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Ababa, Althea C.



(Reaction Paper)

The film depicts Jose Rizal's life when he was deported to Dapitan. During his stay, he
participated in a variety of activities. He became a local youth teacher. He planted trees and
crops and built a community irrigation system. In Dapitan's plaza, he drew a map of Mindanao.
He also practiced medicine, enjoyed sculpture and painting, and fell in love with Josephine
Bracken. During his stay in Dapitan, he also operated on his mother's eyes. Later in the film,
Rizal is visited by Dr. Pio Valenzuela, who seeks his advice on the revolution. At the same time,
the outcome was both unexpected and predictable. It was unexpected because he had
renounced the revolution.

There are a few clever scenes sprinkled throughout the film, but Rizal's life in Dapitan
was mostly uneventful. Rizal has little conflict to deal with in the early sections, so there's no
real hook to the narrative. When Bracken entered the picture, things got a little more
interesting, but even that feels a little shaky. Rizal also appears to be a little too perfect, capable
of accomplishing anything he sets his mind to and completely adored by those around him.
There were some good performances from the cast, but there were also some bad ones.
Amanda Page's delivery was jarring. Albert Martinez was adequate, despite the fact that the
character he played lacked depth. Much of Rizal's life in Dapitan, as well as the details of
Josephine Bracken's life and intentions, are still pretty murky, but there is a sense that this film
really tried to get close to what actually happened, employing a fairly large team of researchers
and writers to ensure that they got things right, and for that alone, the film probably deserves
admiration and respect.

Rizal in Dapitan was enjoyable, and the cast was well-chosen, but the script,
cinematography, and music could be improved. I believe that the highlights of Rizal's life
occurred not only while he was in Dapitan, but also during the climax of events preceding his

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