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Official Journal C 206 A

of the European Union

Volume 65

English edition Information and Notices 23 May 2022


V Announcements


European Commission

2022/C 206 A/01 Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) – Publication of a vacancy for the function of
Executive Director (Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14) – COM/2022/20077 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2022/C 206 A/02 Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) – Publication of a vacancy for the function of
Executive Director of the SNS Joint Undertaking (Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14) –
COM/2022/20078 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2022/C 206 A/03 European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of
Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) – Publication of a vacancy for the function of Executive
Director (Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14) – COM/2022/20079 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

23.5.2022 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 206 A/1




Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)

Publication of a vacancy for the function of Executive Director
(Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14)
(2022/C 206 A/01)

We are
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), established by the Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 (1), is a
public-private partnership between the European Commission and the Bio-based Industry Consortium (BIC) aimed at
supporting sustainability-driven innovation in creating new local value from waste and biomass. It will focus on helping
develop sustainable and climate-neutral technologies and replacing non-renewable fossil and mineral resources with
biomass and waste to obtain renewable products and nutrients. CBE JU succeeds and replaces the Bio Based Industries Joint
Undertaking (BBI JU) established by the Council Regulation (EU) No 560/2014 (2).

CBE JU intends to:

— increase circularity of bio-based systems by developing circular, climate and environment friendly solutions in all
life-cycle stages of bio-based products from sourcing to processing to market applications and consumption.

— develop and expand the sustainable sourcing and utilisation of feedstock, including biological residues, side streams and
waste streams from for example agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries, forestry, industry and municipal sectors.

— support the development of novel, more efficient and less polluting methods for conversion of biomass into bio-based
products through multiscale bio-refinery processing technology.

— create new circular value chains for bio-based products and explore new markets.

— support the reviving and development of rural, coastal and peripheral regions through development of appropriate
technological solutions, and involvement and empowerment of local bio-economy actors.

CBE JU will mobilise significant public and private sector resources needed to achieve its objectives and will implement a
budget of up to EUR 2 billion. It will have approximately 30 staff members. More information on CBE JU can be found in
the Regulation (EU) 2021/2085, notably in its Articles 46-56, as well as on the website of the CBE JU, available at

(1) Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021 establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe and repealing
Regulations (EC) No 219/2007, (EU) No 557/2014, (EU) No 558/2014, (EU) No 559/2014, (EU) No 560/2014, (EU) No 561/2014
and (EU) No 642/2014 (OJ L 427, 30.11.2021, p. 17).
(2) Council Regulation (EU) No 560/2014 of 6 May 2014 establishing the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking Text with EEA
relevance (OJ L 169, 7.6.2014, p. 130).
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We propose
The Executive Director is the legal representative and public face of the Joint Undertaking. He/she shall perform his/her
tasks with independence and shall be accountable to the Governing Board. He/she shall provide leadership and direction
across the activities of the CBE JU and will be central to ensuring staff engagement and promoting a positive and healthy
work environment.

The Executive Director will take overall responsibility for the CBE JU’s operations, including budget implementation and
ensuring the achievement of the Joint Undertaking’s objectives.

The Executive Director will be responsible for the day-to-day management of CBE JU in accordance with the decisions of
the Governing Board, and shall be entrusted, among others, with the following tasks:

— preparing and submitting to the Governing Board key documents such as the draft annual budget and the staff
establishment plan, the work programme, the consolidated annual activity report;

— acting as interface between the CBE JU and in particular, the Union institutions and other Union bodies and European
partnerships. He/she shall also be responsible for coordinating the necessary interaction and information of all the
bodies of the CBE JU;

— supervising the calls for proposals, their management and evaluation processes and signing grant agreements for
selected proposals;

— implementing the communications policy of the Joint Undertaking;

— overseeing the CBE JU’s internal control system and of its risk assessments and risk management, while also maintaining
overall responsibility to protect the financial interests of the Union within the context of its operations;

— appointing and supervising the CBE JU staff, fostering a good team spirit and working environment.

A more detailed description of the tasks can be found in the Regulation (EU) 2021/2085. CBE JU replaced and took over the
activities of its predecessor BBI JU on 30 November 2021 and therefore, the tasks of the CBE JU Executive Director will also
cover the still ongoing activities of BBI JU.

Without prejudice to the respective competencies of the European Commission and of the Governing Board that includes
representatives from the European Commission and industry association, the Executive Director shall assume full
responsibility for the tasks entrusted to the Joint Undertaking and shall be subject to the procedure for annual discharge by
the European Parliament for the implementation of the budget.

We look for (selection criteria)

The Executive Director of the Joint Undertaking should fulfil the following selection criteria:

— Management skills

— capacity to develop, communicate and execute a forward-looking vision and strategies, to set priorities and
implement the Joint Undertaking’s strategic objectives;

— strong achievements as a leader, manager and communicator, involving management of teams and financial
resources at a level commensurate with the nature of the Joint Undertaking;

— the ability to lead, care for, manage, and motivate a team including both administrative and technical personnel in a
European, multicultural and multilingual context;

— good decision-making skills, including the capacity to deliver impact within fixed budget and timing.

