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Course No.

: AR730
Course Title: Seminars in Architectural Topics

Adaptive Reuse as a Mean of

Sustainability: Al-Sinnari House, Historic

Final Submission
By: Donia Wael Elgendy
Presented To: Prof. Dr. Dalia ElSorady
Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Principles of Adaptive Reuse
2.2 Sustainable Benefits of Adaptive Reuse
2.3 Framing the parameters of ‘Sustainability’ in Adaptive Re-use
2.4 The U.S. Green Building Council and Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design
2.5 Green Buildings
2.6 Retrofit Treatments
2.7 Comparable Buildings
2.8 Case of Al-Sinnari House
3. Methodology
3.1 Case Study Selection
3.2 Frame Work
3.3 Life Cycle Assessment Tool
3.4 Results of Life Cycle Assessment Tool
3.5 Limitations
3.6 The LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
3.7 Results of the LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
3.8 Overall result of the LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Demolition of an existing building and construction of a new one consumes a significant
amount of energy, raw materials, and other resources while creating demolition waste and
emissions that contribute to pollution and global warming. These disadvantages can be
considerably reduced through adaptive reuse of existing properties, which needs significantly
less energy, monetary resources, and materials to adapt the building for a new use than
demolition of the old building and construction of a new one. Adaptive reuse must be done in
a thoughtful and logical order while conforming to the core principles of sustainability in order
to fulfill its goal. The purpose of this study is to define the criteria to be examined in the
sustainable adaptive reuse process and to assemble all of the aspects to be evaluated in any
such project. Finally, the stated factors are examined in an existent case of Al-Sinnari House
in Cairo, Egypt, to highlight the efficiency of the assembled sustainability metrics in assessing
any reused structure. The study looks at passive design factors such as architectural design
characteristics, orientation, façade treatments, chosen materials, and their influence on energy
efficiency levels. Environmental indoor performance levels are measured within the structure.
These metrics are used to evaluate the indoor environmental quality. In addition, the building
is evaluated in terms of all other LEED criteria, including mobility, sustainable sites, water
efficiency, energy, materials, and innovation. According to the LEED evaluation, Al-Sinnari
House, as an Islamic historic structure, might comply with the LEED grading system and be a
candidate for LEED gold or platinum certification.
Keywords: Adaptive Reuse, Sustainability, Heritage Conservation, Life Cycle Assessment,
LEED, Building Retrofit, Sinnari House.
1. Introduction
Heritage buildings play an important role in preserving culture for future generations.
Heritage structures may lose their original purpose over time for a variety of reasons. When
they can no longer perform their original purpose, adaptive reuse may be the only option to
retain their historical significance (K. Günçe and D. Mısırlısoy 2019).
Building reuse and adaptation are becoming increasingly popular since lengthening the life
of a building through reuse not only reduces material, transportation, and energy consumption,
as well as pollution, but also provides sustainable surroundings. Adaptive reuse options for
heritage buildings contribute to the long-term evolution of the built environment. Conservation
of architectural history, on the other hand, ensures economic, cultural, and social benefits to
communities. Today, architectural conservation is more than just preservation; it is also a
component of sustainability. Heritage buildings preserve the past and add character to
communities (K. Günçe and D. Mısırlısoy 2019).
In architecture, adaptive reuse is the process of rethinking the programming of a building
and its location in order to utilize it for a 'new' function other than the one for which it was
originally constructed. The goal of adaptive reuse is to extend the life of a building from birth
to death by maintaining as much of the structural system as feasible. If non-structural items are
not kept in their original position, they might be re-used within the site following suitable
changes. Burchell and Listokin (1981) describe adaptive reuse as a "revitalization method that
involves a set of connected procedures to plan for, inventory, buy, manage, and reuse excess
or abandoned real estate." If a building had a past use that is no longer appropriate in that style
of building or location, the potential value of the property will be maximized by converting the
space" (Mallick and Vaddiparti 2019).
Adaptive reuse decision-making involves a range of factors, including location, heritage,
design assets, and market trends. Participants in the decision-making process should have a
complete understanding of how to evaluate the building's most appropriate future use. Because
diverse players such as government representatives, designers, architectural historians,
investors, and owners frequently have different perspectives about the adaptive reuse of historic
buildings, there may be some conflicts in the decision-making process for heritage buildings.
The reuse of heritage properties with a purpose that is consistent with their character gives a
long-term sustainable preservation alternative. It also assures adequate building preservation
and contributes to the maintenance of the sense of place. Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings
is a difficult procedure since it necessitates a thorough study of the building's heritage values,
physical qualities, and adaptive reuse possibilities. The new usage and necessary renovations
should preserve and enhance the building's cultural significance (K. Günçe and D. Mısırlısoy
Sustainability is one of the most widely debated topics in recent years, with the goal of
preserving society and present resources for future generations. It has several aspects, including
ecological, economic, social, and cultural components that interact, complement, and define
one another. The scope of this research will include a discussion of sociocultural sustainability,
which strives to preserve the sociocultural values of the linked setting.
Heritage houses architecture reflects the identity, culture, and lifestyle of the building's linked
user. In this regard, preserving them is critical for social continuity (K. Günçe and D. Mısırlısoy
Individual and population health are both influenced by the built environment. Social and
environmental factors — the physical, social, policy, and economic aspects of the places we
live, work, and play – have a significant impact on our health and health habits (S. Kaddory
Al-Zubaidy 2015).
Because of its direct influence on the design, development, and management of the built
environment, the real estate sector is well-positioned to promote public health. Green building
practitioners who choose to promote health are consciously employing public health research
to advocate for and contribute to a culture of health within real estate, all while retaining a key
focus on addressing climate change (S. Kaddory Al-Zubaidy 2015).
While LEED includes a variety of health-related initiatives, practitioners must be selective
in their use of LEED to optimize its potential health value. A needs-based health promotion
procedure, such as the LEED Integrative Process for Health Promotion (IPHP) pilot credit, can
