Unit 11 - A Sense of Identity

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Unit 11 | Listening
Direction: Listen to the speaker. Complete the sentences with the correct word (5 marks)

Intelligence combination arts problems study

1. In the end, Gardner decided to [study] psychology.

2. Two types [intelligence] – logical mathematical and linguistic – have traditionally been valued
by schools.
3. According to Gardner, intelligence is the ability to solve [problems] and create products.
4. Gardner argues that people have a unique [combination] of different types of .
5. Kinaesthetic, musical and spatial intelligences are associated with the [arts].

Unit 11 | Grammar - Imaginary situations

Direction: Match the parts of the sentences. (5 marks)

6. If I was more extrovert, e a. like to be really indecisive.

7. I'd enjoy d b. I'd pass my exams easily.
8. If I were less clumsy, c c. I wouldn't spill so many drinks.
9. If I studied harder, b d. having dinner with him.
10. I wouldn't a e. I'd be a performer.

Unit 11 | Grammar - If only and I wish

Direction: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 marks)
11. I wish I [was/were] less clumsy. (be)
12. If only she [enjoyed] her free time more. (enjoy)
13. If only I [didn't have] an exam on Monday. (not have)
14. I wish you [could] make sushi. (can).
15. If only there [wasn't/weren't] so many people here. (not be)
Unit 11 | Reading
Direction: Read the text. Select True or False sentences. (5 marks)
Personality traits and birth order
Have you ever heard people saying that their younger brother or sister has a different personality
because their parents were less strict with them? According to some psychologists, a child's place in
the birth order - whether they came first, in the middle or last - can affect a person's personality,
behaviour and future career.
An American psychologist, Ben Dattner, believes that parents are stricter with first-born children as
they are growing up. This stricter upbringing leads to them being more extrovert and confident. He
also says that they are often more responsible adults because they had to look after their younger
brothers or sisters when they were children. According to Dattner, second-born children are more
open to new experiences, but are often quieter and more introvert, preferring to observe people. The
youngest child is usually the most creative. Dattner believes this is a result of a more relaxed
upbringing. They are given freedom to experiment and they often have fewer limitations placed on
them, compared to their older brothers or sisters. However, youngest children often receive more
attention from people than older brothers or sisters, and can become manipulative adults – doing
everything they can to get attention or to get what they want.
So, if birth order can affect your personality, can it affect your career? Michael Grose, author of 'Why
first-borns rule the world and last-borns want to change it', strongly believes that birth order affects
the types of career people choose and how much money they earn. Grose claims that first-borns
and only children usually go into higher education; as a result they often get the highest paid jobs.
They are often ambitious and disciplined compared to their younger siblings. They are usually
determined to succeed and are more likely to have careers like engineering, medicine or as top
business executives. Second-born children, according to Grose, are easy-going and are usually
closer to friends than to family. For this reason, they often have excellent people skills and do jobs
that involve the community, marketing, counselling, sports or arts. Youngest children love being the
centre of attention; they are charming and tend to have artistic careers which, like community jobs,
are less well paid.

16. First-borns are more responsible because they often have
to look after younger brothers or sisters

17. The youngest child is often extrovert because they

receive a lot of attention.

18. According to Grose and Dattner, second-borns are

extrovert and have many friends

19. First-born children normally have higher levels of education

20. According to Grose, many doctors, engineers and business people

were born first in the family

Unit 11 | Vocabulary – Vocabulary - Roles

Direction: Complete the sentences with the correct word. (5 marks)
loner whizz over good goer
21. She's a real party-[goer]. She's going out every night this week!.
22. My brother's a real computer [whizz] He knows all there is to know about computers
23. It's great to have a friend like you, who is such a [good] listener.
24. I've never known anyone who is such a cat-[lover] Did you know that she's got six cats?!
25. He doesn't like going out or even seeing people very much. Really, he's a [loner].

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