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Expt. No.


To study about the basic procedure to perform the analysis in ANSYS

Performing a Typical ANSYS Analysis:

The ANSYS program has many finite element analysis capabilities, ranging from a simple,
linear, static analysis to a complex, nonlinear, transient dynamic analysis. The analysis guide manuals
in the ANSYS documentation set describe specific procedures for performing analyses for different
engineering disciplines. The next few sections of this chapter cover general steps that are common to
most analyses.

A typical ANSYS analysis has three distinct steps:

Build the model.
Apply loads and obtain the solution.
Review the results.
Build the model:
1. Defining the Job name:
The job name is a name that identifies the ANSYS job. When you define a job name for an
analysis, the job name becomes the first part of the name of all files the analysis creates. (The
extension or suffix for these files' names is a file identifier such as .DB.) By using a job name for each
analysis, you ensure that no files are overwritten.

2. Defining an Analysis Title:

The TITLE command (Utility Menu> File> Change Title), defines a title for the analysis. ANSYS
includes the title on all graphics displays and on the solution output. You can issue the /STITLE
command to add subtitles; these will appear in the output, but not in graphics displays.
3. Defining Units:
The ANSYS program does not assume a system of units for your analysis. Except in magnetic
field analyses, you can use any system of units so long as you make sure that you use that system for
all the data you enter. (Units must be consistent for all input data.)
4. Defining Element Types:
The ANSYS element library contains more than 150 different element types. Each element
type has a unique number and a prefix that identifies the element category: BEAM4, PLANE77,
SOLID96, etc. The following element categories are available:


FLUID PRETS (Pretension)

HF (High Frequency) SHELL






VISCOelastic (or viscoplastic)
The element type determines, among other things:
The degree-of-freedom set (which in turn implies the discipline - structural, thermal, magnetic,
electric, quadrilateral, brick, etc.)
Whether the element lies in 2-D or 3-D space.
5. Defining Element Real Constants:
Element real constants are properties that depend on the element type, such as cross-
sectional properties of a beam element. For example, real constants for BEAM3, the 2-D beam
element, are area (AREA), moment of inertia (IZZ), height (HEIGHT), shear deflection constant
(SHEARZ), initial strain (ISTRN), and added mass per unit length (ADDMAS). Not all element types
require real constants, and different elements of the same type may have different real constant values.
6. Defining Material Properties:
Most element types require material properties. Depending on the application, material properties
can be linear (see linear material properties) or nonlinear (see nonlinear material properties).
As with element types and real constants, each set of material properties has a material
reference number. The table of material reference numbers versus material property sets is called the
material table. Within one analysis, you may have multiple material property sets (to correspond with
multiple materials used in the model). ANSYS identifies each set with a unique reference number.
7. Creating the model geometry:
Once you have defined material properties, the next step in an analysis is generating a finite
element model i.e., nodes and elements that adequately describes the model geometry. The graphic
below shows some sample finite element models.
There are two methods to create the finite element model; solid modeling and direct
generation. With solid modeling, you describe the geometric shape of your model, then instruct the
ANSYS program to automatically mesh the geometry with nodes and elements. You can control the
size and shape in the elements that the program creates. With direct generation, you "manually" define
the location of each node and the connectivity of each element.

Sample finite element models

Apply loads and obtain the solution:

In this step, you use the SOLUTION processor to define the analysis type and analysis
options, apply loads, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element solution. You also can
apply loads using the PREP7 preprocessor.

1. Defining the analysis types and analysis options

You choose the analysis type based on the loading conditions and the response you wish to
calculate. For example, if natural frequencies and mode shapes are to be calculated, you would choose
a modal analysis. You can perform the following analysis types in the ANSYS program; static (or
steady-state), transient, harmonic, modal, spectrum, buckling, and sub structuring.
Not all analysis types are valid for all disciplines. Modal analysis, for example, is not valid for a
thermal model. The analysis guide manuals in the ANSYS documentation set describe the analysis
types available for each discipline and the procedures to do those analyses.
Analysis options allow you to customize the analysis type. Typical analysis options are the
method of solution, stress stiffening on or off, and Newton-Raphson options.