— Specialist skills and experience

— excellent understanding of research and innovation in the bio-economy and its value chains, notably of industrial
research and innovation and of the challenges to the deployment of bio-based solutions;
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— knowledge of regional, national, intergovernmental and/or European research, development and innovation

— proven experience in collaboration between different stakeholders in the bio-based R&I, such as industry-academic

— a good understanding of the EU institutions, their functioning and interaction as well as EU policies and
international activities of relevance to the activities of the Joint Undertaking would be an asset;

— experience in technology transfer, patenting, standardisation, open innovation, publishing (academic) papers,
contract negotiations would be an asset.

— Personal qualities

— the ability to communicate fluently and effectively and build good working relations with various internal and
external stakeholders;

— excellent interpersonal and networking skills, sense of responsibility and ability to act with tact, political sensitivity
and diplomacy;

— a high level of resilience;

— solid experience of negotiating in an international environment.

Candidates must (eligibility requirements)

Candidates will only be considered for the selection phase on the basis of the following formal requirements to be fulfilled
by the deadline for applications:

— Nationality: candidate must be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union.

— University degree or diploma: candidates must have:

— either a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the
normal period of university education is four years or more,

— or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate
professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years
(this one year’s professional experience cannot be included in the postgraduate professional experience required

— Professional experience: Candidates must have at least 15 years postgraduate professional experience (3) at a level to which
the qualifications referred to above give admission (at least 5 years of that professional experience must be in the area of
the activities of the Joint Undertaking).

— Management experience: at least 5 years of the post-graduate professional experience must have been gained in a
high-level management function (4) in a field relevant for this position.

— Languages: candidates must have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union (5) and a
satisfactory knowledge of another of these official languages. Selection panels will verify during the interview(s) whether
candidates comply with the requirement of a satisfactory knowledge of another official EU language. This may include
(part of) the interview being conducted in this other language.

(3) Professional experience is only taken into consideration if it represents an actual work relationship defined as real, genuine work, on
a paid basis and as employee (any type of contract) or provider of a service. Professional activities pursued part-time shall be
calculated pro rata, on the basis of the certified percentage of full-time hours worked. Maternity leave/parental leave/leave for
adoption is taken into consideration if it is in the framework of a work contract. PhDs are assimilated to professional experience,
even when unpaid, but for a duration of three years maximum, provided that the PhD has been successfully completed. A given
period may be counted only once.
(4) In their curriculum vitae, candidates should clearly indicate for all years during which management experience has been acquired:
(1) title and role of management positions held; (2) numbers of staff overseen in these positions; (3) the size of budgets managed;
(4) numbers of hierarchical layers above and below; and (5) number of peers.
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— Age limit: candidates must be able to complete, at the deadline for application, the full mandate of four years before
reaching retirement age. For temporary staff of the European Union, retirement age is defined as being the end of the
month in which the person reaches the age of 66 years (see Article 47 of the Conditions of Employment of other
Servants of the European Union (6)).

Selection and appointment

The Executive Director will be appointed by the Governing Board of the Joint Undertaking on the basis of a shortlist
provided by the European Commission. The open and transparent selection procedure will respect the principle of gender

To establish this shortlist, the European Commission organises a selection in accordance with its selection and recruitment
procedures (see the Document on Senior Officials Policy (7)).

As part of this selection procedure, the European Commission sets up a pre-selection panel that will, in line with the
Regulation establishing the Joint Undertaking, include a representative appointed by each type of members other than the
Union of the joint undertaking and one observer appointed by the Governing Board. This pre-selection panel analyses all
applications and identifies a number of candidates having the best profile in view of the selection criteria mentioned above,
and who may be invited for an interview with the preselection panel.

Following these interviews, the pre-selection panel draws up its conclusions and proposes a list of candidates for further
interviews with the European Commission’s Consultative Committee on Appointments (CCA). The CCA, taking into
consideration the conclusions of the pre-selection panel, will decide on the candidates to be invited for an interview.

Candidates who are called for an interview with the CCA participate in a full-day management assessment centre run by
external recruitment consultants. Taking account of the results of the interview and the report of the assessment centre, the
CCA establishes a shortlist of candidates it considers suitable to exercise the function of the Executive Director of the Joint

Candidates on the CCA shortlist will be interviewed by the Member(s) of the Commission responsible for the
Directorate-General in charge of the relations with the Joint Undertaking (8).

Following these interviews, the European Commission adopts a shortlist of the most suitable candidates, which will be
communicated to the Governing Board of the Joint Undertaking. The latter may decide to interview the candidates before
appointing the Executive Director from among the candidates on the Commission shortlist. Inclusion on this shortlist does
not guarantee appointment.

