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Reverse back extension

This variation, also called the reverse hyperexten-
sion, puts less strain on your knees. There are two
interpretations. The first can be done by almost
anyone. But the second needs purpose-built appa-
To perform the first interpretation, lie face down
on an elevated horizontal bench, with your legs off
the end. If need be, place some padding under the
part of your groin area that contacts the edge of the
bench. You may be able to find the right position so
that no artificial padding is needed. Tightly hold the
bench in front of your head. Keep your head facing
Device for reverse back extension, and rack pin for locking the
forward and do not turn it during the exercise. device in place.
Slowly raise your legs as high as you can. Never
jerk into the top position. And never jerk your head device I had made by a local metal worker in 995,
back as you lift your legs. Keep your head steady and for about $35.00.
inhale on the descent, and exhale on the ascent. The top piece of pipe is 24" long, the bottom
For resistance, have someone stand behind you piece is 6" long and a little less than 2" thick (for
and apply manual resistance to your ankles. Your loading Olympic plates), and the connecting piece is
helper should bow forward (pushing against your 26" long. When placed in the power rack I use, it is
ankles) as you lower your legs, and then straighten a good fit for most adult leg lengths.
up as you raise your legs. Following warmup reps he By varying the length of the strap and the posi-
should apply enough resistance to make you work. tion of the device relative to the bench, it can ac-
More resistance should be provided while you lower commodate different leg lengths. Ideally, the dis-
your legs than while you raise them. Alternatively, tance from the bench to where the strap is attached
strap weight to your ankles. to the metal device, should approximately match leg
The second interpretation of the reverse back length. Experiment to find the best strap length and
extension needs special apparatus. With it, resis- bench position to suit you and your device. A longer
tance can easily be applied in small increments, and strap will let you place your feet wider than will a
no partner is needed. The result is a face-down and shorter strap. To be able to use the wider spacing
straight-legged version of a hip-and-back machine. you need to have sufficient room between the rack’s
Following David Crocco’s example in HARDGAIN- uprights. If you have the choice between a wide and
ER issue #4, use a setup in a power rack. You will a close spacing of your feet, alternate them from set
need an attachment that can be “locked” into posi- to set, or workout to workout. Otherwise use just
tion in a power rack using one of the rack’s pins. Use the close spacing.
dimensions that are appropriate to your rack’s width I position the rotating part of the device as close
and pin thickness. A strap is fixed to the bottom of as possible to the board I lie on. If the rotating part
the device, to place around your ankles. Above is the of the device you use is well away from the board or


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