2. Applying Loads
The word loads as used in ANSYS documentation includes boundary conditions (constraints,
supports, or boundary field specifications) as well as other externally and internally applied loads.
Loads in the ANSYS program are divided into six categories:
DOF constraints


Surface loads

Body loads

Inertia loads

Coupled-field loads

You can apply most of these loads either on the solid model (keypoints, lines, and areas) or
the finite element model (nodes and elements).

3. Specifying load step options

Load step options are options that you can change from load step to load step, such as
number of sub steps, time at the end of a load step, and output controls. Depending on the type of
analysis you are doing, load step options may or may not be required. The analysis procedures in the
analysis guide manuals describe the appropriate load step options as necessary.

4. Initiating the solution:

To initiate solution calculations, use either of the following

Command(s): SOLVE
Main Menu> Solution>solve>current LS
Main Menu> Solution>solution method
When you issue this command, the ANSYS program takes model and loading information from the
database and calculates the results. Results are written to the results file (Jobname.RST,
Jobname.RTH, Jobname.RMG, or Jobname.RFL) and also to the database. The only difference is that
only one set of results can reside in the database at one time, while you can write all sets of results (for all
substeps) to the results file.

Review the Results:

Once the solution has been calculated, you can use the ANSYS postprocessors to review the
results. Two postprocessors are available: POST1 and POST26.
You use POST1, the general postprocessor, to review results at one substep (time step) over the
entire model or selected portion of the model. The command to enter POST1 is /POST1 (Main Menu>
General Post proc), valid only at the beginning level. You can obtain contour displays, deformed shapes,
and tabular listings to review and interpret the results of the analysis. POST1 offers many other
capabilities, including error estimation, load case combinations, calculations among results data, and path
You use POST26, the time history postprocessor, to review results at specific points in the model
over all time steps. The command to enter POST26 is /POST26 (Main Menu>Time Hist Post pro), valid
only at the beginning level. You can obtain graph plots of results data versus time (or frequency) and
tabular listings. Other POST26 capabilities include arithmetic calculations and complex algebra.

Specific Capabilities of ANSYS Structural Analysis:

 Structural analysis is probably the most the common application of the finite element method
such as piston, machine parts and tools.

Static Analysis:

 It is the used to determine displacement, stress etc. under static loading conditions. ANSYS
can compute linear and non-linear types (e.g. the large strain hyper elasticity and creep

Transient Dynamic Analysis:

 It is used to determine the response of a structure to time varying loads.

Buckling Analysis:
It is used to calculate buckling load and to determine the shape of the component after applying the
buckling load. Both linear buckling and non - linear buckling analysis are possible.

Thermal Analysis:

 The steady state analysis of any solid under thermal boundary conditions calculates the
effect of steady thermal load on a system (or) component that includes the following.
a) Convection.
b) Radiation.
c) Heat flow rates.
d) Heat fluxes.
e) Heat generation rates.
f) Constant temperature boundaries.

Fluid Flow:
 The ANSYS CFD offers comprehensive tools for analysis of two-dimensional and three
dimensional fluid flow fields.

 Magnetic analysis is done using ANSYS / Electromagnetic program. It can calculate the
magnetic field in device such as power generators, electric motor etc. Interest in magnetic
analysis is finding magnetic flux, magnetic density, power loss and magnetic forces.

Acoustic / Vibrations:

 Ansys is capable of modeling and analyzing vibration system. Acoustic is the study of the
generation, absorption and reflection of pressure waves in a fluid application.

 Few examples of acoustic applications are

a) Design of concert house, where an even distribution of sound pressure is
b) Noise cancellation in automobile
c) Underground water acoustics
d) Noise minimization in machine shop
e) Geophysical exploration
Coupled fields:

 A coupled field analysis is an analysis that takes into account the interaction
between two (or) more fields of engineering analysis. Pressure vessels, Induction
heating and micro electro mechanical systems are few examples.