assist project teams in selecting and tailoring LEED credits depending on the health context of
a project (S. Kaddory Al-Zubaidy 2015).
This study focuses on the reused heritage houses in Cairo that have been converted to
different functions. The aim is to question the successfulness of the new functions assigned to
these houses and to suggest a new function if needed. The study focuses on a case study of Al-
Sinnari house in old Cairo. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate its environmental impact
and offer new treatments to enhance its energy consumption.
2. Literature Review
In architecture, adaptive reuse is the process of redesigning the function and the program of
a building and its site in order to use it for a new function other than the one for which it was
initially designed. The goal of adaptive reuse is to extend the life of a building from cradle to
grave by retaining as much of the structural system as possible. If non-structural elements are
not preserved in their original location, they can be re-used within the site after suitable
adjustments. Burchell and Listokin define adaptive reuse as a "revitalization strategy that
employs a series of linked processes to plan for, inventory, acquire, manage, and reuse surplus
or abandoned real estate." If a building which had a previous use that is no longer suitable in
that type of building or location, then the potential value of the property will be maximized by
adapting the space. If a building has a previous use function that is no longer appropriate in
that type of building or location, the potential value of the property will be maximized by
adapting the space” (Mallick and Vaddiparti 2019).
2.1 Principles of Adaptive Reuse
According to the principles of adaptive reuse, the process should be carried out in such a
way that the properties are functional to be able to perform the functions efficiently for which
they are redesigned, durable and flexible to be long lasting and adaptable to new uses,
contextual to be able to interact with their surroundings and enhance their context, aesthetic to
have visual coherence and aesthetic appeal, and sustainable so that the methods adopted must
be non-polluting, energy efficient and have a minimal environmental impact (Mallick and
Vaddiparti 2019).
2.2 Sustainable Benefits of Adaptive Reuse
Sustainability is an umbrella phrase that refers to a three-pronged approach to a more fair
future, namely the environment, the economy, and society. Any component is sustainable if
the three requirements are balanced. The advantages of maintaining and re-programming
historic buildings are described below under the three key sustainability criteria (Mallick and
Vaddiparti 2019).
2.2.1 Environmental Benefits
Reuse and recycling of the existing materials and structure reduces the amount of waste
entering landfills. Older buildings are often constructed with materials of a higher grade and
quality and therefore have a longer lifespan. In the other hand, the use of the existing public
infrastructure reduces the pressure on municipalities and reduces urban sprawl, and the
selection of appropriate materials and technologies lead to achieving energy efficiency
(Mallick and Vaddiparti 2019).
2.2.2 Economic Benefits
The municipality benefits from the increased property tax that the developed site creates as
compared to a vacant site. Municipality doesn’t require to extend public infrastructure services
to the site as it is already existing. For the developer: lower construction costs as compared to
new building projects, they have less legal constraints in re-use projects (Mallick and
Vaddiparti 2019).
2.2.3 Social Benefits
Retains the character of an area and the locational context, create a diverse community
through varying building types and ages, and reduces the crime rate and other antisocial
behavior associated with unsupervised dilapidated and abandoned sites (Mallick and
Vaddiparti 2019).
2.3 Framing the parameters of ‘Sustainability’ in Adaptive Re-use
To make any project sustainable, the three components of sustainability proposed by the
United Nations General Assembly in 2005, namely the Economic, Social, and Environmental
elements, must be met. In the case of building re-use, the examination of the three components
is also necessary to ensure that the process results in the construction of a sustainable project.
The three basic categories can be met by evaluating the following criteria: Economic Feasibility
for the economic aspect, Legislative Adherence & Locational Analysis for the social element,
and Environmental & Architectural Criteria for the environmental component. Figure 1 depicts
the five requirements in further detail (Mallick and Vaddiparti 2019).
Figure 1 .Criteria for Sustainability Assessment of Buildings to be Re-used.
Source: (Mallick and Vaddiparti, 2019).
2.4 The U.S. Green Building Council and Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design
The US Green Building Council (USGBC) created the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) grading system, which provides points to buildings that meet
environmentally responsible requirements. The USGBC is a non-profit organization founded
in 1993 to promote green construction. LEED has grown to encompass six environmental
categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources,
indoor environmental quality, and innovation and design. The grading systems have become
the international standard for green building and development. New construction, commercial
interiors, core and shell projects, as well as existing structures, houses, schools, retail
establishments, and healthcare facilities, are all eligible for LEED certification (S. Kaddory Al-
Zubaidy 2015).
2.5 Green Buildings
Several construction materials, including brick, concrete, glass, metal, and wood, have stood
the test of time. Sustainability entails initiating examination of the substance choice in terms
of its environmental effect. It also demonstrates the typical effect of green building in the
development of a higher quality environment as a result of improved indoor air quality.
Furthermore, well-executed green initiatives need a collaborative effort between designers and
owners. Another concern is the shortage of green-educated architects. Precocious decisions
made throughout the design phase, such as location selection and orientation, can save energy
and environmental impacts. With the use of intelligent sustainable design and techniques,
designers might reduce energy usage and other negative consequences by a large amount
compared to typical comparable structures (ElSorady and Rizk 2020).
2.6 Retrofit Treatments
Some suggestion of green means, energy efficiency and retrofits treatments can be applied
for the selected case study to achieve adaptive reuse sustainability and to reduce the energy
consumption that consequently affects the seven factors mentioned before which are;
2.6.1 Ventilation
To minimize condensation, historical structures require ventilation, which may be
accomplished by adopting mixed mode or hybrid ventilation systems, with mechanical devices
boosting natural ventilation of buildings in a regulated manner (Awbi 2015).
Figure 2 .Mixed Mode Ventilation Diagram
Source: (Salcido, Juan & Raheem, Adeeba & Issa 2016).
2.6.2 Lighting, Heating and Monitoring
The treatments should include improving lighting and heating systems while monitoring
climatic conditions throughout the year as the cultural center needs to be well lighted for
visitors but at the same time in an efficient way (Dubois et al. 2015).