Candidates may be required to undergo further interviews and/or tests in addition to those indicated above. They could also
be required to deliver a statement before the relevant committee(s) of the European Parliament.

Equal opportunities
The European Commission and the Joint Undertaking apply a policy of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in
accordance with Article 1d of the Staff Regulations (9). Applications that could contribute towards more diversity, gender
equality and overall geographical balance are welcome. The Council Regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under
Horizon Europe specifically sets out that the procedure will respect the principle of gender balance, and applications from
female candidates are particularly encouraged.

Conditions of employment
The salaries and conditions of employment are laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.

The Executive Director will be appointed by the Governing Board as Temporary Agent at grade AD 14, pursuant to
Article 2a and 10 of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union. He/she will be classified
depending on the length of his/her previous professional experience in step 1 or step 2 within that grade.

(7) (only exists in
(8) Unless the Member of the Commission concerned, in line with the Commission Decision of 5 December 2007 (PV (2007) 1811)
and 30 September 2020 (PV(2020) 2351), has delegated this task.
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The successful candidate will be appointed for an initial for a period of four years, with a possible prolongation of a
maximum three years.

Applicants should note the requirement under the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants for all new staff to
successfully complete a probationary period.

The place of employment is Brussels, where CBE JU premises are located.

The post is available from 1 October 2022.

Independence and declaration of interests

Before taking up his/her duties, the Executive Director will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act
independently in the public interest and to declare any interests, which might be considered prejudicial to his/her

Application procedure
Before submitting your application, you should carefully check whether you meet all eligibility requirements (‘Candidates
must’), particularly concerning the types of diploma, high-level professional experience as well as linguistic capacity
required. Failure to meet any of the eligibility requirements means an automatic exclusion from the selection procedure.

If you want to apply, you must register via the internet on the following website and follow the instructions concerning the
various stages of the procedure:

You must have a valid email address. This will be used to confirm your registration as well as to remain in contact with you
during the different stages of the procedure. Therefore, please keep the European Commission informed about any change
in your email address.

To complete your application, you need to upload a CV in PDF format, preferably using the Europass CV format (10), and to
fill out, online, a letter of motivation (maximum 8 000 characters). Your CV and your letter of motivation may be submitted
in any of the official languages of the European Union.

Once you have finished your online registration, you will receive an electronic mail confirming that your application has
been registered. If you do not receive a confirmation mail, your application has not been registered!

Please note that it is not possible to monitor the progress of your application on-line. You will be contacted directly by the
European Commission regarding the status of your application.

If you require more information and/or encounter technical problems, please send an email to: HR-MANAGEMENT-

Closing date
The closing date for registration is 13 June 2022, 12.00 noon Brussels time, following which registration is no longer

It is your responsibility to complete your online registration in time. We strongly advise you not to wait until the last few
days before applying, since heavy internet traffic or a fault with your internet connection could lead to the online
registration being terminated before you complete it, thereby obliging you to repeat the whole process. Once the deadline
for the submission of registrations has passed, you will no longer be able to introduce any data. Late registrations are not

Important information for candidates

Candidates are reminded that the work of the different selection panels is confidential. It is forbidden for candidates to make
direct or indirect contact with their individual members or for anybody to do so on their behalf. All queries must be
addressed to the secretariat of the relevant panel.

(10) You can find information on how to create your Europass CV online at:
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Protection of personal data

The Commission will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the
European Parliament and of the Council (11). This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.

(11) Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural
persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
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Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU)

Publication of a vacancy for the function of Executive Director of the SNS Joint Undertaking
(Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14)
(2022/C 206 A/02)

We are
The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is one of the European partnerships under Horizon Europe
established by the Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 (1), hereafter referred to as ‘Regulation establishing the JU’. It builds
on two pillars: research and innovation under the Horizon Europe programme on technologies and systems for Smart
Networks and Services towards 6G, and coordination of 5G deployment actions funded by European or national funding
programmes. The partnership is key to ensure European technological capacities in these areas, in line with the EU
industrial strategy and the 5G cyber-security toolbox. In this context, it aims to enable European players to develop
technology capacities for 6G systems as a basis for future digital services towards 2030. The European Commission is
responsible for the establishment and initial operation of the SNS JU until it becomes autonomous, i.e. the JU office is fully
functional and all necessary support services are in place, which is expected for the beginning of 2023.

The SNS JU is planned initially to have a complement of 16 staff in addition to the Executive Director.

We propose
The Executive Director is the chief executive responsible for the management of the Joint Undertaking.

S/he is the legal representative of the JU and takes overall responsibility for its operations including budget implementation,
as well as ensuring the coordination between the different bodies and services of the SNS JU, which include the JU office
itself, the Governing Board, the States’ Representatives Group and the Stakeholder Group. As such, s/he will play a key role
in the implementation of the objectives of the SNS JU, which are critical for Europe’s competitiveness in the field.