Thus the basics of ANSYS are studied.
1. Perform FEM analysis using ANSYS for a given problem of beam with static load
and compare the result with analytic method. Find the maximum stress and the total
deflection. Compare the result with the analytical solution. Take Young’s modulus
E= Poisson’s ratio,




To perform stress analysis using ANSYS for the given cantilever beam.
ANSYS 2020
 Preference → structural → ok
Element type
Preprocessor → element type →add → beam →
2node188→ok Material property

Preprocessor → material property → material model → structural

→ linear → elastic → isotropic→ Ex (2e5) →PRxy (0.3) → ok →
Preprocessor → section → beam → common section → section ID-1
→ select sub type → rectangle → enter L*B (34* 92) → ok

Preprocessor→ modeling → create → keypoints→ in active CS

Preprocessor → modeling → create → line → straight line →

draw the lines b/w the keypoints


Preprocessor→ meshing → mesh tool → set line option → pick line

1→ apply → ok

Select mesh → pick all →ok

Solution → define loads → apply →structural → displacement →
on keypoints → select first keypoint → ok → select all DOF → ok

Solution → define loads → apply → structural → force / moment

→ select third keypoint 3 → select Fy (20e3) → ok

Solution → define loads → apply → structural → pressure →

select element1 → enter value 6

Solution → solve → current LS → ok

General postproc → plot result → deformed shape & undeformed
shape General postprocessor → list result → nodal solution

Utility menu → plot ctrl → animation deformed shape


Thus the stress analysis of cantilever beam is performed using ANSYS and
results are plotted

Problem Description
Determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and stress for the truss system shown below (E = 200GPa, A =



To determine member force and deformation of trusses using ANSYS.


ANSYS 16.2

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give the Simplified Version a Title (such as 'Bridge Truss Tutorial').

In the Utility menu bar select File > Change Title:

2. Enter Keypoints
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS

x y
1 0 0
2 1800 3118
3 3600 0
4 5400 3118
5 7200 0
6 9000 3118
7 10800 0

3. Form Lines
The keypoints must now be connected
We will use the mouse to select the keypoints to form the lines.

4. Define the Type of Element

It is now necessary to create elements. This is called 'meshing'. ANSYS first needs to know what kind of
elements to use for our problem:
 From the Preprocessor Menu, select: Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete. The following window
will then appear:
 For this example, we will use the 2D spar element as selected in the above figure. Select the
element shown and click 'OK'. You should see 'Type 1 LINK1' in the 'Element Types' window.
 Click on 'Close' in the 'Element Types' dialog box.

5. Define Geometric Properties

We now need to specify geometric properties for our elements:
 In the Preprocessor menu, select Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete
Click Add... and select 'Type 1 LINK1' (actually it is already selected). Click on 'OK'. The
following window will appear:

 As shown in the window above, enter the cross-sectional area (3250mm):
 Click on 'OK'.
 'Set 1' now appears in the dialog box. Click on 'Close' in the 'Real Constants' window. 6.
Element Material Properties
You then need to specify material properties:
 In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Material Props > Material Models
Double click on Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic
We are going to give the properties of Steel. Enter the following field:
EX 200000
Set these properties and click on 'OK'. Note: You may obtain the note 'PRXY will be set to 0.0'.
This is poisson's ratio and is not required for this element type. Click 'OK' on the window to
continue. Close the "Define Material Model Behavior" by clicking on the 'X' box in the upper right
hand corner.
7. Mesh Size
The last step before meshing is to tell ANSYS what size the elements should be. There are a variety of
ways to do this but we will just deal with one method for now.
 In the Preprocessor menu select Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines

 In the size 'NDIV' field, enter the desired number of divisions per line. For this example we want
only 1 division per line, therefore, enter '1' and then click 'OK'. Note that we have not yet meshed
the geometry, we have simply defined the element sizes.
8. Mesh
Now the frame can be meshed.
In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Meshing > Mesh > Lines and click 'Pick All' in the 'Mesh
Lines' Window
Your model should now appear as shown in the following window
Plot Numbering
To show the line numbers, keypoint numbers, node numbers...
From the Utility Menu (top of screen) select PlotCtrls > Numbering... Fill
in the Window as shown below and click 'OK'
Now you can turn numbering on or off at your discretion
Saving Your Work
Save the model at this time, so if you make some mistakes later on, you will at least be able to come back to this
point. To do this, on the Utility Menu select File > Save as.... Select the name and location where you want to
save your file.
It is a good idea to save your job at different times throughout the building and analysis of the model to backup
your work in case of a system crash or what have you.

