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W09 Goal and Actions Midway Report


This semester you have been working toward a semester goal and spending time each week networking
and applying for jobs. You have been recording new contacts and opportunities on your Contacts &
Opportunities sheet and keeping your Action Tracker up to date each week. In this report, you will reflect
on your progress toward your goal and your efforts and experience in making new contacts, networking,
finding jobs and applying for jobs.

Complete all three sections below and answer all questions. Answers or boxes left blank will reduce your
score on this assignment.

1 - Making Contacts and Networking:

1. How many new contacts have you listed in your Contacts & Opportunities sheet?
2. How many have you made contact or networked with face to face? 0
3. How many have you made contact or networked with digitally? 3
4. Write a brief reflection (75 to 150 words) on your experience making contacts and networking.
Answer at least the following in your reflection:
a. What is going or has gone well?
b. What struggles are you having? What needs polishing?
c. What will you do the rest of the semester to continue and/or improve your networking

Something good I tried to do is to foresee or get an idea before hand of what the person I was going
to contact may have as expectations, what kind of company or enterprise they represent, etc. I
believe it’s important to select companies that one can be proud of; reviewing the information the
company includes in their homepage, how they define their culture Is very important. It’s a way of
avoiding losing time in companies which values are not compatible.
My struggles at this moment is to get better contacts and quality of contact. It’s difficult to establish
rapport through digital media; I finish interviews with a feeling that I couldn’t express everything I
wanted to share.I’ll continue digging in Linked-In, and top level hotels and tourism companies. In
parallel I’ll explore the possibility of developing my own enterprise.

2 - Finding and Applying for Jobs:

1. What is your job-seeking status? Check one: ☐Actively Searching, ☒ Not Now, ☐ Maybe Never
2. How many job opportunities have you found and listed in your Contacts & Opportunities sheet?
3. How many jobs have you applied for this semester? 1
4. Write a brief reflection (75 to 150 words) on your experience finding and applying for jobs. If you
are not currently an active job seeker, answer the questions as things to do and things to avoid
when you are an active job seeker. Answer at least the following in your reflection:
a. What is going or has gone well?
b. What struggles are you having? What needs polishing?
c. What will you do the rest of the semester to continue and/or improve your job search

It’s key to gather information in what could be your future employer: its culture and values are very
important for me because it would be difficult to live in a place I don’t respect-
IT’s important also to approach carefully but decisively the contact of your potential employer. It’s
so key to present calm and controlled, instead of anxious or making lots of questions as well as to
avoid anything that could be perceived as reactive or excessively proud…

Go to next section
3 - Semester Goal Progress:
1. Copy and paste your semester goal from your Action Tracker into the space below:
Gather information to develop myself as a Touristic Guide for Tours in Buenos Aires and Argentina.

2. Write a brief reflection (75 to 150 words) on your progress toward your semester goal. Answer at
least the following in your reflection:
a. What is going or has gone well?
b. What struggles are you having? What needs polishing?
c. What will you do the rest of the semester to achieve your goal?

I found information on where to study for free to be a Tour Guide specialized in Buenos Aires with
specific and official recognition and license accreditation. It demands 20 presencial hours per week.
It will not be easy, but I keep in mind I’ll do it once retired.
I got information about other places to study, but they are private companies that don’t receive any
attention but a small group of people. I know being credited and registered open many doors.

4 – Action Groups: on average, how much effort have you put in to support your Action Group?
Check one: ☐High ☒Medium ☐Low

Save this document with your name in the filename and follow the instructions in your course to submit it
for grading and feedback.

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