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Grade 9 topic: The Great Depression

Learning objective: Understand the impact of one New Deal policy

Success Criteria: Work with a partner to create a table that evaluates one of Roosevelt’s New
Deal policies in response to the Great Depression.
Starter activity: Name 2 differences between Hoover and Roosevelt’s response to the Great
Flipped classroom: Have your notes from the previous video.

Pair activity: Today you will work with a partner to create a table that evaluates one New Deal
policy from Roosevelt’s response to the Great Depression.
Instructions: Each group will be given one New Deal policy of Roosevelt’s government in
response to the Great Depression. A set of questions will need to be answered with each group
concluding whether the policy they were given was successful or not. Groups need to present
their findings to the class in 30 minutes.
Table for each group to complete:

Name of New Deal policy Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Problem it aimed to tackle It searched to restore agricultural prosperity and the restoration
of prices paid to farmers. Roosevelt wanted to help farmers by
increasing the prices of different agricultural products. This
policy also wanted to achieve the restoration of power of
agricultural commodities or the fair exchange value of a
commodity. This policy also wanted to prevent overproduction,
in order to prevent another economic crisis. Roosevelt also
wanted to restore and increase the country's gains thanks to
product exportations and agricultural production.

Action taken by the government The government would reduce the production of first aim things
so they can raise the prices. Meanwhile they would be paying
the farmers subsidies for them to not plant on part of their land.
The government also bought farmers livestock for slaughter.
Also, Roosevelt was going to achieve his goals by curtailing farm
production, reducing export surpluses, and raising prices.

Evidence it was successful or not This actually was successful because they raised the price of the
things and paid more to the farmers. like the cotton price was
6.52 cents and it increased to 12.36 cents so also something that
raised prices were the peanuts that passed from 1.55 to 3.72. so
we can see that the prices increased 50% and, the farmers
erned more and the gains from exportations was bigger.

Bibliography list of sources (3)

Roosevelt was also going to regulate marketing through voluntary agreements with processors,
associations or producers, to license processors, association, and others handling agricultural
commodities to eliminate unfair practices or charges, to determine the necessity for and the rate or
processing taxes; and to use the proceeds of taxes and appropriate funds for the cost of adjustment
operations, for the expansion of markets, and for the removal or agricultural surpluses.

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