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving

You have now defined your model. It is now time to apply the load(s) and constraint(s) and solve the the
resulting system of equations.
Open up the 'Solution' menu (from the same 'ANSYS Main Menu').
1. Define Analysis Type
First you must tell ANSYS how you want it to solve this problem:
From the Solution Menu, select Analysis Type > New Analysis.

 Ensure that 'Static' is selected; i.e. you are going to do a static analysis on the truss as opposed to a
dynamic analysis, for example.
 Click 'OK'.
2. Apply Constraints
It is necessary to apply constraints to the model otherwise the model is not tied down or grounded and a
singular solution will result. In mechanical structures, these constraints will typically be fixed, pinned and
roller-type connections. As shown above, the left end of the truss bridge is pinned while the right end has
a roller connection.
In the Solution menu, select Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

 Select the left end of the bridge (Keypoint 1) by clicking on it in the Graphics Window and click on
'OK' in the 'Apply U,ROT on KPs' window.

This location is fixed which means that all translational and rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs)

are constrained. Therefore, select 'All DOF' by clicking on it and enter '0' in the Value field and
click 'OK'.
You will see some blue triangles in the graphics window indicating the displacement contraints.
 Using the same method, apply the roller connection to the right end (UY constrained). Note that
more than one DOF constraint can be selected at a time in the "Apply U,ROT on KPs" window.
Therefore, you may need to 'deselect' the 'All DOF' option to select just the 'UY' option.
3. Apply Loads
As shown in the diagram, there are four downward loads of 280kN, 210kN, 280kN, and 360kN at
keypoints 1, 3, 5, and 7 respectively.
Select Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > on Keypoints.
 Select the first Keypoint (left end of the truss) and click 'OK' in the 'Apply F/M on KPs' window.

 Select FY in the 'Direction of force/mom'. This indicate that we will be applying the load in the 'y'
 Enter a value of -280000 in the 'Force/moment value' box and click 'OK'. Note that we are using
units of N here, this is consistent with the previous values input.
 The force will appear in the graphics window as a red arrow.
 Apply the remaining loads in the same manner.
The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown below.

4. Solving the System

We now tell ANSYS to find the solution:
 In the 'Solution' menu select Solve > Current LS. This indicates that we desire the solution under
the current Load Step (LS).

 The above windows will appear. Ensure that your solution options are the same as shown above and click
 Once the solution is done the following window will pop up. Click 'Close' and close the /STATUS

1. Hand Calculations

2. Results Using ANSYS

Reaction Forces
A list of the resulting reaction forces can be obtained for this element
from the Main Menu select General Postproc > List Results > Reaction Solu.

 Select 'All struc forc F' as shown above and click 'OK'

These values agree with the reaction forces claculated by hand above. Deformation
 In the General Postproc menu, select Plot Results > Deformed Shape. The following window will

 Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and the undeformed object.

 Observe the value of the maximum deflection in the upper left hand corner (DMX=7.409). One
should also observe that the constrained degrees of freedom appear to have a deflection of 0 (as
For a more detailed version of the deflection of the beam,
 From the 'General Postproc' menu select Plot results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solution. The
following window will appear.

 Select 'DOF solution' and 'USUM' as shown in the above window. Leave the other selections as the
default values. Click 'OK'.

 Looking at the scale, you may want to use more useful intervals. From the Utility Menu select Plot
Controls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours...
 Fill in the following window as shown and click 'OK'.

You should obtain the following.

