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AB/DL Caretaker Contract

I have designed the following contract to provide some basic ground rules that may be used in an AB-Caretaker
relationship. Though this contract may not be legally enforceable, it contains sufficient provisions of semi-
binding nature to show how to deal with any conflict that may arise within the course of such relationship. You
may adapt it to your wishes and use it as guidelines for your own relationship, if you so wish. Have fun!

AB/DL Caretaker Contract

between         __________________________________________    
(hereinafter: “the charge”)
  and               _____________________________________________
(hereinafter: “the caretaker”)
The following is an agreement between consenting adults who wish to engage in a long-term relationship based on
mutual trust and common interests. The parties of this agreement hereby acknowledge and declare that they enter
into this agreement of their own volition and free from any undue influence or force. The parties further acknowledge
and accept that this agreement contains a long-term commitment which may only be resolved under certain
conditions in accordance with the legitimate interests of the respective other party. With regard to the nature of this
agreement, the parties further declare to be aware that its execution may lead to long-term or even permanent
physical and/or mental changes which will affect inter alia the charge´s continence and his/her ability to control
his/her bladder and bowels. The parties hereby confirm that it is indeed their will to bring about these changes with all
their ramifications and consequences, knowing that they may proof to be irreversible and permanent. In full
knowledge of these consequences and their possible impact on his/her future life and living conditions, the charge
hereby confirms that it is indeed his/her genuine and most sincere wish to be rendered incontinent and diaper
dependent as a result of the unpotty training regimen set out in this agreement, knowing that these effects may proof
to be irreversible and permanent.
§ 1 – General Provisions, Objective of this agreement
By virtue of this agreement the parties establish a long-term relationship governed by a mutually accepted set of rules
and obligations, in which they will adopt the roles of (dominant) caretaker and (submissive) charge to fulfill their
mutual desires.
§ 2 – Roles and Obligations of the Parties
(1)  Throughout the period of validity of this agreement, from its entry into force till its termination, the parties adopt
the following roles and responsibilities:
-        caretaker:
The caretaker is responsible for the care and well-being of his/her charge and is inter alia in charge of the charge´s
education, discipline and diaper training. He/she enforces the rules set out in this agreement and ensures that the
charge´s every need is met so that he/she may thrive and become a healthy and well-behaved adult baby.
-        charge:
The charge is obligated to submit to the care provided by the caretaker in accordance with this agreement and the
rules set out therein. He/she will discard all his/her former adult responsibilities, with the exception of those explicitly
specified in this agreement, and will let the caretaker take care of things in his/her stead. In particular, he/she will give
up control over his/her bladder and bowels and will submit to the agreed upon unpotty training regimen until full
diaper dependency is achieved.
(2)  The caretaker may appoint representatives (e.g. baby sitters) to fulfill his/her responsibilities under this agreement
in his/her stead whenever the need arises, provided that these representatives are open towards the AB/DL lifestyle
and respect the limits and obligations under this agreement. The caretaker is responsible for any violation or lack of
care that may result from the appointment of these representatives and is obligated to ensure that this agreement is
abided by at all times. The charge may oppose the appointment of any representative only insofar as he/she is able to
raise legitimate concerns in this regard.  
§ 3 - Duration and Conditions for Termination
(1)  This agreement shall be valid and in full effect until it is terminated by one of the parties.
(2)  This agreement may be terminated by the charge only under the following conditions:
-  in case of severe and/or persistent violations of rules or limits set out in this agreement by caretaker or
representative, immediately without having to comply with any cancellation period
-  in case of serious lack of care by caretaker or representative, if no remedy is provided within two weeks after a
substantiated complaint or if the breach of duty continues to persist even after such remedy has been provided,
immediately without having to comply with any cancellation period
-  in case of other compelling reasons of such importance that the party giving notice cannot reasonably be expected to
continue the relationship established under this agreement, after taking all circumstances of the individual case into
account and after weighing the interests of both parties to the contract, immediately without having to comply with
any cancellation period.
-  without any particular reason with effect to the end of the year, after at least one full year has passed since the
beginning of care, provided that notice is given at least three months prior.