S/he will perform his/her tasks with independence and will be accountable to the Governing Board, which is composed of
representatives of the Commission and of the private sector.

S/he will both ensure the oversight of the strategic agenda of the SNS JU as agreed with the Governing Board and assume
day-to-day decision-making. The latter includes, in particular, to organize, direct and supervise the operations and the staff
of the SNS JU in line with the Regulation establishing the JU. S/he will establish contacts and work closely with
representatives of all the relevant stakeholders and members of the SNS JU (the Commission and the Private Member(s) as
well as the advisory bodies of the SNS JU).

In accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation establishing the JU, the Executive Director’s responsibilities will, inter alia,

— Ensure sustainable and efficient management of the joint undertaking and efficient implementation of the SNS JU Work

— Prepare and submit for adoption to the Governing Board the draft SNS JU Work Programme including the draft annual
budget and the draft staff establishment plan and other high level documents such as the annual accounts and the
consolidated annual activity report;

— Ensure the implementation of the SNS JU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda including preparation of the R&I
work programmes, coordination of its adoption procedure in close cooperation with the advisory bodies of the JU,
launch of calls for proposals, conducting proposal evaluations, signing individual grant agreements and decisions on
behalf of the joint undertaking, and conducting project monitoring;

(1) Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021 establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe and repealing
Regulations (EC) No 2019/2007, (EU) No 557/2014, (EU) No 558/2014, (EU) No 559/2014, (EU) No 560/2014, (EU) No 561/2014
and (EU) No 642/2014 (OJ L 427, 30.11.2021, p. 17).
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— Monitor the financial and in-kind contributions of the members other than the Union and contributing partners, report
to the Governing Board regularly on the progress in achieving the targets and propose remedial or corrective measures,
where necessary;

— Coordinate the regular updates of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) as well as relevant Strategic
Deployment Agendas in tight cooperation with the private members, the advisory bodies of the SNS JU and relevant

— Establish a formal and regular collaboration with the European partnerships identified in the Strategic Research and
Innovation Agenda and in accordance with the strategic orientation provided by the Governing Board;

— Inform regularly the other bodies of the joint undertaking on all matters relevant to their role and interact with the
relevant configuration of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee as required;

— Ensure the monitoring and assessment of the progress of the SNS JU objectives based on relevant impact indicators;

— Implement the communications strategy of the SNS JU;

— Sign procurement contracts on behalf of the SNS JU;

— Establish and ensure the functioning of an effective and efficient internal control system and report any significant
change to it to the Governing Board.

We look for (selection criteria)

Candidates should fulfil the following selection criteria:

— Management skills:

— Ability to lead and motivate the team including administrative, financial and technical staff, in a European,
multicultural and multilingual environment;

— Experience in the management of significant financial resources in a national, European and/or international
environment and involving funding from public sources;

— Experience in managing research, technology development, innovation or infrastructure programmes in a European

or international environment, in the area of SNS or a related area.

— Specialist skills and experience:

— Understanding of technology, applications as well as the industrial landscape relevant for the area of the SNS JU,
including strategic, regulatory and policy matters, at national, European and international level;

— Experience in the implementation and management of Quality Assurance and Control systems as well as risk
management methodologies;

— Understanding of the EU Institutions, their functioning and interaction as well as EU policies.

— Personal qualities:

— Ability to communicate fluently and effectively to the internal and external stakeholders, including the public and to
build effective working relations with all relevant stakeholders and to represent the SNS JU in international fora;

— Excellent skills in negotiations.

Candidates must (eligibility requirements)

Candidates will only be considered for the selection phase on the basis of the following formal requirements to be fulfilled
by the deadline for applications:

— Nationality: candidates must be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union.
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— University degree or diploma: candidates must have:

— either a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the
normal period of university education is 4 years or more;

— or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate
professional experience of at least 1 year when the normal period of university education is at least 3 years (this one
year’s professional experience cannot be included in the postgraduate professional experience required below).

— Professional experience: candidates must have at least 15 years postgraduate professional experience (2) at a level to which
the qualifications referred to above give admission. At least 5 years of that professional experience must be in the area of
the activities of the Joint Undertaking.

— Management experience: at least 5 years of the post-graduate professional experience must have been gained in a high–
level management function (3) in a field relevant for this position.

— Languages: candidates must have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union (4) and a
satisfactory knowledge of another of these official languages. Selection panels will verify during the interview(s) whether
candidates comply with the requirement of a satisfactory knowledge of another official EU language. This may include
(part of) the interview being conducted in this other language.

— Age limit: candidates must be able to complete, at the deadline for application, the full mandate of four years before
reaching the retirement age. For temporary staff of the European Union, the retirement age is defined as being the end of
the month in which the person reaches the age of 66 years (see Article 47 of the Conditions of Employment of other
Servants of the European Union (5)).

Selection and appointment

The selection and appointment of the Executive Director of the SNS JU will follow the conditions laid down in the
Regulation establishing the JU, in particular, those laid down in Article 18 (‘Appointment, dismissal and extension of the
term of office of the Executive Director’).