 The deflection can also be obtained as a list as shown below. General Postproc > List Results >
Nodal Solution select 'DOF Solution' and 'ALL DOFs' from the lists in the 'List Nodal Solution'
window and click 'OK'. This means that we want to see a listing of all degrees of freedom from the

 Are these results what you expected? Note that all the degrees of freedom were constrained to zero
at node 1, while UY was constrained to zero at node 7.
 If you wanted to save these results to a file, select 'File' within the results window (at the upper
lefthand corner of this list window) and select 'Save as'.
Axial Stress
For line elements (ie links, beams, spars, and pipes) you will often need to use the Element Table to gain
access to derived data (ie stresses, strains). For this example we should obtain axial stress to compare
with the hand calculations. The Element Table is different for each element, therefore, we need to look at
the help file for LINK1 (Type help link1 into the Input Line). From Table 1.2 in the Help file, we
can see that SAXL can be obtained through the ETABLE, using the item 'LS,1'
From the General Postprocessor menu select Element Table > Define
Table Click on 'Add...'

 As shown above, enter 'SAXL' in the 'Lab' box. This specifies the name of the item you are
defining. Next, in the 'Item,Comp' boxes, select 'By sequence number' and 'LS,'. Then enter 1 after
LS, in the selection box
 Click on 'OK' and close the 'Element Table Data' window.
Plot the Stresses by selecting Element Table > Plot Elem Table
 The following window will appear. Ensure that 'SAXL' is selected and click 'OK'

 Because you changed the contour intervals for the Displacement plot to "User Specified" - you need
to switch this back to "Auto calculated" to obtain new values for VMIN/VMAX. Utility Menu >
PlotCtrls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours ...

Again, you may wish to select more appropriate intervals for the contour plot
 List the Stresses
 From the 'Element Table' menu, select 'List Elem Table'
 From the 'List Element Table Data' window which appears ensure 'SAXL' is highlighted
Click 'OK'

Note that the axial stress in Element 1 is 82.9MPa as predicted analytically.


Problem description:
Find the deformed shape of the hole and determine the maximum stress distribution along
A-B. The thickness of the plate is t=1 mm, E= 210 GPa, Poisson’s ration =0.3, Dia of circle
=10 mm , Analysis assumption- plane stress with thickness is used

Theoretical solution:

For corresponding a/w = 10/40 = 0.25, k=2.43

= 162.4 N/mm2
2. Assume aluminium E = 70,000N/mm2, Thickness of the plate =10 mm
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

3. This bracket is made of a 20 mm thick steel plate

To perform FEM analysis using ANSYS for a given problem of a plate
with circular holes with static load and compare the result with analytic method.


ANSYS 16.2



 Preference → structural → ok



To create rectangle → preprocessor → modeling → create areas →

rectangle → by 2 corners

X1 = 0 X2 = 30
Y1 = 0 Y2 = 20

Create circle

Preprocessor → modeling → create → areas → circle → solid circle

50 50 10
150 50 10

Subtract the circle

Preprocessor → modeling → operate → Booleans → subtract → areas

13 | P a g e
Element type

Preprocessor → element → add → solid → Quad 4 node 182→ ok→

option → plate stress w/thk

Real constants

Preprocessor → real constant → add plane z thickness of 10

Material property

Preprocessor → material property → material models → structural →

linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex(2e5) → PRxy (0.3) → ok

Mesh the area

Preprocessor→ meshing → mesh tool → areas → free → pick all →ok


Define analysis type

Solution → analysis type → new analysis → static

Apply constraints

Solution → define loads → apply →structural → displacement → on

lines→ select line → ok → select all DOF → ok

Apply loads

Solution → define loads → apply → structural → pressure → on lines →

apply in constant uniform of -200 on the top of the area

Solution → solve → current LS → ok


General postprocessor → plot result → nodal solution → contour plot →

stress → von – mises stress
Utility menu → plot ctrl → style → graph
Utility menu → plot ctrl → animation deformed shape

14 | P a g e
Thus the stress analysis of plates with circular holes is
performed using ANSYS and the results are plotted.

15 | P a g e

Problem description:

The model is a closed tube made from steel. Point load will be applied at the top
and bottom plate to make an analytical verification simple to calculate. The ¾
cross section of the tube.

