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AS-L Project Reflection

Amy Rubiera
Now that the AS-L project is completed, there are many things that I have learned. At the

start of this project I set objectives for myself in order to grow. My objectives included the


- To be able to respond to a wide range of communication needs in the community.

- To gain leadership skills

- To improve skills with working with others

- To better the building of my networking skills

- To learn how to successfully plan a non-profit event

I was able to meet all of the objectives, but I definitely still have room for improvement. I was

able to gain leadership skills by showing initiative to contact the brands. Being able to really

communicate our needs as well as the needs of the community, helped me meet my first two

objectives. As this was an environment that relied on collaboration, I would say there was

definitely an improvement in my skills of working with others. I understood that one had to be

flexible and understand that feedback actually helps. When working on my flyer, I had to

directly work with my directors. There was a lot feedback received! I was grateful for it because

I realized they only want what is best for their agency! I also believe that this agency allowed me

to develop better networking skills. When contacting brands, I was able to talk to Kendra Scott,

where I also work. Having that network helped with the event as well! In addition, DFSM is now

a new network that I can always contact. Last but not least, I successfully managed to plan a non-

profit event. From contacting different brands to sorting through donations, I was able to not

only plan, but also see how the agency operates. I feel very fortunate that I had the opportunity to

work alongside Dress for Success Michigan. There are still many skills I can keep improving

such as networking. I cannot wait to continue to apply these new skills I have learned in my life!
During my time at DFSM, I was able to enhance my communication knowledge and

skills. One of the main skills I was able to enhance was listening. An example of this would be

working with my directors on the flyer. Marketing an agency to their needs is one of the most

important factors to keep in mine when doing so. With that being said, listening to their needs

and wants is something I was able to really focus on and enhance my own skills. Moreover,

listening also played a major role when discussing what is going to be taken to Briarwood mall.

DFSM wanted to take outfits that reflected the weather outside while still remaining

professional. It was important to listen because it is what helped me through the sorting process.

The work was very meaningful. This event will be happening in a much more populated

area, creating exposure and accessibility for many. This event and agency is constantly

impacting the lives of others in the most positive way! I believe I was able to do well when it

came to the marketing aspect. I handed out plenty of flyers and posted them all over town. In

addition to that, I spoke with small local businesses who were very interested in attending. The

businesses have also spread the word about the event! However, I could have improved my

communication skills when contacting other company’s. It can be discouraging when talking to

other companies who are not willing to participate in the event. I could have done a better job at

trying to get more companies to be a part of the event!

All in all, my four years of studying communication have definitely prepared me for this

project. I have never felt more confident in the way I communicate with others. This program has

taught me that believing in yourself can take you very far in life. I learned so much about myself

and the community in such a short amount of time. Agencies are always in need of extra hands,

so I have made a commitment to volunteer at non profits all year round. Working on this AL-S

project has shown me how amazing working for an organization such as DFSM can be. I cannot
wait to see where life after graduation takes me, but i’m hoping it is permanently working for a


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