Physical Self-Knowledge: The Insider'S Tell-All Handbook On Weight-Training Technique

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Physical self-knowledge
Many common and not-so-common conditions can seriously affect squatting and deadlifting form.
can greatly influence how well you will tolerate cer- A foot specialist may be able to help you to reduce if
tain exercises or specific variations of them. What not eliminate the negative impact of a foot problem
may be safe for most people may be unsafe for you. on your exercise form.
Knowing your body well will help you to train with The emphasis is upon getting advice from an
safety uppermost in your mind. Always remember expert in biomechanics and manipulative therapy
that you cannot make any gains in the gym if you who is familiar with weight training, or at least sym-
are injured and unable to train hard. pathetic to it. Ideally, the professional you consult
Many people go through life knowing little or should be a trainee himself and know the weight-
nothing about their physical irregularities, until training movements, or at least he should be willing
they get injured. Conditions including scoliosis, to learn them from you. He should then be able to
arms or legs that are different in length, excessive help you to determine the exercises or specific varia-
lordosis, postural problems, spondylolysis, and flex- tions of them that are not well suited to your in-
ion imbalances between one side of the body and dividual structure, and which need to be used with
the other, can all influence the exercises you select or special caution, or perhaps even avoided.
avoid in the gym, and how specifically you perform Of course, any skilled physical therapist should
them. Some physical irregularities may be correct- be able to help you with most injuries, and greatly
able, or at least treatable so that their negative ef- speed up recovery time should you get injured. For
fects can be lessened. example, skilled chiropractic adjustment, used ap-
Get a thorough understanding of your physical propriately, may make you believe in miracles. But
structure and biomechanics, especially as it influ- recovering from injury is not enough. You need to
ences training. Do this before you get an injury that make the right decisions about exercise selection
may force you to discover your physical irregulari- and technique to prevent the injuries from recur-
ties. To do this, locate a chiropractor, ideally one who ring. This is why you need to know your own body
specializes in sports injuries. Look for the Certified very well, and use excellent exercise technique.
Chiropractic Sports Physician qualification (CCSP). Within practical constraints, seek the best possi-
Some experienced osteopaths and physiotherapists ble sports-minded expert in biomechanics, manipu-
can also provide excellent service. To try to ensure lative therapy, and injuries. You may need more than
that the person you consult is competent, check that one person to cover all these areas. By doing this
he is registered with your country’s appropriate na- you will add life to your training years, and years to
tional association. your training life.
In addition, consult a foot specialist such as a po-
diatrist. Foot problems such as flat feet or bunions


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