Thyssenkrupp Excellence Manual en Steel

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E  xcellence
Management Manual

006 Excellence at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
008 Company
010 Organization
012 Process landscape
014 Management system
016 Communications
018 Further information
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, a technology group within We hold ourselves to the highest standards.
thyssenkrupp AG, a company possessing high competencies
in materials. We engage as entrepreneurs, with confidence, a passion to per-
form, and courage, aiming to be best in class. This is based on
Competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition form the the dedication and performance of every team member. Emplo-
basis of our worldwide market leadership. We create value for yee development is especially important. Employee health and
customers, employees and shareholders. workplace safety have top priority.

We meet the challenges of tomorrow with our customers. We share common values.

We are customer-focused. We develop innovative products and We serve the interests of the Group. Our interactions are based
services that create sustainable infrastructures and promote on transparency and mutual respect. Integrity, credibility, reliabi-
efficient use of resources. lity and consistency define everything we do. Compliance is a
must. We are a responsible corporate citizen.

Executive Board, November 2017

Andreas J. Goss Premal A. Desai


Dr. Heribert R. Fischer Dr. Arndt Köfler Thomas Schlenz


Excellence at thyssenkrupp
Steel Europe AG

thyssenkrupp Steel
Europe AG is a modern,
future-oriented company.

We seek to drive our organizational devel- (Valencia) as well as for all documented
opment towards business excellence and processes at the company.
at the same time to certify our management
system to the international standards DIN Our targets and principles are clearly defined
EN ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949, DIN EN ISO in our Mission Statement and together with
14001, DIN EN ISO 50001, BS OSHAS 18001 quality, environmental, energy, information
while naturally fulfilling the requirements of security, and health and safety policies chart
our customers. the path to our future.

This manual describes how the instruments Furthermore, certifications and accredita-
and methods of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe tions exist for special areas (e.g. for labo-
excellence systems work together syste- ratories to DIN EN ISO IEC 17025, power
matically. It is valid for the entire company supply networks to ISO/IEC 27001, fire
at our sites in Duisburg, Bochum, Dortmund, protection to DIN 14675, and waste dispo-
Kreuztal, Finnentrop and Puerto Sagunto sal to EfbV).
Steel Excellence, Management Manual  7

mation security at our company. We see this

as our contribution to reducing harmful
emissions, conserving resources, and pro-
tecting nature. Occupational health and
safety, security, and emergency procedu-
res are all firmly entrenched in our daily
routine, taking technical, economic, and
social factors into account. Prevention, e.g.
measures to maintain safety and health,
is a key priority.

thyssenkrupp business area Steel is conti-

nuously evolving to optimize its efficiency.
This comprises all technical and human
resources as well as our organizational
structure. Specific milestones are defined
for our company based on the documented

The focus here lies on market segments

with above-average growth potential as
well as on steel applications where our pro-
ducts enjoy a quality lead.

Our customer centric mindset is reflected

in the punctual delivery of high quality pro-
ducts. Innovation and close cooperation
with our customers and other stakeholders
are decisive elements of our future stra-
tegy. New steel grades open up unforeseen

Successful engagement as a company in

the interests of value oriented sustainable
management means creating value, not
consuming it.

tkVA (thyssenkrupp Value Added) and BCF

(Business Cash Flow) are central control
parameters for entrepreneurial assess-
Our actions are based on clearly defined ments and decisions.
economic parameters, our customer and
service orientation as well as the individual
efforts of our employees and the develop-
ment of their potential.

The responsible use of material resources

and intangible corporate assets is an inte-
gral part of our corporate culture. Our employ-
ees take a responsible approach to the infor-
mation and supporting resources such as
IT systems which are employed in their
working environment.

We are committed to continuously improving

the quality of our processes and products
as well as to achieving optimal energy effi-
ciency, environmental protection, and infor-


thyssenkrupp’s Steel
division manufactures
flat products in quality
steel and is a part of the
worldwide tk group.