Figure 3 .Light Control Diagram

Source: Google Images.
2.6.3 Insulation
The walls can be insulated, and to reduce the loss of heat through windows by adding
secondary glazing before the Mashrabiyah (El-Darwish and Gomaa 2017).

Figure 4 .Wall Insulation / DoubleGlazing

Source:(Hoffer 2015) .
2.6.4 Ecological Footprint
All materials used for restoration and retrofitting must be locally sourced as Cairo has vast
reserves of limestone. Also, most of the retrofitting techniques will consequentially be
vernacular and require manpower rather than machinery (Seo and Foliente 2021).
2.6.5 Renewable Energy Potential
Solar power systems capture the sun's clean, pure energy. Installing solar panels on
the building will help in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and our collective
dependency on fossil fuels. Although the manufacturing of fossil fuels consumes large amounts
of water and pollutes the environment, solar energy requires little to no water to function. As a
result, solar power not only does not pollute water resources, but it also does not place a
pressure on the world's water supply (Basarir, Diri, and Diri 2012).

Figure 5 .Solar Panels Diagram

Source:(Ashwak 2017)
2.7 Comparable Buildings
Three examples of comparable buildings to Al-Sinnari House were chosen to be studied
well with their adaptive reuse program and successfulness to be a reference for the research.
The first is a regional example from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and the other two examples are local
from Cairo, Egypt.
2.7.1 Nassif House Museum: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Nassif House is located on Al-Alawi Street in Jeddah's old town. Sheikh Umar Effendi Al-
Nassif, a prominent Jeddah resident, built it between 1872 and 1881. The home is also known
as "the tree house," since it opens into a plaza with a neem tree, which was the sole tree in
Jeddah until the 1920s. The home was designed by a Turkish architect and hence stands out
among the other old Jeddah houses (ArchNet, N.A).
In addition to being a dwelling for the Nassif family, it served as a residence for King Abul
Aziz Ibn Saud when he invaded the city as a conqueror in 1925. The Saudi government
purchased the mansion in 1975 and recognized it as a historic property. The home, located in
the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Al Ballad, was turned from exemplifying Jeddah's
nobility to a library with 16,000 books; since its rehabilitation, it has been utilized as a cultural
center for talks and exhibitions (ArchNet, N.A).

Figure 6 / 7 .Nassif House, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Design Hassan Fathy, 1974.Exterior / Section.
Source: (Fathy, 1986).
The 106 rooms of Bayt Nassif allow you to wander through the district's ornate and
complicated past, with talks, displays, and a museum investigating its own history. Despite
extensive restoration work, the original building has been preserved, and the museum houses a
collection of antique images (ArchNet, N.A).
The museum is listed the first touristic destination to visit on the Saudi tourism official
website, and the eighth out of eighty-one destinations to visit on the touristic website
TripAdvisor (TripAdvsor, N.A) (Saudi Tourism Authority, N.A).
2.7.2 Bayt Al-Kritiliya - Gayer-Anderson Museum: Cairo, Egypt
Bayt Al-Kritiliya was built entirely on the remains of the Tulunid city Al-Qata'i, using the
ruins of the surrounding natural setting, particularly the bricks of Mokatam hill. It is located on
El-Saliba Street, in the neighborhood of Sayeda Zeinab, Cairo governorate, near the south-
eastern side of Ahmed Ibn Tulun Mosque. It is regarded as one of the most spectacular
examples of Arab residential architecture from the 16th and 17th centuries that has survived in
Cairo. It is made up of two buildings. Hajj Mohammad Ibn Al-Hajj Salem Ibn Galman Al-
Gazzar built the eastern residence. When this home was sold to a rich Muslim woman from
Crete, it was named Bayt Al-Kritiliya, or "House of the Cretan Woman." Furthermore, the
second one was built on the western side by Abdel-Qader Al-Haddad and was afterwards called
as Bayt Amna bent Salim after its last owner (Mallick and Vaddiparti 2019).