The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Governing Board on the basis of merit and skills, from the list of
candidates proposed by the Commission. The open and transparent selection procedure will respect the principle of gender

To establish this shortlist, the European Commission organises a selection in accordance with its selection and recruitment
procedures (see the Document on Senior Officials Policy (6)).

As part of this selection procedure, the European Commission sets up a pre-selection panel. This panel analyses all
applications, proceeds with a first eligibility verification and identifies candidates having the best profile in view of the
selection criteria mentioned above, and who may be invited for an interview with the pre-selection panel. This pre-selection
panel will include a representative appointed by the member other than the Union of the joint undertaking as well as one
observer appointed by the Governing Board.

Following these interviews, the pre-selection panel draws up its conclusions and proposes a list of candidates for further
interviews with the European Commission’s Consultative Committee on Appointments (CCA). The CCA, taking into
consideration the conclusions of the pre-selection panel, will decide on the candidates to be invited for an interview.

(2) Professional experience is only taken into consideration if it represents an actual work relationship defined as real, genuine work, on
a paid basis and as employee (any type of contract) or provider of a service. Professional activities pursued part-time shall be
calculated pro rata, on the basis of the certified percentage of full-time hours worked. Maternity leave/parental leave/leave for
adoption is taken into consideration if it is in the framework of a work contract. PhDs are assimilated to professional experience,
even when unpaid, but for a duration of three years maximum, provided that the PhD has been successfully completed. A given
period may be counted only once.
(3) In their curriculum vitae, candidates should clearly indicate for all years during which management experience has been acquired:
(1) title and role of management positions held; (2) numbers of staff overseen in these positions; (3) the size of budgets managed;
(4) numbers of hierarchical layers above and below; and (5) number of peers.
(6) (only exists in
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Candidates who are called for an interview with the CCA participate in a full-day management assessment centre run by
external recruitment consultants. Taking account of the results of the interview and the report of the assessment centre, the
CCA establishes a shortlist of candidates it considers suitable to exercise the function of Executive Director of the Joint

Candidates on the CCA shortlist will be interviewed by the Member(s) of the Commission responsible for the
Directorate-General in charge of the relations with the Joint Undertaking (7).

Following these interviews, the European Commission adopts a shortlist of the most suitable candidates, which will be
communicated to the Governing Board of the Joint Undertaking. The latter may decide to interview the candidates before
appointing the Executive Director from among the candidates on the Commission shortlist. Inclusion on this shortlist does
not guarantee appointment.

Candidates may be required to undergo further interviews and/or tests in addition to those indicated above. They could also
be required to deliver a statement before the relevant committee(s) of the European Parliament.

Equal opportunities
The European Commission and the Joint Undertaking apply a policy of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in
accordance with Article 1d of the Staff Regulations (8).

Conditions of employment
The salaries and conditions of employment are laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.

The successful candidate will be engaged by the Joint Undertaking as a Temporary Agent at grade AD 14. S/he will be
classified depending on the length of her/his previous professional experience in step 1 or step 2 within that grade.

S/he will be appointed for an initial mandate of four years, with the possibility to extend it once, for a period of not more
than three years.

Applicants should note the requirement under the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants for all new staff to
complete successfully a nine-month probationary period.

The place of employment is Brussels, Belgium, where the Joint Undertaking is based.

Independence and declaration of interests

Before taking up her/his duties, the Executive Director will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act
independently in the public interest and to declare any interests, which might be considered prejudicial to her/his

Application procedure
Before submitting your application, you should carefully check whether you meet all eligibility requirements (‘Candidates
must’), particularly concerning the types of diploma, high-level professional experience as well as linguistic capacity
required. Failure to meet any of the eligibility requirements means an automatic exclusion from the selection procedure.

If you want to apply, you must register via the internet on the following website and follow the instructions concerning the
various stages of the procedure:

You must have a valid email address. This will be used to confirm your registration as well as to remain in contact with you
during the different stages of the procedure. Therefore, please keep the European Commission informed about any change
in your email address.

To complete your application, you need to upload a CV in PDF format, preferably using the Europass CV format (9), and to
fill out, online, a letter of motivation (maximum 8 000 characters). Your CV and your letter of motivation may be submitted
in any of the official languages of the European Union.

