Lti Grpup Assignment2022

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DUE DATE: 06 May 2022


 MWINGA A. K 221015086

 UPITE T. 220082618

 NGHAAMWA V. 221042644

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 AKWILINUS M. 219123853

 WA ILUNGA A. N 221025006

 TIMOTEUS N 221138757

Assignment questions:

1. Select a real life traffic problem and discuss in detail how

you would go about dealing with that problem using the
Public Health Approach.

2. Discuss the possibilities and limitations of adopting the

Haddon Matrix approach to analyse the road safety
problem in developing cities such as Windhoek.

Table of Contents
The Steps of Public Health Approaches...................................................................................................5
STEP1. SURVEILLANCE (PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION)...........................................................................5
The problem has IDENTIFIED IS TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS...........................................................................6

A public health approach includes defining and measuring the problem, identifying its causes or
risk factors, determining how to prevent or mitigate the problem, implementing effective
strategies on a larger scale, and assessing impact. The Haddon Matrix is a brainstorming tool
that integrates the epidemiological triangle (host, agent, environment) and prevention layers.
This combination allows you to review injury intervention plans and prevention strategies by
stage as the event occurs.
Therefore, this essay is going to cover and explain how can we deal with real life traffic problem
by using the Public Health Approach and the possibilities and limitations of adopting the
Haddon Matrix approach to analyze the road safety problem in developing citie.

Select a real life traffic problem and discuss in detail how you would go about dealing with that
problem using the Public Health Approach.
A public health approach includes defining and measuring a nation's health problems,
identifying the root causes and risk factors for persistent health problems, determining how to
prevent or exacerbate problems, implementing effective strategies on a larger scale, and
evaluating effects (santé, et al., 2004). To eliminate health inequalities, public health
approaches need to be part of a balanced community health system that includes health
promotion, disease prevention and early detection, moving towards universal access to health
care. Therefore, it is based on an efficient balance of services within the national healthcare
system. The focus is on the functional and administrative linkages and tools needed to achieve
coordination in the delivery of a wide range of services and social movements, with community
engagement and collaboration between health and other community service organizations. in
this first part of essay we are going to solve the problem we have identified using the four steps
of the Public Health Approach.

The Steps of Public Health Approaches


risks and
caliing up and

and testing

Problem identification and causes of the problem identified.


In the Public Health we are identifying the problem by using surveillance system to monitor
Health evens and behaviour among the population. In this step we are required to identified
the problem.

Road safety is a nationally important issue considering its size and weight and Negative impact
on the economy and the public health and general well-being of the people. today, Road traffic
injuries are one of the leading causes of traffic accidents Death, disability and hospitalization,
serious Global socioeconomic costs. the traffic Security is a security measure to be taken to
prevent the death or injury of road users.

Road users are usually drivers, passengers, cyclists, the strategy of traffic safety systems such as
pedestrians is to make sure it doesn't hit in the event of a crash Strong enough to cause death
or serious injury. Any Traffic accidents are more frustrating than victims He was very healthy
shortly before the crash.

Traffic accidents are the most unwelcome thing that can happen to a road user, although they
happen frequently. Unfortunately, we didn't learn from our mistakes on the road. Most road
users are familiar with general rules and safety measures when using the road, but it is only the
negligence of road users that causes accidents and accidents. The main cause of accidents is
human error.


more than one Every year millions of people die on the road WHO (World Health Organization)
and the streets Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death Adolescents aged 15-29. Most
people drink and drive, which can lead to dangerous traffic accidents. Provide highways to bring
convenience to people. However, the main problem facing governments is the increased
frequency of traffic accidents on highways, causing severe human or infrastructure damage.
The main cause of frequent road traffic accidents is inattention when driving a vehicle. If you
drive with due care and follow the rules, accidents may be reduced. In addition, there are
weather conditions such as fog, which can reduce visibility and lead to accidents.

Traffic accidents are collisions between vehicles (such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) or with
pedestrians, animals, or obstacles placed in the middle of the road.

Over speeding:
Most fatal accidents occur due to speeding. To excel is the natural psychology of human beings.
If you give it a chance, you will surely reach infinite speed. However, if we share the road with
other users, we will always stay behind one car or the other. An increase in speed increases the
risk of an accident and the severity of injuries in an accident. Faster vehicles are more prone to
accidents than slower vehicles, and faster vehicles have higher accident severity.

The higher the speed, the greater the risk. At high speeds, the vehicle needs a longer distance
to stop, such as H. Braking distance. Slower vehicles stop immediately, while faster vehicles
take a long way to stop and, according to the laws of concept, also slip for a long distance.
Vehicles traveling at high speeds have more impact during a crash and therefore cause more
damage. Driving at high speeds also reduces your ability to predict future events, leading to
misjudgement and ultimately accidents.