Figure 8 / 9 .Photograph of the Gayer Anderson Museum Façade / Gayer Anderson Museum Plan.
Source: (Mallick and Vaddiparti, 2019).
The Egyptian government granted Major R.G. Gayer Anderson Pasha permission to live in
one of the historic Arab mansions under the supervision of the Arab Monuments Committee in
1935. As a result, the two homes were linked by a bridge on the third level and are today known
collectively as Bayt al-Kritiliya. Gayer Pasha is quite interested in oriental studies in general.
In this mansion, he collected a spectacular collection of Near Eastern arts and crafts, as well as
unusual ancient Egyptian artefacts. He put them in a really pleasing presentation. Then, in
1942, due to bad health, he departed Egypt and gave his collections to the Egyptian
government, which transformed this residence into a museum through the ministry of public
education (Amer and Identity 2016).
2.7.3 Harawi House: Cairo, Egypt
According to the Antiquities Authority, the restoration of Harawi House started in January
1986. This house, built in 1731, is located in the middle of a neighborhood with a diversity of
Cairo's architectural heritage condensed within a compact area. It is co-owned with the Sitt
Wasila House (seventeenth century), and it is close to the Zeinab Khatun House, the Qa'a
Ghannamiyya, a fountain and a wakala (caravanserai. It is extremely near to the Al-Azhar
Mosque (Maury 2001).
Figure 10 / 11 .Architectural Plans / Axonometric view.
Source: (Maury, 2001).
On the ground floor, there are two huge qa'as, and another on the first storey. The main
reception room on the ground floor is architecturally and aesthetically dated to the turn of the
seventeenth century, making it the house's oldest component. A Qur'anic inscription in Thuluth
script, painted cupboards, and painted ceilings, as well as an inlaid marble fountain, complete
the elegant décor. The entryway, like the rest of the house, is a nineteenth-century rebuild
(ArchNet, N.A).

Figure 12 / 13 .Exterior and Interior Views of the House.