(7) Unless the Member of the Commission concerned, in line with the Commission Decision of 5 December 2007 (PV(2007) 1811) and
30 September 2020 (PV(2020) 2351), has delegated this task.
(9) You can find information on how to create your Europass CV online at:
23.5.2022 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 206 A/11

Once you have finished your online registration, you will receive an electronic mail confirming that your application has
been registered. If you do not receive a confirmation mail, your application has not been registered!
Please note that it is not possible to monitor the progress of your application on-line. You will be contacted directly by the
European Commission regarding the status of your application.
If you require more information and/or encounter technical problems, please send an email to: HR-MANAGEMENT-
Closing date
The closing date for registration is 18 July 2022, 12.00 noon Brussels time, following which registration is no longer
It is your responsibility to complete your online registration in time. We strongly advise you not to wait until the last few
days before applying, since heavy internet traffic or a fault with your internet connection could lead to the online
registration being terminated before you complete it, thereby obliging you to repeat the whole process. Once the deadline
for the submission of registrations has passed, you will no longer be able to introduce any data. Late registrations are not
Important information for candidates
Candidates are reminded that the work of the different selection panels is confidential. It is forbidden for candidates to make
direct or indirect contact with their individual members or for anybody to do so on their behalf. All queries must be
addressed to the secretariat of the relevant panel.
Protection of personal data
The Commission will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the
European Parliament and of the Council (10). This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.

(10) Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural
persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
C 206 A/12 EN Official Journal of the European Union 23.5.2022

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of
Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)
Publication of a vacancy for the function of Executive Director
(Temporary Agent – Grade AD 14)
(2022/C 206 A/03)

We are
The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security
and Justice (eu-LISA) established in 2011 is governed by Regulation (EU) 2018/1726 of the European Parliament and of the
Council (1).

eu-LISA is responsible for the operational management of the Schengen Information System (SIS II) (2), the Visa Information
System (VIS) (3) and Eurodac (4).

The Agency has also been entrusted with the preparation, development or operational management of the Entry/Exit
System (EES) (5), DubliNet (6), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) (7), ECRIS reference
implementation and the ECRIS-TCN (8), as well as development of interoperability (9) solutions between large-scale IT
systems. The Agency may be made responsible for the preparation, development or operational management of other
systems in the area of freedom, security and justice if so provided by relevant Union legal acts governing those system.

The objective of eu-LISA is to ensure the development of large-scale IT systems, the effective, secure and continuous
operation of large-scale IT systems; the efficient and financially accountable management of large-scale IT systems; an
adequately high quality of service for users of large-scale IT systems; continuity and uninterrupted service; a high level of
data protection and an appropriate level of data and physical security.

(1) Regulation (EU) 2018/1726 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 November 2018 on the European Union Agency
for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), and amending
Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 and Council Decision 2007/533/JHA and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011 (OJ L 295,
21.11.2018, p. 99).
(2) Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on the establishment,
operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 381, 28.12.2006, p. 4) and Council Decision
2007/533/JHA of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System
(SIS II) (OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 63).
(3) Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 concerning the Visa Information
System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas (VIS Regulation) (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 60).
(4) Regulation (EU) No 603/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on the establishment of ‘Eurodac’ for
the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and
mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one
of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person and on requests for the comparison with Eurodac data by
Member States’ law enforcement authorities and Europol for law enforcement purposes, and amending Regulation (EU)
No 1077/2011 establishing a European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom,
security and justice (recast) (OJ L 180, 29.6.2013, p. 1).
(5) Regulation (EU) 2017/2226 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2017 establishing an Entry/Exit System
(EES) to register entry and exit data and refusal of entry data of third-country nationals crossing the external borders of the Member
States and determining the conditions for access to the EES for law enforcement purposes, and amending the Convention
implementing the Schengen Agreement and Regulations (EC) No 767/2008 and (EU) No 1077/2011 (OJ L 327, 9.12.2017, p. 20).
(6) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1560/2003 of 2 September 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council
Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining
an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national (OJ L 222, 5.9.2003, p. 3).
(7) Regulation (EU) 2018/1240 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 September 2018 establishing a European Travel
Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and amending Regulations (EU) No 1077/2011, (EU) No 515/2014, (EU) 2016/399,
(EU) 2016/1624 and (EU) 2017/2226 (OJ L 236, 19.9.2018, p. 1).
(8) Regulation (EU) 2019/816 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 establishing a centralised system for the
identification of Member States holding conviction information on third-country nationals and stateless persons (ECRIS-TCN) to
supplement the European Criminal Records Information System and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1726 (OJ L 135, 22.5.2019,
p. 1).
(9) Regulation (EU) 2019/818 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 on establishing a framework for
interoperability between EU information systems in the field of police and judicial cooperation, asylum and migration and amending
Regulations (EU) 2018/1726, (EU) 2018/1862 and (EU) 2019/816 (OJ L 135, 22.5.2019, p. 85).
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The seat of the Agency is Tallinn, Estonia. The tasks relating to development and operational management are carried out at
the technical site in Strasbourg, France. A backup site is installed in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Austria.

eu-LISA is allocated 395 staff members and has a budget of EUR 332,74 million for the year 2022.

We propose
We propose the function of the Executive Director who will manage the Agency, be the legal representative of the Agency
and be responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned to the Agency by the establishing Regulation.

The Executive Director will assist and be accountable to the Management Board. The Executive Director will report to the
European Parliament on the performance of his or her duties when invited to do so. The Council may invite the Executive
Director to report on the performance of his or her duties.