Accidents that occur due to irregular road layout are called road layout accidents. It can occur
due to hazardous visibility conditions, including merging lanes, cattle or pedestrian crossings,
wave crests and troughs, etc. Accidents also occur because the road surface is uneven, causing
the vehicle to lose its balance, resulting in a collision with other vehicles or objects.

Poor road maintenance has also led to some traffic accidents. There can be debris on the road
that can cause problems for drivers, which is the responsibility of local highway authorities, and
faded traffic signs and potholes can be another cause of serious crashes. The first and most
important reason is driver behaviour in addition to the three reasons discussed above, which
account for only 5% of the causes of traffic accidents, and 95% depend on it.

Vehicle condition
Anyone who watches the news knows that our country's roads can be dangerous. Statistics
show that about 2 million people are injured in automobile accidents every year in the United
States. There are many causes of crashes, including bad weather, careless drivers and poor road
conditions. But improperly maintained or incomplete motor vehicles can also lead to accidents.
In some cases, an auto repair shop or dealer may install faulty parts from the manufacturer. In
other cases, untrained workers may fail to install equipment properly, putting drivers at risk of

significant injury. Even more cases involve negligent drivers who ignore notifications to replace
recalled parts or fail to properly maintain their cars.


Civilians and the government have steps Accidents can be avoided. Many accidents are
preventable in those Inevitably, the damage can be reduced. Roads should always have at least
two lanes There is a divider in the middle of each side. this will significantly reduce traffic
accidents; Partition walls prevent frontal collisions. City streets and highways have a large
number of Car circulation, which is highly desirable There are enough traffic signs to post
warnings and warnings Warn the driver. Traffic lights should be installed everywhere Random
traffic, which will reduce confusion and cause traffic accidents. Traffic lights help Regulated
Traffic. those signals There should also be facilities to identify


(News, 2021)Figure 1

Vehicle owners and drivers must always keep their cars in good working order. The vehicle's
brakes, tyres, and other components should all be checked. replacements and repairs as
needed. The customer should be cautious when purchasing a vehicle. give the safety issues a

lot of weight The car should feature power steering, air bags, and a comfortable seat. belts,
four-wheel drive, and effective braking systems same protection characteristics (COMPANY,

 The image below shows a vehicle which had a break down on the road.

(Services, 2020)

Over Speeding
Using your cruise control is the simplest approach to avoid speeding. Most current cars have
cruise control, which allows you to select a present driving speed. Your vehicle will maintain
and regulate your speed so you can concentrate on potential road hazards. On long travels or
on the highway, cruise control is very useful. You may easily select the pace you desire based
on the current traffic and speed limit for the road you’re on. If you find yourself in a high-risk
area, such as a construction zone, turn off cruise control. In rainy or icy conditions, you should
avoid using cruise control since it can cause your car to lose traction on the road.

 Allow more time for yourself.

Do you speed because you're running behind schedule? Make it a practice to leave a little
earlier. Start by increasing the time by a few minutes. You can start adding extra time as you
develop this new habit, depending on where you're going, how long it is, and how bad the
traffic is.

Utilization of technology
Although you should not use your phone actively while driving, several apps can be used
securely to help you drive slower. When you set a route in several navigation apps, speed
monitoring is included. If you start going too fast, the app will send you an alert. Then you can
slow down till the alert sounds. Before you get on the road, make sure you've set your
destination and started the navigation.

Do you think you speed because you're not paying attention when driving? Switching from an
automatic to a manual vehicle may keep your brain engaged with your driving speed. To reach
faster speeds with a manual, you must physically shift gears. This may assist you in becoming
more conscious of your current speed.


essential Public health function activity applied to CVE screen health fame to become aware of
and clear up network fitness problems assess if local resources suit CVE needs connect CVE with
community/population statistics series Create mechanisms for statistics sharing across
packages Diagnose and investigate health troubles and fitness dangers inside the community

collect and percentage statistics on emerging threats take part on committees addressing CVE

broaden measurable definition of CVE tell, educate, and empower humans about fitness
troubles address CVE within wider attain of violence prevention Convene trainings for
specialists in relevant settings tell communications to avoid stigmatization Mobilize community
partnerships and movement to identify and solve fitness issues expand a coalition to help
sectors integrate CVE into existing activities assistance to enhance program planning

assistance to improve collaboration, obtain funding expand guidelines and plans that assist man
or woman and community health efforts directly involve public health and mental fitness in CVE
coverage making put in force laws and guidelines that guard fitness and ensure protection

10 | P a g e
evaluation, evaluate, and endorse for CVE associated law and regulations to defend against civil
liberties violations and stigmatization link human beings to personal fitness services, and
guarantee the availability of health care when unavailable offer get admission to to a culturally
competent device of care for interventions provide guidance on lowering utilization barriers
assure ready public and personal fitness care workforce layout and examine trainings for public
health, mental health, social offerings, training body of workers on violent extremism evaluate
effectiveness, accessibility, and first-class of personal and population-based health offerings
examine which/why applications work to direct aid allocation research new insights and
innovative answers to fitness problems

partner among practitioners and teacher’s fitness services research Implementation and
dissemination studies country wide Academies of Sciences.