Source: (Anna Bardos, Accessed 2021).
The French Institute of Oriental Archeology (IFAO) and the Supreme Council of Antiquities
(SCA) worked together to repair the building. The restoration, which was finished in 1993, was
founded on the concept of preserving just what was left and not adding or inventing anything
new. The property is presently utilized as a music venue, a special event venue, and a
headquarters for visiting architecture studios (ArchNet, N.A) (Anna Bardos, N.A).
2.8 Case of Al-Sinnari House
The case study selected is a historic house in Cairo that is surviving until nowadays as it has
been conserved to be adaptive reused as cultural center which has ongoing events almost every
day that assure its successfulness.
2.8.1 Historical Background
Ibrahim Katkhuda al-Sinnari is the owner of the property. According to al-Jabarti, he was a
Mamluk of Murad Bek of Berber roots, and his surname relates to the city of Sennar. The
property was taken by the French in 1798 to serve as a location and housing for the members
of Napoleon's military expedition to Egypt's Commission of Science and Arts. Their objective
was to conduct a systematic study of Egypt, with the publication of Description de l'Egypte
topping their list of accomplishments. Dr. Boutros Ghali, former UN Secretary-General, gave
an original copy of this book to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Alexandrina, Accessed on 2021)
(Organization of Islamic Capitals and Countries, 1990).
Sinnari House, like when used by the French was divided into four sections: mathematics,
physics, political economy, and literature and fine arts. During its first meeting, Sinnari House
chose Gaspard Monge as president, Napoleon Bonaparte as deputy, and Joseph Fourier as
secretary. However, once the French mission left in 1801, the institute lost its principal
objective and stopped its activities (Alexandrina, N.A).
Gayardon Bek applied to the Committee for the Conservation of Arab Monuments in 1916
for permission to use the property as a museum to showcase his particular collection of the
French Campaign in Egypt and Syria. Gayardon Bek constructed the Bonaparte museum from
1917 to 1926 after receiving their consent. The museum, on the other hand, was closed
following his death and deserted in 1933. The Center of Archaeological Crafts, which was
related with the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO), was situated in the property during
the 1960s. All of this, as well as the 1992 earthquake, resulted in considerable damage to the
structure, which was restored in 1996 by the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) in
partnership with the French mission (Alexandrina, N.A).
Sinnari House joined the Bibliotheca Alexandrina at the request of Dr. Ismail Serageldin,
Director of the BA, and with the approval of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Monuments,
to become an important cultural center in the district of al-Sayeda Zeinab, with the goal of
raising cultural, artistic, and scientific awareness in the surrounding areas and encouraging
young people to participate in public life. Sinnari House hosts a variety of cultural and artistic
activities, including as exhibits, conferences, forums, workshops, and theatrical performances,
as well as gatherings and debates to examine the future of science and knowledge at various
levels. Sinnari House's duty is an extension of the BA's goal of recapturing the spirit of the
historic Sinnari House and transforming it into a platform for sciences, culture, and the arts
(Alexandrina, N.A).
Along Khalig al-Nasr canal, summer houses were built among gardens filled with vines,
date palms, and orange, lemon, and banana trees. People stayed until November, enjoying the
freshness of the waters and the scent of the plants and flowers. The canal that runs the length
of Cairo was built in 1324 by Sultan al-Nasser Mohammed, son of Qalawoon. During the Nile
flood season, which lasts from the tenth to the twentieth of August, water was introduced from
the river by breaking a small dike built at the canal's entrance, and the well-to-do inhabitants
of the Capital brought their families to live in little houses or cabins located at the canal's end,
outside the city (Maury 2001). Given these circumstances, Sinnari's house's survival is
remarkable. It owes its existence to a historical past linked to Napoleon Bonaparte's Egyptian
campaign, which saw its neighbours demolished one after the other and substituted by new
structures (Maury 2001).
2.8.2 Adaptive Reuse Process
If one relates to the designs and plans created by the Institute's members, this splendid
eighteenth-century property, which was successively occupied by Ibrahim Al-Sinnari and later
by the savants of Bonaparte's Institute d'Egypte, has barely altered since its creation. One might
also be grateful to the Conservation Committee of Arab Art Monuments for listing the home
as a monument in 1922 and undertaking restoration work in keeping with the edifice's historical
character (Maury 2001).
Al-Sinnari House is divided into two sections: the ground level, which has all of the
reception areas such as the courtyard, maqaad, and qa'a, and the second storey, which contains
secondary rooms of less relevance. As the visitor enters, the massive stone entryway,
dominated by a large corbelled mashrabiyya, exposes the overpowering magnitude and majesty
of the building. A zigzag entry behind the door leads to a high, broad tunnel that leads to an
internal court. Diversity and balance define the facades surrounding an area covered
exclusively by sky around the central marble fountain, while light and shade alternate on
porches and corbelled walls (Maury 2001).
2.8.3 Adaptive Reuse Function Selection
Sinnari House joined forces with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to establish an important
cultural center in the al-Sayeda Zeinab district, with the goal of increasing cultural, artistic, and
scientific awareness in the surrounding areas and encouraging youth to participate in public
life. Sinnari House hosts a wide range of cultural and artistic events, such as exhibits,
conferences, forums, workshops, and theatrical performances, as well as gatherings and
discussions to examine the future of science and knowledge at different levels. Sinnari House's
responsibilities are an extension of the BA's goal of recovering the spirit of the historic Sinnari
House and transforming it into a platform for science, culture, and the arts (Maury 2001).
Through social awareness, the preservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings
guarantees social and cultural sustainability. Historical buildings that have survived throughout
history are useful indicators of societies' social and cultural lives. Adaptive reuse strategies
should be developed in order to use historical houses with their original functions or with
appropriate functions that maintain the authenticity of the primary function. Adaptive reuse
should take place without compromising the architectural identity of the buildings. Responding
to user requirements and satisfaction is critical in adaptive reuse projects to ensure function
continuity. In conclusion, Cultural Center is the optimum proposed adaptive reuse function for
Al-Sinnari House (Ahmed Mahmoud Amin 2014).
3. Methodology
The methodology applied in this study was developed on a specific selected case study of
Al-Sinnari house using the life cycle assessment process (LCA). A life cycle perspective can
help to understand the possible benefits and environmental consequences of the repurposing
project, which can then be used to drive future building stock management.
3.1 Case Study Selection
Built in 1794, Al-Sinnari House is one of the last remaining bourgeois building in mediaeval
Cairo, Egypt. After being restored, the house has become an important cultural institution
managed by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Ahmed Mahmoud Amin 2014). It is located in the
Al-Sayeda Zainab area and is approached by the dead-end Monge route, named after Gaspard
Monge, who joined the French campaign to Egypt (Alexandrina, N.A).

Figure 14 / 15 .The location of the House / Raised entrance to the house, Monge Passage.
Source: (Revault, J and Maury, B., Palais ET Maisons).
Figure 16 .Architectural Plans.
Source: (Anna Bardos, Accessed 2021).

Figure 17 .Architectural Sections and Facades.

