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Aside from creating a hazard map, you need also to do planning with your family.
Invite your family members and enjoy the given task.

Task 3b: Family Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (40 points)
Rationale: During disasters, though one knows what to do, there will always be the point of
confusion especially if only one or no one in the family knows what should be properly
done. Proper coordination is a must and there must be a common thing in mind to do
during emergencies. Therefore, it is of prime importance to have already a clear, sound,
and unified DRRM plan for the whole family. Once available and disseminated to the
whole family, it will just be easily followed during emergencies.

Bond Papers/any available materials

Ball Pens
Encoding device (Laptop, PC, Tablet, etc.) for those who want to
have it encoded.

Specific Guidelines:
a. Plan with the present family members.

b. Using the given matrix, fill out the table with the appropriate things needed. An
example of the first objective was given for your guidance.

c. Choose two objectives only for each thematic area.

d. Provide an activity for each objective

e. The remarks may not necessarily be filled in if not yet done during the process
of planning with family.

f. Be concrete, relevant, and concise in filling out the matrix. The scoring for the
matrix is a point system that is equivalent to 40 points, i.e., 10 points for each
thematic area.

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
Task 3c: Writing journal – Module 3 experience

Instruction: 1. Writing journals can be handwritten or encoded. This will serve as your
reflection log of your personal experiences, concerns, and encounters in your
venture of NSTP 1. The following guide questions will help you to accomplish
your weekly journal. At least two to three questions that you will be able to
answer for these two week.
a. What volunteerism activities were you able to share this week?
b. How did you enhance or strengthen your faith?
c. What new learnings from NSTP activities were you able to appreciate in
which it will serve as a good application in your practical life?
d. What new ideas from NSTP activities were you able to utilize in your future
e. What challenges did you encounter that you were able to work out?
f. What activities in your community that you were able to join in which uplifts
your Louisian values?

2. You may use the format for your weekly journal or you can modify the
format according to your creativity

3. Reflect on the salient points that you encountered in module 3.


Class code: ________________________

Date submitted: ____________________________

Week 5

Reflection for the Homily: (striking statement/s from the homily)

Reflection for module

Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
Rubrics for journal
Grading Excellent Very Good Good Needs
Criteria 5 4 3 improvement
Content and Response to Response Response The response
idea assigned topic thoughtful and adequately consists of
development thorough and fairly well addresses some unsupported
well written, with written; most aspects of the opinions only
varied sentence opinions assigned topic; marginally
structure and supported with opinions are related to the
vocabulary; facts sometimesbased topic.
opinions always on incorrect
supported information.
with facts.
Excellent use of
Good reliance Incomplete Ideas not clearly
examples and
upon development of stated or
details to
examples and ideas; details and developed.
explore and
details to examples are not
develop ideas
illustrate and always evident.
and develop ideas
and opinions.
Organization Very logically Contains an Topics and ideas Entry is
and mechanics organized; introduction, are discussed unstructured.
contains some somewhat
introduction; development randomly;the
development of of ideas, and entry may lack a
the main idea (or a conclusion. clearly defined
ideas), and introduction or
conclusion. conclusion.
Flawless spelling Few or no Several spelling Many instances
and spelling errors, and punctuation of incorrect
punctuation. some minor errors spelling and
mistakes punctuation
Total: 10 points

Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

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