2. All the units are in inches, convert to millimeter and assume 100 N/mm2 as
the pressure value.
Rectangle X1 X2 Y1 Y2
1. 0 20 0 5
2. 15 20 0 100
3. 0 20 95 100


To perform an FEM Analysis using ANSYS for an given Axi-symmetric

Software Used:
ANSYS 16.2(Academic Utility Version)



ANSYS Main menu→ Preferences→ structural→ ok

2. Preprocessing stage:

(i). Element type:

Preprocessor→ Element type→ Structural→ solid→ 3D finite strain

(ii). Turn on Axi-symmetry:

Preprocessor→ Element type→ Element behavior (k3)→ select axi-

symmetric→ ok.
(iii). Define Material Properties:

Preprocessor→ Material Property→ Material model→ structural→ linear→

elastic→ isotropic→ EX=2e5, PRXY = 0.3

(iv). Modelling:

Create Areas: Preprocessor→ Modelling→ Create→ areas→ rectangle→ by

Rectangle X1 X2 Y1 Y2
1. 0 20 0 5
2. 15 20 0 100
3. 0 20 95 100
Add areas together: Preprocessor→ Modelling→ operate→ Booleans→ add→
area → click the pick all button to create a single area
(v). Meshing:

Define Mesh size:

Preprocessor→ Meshing→ Size control→ Manual size→ area→ all area→

edge length = 2.

Mesh the frame:

Preprocessor→ Meshing→ Mesh→ area→ free→ pick all.

3. Solution stage

(i). Define Analysis type:

Solution →Analysis type→ new analysis→ static.

(ii). Apply constraints:

Solution→ define loads→ apply→ structural→ displacement→ symmetry B.C.

→ on lines.
Pick top left edge and bottom left edge and constrain X = 0
Utility menu→ select→ entities.
Select node by location, click Y co-ordinate
Solution→ define loads→ apply→ structural→ displacement→ on nodes→
pick all.
Utility menu→ select→ entities.

(iii). Apply loads:

Solution → define loads→ apply→ structural→ pressure load→ on lines.

Select top line of the area apply load of 200 in Fy direction.

(iv). Solve:

Solution→ solve→ current LS→ ok.

4. Post Processing Stage:

(i). Determine the stress through the thickness of the tube:

Utility menu→ select→ entities

Nodes→ by location→ Y co-ordinate & type 45, 55
General post processor→ list result→ nodal solution→ stress→
components scomp.

(ii). Plotting the elements as axi-symmetric:

Utility menu→ plot ctrls→ style→ symmetry expansion→ 2D axi-symmetric→
¾ expansion.

Thus the static analysis on an axi-symmetric component is solved and the
stress distribution is analyzed and the results are obtained.
Ex.No Heat transfer analysis of plate

1. A plate of 500 m x 500 m is subjected to temperature 50 C. The thermal expansion

coefficient of material is 12e-6/K. find the expansion of the plate. The plate thickness
is 500 mm. The Young’s modulus of the material is 200GPa and poisson’s ratio is 0.3.
Find the displacement in the plate

2. A plate of 2 m x 2 m is subjected to temperature of 100 C in the left and right end.

The temp at the top and bottom end is 500 C. find the Heat transfer in the plate. The
plate thickness is 500 mm. the thermal conductivity of the plate id 10 W/mC

3. A plate of 10 m x 20 m is subjected to temperature of 100 C in the left, right and

bottom end. The temp at the top end is 500 C. find the Heat transfer in the plate. The
plate thickness is 500 mm. the thermal conductivity of the plate id 10 W/mC
4. A plate of 500 m x 500 m is subjected to temperature of 100 C in the left, right and
bottom end. The temp at the top end is 500 C. find the Heat transfer in the plate. The
plate thickness is 500 mm. the thermal conductivity of the plate is 10 W/m C. heat is
transferred with the convection rate of 10 W/m2 C

To analyze the conductive heat transfer of a plate.