The Executive Director will lead and manage the Agency and take overall responsibility for its operations, ensuring the
achievement of the Agency’s objectives. Specific responsibilities include:

— the day-to-day administration of the Agency and the operation of the Agency;

— preparing and implementing the procedures, decisions, strategies, programmes and activities adopted by the
Management Board, within the limits set out by the establishing Regulation, its implementing rules and the applicable
Union law;

— preparing the draft budget for the following year, the Agency’s draft statement of estimates of revenue and expenditure,
and the single programming document;

— reporting on implementation of the work programmes, the development or the technical functioning of each large-scale
IT system;

— protecting the financial interests of the Union by applying preventive measures against fraud, corruption and any other
illegal activities, by effective checks and, if irregularities are detected, by recovering amounts wrongly paid and, where
appropriate, by imposing effective, proportionate and dissuasive administrative, including financial, penalties.

We look for (selection criteria)

The candidates should have:

— Management skills:

— A proven track record of successfully managing large teams and projects, including the ability to lead, motivate and
develop the potential of a team with multinational and multidisciplinary backgrounds. Experience gained in a
multicultural environment would be an asset;

— Experience in the management of significant financial resources in a national, European and/or international
environment, including administrative, budgetary planning and internal control.

— Specialist skills and experience:

— Proven experience in the field of large-scale IT systems acquired in the IT sector or in other sectors, such as
innovation, and acquired in a national, European or international public administration or private sector, including
through non-technical functions;

— Knowledge in the field of data protection;

— A good understanding of Union legislation on information exchange and large-scale IT systems in the area of
freedom, security and justice would be an asset;

— A thorough understanding of the EU context and of the interaction between national administrations and EU
institutions would be an asset.

— Personal qualities:

— Excellent interpersonal, analytical, decision-making, organisational and negotiation skills;

— Ability to communicate fluently and efficiently and build good working relations with the European Union’s
institutions and with various external stakeholders, as well as to represent the agency in international fora.
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Candidates must (eligibility requirements)

Candidates will only be considered for the selection phase on the basis of the following formal requirements to be fulfilled
by the deadline for applications:

— Nationality: candidates must be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union.

— University degree or diploma: candidates must have:

— either a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the
normal period of university education is 4 years or more;

— or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate
professional experience of at least 1 year when the normal period of university education is at least 3 years (this 1
year’s professional experience cannot be included in the postgraduate professional experience required below).

— Professional experience: candidates must have at least 15 years postgraduate professional experience (10) at a level to which
the qualifications referred to above give admission. At least 5 years of that professional experience must be in the area of
the activities of the Agency.

— Management experience: at least 5 years of the post-graduate professional experience must have been gained in a high–
level management function (11) in a field relevant for this position.

— Languages: candidates must have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union (12) and a
satisfactory knowledge of another of these official languages. Selection panels will verify during the interview(s) whether
candidates comply with the requirement of a satisfactory knowledge of another official EU language. This may include
(part of) the interview being conducted in this other language.

— Age limit: candidates must be able to complete, at the deadline for application, the full mandate of 5 years before
reaching the retirement age. For temporary staff of the European Union, the retirement age is defined as being the end of
the month in which the person reaches the age of 66 years (see Article 47 of the Conditions of Employment of other
Servants of the European Union (13)).

Selection and appointment

The Executive Director will be appointed by the Management Board of eu-LISA on the basis of a shortlist provided by the
European Commission.

To establish this shortlist, the European Commission organises a selection in accordance with its selection and recruitment
procedures (see the Document on Senior Officials Policy (14)).

As part of this selection procedure, the European Commission sets up a pre-selection panel. This panel analyses all
applications, proceeds with a first eligibility verification and identifies candidates having the best profile in view of the
selection criteria mentioned above, and who may be invited for an interview with the pre-selection panel.

Following these interviews, the pre-selection panel draws up its conclusions and proposes a list of candidates for further
interviews with the European Commission’s Consultative Committee on Appointments (CCA). The CCA, taking into
consideration the conclusions of the pre-selection panel, will decide on the candidates to be invited for an interview.

(10) Professional experience is only taken into consideration if it represents an actual work relationship defined as real, genuine work, on
a paid basis and as employee (any type of contract) or provider of a service. Professional activities pursued part-time shall be
calculated pro rata, on the basis of the certified percentage of full-time hours worked. Maternity leave/parental leave/leave for
adoption is taken into consideration if it is in the framework of a work contract. PhDs are assimilated to professional experience,
even when unpaid, but for a duration of 3 years maximum, provided that the PhD has been successfully completed. A given period
may be counted only once.
(11) In their curriculum vitae, candidates should clearly indicate for all years during which management experience has been acquired:
(1) title and role of management positions held; (2) numbers of staff overseen in these positions; (3) the size of budgets managed;
(4) numbers of hierarchical layers above and below; and (5) number of peers.
(14) (only exists in
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Candidates who are called for an interview with the CCA participate in a full-day management assessment centre run by
external recruitment consultants. Taking account of the results of the interview and the report of the assessment centre, the
CCA establishes a shortlist of candidates it considers suitable to exercise the function of Executive Director of eu-LISA.

