Newsletter 8 July 2022

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 40 8 July 2022

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fortieth issue of my Egmont Seeds in their commercial cata-
newsletter for Volume 4. logue (you have to request it directly
Newsletter back issues from them, it is different to the cata-
I hope you have all had a good week. I logue on the website and the one which
Facebook have some very big news! A few they send out in the mail). In late
months ago, the Gardening with Disa- summer, I sowed blue, pink, yellow and
Instagram bilities Trust in the UK contacted me apricot. I look forward to the seedlings
via my Instagram page and asked if I flowering in spring and will share pho-
would like to write a blog post for tos then.
Pinterest their website. As many of you will be
aware, gardening has played an im- Once I have finished planting out our
portant role in my mental health jour- broad beans, I also have the task of
Contact me ney since I was diagnosed with schizo- planting my dianthus seedlings in con-
phrenia nearly a decade ago. It has tainers. I propagated the variety Diana
 Feedback also helped me cope with depression, Blueberry from seed, which I also ob-
 Newsletter input which is worse at this time of the year tained from the Egmont Seeds Com-
(tips, recipes, gar- when the days are shorter and it is so mercial Catalogue. I came across this
den photos etc) cold and grey. You can read the blog variety years ago when Awapuni sent
post I wrote for the Gardening with me a free established Diana Blueberry
 To be added to my Disabilities Trust here. Bear in mind plant with an order. It was so beautiful
mailing list that it was written for an internation- that I just had to have a go raising it
al audience. from seed myself.
I have been very busy planting broad Blog
bean seedlings that I raised from seed
in mid-autumn. They were ready to You can read my gardening blog here.
Inside this issue: go into the ground a long time ago but My latest post is about my winter gar-
there was no space. I also didn’t have dening activity.
time because there was the more Social media
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 pressing task of planting approxi-
Anita’s Garden mately 2,000 new bulbs I ordered for I have a Facebook page called Anita’s
spring, as well as all of last year’s Garden and maintain an active Insta-
spring bulbs in my existing collection. gram account, too.
Mum has been a huge help by tying
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 the plants to stakes with a bit of Collaborations
for the week string while I concentrate on getting
I have the following collaborations:
the plants into the ground.
 Italian Seeds Pronto
I also got around to planting all my
Collaboration news 2 stock (matthiola) seedlings. I follow a  Awapuni
commercial cut flower grower in NZ
called Brite Blooms on Instagram and  Bulbs Direct
they grow the most lovely stock,
which they sell at the flower auction If you are interested in collaborating
Anita’s guide to growing 3
roses in Mt Wellington for florists to pur- with me, please get in touch by email.
chase. I asked them what variety it is
Have a great weekend.
and they told me that it is called Iron,
which happens to be offered by Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 4 0

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Some of our petunias are still

flowering even though it is
winter! Awapuni kindly gave
me some petunia plants back
in December, which I planted
in containers and kept in our
driveway. There is a lot of
green growth on all of the
This is the ornamental kale Crane This is the ornamental kale Crane plants so I’m going to leave
White and Bicolour. I raised these Pink, which I planted in a strip them in their containers and
plants from seed in autumn and next to one of our rose gardens. I see if they over-winter and
planted them outside in late May. raised these plants from seed and flower again in summer.
They are progressing nicely. transplanted them in late May.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

5. Spray roses and fruit
1. Plant new roses 3. Plant garlic
If you have ordered roses by mail Don’t worry if you didn’t get
In winter, I use lime sulphur to
order, they should arrive this around to planting garlic on the
help prevent fungal diseases as the
month or next. It’s best to get them shortest day. It isn’t too late to
weather warms up later in the
in the ground as soon as possible plant some now. Awapuni have
year. In spring, I recommend
after you receive them. garlic seedlings in stock now.
spraying with liquid copper. I usu-
2. Plant onions and shallots 4. Order lily bulbs ally stop spraying in October be-
cause by them it is too hot and
It isn’t too late to plant onion seed- Bulbs Direct have a great range of there is a risk of burning the
lings and shallot bulbs. lilies on their website. leaves if you continue spraying.