The properties and specifications of all our Our product range includes:
products are tailored to each customer’s
requirements. In addition to basic materi- • Heavy plate
als such as sheets and coils, we manufac- • Hot-rolled strip
ture a variety of products all along the value • Uncoated cold-rolled strip
chain which exactly the intended application. • Electrolytically coated cold-rolled strip
• Hot-dip cold-rolled strip
• Organic-coated cold-rolled strip
• Electrical steel strip
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 9

One important market is the automotive Numerous applications for steel in the rene-
industry, which utilizes our quality steels wable energy sector such as wind, hydro-
in the production of passenger cars and electric, or photovoltaic power underline
commercial vehicles. Hot-rolled strip is the crucial role played by steel solutions in
processed into GV frameworks or wheels, the fight against global warming.
for instance, and cold-rolled strip into car
bodies. Our high-strength steels and the
InCar plus project are just two examples of
innovative developments to promote weight
saving in automobiles. Our coated steels
are used, among other things, in house-
hold appliances and in the construction
industry as well as in food and beverage
packaging or in products for the chemical
industry such as aerosol or paint cans.

Highly resistant and wear-resistant steels

round off our product range. They are often
found in the construction industry or in the
manufacture of construction vehicles.

The quality and efficient use of resources

is ensured by controlled processes, modern
computer technologies and not least the
continuous qualification of our staff. Com-
prehensive tests are carried out during the
production processes as part of our qua-
lity assurance policy, and the results can
be made available to our customers on
request. We attach great importance to
environmental and climate protection.
Environmental compatibility is a top priority
in steel development today.

Main production site

Additional production site

Production sites of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

Additional site at Puerto de Sagunto in Valencia, Spain (thyssenkrupp Galmed)


Our company Motivated and highly

qualified employees are
structure is con- the key to our success.
sistently aligned The customer and team organization form The relevant functions for the entire com-
to the require- the framework within which our staff can
apply their efforts effectively to the benefit
pany are allocated to 19 Functional Areas
and 13 Business Units (BU). The BUs are

ments of our of both the company and our customers.

They profit from on-the-job training as well
divided into seven Market BUs, five Pro-
duction BUs, and one Logistics BU, each

stakeholders. as internal and external development

of which is led by its own management
team. Thanks to this lean organization, all
processes interact directly in the value
chain to improve our responsiveness and
our flexibility.
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 11

Our sales and production staff are familiar and safety as well as technical services a project oriented manner supported by the
with the requirements of our stakeholders and energy. Our research and develop- latest pilot and testing facilities.
and communicate them to the members of ment activities are focused on products
their teams. Together with Quality Manage- and production methods for today and
ment, they validate customer-specific requi- tomorrow.
rements and integrate the output into our
corporate processes. BA functions are res- We endeavor to optimize existing products
ponsible for overall optimization and cont- and processes while designing new, environ-
rol. This includes quality management, infor- mentally friendly, energy efficient and safe
mation technology, environmental and alternatives. To this end, highly qualified
climate protection, sustainability, health engineers and scientists work together in

BA Steel Europe
As of Oct 1st, 2016






Strategic holdings HKM (50% consolidated) Tagal (50%)

Market BUs SE-AM

Logistics BU SE-LG
Production BUs CG
Centers SE-HR

Business allocation plan for Business Area Steel Europe


Process landscape

A complex company can defined sequence of production processes

including planning and control.
best be described through
its processes. The support level comprises all activities
which are essential to ensure that custo-
mer processes fulfill their functions and
The presentation of the company in a pro- create the necessary framework for sus-
cess model enables the interaction of its tainable business. They include processes
functions to be depicted with a high level linked to raw material purchasing, energy
of transparency. and materials management, logistics, tech-
nical services, environmental and climate
The core processes of thyssenkrupp Steel protection, sustainability, health, safety and
Europe are strengthened by supporting IT. Plant maintenance and continuing pro-
processes. Control and development are fesssional development are also positioned
achieved by management processes. The on this level.
original purpose of company development,
production, and delivery are mapped at
customer level. This is where Steel’s core
competencies lie. The quality of these pro-
cesses directly determine customer satis-
faction. In the center is production with a
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 13

Management processes are characterized Management initiatives are drivers of con- We make use of important, certified mana-
by the tasks they represent, thus securing tinuous improvement processes within gement systems in quality assurance,
the long term success of the Business Area the scope of Steel Excellence. These key environmental protection, energy perfor-
Steel. Trend-setting policy decisions are processes are shown together with their mance, occupational safety, information
made here, for example management pro- sequences, interfaces and interdepen- security, data protection, and health to
cesses relating to corporate strategy, finance dencies and marked with their respective secure the interactions between processes.
and human resources. KPIs and targets.