Source: (Anna Bardos, N.A).
3.1.1 Building Description
The great front approaching the courtyard (Figure 18) is fully covered in cut stone and has
a takhtabush on the ground level, topped by a maqaad,
two different greeting halls designated for males. On
the second storey, a stunning sculpted stone entrance
leads to an inner staircase that rises from the courtyard
by a flight of six circular steps. The remaining three
sides of the courtyard are occupied by outbuildings
and connecting tunnels. Before proceeding, one
should take note of the entry to a large vaulted space,
around the perimeter of which stone chairs for guests
were originally built (Maury 2001).
Figure .18. Courtyard
Source: Ahmed Mahmoud Amin, 2014
The private flats' qa'a, or reception area, is located upstairs. It is located over the mandara
and the length of the hallway leading to the court, which functions as a basement. The basic
split of earlier rooms has been preserved, with the center durqa'a positioned above two high
iwans. It is lit at both ends by two mashrabiyya, one of which overlooks the street and possesses
variety of panels. It emphasizes the grand proportions of the large iwan that it lights, as well as
the traditional carved wood wall cupboards that surround it. The qa'a is covered by a
spectacular coffered ceiling, perforated in the center by a carved wooden dome, with the
exception of the little iwan (Maury 2001).
Figure 19 / 20 .The grand hall, the iwan, and at its front is the large Mashrabeya overlooking the outside
Source: Ahmed Mahmoud Amin, 2014
Despite its typical layout, this qa'a contains numerous interesting elements, the first of which
is a mashrabiyya screen showing superb woodwork and dividing a tiny iwan from the
remainder of the room. It most likely functioned to filter the air gathered by an immense malqaf,
or wind catcher, located on the terrace that serves as the iwan's roof. The second remarkable
feature is an opening to the sky which draws in the cold northern winds in the evening and
blows them into the qa'a, driving off the hot air with its density difference from the other
windows and the central dome (Maury 2001).
The availability of a tiny, private hammam with a single entry going into the reception area
is the third characteristic. The hammam consists of two tiny chambers, each topped by a
flattened dome with cut star-like hexagonal openings coated with colorful glass. The first
chamber was for dressing and relaxing, and it was likewise lighted by the qa'a via a
mashrabiyya grille. The steam room was the second stop (Maury 2001).
A second qa'a, smaller and more modest than the first, is located on the first level of the
courtyard's east side, and is lighted by a double balcony in mashrabiyya. The other wall is
occupied by a large closet with carved doors and a cornice (Maury 2001).
Various raw materials were used in the House, such as limestone, gypsum, stones, wood,
marble, tiles, rubble, bricks, cinder, and whitewash (Ahmed Mahmoud Amin 2014).
3.1.2 Retrofits of the Buildings
The building was already designed following several passive design principles that achieved
thermal balance and ventilation. The House's design, as part of the surrounding urban texture,
is based on the principles of historical city planning, in which compacted planning divided
architectural groupings and incorporated streets and small twisting passageways. This
guaranteed that the exterior façades of dwellings were shielded from the sun and dusty breezes.
The overall surface area of each structure exposed to these climatic impacts would be limited
in proportion to the interior size of the home, minimizing the amount of external heat going
into the house. The House depended heavily on the interior yards and skyward open-air spaces
to provide thermal equilibrium, ventilation, and lighting. The internal yard, in addition to
serving as a mobility and communication axis, is one of the most essential climatic solutions
in countries with dry hot weather (Ahmed Mahmoud Amin 2014).
3.2 Frame Work
It was decided to assess the indoor environmental air quality based on a literature review
that included an examination of the green building aspects and LEED criteria, as well as an
examination of the building orientation, passive design elements, facade treatments, selected
materials, and their impact on energy efficiency levels.
Different building rooms were examined, and measurements were used to evaluate LEED
standards. Furthermore, Al-Sinnari House was evaluated in compliance with LEED
certification requirements using the LEED v4.1 for Operations & Maintenance: Existing
Buildings scorecard and grading gained points. This was discovered to be the best choice
assessment. This would give a good chance of completing most qualifications and earning
additional credits.
Measurements were made at various time intervals for one day in winter and one day in
summer utilizing the stated devices for multiple indoor and outdoor spaces to evaluate the
output in each situation. To coincide with the cultural center's operating hours, time intervals
of 11 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m. were chosen. Additionally, water metering, electricity
metering, and light control information, as well as waste measurements and computations, were
obtained during a meeting with the center officer.
3.3 Life Cycle Assessment Tool
For low-rise commercial building assemblies, the Athena EcoCalculator 3.7.1 was used in
this LCA. It uses data from another tool created by the same institute, Athena Sustainable
Materials in Los Angeles, as the Athena Impact Estimator for Buildings. Users determine
specific building parts and components from the calculator and input inventory quantities in
the form of square footage of components. The life cycle stages of resource extraction and
construction, as well as maintenance, repair, and replacement of building assemblies, are all
included in the calculator. The EcoCalculator does not consider the effects of operational
energy. Because the goal of the research is to produce immediate directed results on the
material dimension of the structure, this tool selection makes sense, even if the energy
consumption during the usage phase is excluded. There are seven environmental impact
categories assessed through the EcoCalculator tool which are: Fossil Fuel Consumption (FFC),
Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Human Health Criteria
(HHC), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), and Smog Potential
(SP) (see figure 17, 18, 19) (Assefa and Ambler 2017).
Building information, building measurements, detection of observed materials, and
applicable material amounts were gathered from prior publications. The present function is to
serve as a cultural center.
The overall avoided impacts for global warming potential (GWP) were calculated, and
calculating the global warming potential for entire building destruction was added as an
avoided impact in the event of reusing an existing structure (see figure 21). The overall
percentage of each assembly to the seven climate change variables also represents the assembly
groupings (see figure 23).
As shown in figure 21, the columns and beams section is empty as the case study selected
was constructed using bearing walls system that does not include columns and beams, and
therefore the exterior and interior walls altogether have the larger amounts amongst all factors.
Figure 21 .Athena EcoCalculator Results on Spreadsheet.
Source: (Application Template:

Figure 22 .Athena EcoCalculator Percentages on Spreadsheet.