(3)  This agreement may be terminated by the caretaker only under the following conditions:
-  in case of severe and/or persistent violations of rules or limits set out in this agreement committed by the charge, if
these violations pose a serious threat to the caretaker´s health or his/her reputation, immediately without having to
comply with any cancellation period
-  in case of other persistent violations of rules or limits set out in this agreement committed by the charge, if they
persist even after all other means of discipline provided under this agreement have been exhausted or proven to be
ineffective, immediately without having to comply with any cancellation period
-  in case other compelling reasons of such importance that the party giving notice cannot reasonably be expected to
continue the relationship established under this agreement, after taking all circumstances of the individual case into
account and after weighing the interests of both parties to the contract, immediately without having to comply with
any cancellation period
-  without any particular reason at the end of year with at least 6 months of prior notification, provided that a proper
replacement is found that meets the charge´s needs and is willing to continue the care in the caretaker´s stead
according to the provisions of this agreement (possible candidates are to be discussed with the charge beforehand).
§ 4 – Limits and Restrictions
 (1)  Insofar as the charge is employed or pursuing a career, none of the provisions of this agreement may be
interpreted in any manner that would affect these undertakings. In particular, the caretaker may not interfere with the
charge´s professional obligations and has to allow the charge to maintain a professional appearance in all work-
related matters. The rules set out in this agreement, in particular the ones in regard to bedtime, appearance, conditions
for diaper changes, diaper type and diaper usage, are to be adjusted accordingly.
(2)  The general goal of training the charge to become diaper dependent, however, has to be pursued at all times and
may not interfered with for any reason whatsoever. This precludes any concessions that would allow the charge to use
the toilet or to stop wearing and using diapers, even if it were only for a short while.
(3)  None of the provisions of this agreement may be interpreted in any manner that would be contrary to public policy
or the law applicable where the charge is habitually resident or habitant.
§ 5 – Safeguards for Public Exposure
To avoid legal ramifications or detrimental effects for the charge´s social standing, the charge must be dressed and
treated in such manner when in public or in the presence of other people not being part of the AB/DL community, that
public decency is adhered and that no other people are molested. If the charge´s diapers are to be exposed or changed
in public, it has to be done in a socially acceptable manner. Appropriate safeguards need to be taken to ensure that the
charge´s identity is protected.
§ 6 – Rules to be enforced by the Caretaker
(1)  The caretaker is responsible for the enforcement of the following rules the charge has to abide by, for as long as this
agreement is in force:
1.    Diapers are to be worn 24/7, no exceptions.
2.    The toilet is off limits. Diapers are to be used at all times.
3.    All potty privileges are revoked. Diapers are to be used as soon as the need arises.
4.    Diapers may only be changed/removed by caretaker, his/her representatives or with their explicit permission.
5.    To ensure proper diaper usage, diapers are only to be changed, if they are either messy or filled to the point of
leaking. No diaper changes may be requested before then.
6.    Random diaper checks may be performed at all times to avoid leakage and to ensure proper diaper usage. The
charge may not interfere with these regardless of the circumstances.
7.    To keep the charge regular, the following rules apply:
-  The charge has to drink at least 3 liters per day.
-  The charge may not eat any salty or unhealthy food, unless with explicit permission of caretaker or representative.
-  At least one of the charge´s daily meals has to consist only of baby food.
-  If the charge has no proper bowel movement within 24 hours, suppositories, enemas or laxatives are used to relieve
the constipation.
-  The charge has to consume every meal/drink it is given by caretaker or representative regardless of its taste or its
ingredients, unless it conflicts with the dietary requirements or limits established beforehand (e.g. to avoid allergic
-  The caretaker may decide at any time that the charge is not ready to feed himself/herself and may take it upon
himself/herself to feed him/her instead. The charge has to submit and may not interfere or protest.
8.    Unless otherwise specified, all drinks are to be consumed from baby bottles or sippy cups.
9.    Bedtime is at 8 pm, unless otherwise specified. Once put to bed, the charge may not leave it until 6 am the next day
unless with explicit permission of caretaker or representative. Noncompliance may be sanctioned with spankings and
additional restraints.
10.Whenever the caretaker or a representative is present, the charge may not adjust his/her appearance in any way
without explicit permission of caretaker or representative. This includes covering or hiding worn diapers or any other
accessories indicating the charge´s babyhood.
 (2)  Unless otherwise specified, these rules may only be altered or amended by agreement of all parties involved.
