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ID Number : 202117046


Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, for all the blessings He has given, this
paper entitled " Critical Journal of English Mathematics Review " can be completed to the
maximum without any obstacles.
The purpose of this paper is to add insight together about the basic concepts of learning
media. We also compiled this paper to complete the Individual assignment of the
Mathematics English Course.
We also thank all those who have helped us in completing this paper, especially Mr.
Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a lecturer in Mathematics English Course.
We realize that there are still many mistakes in the preparation of this paper, both in
terms of grammar, ethics and content. Therefore, the writer really expects constructive
criticism and suggestions from readers to be used as evaluation material.
Thus, the author hopes that this paper can be accepted and can add insight together.

Gunungsitoli, June 2022


NIM. 202117046

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................1
A. Background ....................................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation .....................................................................................................1
C. Goal ................................................................................................................................1
D. Benefit ............................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ..............................................................................................3
A. Journal Identity..............................................................................................................
B. Summary.........................................................................................................................
C. Journal Strengths and Weaknesses................................................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................................
A. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................18
B. suggestion.......................................................................................................................
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................19

A. Background
Critical j o u r n a l r e v i e w is a n a l y z i n g , e v a l u a t i n g , a n d evaluating the
advantages & disadvantages of journals, how the contents of the article can affect our way
of thinking & increase our understanding . have. The purpose of giving a lecture
assignment in the form of a critical journal review is to fulfill one of the assignments for
the Mathematics Economics course.
Critical Journal Review (CJR) is very important for education circles, especially for
students and college students because by criticizing a journal, students or critics can
compare two journals with the same theme, can see which journals need improvement and
which journals are good. to be used based on the research that has been done by the author
of the journal, after being able to criticize the journal, it is hoped that students can make a
journal because they already know how the criteria for a good and correct journal are to be
used and already understand how to write or what steps needed in writing the journal.

A. Formulation of the problem

The formulation of the problem in this paper is:
a. What are the Advantages of a Review Journal?
b. What Are the Disadvantages of Review Journals?
B. Destination
The purpose of writing this paper is that this Critical Journal Review was created
with the aim of learning through the fulfillment of the task of the Parametric Statistics
course to make a Critical Journal Review (CJR) so that it can increase knowledge to see or
compare two or several good and correct journals. After being able to compare, they will
be able to make a journal because they can compare which journals are good and which
journals still need to be improved and also because they understand the steps of making a
journal .

A. Journal Identity
Title The Effectiveness of Learning Mathematics through Guided Discovery
Methods in Cooperative Settings
Author Nur Qalbi Tayibu, and Andi Nurul Faizah
Journal Journal of Mathematics Education
Date of Journal January 2021
Volume 10 No. 1
Pages 117-128
Reviewers Rini Anggreini Waruwu
Date of Review June 17, 2022

B. Summary
1. Background
This journal has a background based on various problems faced by students in the
learning process so that student learning outcomes are low. Students' interest and motivation
to learn is also lacking. Learning is needed that conditions students to be active in learning.
This study was conducted to determine whether the cooperative setting guided
discovery method was effectively applied to mathematics learning.
The purpose of this study in general is to determine the effectiveness of the cooperative
setting guided discovery method if applied to students' mathematics learning so that it can
encourage student activity so that student learning outcomes reach the predetermined
standard of completeness.

2. Research methods
This study includes a quasi-experimental research method with two groups of students with
different actions in learning, namely the experimental group and the control group.
The design in this study was a posttest only control group design (Khotimah, Kuswandi, &
Sulthoni, 2019). This design was used because this study involved two classes, namely the
experimental class and the control class which were selected and placed randomly.

3. Research result
In this journal it is stated that the results of the research are the method of guided
discovery in a cooperative setting that is effectively applied to mathematics learning because
it generates student interest in participating in mathematics learning. So it is hoped that
teachers can apply this method well to improve the quality of student learning.
The results of descriptive analysis show that students' mathematics learning outcomes
are in the moderate category. From 25 respondents to the experimental group there are 14%
students who have moderate learning outcomes scores, 28% students who have high
learning outcomes scores and 8% who have very high learning outcomes scores. high, while
for the control group of 25 respondents there were 52% of students who had a moderate
score, 8% of students who had a high score of learning outcomes and 8% who were classified
as very high. This can indicate that the cooperative setting guided discovery method can
improve student learning outcomes. The results of this study are also supported by the
results of research conducted by (Nurcahyo, Agung S, & Djono, 2018) which shows that
learning with the discovery method based on a scientific approach can motivate students to
solve problems actively and be able to improve students' critical thinking skills so that
students can forming scientific thinking including observing, asking reasoning, trying and
working together so that it can affect student learning outcomes.
From the results of data analysis, it is also shown that the average value for the group
using the guided discovery method in cooperative settings is 78 in the medium category and
the average value for the group using the conventional method is 68.44 in the medium
category, students who have test scores on the results learning mathematics which is
classified as very high for the group taught by the guided discovery method in the
cooperative setting, which is 8% and 8% for the group taught by the conventional method,
for the group taught by the guided discovery method in the cooperative setting, which is
classified as high, 28% and 8% for the group. the group taught by conventional methods, and
those in the medium category were 44% for the group taught by the guided discovery
method in a cooperative setting and 52% for the group taught by conventional methods and
for those in the low category was 16% for those taught with the best discovery method
guidance in cooperative settings and 28% to be taught by conventional methods.

4. Conclusion
The conclusion of this research is that the method of guided discovery in cooperative settings
is effectively applied to mathematics learning. Therefore, teachers should be able to choose
the right learning methods to be applied that are adapted to the conditions of students in
the classroom so that they can create an effective teaching and learning atmosphere in order
to support student learning outcomes later.

C. Journal Strengths and Weaknesses

1. Journal Advantages
 adequate use of theory
 There is a match between the purpose of the journal and the conclusions obtained
 Complete research method and design and explained in detail
 no words are in vain
 Journal writer is very good at writing
 Short, dense and clear
 Good journal

2. Journal Weaknesses
 Eat a lot of words that you don't understand
 Have not explained the benefits of research in detail

A. Conclusion
From the discussion of the weaknesses and strengths that have been described or
described above, it has weaknesses and strengths both in terms of writing, grammar and
also the depth of the material. So it can be concluded that the journal is good and can be
used as a reference for readers, but still needs improvement. So it can be concluded that the
journal is worthy or has been used by readers as a reference for other studies.

B. Criticism and suggestions

My advice to the journal in order to clarify what will be discussed in the
journal , this journal must also correct the journal's errors in writing words,
punctuation and others so that in the future the journals that will be issued are better than
the previous ones.

Tayibu, Nur Qalbi, and Andi Nurul Faizah. 2021. Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning through
Guided Discovery Methods in Cooperative Settings: Journal of Mathematics Education. South
Sulawesi: Vol. 10. Page: 117-128

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