Source: (Application Template:
Figure 23 .Athena EcoCalculator Results in the form of Pie charts.
Source: (Application Template:
3.4 Results of Life Cycle Assessment Tool
The results shows that the highest impact on the Fossil Fuel Consumption is from the
exterior walls with a 33% followed by the foundations and footings by 28%, the Global
Warming Potential is from the foundations and footings by 35% followed by the exterior walls
by 31%, the Acidification Potential is from the exterior walls by 32% followed by the
foundations and footings by 30%, the Human Health Criteria is from the windows by 34%
followed by the foundations and footings by 26%, the Eutrophication Potential is from the
exterior walls by 39% followed by the interior walls by 26%, the Ozone Depletion Potential is
from the foundations and footings by 48% followed by the exterior walls by 26%, and the
Smog Potential is from the foundations and footings by 33% followed by the exterior walls by
3.5 Limitations
The columns surrounding the courtyard and other building systems were omitted or could
not be included due to the limits of the EcoCalculator. Again, this likely leads to an
underestimation of associated environmental impacts. Because of the limitations of the
methodology and data gathered, the results produced are better interpreted in the context of
capturing the relative order of magnitude performance difference when comparing selective
deconstruction against demolition and new construction. The outcomes are constrained to the
presentation of directed outcomes concentrating on the building's material component. As a
result, it is restricted since it eliminates energy usage during the life of the structure. The
conclusions derived using average regional and local data should not be employed in place of
an outcome based on a fully complete life cycle assessment using specific material and energy
3.6 The LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
Based on the results of the pilot survey at Al-Sinnari House, it was determined to apply the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, which include prerequisite
and credit points, to the building to assess its compliance. The precondition points are required
for the building's achievement and have no credit in return and are rated with a "Yes or No."
Other credit points are awarded for success, and these credit points are used to calculate the
building rating. The scale of such ratings ranges from certified to platinum. Following
consultation with two LEED Accredited Professionals (ElSorady and Rizk 2020).
Professionals with regard to the assessment of Al-Sinnari House, the research used the
LEED v4.1 Operations and Maintenance: Existing Buildings checklist on the case building.
Furthermore, measures pertaining to Al-Sinnari House settings, CO2 measurements, TVOC,
Waste stream, energy metering, and water metering were uploaded, and all measurements were
evaluated via the website. As a result, the website established a link for
users to complete a survey. The performance scores of user satisfaction and transportation
performance were obtained by filling out a brief questionnaire utilizing the link by at least 25%
of the number of occupiers and guests. Finally, an assessment of the entire LEED criteria was
created (ElSorady and Rizk 2020).
3.7 Results of the LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
The website has a maximum performance of 90 credits. On the LEED
v4.1 Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings scorecard, an additional 10 points are
generated that reflect particular site features in addition to performing certain green practices.
The total number of points accumulated by these two categories is 100.
3.7.1 Location and Transportation
The outcome of the transportation users' survey was 13 credit points out of 14. Both
occupants and guests were 40. 13 of them completed the questionnaire, accounting for 32.5 %.
There were 10 occupants in the building, and they arrived by foot, bus, or motorbike. Visitors
visited the building (total of 30 visitors, including both local and foreign tourists) mostly used
the bus, subway, or carpooling. The average one-way distance for inhabitants and tourists was
determined to be 25 kilometers.

25 KMs


Fig. 24 Average one way commute distance and popularity of transport modes.
Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-
3.7.2. Sustainable Sites
This information is not available on the Arcskoru website and must be retrieved for each
project. Because of the vegetated areas in the open court and back garden, the project site might
get 1 point in rainwater management credit. The presence of plants, roof and pavement
materials such as wood and stone with a solar reflection (SR) value of at least 0.28 also resulted
in 1 credit for heat island reduction. The credit points for light pollution mitigation and site
management were missing. As a result, the sustainable site received 2 out of 4 credits.
3.7.3 Water Efficiency
Annual water use, gross floor space, weighted occupancy, and weighted operation hours
were all necessary to determine water efficiency. The facility was fully operational 8 hours a
day, five days a week (i.e. 40 h per week). Personal communication was conducted with an
expert to check meters, question about water usage and consumption quantities, and learn about
water efficiency. Using a Zenner Water meter, the water use averaged 5800 gallons per month.
The received data was entered into the LEED online spreadsheet to get the water performance
score. The Arcskoru website received 12 credit points out of a possible 15.