§ 7 – Enforced Diaper Training
 (1)  The caretaker may take appropriate steps to ensure that the charge fully commits to his/her diaper training and
gives up any remaining resistance against becoming diaper dependent.
(2)  The goal of achieving diaper dependence is to be achieved primary by means of natural unpotty training. Long-term
treatment with invasive measures (e.g. catheters, stents, plugs) may only be used as means of last resort, if natural
unpotty training has failed due to the charge´s continuing resistance.
 § 8 – Curative Measures
 The caretaker may take appropriate steps to keep the charge clean and healthy.
He/she may in particular:
-  remove the charge´s pubic hair and excess body hair and take appropriate steps to hinder its regrowth
-  prevent masturbation (either by restraints or use of chastity devices)
-  administer enemas, prostate massages and other curative measures
-  ensure good hygiene (by force if necessary)
-  determine the charge´s haircut and hair style
-  adjust the charge´s diet to ensure optimal weight and healthy digestion
-  take steps to ensure the charge´s physical fitness
  § 9 - Disciplinary Measures
The following punishments may be administered by the caretaker or his/her representatives at their discretion in
accordance with the principle of proportionality and the limits set out in this section and in the rest of the agreement:
-  Spanking (e.g.: hand, hairbrush, paddle)
        > only on bare/diapered bottom and thighs
        > no open wounds, no lasting bruises, no long-term harm
-  Reflective Punishments, such as
corner time, time out, being send to bed early, writing lines, temporary crib confinement, etc.
- Enemas, Suppositories and Laxatives
         > medical limits need to be observed
         > goal is to enforce natural bowel movements, not to rely on forced ones
- Bondage, Restraints and Restrictive Clothing, such as
lockable plastic pants/onesies, padded mittens, spreader bars/pants, pacifier gags, cuffs, crib restraints, etc.
-   Stricter Rules (temporary)
> This may not alter the nature of the rules set out in this agreement and  may only affect their severity (e.g. earlier
bedtime, more baby food, less big kid privileges)
> Even this may not interfere with the charge´s professional obligations or other limits set out in this agreement
 -  Enforced Chastity
> in case of prolonged chastity, prostate massages are to be given when advisable
 -  Anal Stretching (e.g. buttplugs, stretching rings)
> Bodily damage must be avoided (e.g. caution required in case of hemorrhoids)
> Long-term stretching only if natural unpotty training has failed
  -  Catheterization
> Bodily damage must be avoided; proper hygiene required
> Long-term catheterization only if natural unpotty training has failed
  - Humiliation
> This may not be applied in any manner that would affect the charge´s career or its social standing and has to be done
in socially acceptable manner
> possible scenarios (non-exhaustive):
-        forced to use diaper in presence of other people
-        forced to buy diapers in person while in used diaper
-        forced to publish pictures / videos / reports of punishments (without       revealing identity or showing name and
-        forced to announce diaper usage in public
-        public outings with diaper partly exposed
-        public outings in diaper with punctured outer layer
-        public outings while holding enema / after taking laxative
> to minimize risk of detrimental consequences, most scenarios have to take place in locations where the charge is not
-  Prolonged time without diaper changes
> Layers may be added to avoid leaks
> Bodily harm needs to be avoided; proper use of lotions, creams, etc. required
-  Other Discomfort Punishments, such as
mouth soaping, diaper fillings (e.g. ice, oatmeal, nettles, etc.), uncomfortable clothes, forced masturbation, etc.  
 § 10 – Assessment of Progress
 The caretaker may take appropriate steps to assess the progress of the charge´s education and diaper training. At the
end of each month, the results and their consequences are to be discussed with the charge, followed by a talk about
the plans and milestones set out for the following month. The charge may oppose these only insofar as he/she has
legitimate concerns regarding the compliance with the limits set out in this agreement.
§ 11 – Closing provisions
 If a provision of this agreement is or becomes legally invalid or if there is any gap that needs to be filled, the validity of
the remainder of the agreement shall not be affected thereby. Invalid provisions shall be replaced by common consent
with such provisions which come as close as possible to the intended result of the invalid provision. In the event of
gaps such provision shall come into force by common consent which comes as close as possible to the intended result
of the agreement, should the matter have been considered in advance. Any changes of or amendments to this
agreement must be in writing to become effective.

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