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1st slide

Bea: Good day! This is our pre-recorded presentation in Community development plan for finals.

2nd slide

Dette: Let us first discuss Why is Community development important?

Bea: It is important since it paves the way for a city's efforts to enhance the lives of its residents.

Dette: It also builds strong, diversified communities that can attract and retain talent, launch and grow
enterprises, and overcome challenges.

3rd slide

Bea: The main problem that we have seen is regarding the disposal of waste, as you can see in the graph

there are,

Dette: 70% of the 20 participants in the barangay Ora East, West Bantay Ilocos Sur, addresses the
problem about waste by burning it or igniting the trashes.

4th slide

Bea: here's our CDP

Dette: The current condition is that,

Bea: Majority of the citizens dig holes so that they can easily put their garbage’s there and burn it.

Dette: Burning forbidden substances like waste, plastic, and coated or polished wood is bad for the
environment because toxic compounds are released into the air.

Bea: Humans and animals can breathe polluted air, which is then distributed in the soil, surface water,
and on plants.

Dette: And next is the development objectives which to improve disposal of waste without harming the

Bea: Waste management improves air and water quality while also lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Dette: It aids in the reduction of resource extraction as well as pollution and energy consumption
connected with the production of new materials.

Bea: and of course, the intended output is the improvement of disposal of waste without harming the

Dette: It may now reduce pollution, making the barangay and neighborhood a safer and healthier place
to live.
Bea: Finally, you benefit, the environment effects, the welfare, and resulting in incalculable and long-
term benefits.

5th slide

Dette: lastly for our CDP is the countermeasures or activity that we did, to have proper disposal of
waste- coordinate with the barangay Captain,

Bea: Mr. Dennis Palacpac Presto regarding the collection of trashes in their barangay with the help of
dumpster truck and in addition,

Dette: we provided trash bins for segregation of waste because segregation can also reduce the amount
of waste that reaches landfills, thereby taking up less space.

6th slide

Bea: I'am Maria Beatrice Garcia,

Dette: and I'am Claudette Mica Pineda, we are the first year college student from the department of
business and technology taking the course of bachelor of science in accountancy at saint paul college of
ilocos sur.

Bea: for us this activity which is the community development is very important most specially it focuses
on a community's social and economic features,

Dette: in order to make it more self-sufficient and sustainable so that people can have better

possibilities for their children.

7th slide

Bea: Here we have the documentation while conducting heart to heart interviews in the barangay ora
west and east bantay Ilocos sur. We made them comfortable during our interview and didn't give them
hard time to read because right from the start they request if its okay for us to just dictate to them the
content of our survey questionnaire.

Dette: We believe that a comfortable respondent is more likely to give truthful answers and take the
survey request seriously. In the interview process, the rapport between respondents and interviewers is

8th slide

Bea: The conductors also inserted in the presentation the letter which was signed and endorsed by Mr.
Wendel Lived together with Ms. Shantel Alquiza our intructor in NSTP
Dette: and noted by our Program chair Mrs. Luz astom and Ms. Katrina Naval who is our OIC, this letter
was also signed and approved by Mr. Dennis Palacpac Presto the Brangay Capitan of Ora west and east

Bantay Ilocos Sur.

Bea: Taking the survey is completely voluntary and there are no known or anticipated disadvatages
associated with taking part in it.

Dette: This is the end of our presentation, thank you and godbless!

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