Fig. 25 Total water consumption

Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-
3.7.4 Energy and Atmosphere
Actual metered data is included in this area. The dataset from the USGBC serves as the
reference. This category takes into account greenhouse gas emissions as well as energy usage.
The average amount of power purchased from the grid each month was 358 kWh. The Arcskoru
website received 31 points out of a possible 33. It also received one extra credit for improved
refrigerant management because it lacked HVAC equipment on the supplemental spread sheet.
As a result, the structure received 32 out of 35 credit points.
Fig. 26 Site energy, source energy and emissions.
Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-
3.7.5 Materials and Resources
Despite the fact that the building lacked the needed credits for buying policy, facility
maintenance, and redevelopment policy, the Waste Performance score was generated using the
Arc online software. The Center officer's data on site trash was utilized, as was the supplied
Arc Data template. Waste weighed in at 190 lbs. every month, with diverted waste weighing
in at 5 lbs. per month. The waste performance received a 7 out of 9 rating.
Fig. 27 Waste generated and waste diverted.
Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-
3.7.6 Indoor Environmental Quality
TVOC measures were considered necessary since they contribute to personal comfort,
cleanliness perception, and human health. The TVOC was also measured with the VOC
Environmental Meter PCE-VOC 1. The average of all informed TVOC concentration
measurements in indoor settings was 95 mg/m3. This signifies that the indoor areas ranged
from outstanding to acceptable in quality. According to WHO guidelines, all reported readings
were less than 200 mg/m3, which are considered satisfactory class spaces measurements for
TVOC. Previous measurements were submitted to the Arcskoru website, and human
experience calculations were performed. As a result, the building received 15 out of 22 points
since it missed the two credit points for green cleaning and integrated pest control.
Fig. 28 Survey responses, satisfaction and dissatisfaction rates.
Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-
3.7.7 Innovation
Because the building did not engage a LEED qualified professional to integrate LEED
knowledge with project management, it did not receive the innovation credit. As a result, the
building received 0 credit points for innovation category.
3.8 Overall result of the LEED application on Al-Sinnari House
The building scored 78 credit points out of 90 in performance credit points via the Arcskoru
website (see fig.29) and only 3 credit points out of 10 in nonperformance credit points, which
are categorized as green processes on the scorecard. As a result, the facility got an overall score
of 81 points out of 100 on the LEED v4.1 for Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings
assessment (see fig. 30). Some prerequisites, such as grid harmonization for energy and the
environment, purchasing policy for materials and resources, green cleaning policy, and
integrated pest management for indoor environmental quality, as well as the requirement for
the recruitment of an accredited LEED professional for innovation, are still missing. As a result,
Al-Sinnari House has a high potential for Platinum LEED certification under LEED v4.1 for
Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings (78/90–81/100).
Fig. 29 Project eligibility for certification for performance credit points out of 90.
Source: Authors based on Users’ survey-

Fig. 30 Total project eligibility for certification 81 credit point out of 100.
Source: Authors based on LEED v4.1 for Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings scorecard.

4. Discussion
According to the literature review referenced earlier, accomplishing the goals of sustainable
development has a notable influence in improving the quality of people's lives. Furthermore, it
asks for a balance between the community's social, environmental, and economic requirements
and available resources. Despite the fact that the emphasis is typically on new houses, this
vision should contain historical buildings. Adaptive reuse of historic buildings is required to
revive older buildings and enhance their social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
According to the study, adaptive reuse of historic buildings adds to the various principles of
sustainability, giving a significant opportunity for developing societies to embrace sustainable
As mentioned earlier in the literature review, the retrofit treatments and green means that
can be used in the project that has an effect on the outcomes of the tools used are; use mixed
mode ventilation method to apply cross ventilation among different seasons and timings, apply
heating and lighting sensors to control their usage according to the number of users of the
building, add an insulation layer from the inside to save energy and add a double glazing to the
openings so that the Mashrabiyya has better effect, use local materials for retrofitting and
restoration to save embodied energy, and solar panels may be added to the roof to supply power
to the building to become self-sustained and try to be zero energy building.
5. Conclusion
Since sustainable strategies and goals are constantly evolving, the conservation field's role
within energy sustainability will continue to expand and modify. This study emphasized the
importance of the conservation field working in parallel with the saved energy that is related
with sustainability. When discussing and assessing heritage structures, it is critical for the
conservation field to consider the ability to use environmental avoided impact methods.
The primary goal of sustainability is to protect the environment for future generations.
Conservationists should adapt to this role, as they have done for years in protecting structures,
landscapes, and cultural values. The ability to strengthen the relationship between
conservation, sustainability, and energy should be the preservation field's responsibility.
Experts are able to reuse heritage structures more successfully if they communicate in a
common energy value and avoid working in silos.
With the help of trained professionals, heritage buildings can be better protected during
retrofits while also becoming more efficient and having a lower environmental impact over
time. With a better understanding of the global movement for sustainability and preservation,
we can begin to focus on and support similar projects in Egypt.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how retrofitting Al-Sinnari House will preserve
its heritage by using the life cycle assessment tool and the LEED calculations. As a result, the
heritage structure should serve an adequate accurate function while not depleting its cultural
significance and wasting its embodied energy. The house may be qualified for a LEED Gold
level certificate with 81 credit points out of 100, demonstrating the significance of effectively
applying the adaptive reuse concept to the house.
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