(Racioppi, Eriksson, & Claes Tingvall, 2004)

11 | P a g e
Discuss the possibilities and limitations of adopting the Haddon Matrix approach to analyse the
road safety problem in developing cities such as Windhoek.

Possibilities of the Haddon Matrix on road safety approaches.

Haddon Matrix approach is used rarely to conduct and find out the causes of increasing injuries and
death and establish a multi-strategic prevention approach. The approach is conducted from then
epidemiological data from road traffic contributing to injuries as per host, agent and also looks to the
environment it also stretched to the time of event, past event phase of the crush and all of these
information are the main inputs of the approach.


The adoption of the approach on the road safety approach in context of Windhoek a developing city in
the developing country Namibia, the adoption of this approach can able to collect data within and
outside the city. The data for the good adoption of this approach can be obtained from the police
stations where road RTAs are recorded. Information from police records is consists of useful data such
the exact location where the crash has occurred and the information also can provide the nature of the
factors those that are associated with the crush (Kumar, Rustage, & Anil, 2017). For the adoption of
Haddon Matrix in the developing city like Windhoek, the information from the police is more crucial and
it can be relied up-on due to the fact that the city is still under the control of the police not like
compared to conurbations which may have metro police. Data for adopting the Haddon Matrix can be
obtained from the medical record departments where data is mostly generated manually from records.
The data can also be generated from the Road Safety Council (RSC) of Namibia which also has recorded
more of the accidents happened back later. The MVA funds also can generate information from
awareness campaigns for what causes more traumas on in the city.

The adoption of the approach on road safety approach it’s comprehensives so, the approach needs
study participants, whereby in terms of Windhoek city, it has many university students who can unite
and form up the study participant to help either the government or individual consultants who are
tasked to conduct the possible approach to conduct road safety approach in the city. The study
participant also includes all road traffic crash victims, road traffic accidents and moving and non-moving

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The Haddon Matrix Approach

Haddon Matrix approach is a conclusive tool that is used to help with the identification of all
factors associated with the motorist, vehicle and the environment in 3 stages which are.

Pre-crash (before crash)

According to (ford S. worthy 2022) pre-crash is the existing, occurring or done before the crush.
In this phase the idea is to select all collective measures which can be utilized to prevent the
crash from occurring and this can be done through: when roads are forgiving, especially on
highway or the roads which are built on a bridge. This road is designed in a way that they are
forgiving if an accident happens the car can’t just roll around there should be something to
block this from happening. Encouraging both motorists and passengers to always put on their
seat belts. There must be a law enforcement that the driver must make sure that everyone is
wearing their seatbelt making sure that in case anything happens everyone is safe. If this
people are to go in an accident this will protect them from too much harm. Traffic law system
this is more like a primary risk- management system it works with crash risk which is created by
alcohol-impaired driver’s human behaviour comes in here. They deal with enforcement
systems, law generation, law enforcement, adjudication and sanctioning this is defined by
Joscelyn and Jones (1981)

Crash Intersection crashes are common, and the frequency and severity of these

collisions vary depending on the kind of intersection [2, 3]. The number and design of
approaches (such as four-way (four-leg) intersections and T-junctions) and the method
of traffic management are used to classify intersections (e.g., signalized and signalized).
According to studies, the degree of injury in crashes varies greatly depending on the
type of traffic control present (e.g., stop/yield sign-controlled, traffic signals, and no
traffic control) [4]. Unsignalized crossings rely on traffic control signs and/or driver
behaviour to manage traffic flow, whereas signalized intersections use traffic signals to
control traffic flow. As a result, stop/yield sign infraction rates are affected by the
location, layout, and type of traffic management at crossings.


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Conceptual workflow for the behavioural pathway of injury severity models.

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COMPANY, J. E. (2018). How Do We Describe a Car’s Condition? chicago: 2019.

Kumar, Rustage, N., & Anil. (2017). Applying Haddon Matrix for evaluation or Road crush victims in
Delhi, India. Indian journal of surgery, 3 , 4.

News, S. (2021, match 23). Mahikeng residents bemoan poor infrastructure, service delivery. pp. 1-2.

Racioppi, F., Eriksson, L., & Claes Tingvall, A. V. (2004). Preventing Road traffic injury: a public health
perspective for Europe . World health organisation .

Rustagi, N., Kumar, A., Norbu, L., & Vyas, D. (2017). Applying Haddon Matrix for Evolution of road carsh
victims in Delhi, India . indian journal of surgery , 3-10.

santé, O. m., Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, M, P., Organization, W. H., Bank, W., R, S., . . . Mohan, S. B.
(2004). world Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention. World Health Organization.

Services, D. (2020, april 28). What to Do If Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway. pp. 1-2.

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