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Grade 9 topic: The Great Depression

Starter Activity: Name 3 causes of the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

-People thought everyone was going to be rich and that the economy would never stop
growing. This optimism caused wild speculation in the stock market.

-The market had grown too fast and stocks were overvalued. The stocks were worth much
more than the real value of the companies they represented.

-The economy had slowed down considerably and the stock market didn't reflect it. Despite
many signs that the economy was struggling, the market continued to rise.

Learning goal: Develop an awareness of the consequences of the Wall Street Crash.
Success Criteria: Identify and interpret the message of sources with regards to the Wall Street
Activity: Before we interpret the sources, you will need to gather information on the
consequences of the Wall Street Crash. You will need to watch the attached video and read the
attached web page. Then decide in the table below what are your top 5 consequences of the
My top 5 most important consequences of the Wall Street Crash

the collapse of the banks: in this times there were a lot of banks that were closed because
the people started withdrawing their money because they had the fear of losing it and this
produced that 2294 closed for 1931 and this closures made that a lot of people lose their

gnp collapse: This is one of the worst consequences because in that time the gnp was very
important in this dropped in almost 50 %

unemployment: Between these years there was a lot of unemployment because the big
corporations didn't have enough money for paying a lot of workers. This made 14 million
people that didn´t have work so there were 14 million people in depression and if they do not
have money they could not buy the everyday things

homeless ness the repossession of homes increased so homlessnes people increased also

Question: Explain why you chose this as your top 5.


Source interpretation History skills

Your source evaluation skills are something we will continue to develop through each topic this
year. Today it involves your interpretation of a photograph source and a cartoon source. You
will be asked to evaluate their message of each source. Your answers must include information
from within the sources.
Activity: Study Source A and Source B and then answer the questions using your
understanding of the Wall Street Crash
Photograph taken a few days after the Wall Street Crash. The sign on the car reads: “$100 will
buy this car and must have lost all cash on the Stock Market”.
Question: What message does Source A convey about the consequences of the Stock Market
Crash? (2 points)
Answer: The message showed is from the point of view of a person who lost everything in the
stock market, where is a guy that is selling his car for 100 dollars and he puts another thing this
thing is “must have lost all cash on stock market” so there are a lot of people around the car, so
this can show us how many people have lost almost all in stock market. other thing we can see
is how there are a lot of person in suits so this can tell us that there were maybe a lot of rich
people that lost a lot of money for the stock market
Source B
Cartoon published in the New York Times, Wednesday, October 30, 1929
Question: What is the message of Source B with regards to the Stock Market of 1929? (2

Answer: In this image I could see how it says stock market rides, this represents a roller coaster,
which starts at a higher point and it goes down to the lowest place and then this goes up and
down and this symbolizes how the stock market went up and down. then we can also see how
this roller coaster has an end were the people that are taking the ride fall down so this
symbolize how there was the end of the point taking all the people that were in stock market to
the ruin

Critical thinking activity: According to the end of the attached video, “The Wall
Street Crash of 1929 is widely regarded as the beginning of the Great Depression”,
using evidence from this week’s lessons only, explains why this statement would
be correct. (150 words)
This statement is correct because with everything that I had learned, I could realize how these events
started a lot of bad consequences like unemployment, homelessness, bank collapse and also big
business collapse. Everything here is negative and I think that all together were the things that produced
the great depression is the collapse of the stock market.

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