Management Processes

1 2 3 4 5
Control Control Control Control Control
corporate stakeholders finance human continuous
strategy resources improvement

Core Processes

6 7 8 9 10
Develop Sell Plan Manufacture Supply
products products products products products

Support Processes
11 12 13 14 15
Procure Ensure Plan and Realize Ensure safety,
materials and production operate IT internal health, and
services capability logistics environmental

Process model of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

The processes are controlled by means of key

performance indicators, such as:

• First pass yield • Utilization rate

• Reworking • Accident rate
• Delivery reliability • Overtime
• Customer complaints • Absenteeism
• Lead times • Suggestions for improvements
• Inventory • Energy performance
• Overall equipment • Fresh water consumption
effectiveness • Waste disposal

Management system

The self-image of and system requirements are controlled and

monitored by a team led by the management
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe system officer together with the manage-
is described in the company’s ment partners in the functional areas and
the business units as well as the officers for
mission statement. the individual management systems (qua-
lity, environment, information security,
This image forms the basis of our sustain- energy, occupational health and safety,
Mission Statement
able management policy. The structure of plant safety, and emergency services).
our certified system to international stan-
Management Policy dards is documented in this manual and Detailed work instructions are the tools for
described in more detail in Regulation Estab- each member of staff to carry out their
lishment and Function of the Steel Excel- respective tasks. Our employees are qua-
Level of detail

Management Manual
lence Management System. lified, motivated, and provided with appro-
Operating Instructions
priate awareness through training programs
Guidelines and instructions can be found as well as team and shift meetings, at which
in the thyssenkrupp Document Desk. Spe- training requirements are regularly deter-
cial manuals also exist for accredited labora- mined.
tories and for the certified information secu-
rity management system within the scope Essential know-how as a resource for ach-
of the electricity networks. The processes ieving company targets is organized by
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 15

audits are conducted separately within the

framework of information security manage-
ment. These serve to identify risks and faults
and thus introduce improvements at an early
stage. The company’s management sys-
tems are evaluated by the Executive Board
on the basis of an annual report drawn up
by the respective officers. This is prepared
using reports and data analyses drawn up
by the respective business area.

Optimization as a continuous process

Against the background of ever higher sta-

keholder requirements as well as keen com-
petition and stricter legal regulations, the
success of our company can only be secu-
red in the long term if our products and
processes are continuously developed and
improved with respect to quality, environ-
mental protection, energy efficiency, infor- An innovative
mation security, occupational safety, health,
and employee motivation. The introduc- and global
company needs
tion of a customer and process-oriented
team organization reflects the path which
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe will be taking
in the future. a modern
Leading a team with defined objectives in
line with those of the company facilitates
structure in
a permanent self-motivation process of
improvement, thereby leaving room for order to work
innovation and ideas. The constant moni-
toring of achievements is supported by effectively.
efficient information systems which pre-
pare and provide both internal and custo-
mer related data. Steel uses a number of
Human Resources and by the management instruments to leverage and develop the
in all functional areas and business units. potential of the various processes at all
levels of the company.
Both electronic and printed documentation
exists. Legal requirements are continuously The improvement of our processes and
determined and provided to employees in products requires the involvement of our
a legal register covering environmental and suppliers and service contractors. These
energy aspects. The environmental, safety, are selected and monitored according to
energy, and information security aspects as fixed criteria and, where possible, integra-
well as their determination, assessment, ted in product, process, and resource
and monitoring are described in a separate, improvements.
special document for environmentally and/or
energy relevant plants. These aspects are
not communicated externally.