Candidates on the CCA shortlist will be interviewed by the Member(s) of the Commission responsible for the
Directorate-General in charge of the relations with the Agency (15).

Following these interviews, the European Commission adopts a shortlist of at least three candidates, which will be
communicated to the Management Board of eu-LISA. The latter may decide to interview the candidates before appointing
the Executive Director from among the candidates on the Commission shortlist. Inclusion on this shortlist does not
guarantee appointment.

Candidates may be required to undergo further interviews and/or tests in addition to those indicated above. They will also
be required to deliver a statement before the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament.

The selected candidate should hold, or be in the position to obtain, a valid security clearance certificate from his/her
national security authority. A personal security clearance is an administrative decision following completion of a security
screening conducted by the individual’s competent national security authority in accordance with applicable national
security laws and regulations, and certifying that an individual may be allowed to access classified information up to a
specified level. (Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a security clearance can be initiated on request of the
employer only, and not by the individual candidate).

Until the personal security clearance has been granted by the Member State concerned and the clearance procedure
completed with the legally required briefing from the European Commission’s Security Directorate, the candidate will not
be able to access EU Classified Information (EUCI) at the level of CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or above, nor
attend any meetings at which such EUCI is discussed.

Equal opportunities
The European Commission and eu-LISA apply a policy of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in accordance with
Article 1d of the Staff Regulations (16).

Conditions of employment
The salaries and conditions of employment are laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.

The successful candidate will be engaged by the Management Board of the Agency as a Temporary Agent at grade
AD 14 (17). He/she will be classified depending on the length of his/her previous professional experience in step 1 or step 2
within that grade.

She/he will be appointed for an initial mandate of 5 years, with a possible prolongation for a maximum 5 years according to
Regulation establishing the Agency as applicable at the time of appointment.

Applicants should note the requirement under the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants for all new staff to
complete successfully a nine-month probationary period.

The place of employment is Tallinn, Estonia, the seat of the Agency.

The post is available from 1 November 2022.

Independence and declaration of interests

Before taking up his/her duties, the Executive Director will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act
independently in the public interest and to declare any interests, which might be considered prejudicial to his/her

Application procedure
Before submitting your application, you should carefully check whether you meet all eligibility requirements (‘Candidates
must’), particularly concerning the types of diploma, high-level professional experience as well as linguistic capacity
required. Failure to meet any of the eligibility requirements means an automatic exclusion from the selection procedure.

(15) Unless the Member of the Commission concerned, in line with the Commission Decision of 5 December 2007 (PV(2007) 1811) and
30 September 2020 (PV(2020) 2351), has delegated this task.
(17) The correction coefficient applicable to the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Union for
Estonia is set at 86,3 % as from 1 July 2021. This coefficient is subject to an annual revision.
C 206 A/16 EN Official Journal of the European Union 23.5.2022

If you want to apply, you must register via the internet on the following website and follow the instructions concerning the
various stages of the procedure:
You must have a valid email address. This will be used to confirm your registration as well as to remain in contact with you
during the different stages of the procedure. Therefore, please keep the European Commission informed about any change
in your email address.
To complete your application, you need to upload a CV in PDF format, preferably using the Europass CV format (18), and to
fill out, online, a letter of motivation (maximum 8 000 characters). Your CV and your letter of motivation may be submitted
in any of the official languages of the European Union.
Once you have finished your online registration, you will receive an electronic mail confirming that your application has
been registered. If you do not receive a confirmation mail, your application has not been registered!
Please note that it is not possible to monitor the progress of your application on-line. You will be contacted directly by the
European Commission regarding the status of your application.
If you require more information and/or encounter technical problems, please send an email to: HR-MANAGEMENT-
Closing date
The closing date for registration is 23 June 2022, 12.00 noon Brussels time, following which registration is no longer
It is your responsibility to complete your online registration in time. We strongly advise you not to wait until the last few
days before applying, since heavy internet traffic or a fault with your internet connection could lead to the online
registration being terminated before you complete it, thereby obliging you to repeat the whole process. Once the deadline
for the submission of registrations has passed, you will no longer be able to introduce any data. Late registrations are not
Important information for candidates
Candidates are reminded that the work of the different selection panels is confidential. It is forbidden for candidates to make
direct or indirect contact with their individual members or for anybody to do so on their behalf. All queries must be
addressed to the secretariat of the relevant panel.
Protection of personal data
The Commission will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the
European Parliament and of the Council (19). This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.

(18) You can find information on how to create your Europass CV online at:
(19) Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural
persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)
ISSN 1725-2423 (paper edition)


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