Collaboration news
Just a little reminder about the Bulbs Direct are releasing their Awapuni now has the long-awaited
note that is on the Italian Seeds long-anticipated dahlia range on 1 garlic plants in stock! Choose from
Pronto website. There is a limit of July! It’s a good idea to sign up to a regular bundle of 4 plants for
one packet of tomato seed per or- notifications so you don’t forget. As $6.50, 50 plants for $55 or 100
der. At present, there are four they say, you snooze, you lose! plants for $99. Awapuni kindly
varieties available in the Franchi Kayne has given us a sneak pre- gave me four regular bundles of
Seeds range: Costoluto Fiorentino, view of what’s available and I was garlic last season and I can attest
Red Pear, Cuor di Bue and Princi- most impressed. He told me that to the quality of the plants. I did
pe Borghese. In the Beeline seeds they brought a new supplier from end up getting rust, but it was not
range there is a variety called Tus- the Netherlands on board this year their fault at all! The variety be-
can Red available on the website. so there are lots of new varieties. ing sold is Printanor.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 4 0 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Anita’s guide to growing roses

To the best of my recollection, I nursery.
don’t think I have ever written a
Caring for existing roses
growing guide for roses in my
newsletter. June and July is the  In NZ, pruning is usually
perfect time for planting roses, so done in winter. I try and do
it seems like a good opportunity to mine in June. I also do a
me. We have quite a few roses in tidy up mid-summer as by
our garden. At first, I was daunt- that stage they have lost
ed by the idea of planting roses but their shape. Pruning means
they are actually very easy to beautiful blooms in late
grow. Roses are very tough plants, summer and autumn
so long as you don’t go near them
with weed killer, but I think that  I don’t like using sprays in
applies to most plants. If you look the garden but I find I do
after them well, they should last a have to spray my roses oth-
very long time. Once planted, they erwise they end up getting
remain there. It is a bad idea to black spot. In the winter
try and move them. I did this a months I use Lime Sulphur
couple of years ago and ended up I recently planted a new rose called and in spring I use Liquid
losing a few, so I don’t recommend Cappucino in our garden Copper. If I am diligent
it. Think very carefully before you with spraying in winter and
plant a rose!  Beware that roses are sus- spring, I find I don’t have to
ceptible to the disease gall, do any spraying in summer.
Types of roses so it may be a good idea to By then it is usually too late
keep them away from other to prevent fungal diseases.
 Bush (perhaps the most plants that are also prone to
common variety) Prevention is the key and I
gall, such as dahlias and do find that doing the hard
lilies work in winter and spring
 Standard (grafted—this is
the kind we have in our gar- Tips for planting roses means I can spend the sum-
den) mer enjoying our blooms
 Roses hate being moved so
 Climbing (perfect for arch- think very carefully before
 Scatter banana peels (easy
ways and against a wall) planting! for us as we have a very pro-
lific Misi Luki banana tree
 Old fashioned/David Austin  Choose a sunny site in our garden!) around your
(perhaps the most influen- roses. They contain potassi-
tial rose breeder of all time)  I recommend mixing com- um and will nourish them
post and sheep pellets into
 Miniature/patio (perfect for the soil prior to planting. To  Roses are easily propagated
pots) get new roses off to a strong by cuttings. A good time to
start, I also recommend us- take cuttings is when you
Interesting facts about roses prune your roses.
ing Kings 24 Plus Slow Re-
 Roses are either scented lease Fertiliser, which feeds
new plants for two years.
 Feed roses with granular
(fragrant) or unscented. rose food or a slow release
This means you won’t need
 They can be very easily to use granular or slow re- fertiliser specifically formu-
lease rose food for that time lated for roses
propagated by cuttings but
beware of any Plant Variety  To encourage flowering, I
Rights, which prevents you  Standard roses may require
some support. It is a good recommend feeding roses
from doing this. It is best to weekly with a water soluble
check before taking cuttings, idea to insert stake(s) at the
time of planting to avoid plant food formulated specif-
even from your own roses ically for roses or an organic
damaging the roots later on
 Every year sees new releas- seaweed tonic such as Sea-
 New roses usually don’t re- sol
es. One to watch out for this
year is a lovely pink variety quire pruning or spraying in
Happy gardening!
called Earth Angel winter as this has already
been taken care of at the Have a great weekend

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