Regular internal audits are carried out in

order to improve the management systems
and their processes. Process and system Organizational areas for knowledge management.
audits are generally combined for this pur- • Knowledge management and learning organization.
pose covering quality, environmental, energy • Knowledge management and technical information center.
and occupational safety aspects. Internal


Our Communications channels, writing texts and speeches, and

holding press conferences.
department controls and
organizes the communication A further task is the dialog with the general
public, particularly in our own neighbor-
activities of Business Area hood. This includes organizing plant tours
Steel. (Visitor Center), supporting local political
activities, initiatives and charitable organi-
Five different functions - External Commu- zations, as well as carrying out PR measu-
nications, Internal Communications, Brand & res. Internal Communications is responsible
Marketing Communications, Change Mana- for all communications with employees
gement, and Governmental & Corporate within the Business Area. Printed media,
Affairs together with Board & Back Office our in-house magazine “We”, posters, bill-
ensure efficient and consistent communi- boards, flyers, and digital products are all
cation throughout the Steel Business Area dialog oriented. Various dialog events are
in close cooperation with one another. provided for management and staff. An
annual employee event, which could aptly
External public relations involves answering be described as ‘infotainment’ is among
questions from the press, researching and the highlights. Some formats are regular
preparing topics for various communication while other events are ad hoc.
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 17

mentation of the brand’s intrinsic promise

and our corporate design throughout the
Business Area. The coordination of mar-
keting communications with the sales de-
partments is another focal issue. This inclu-
des the development of targeted campa-
igns linked to active marketing, customer
communications, and image enhancement.

The development of technical and content

improvements to the website, online adverti-
sing, social media, printed publications, exhi-
bitions, customer events, customer mailings
etc. are other activities. The corporate and
marketing strategy of the Steel Business
Area and thyssenkrupp AG remains the
basis for all customer communications.

The Governmental Affairs department coor-

dinates monitoring and processing of poli-

Information for
tical issues related to steel as well as public
relations for political stakeholders on a
European, national, and local level. It also
supports Executive Board appointments
within the framework of organizational
the press and the
activities, e.g. trade association ‘Stahl’,
EUROFER and worldsteel.
general public as
The Executive Board & Back Office Steel, well as the dialog
with an interface to COM-GC, control and
coordinate Supervisory and Executive Board with employees,
customers, and
processes of the Steel Business Area and
assume support functions associated with
the Executive Board.

These include developing and control-

ling a CSR strategy in coordination with
thyssenkrupp AG (with social, environ- is also an
Change processes at the company are coor-
dinated and monitored by the change mana-
mental, and economic aspects within the
framework of social responsibility) and integral part of
gement team. Change requirements are
discussed and agreed within the frame-
work of One Steel. The change team works
controlling internal governance (domestic
law) in relation to binding documents (poli-
cies, regulations, operating instructions).
closely with the Strategy, Markets & Devel-
opment and Human Resources Function
Areas for this purpose. A network of change
managers in the Business Units and Func-
tional Areas represents the first point of
contact regarding change processes.

Brand and Marketing Communications

ensure a uniform brand and market com-
munication strategy for the Steel Business
Area and its Business Units and Functio-
nal Areas.

One essential element here is our strate-

gic brand leadership as well as the imple-

F  urther information

Management system in general Occupational and health safety

Mission Statement Safety at work
Company organization Plant safety (failure management)
Company structure Health
Professional organization
Policies, regulations, operating instructions Information security
Production plants IT security portal
Certificates Plant security

Environment and energy ecurity Portal

Environment and climate protection Plant security
Technical services and energy
Documents, special plant-specific environmental and energy aspects
Environment and energy targets
Plant safety
Safety management according to the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance

Electronic information systems
thyssenkrupp Steel Order and Materials Information System
Steel Excellence, Management Manual 19


Management System Officer

Quality Management

Environmental Management

Energy Management

Occupational Health & Safety Management

Safety Management (German Hazardous Incidents Ordinance)

Information Security Management Author: Dr. Hans-Joachim Krautwald (Management System Officer)

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 100
47166 Duisburg
T: +49 203 52 - 0
F: +49 203 52 - 25102

Issue November 2017

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