Software used:
ANSYS 16.2


1. Preferences:

ANSYS main menu→ Preferences→ Thermal → ok.

2. Preprocessor:

i. Modeling:

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners > X=0, Y=0,

ii. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete... > click 'Add' > Select Thermal Mass > Solid >
Quad4Node 55

iii. Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal > Conductivity > Isotropic > KXX = 10

iv. Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Areas > All Areas > 0.05

v. Mesh

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free > Pick All

3. Solution stage:

i. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Steady-State

ii) Solution > Define Loads > Apply >Thermal > Temperature > On Nodes

0 0
Click top line & constrain value of 500 C Remaining 3 sides to a constraint value of 100 C

iii) Solve:

Solution →solve→ current LS →Ok

4. Post Processing Stage:

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solution > DOF solution, Temperature TEMP


Thus the conductive heat transfer of slab has been performed

and results are plotted.
Harmonic Analysis of a Cantilever Beam

This tutorial was created using ANSYS 16.2 The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the steps required to
perform Harmonic analysis the cantilever beam shown below.

We will now conduct a harmonic forced response test by applying a cyclic load (harmonic) at the end of the
beam. The frequency of the load will be varied from 1 - 100 Hz. The figure below depicts the beam with the
application of the load.

ANSYS provides 3 methods for conducting a harmonic analysis. These 3 methods are the Full , Reduced and
Modal Superposition methods.
This example demonstrates the Full method because it is simple and easy to use as compared to the other two
methods. However, this method makes use of the full stiffness and mass matrices and thus is the slower and
costlier option.
Preprocessing: Defining the Problem
The simple cantilever beam is used in all of the Dynamic Analysis Tutorials. If you haven't created the model in
ANSYS, please use the links below. Both the command line codes and the GUI commands are shown in the
respective links.

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type (Harmonic)
Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Harmonic ANTYPE,3

2. Set options for analysis type:

 Select: Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options..
The following window will appear

 As shown, select the Full Solution method, the Real + imaginary DOF printout format and do not
use lumped mass approx.
 Click 'OK'
The following window will appear. Use the default settings (shown below).
3. Apply Constraints
 Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Nodes
The following window will appear once you select the node at x=0 (Note small changes in the
window compared to the static examples):

 Constrain all DOF as shown in the above window

4. Apply Loads:
 Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On Nodes
 Select the node at x=1 (far right)
 The following window will appear. Fill it in as shown to apply a load with a real value of 100 and
an imaginary value of 0 in the positive 'y' direction
Note: By specifying a real and imaginary value of the load we are providing information on
magnitude and phase of the load. In this case the magnitude of the load is 100 N and its phase is 0.
Phase information is important when you have two or more cyclic loads being applied to the
structure as these loads could be in or out of phase. For harmonic analysis, all loads applied to a
structure must have the SAME FREQUENCY.

5. Set the frequency range

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequency > Freq and Substps...
 As shown in the window below, specify a frequency range of 0 - 100Hz, 100 substeps and stepped

By doing this we will be subjecting the beam to loads at 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz, ..... 100 Hz. We will
specify a stepped boundary condition (KBC) as this will ensure that the same amplitude (100 N)
will be applyed for each of the frequencies. The ramped option, on the other hand, would ramp up
the amplitude where at 1 Hz the amplitude would be 1 N and at 100 Hz the amplitude would be 100
You should now have the following in the ANSYS Graphics window
6. Solve the System
Solution > Solve > Current LS SOLVE

Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

We want to observe the response at x=1 (where the load was applyed) as a function of frequency. We cannot do
this with General PostProcessing (POST1), rather we must use TimeHist PostProcessing (POST26).
POST26 is used to observe certain variables as a function of either time or frequency.

1. Open the TimeHist Processing (POST26) Menu

Select TimeHist Postpro from the ANSYS Main Menu.

2. Define Variables
In here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted. By default, Variable 1 is assigned either
Time or Frequency. In our case it is assigned Frequency. We want to see the displacement UY at the
node at x=1, which is node #2. (To get a list of nodes and their attributes, select Utility Menu > List >

 Select TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer... and the following window should pop up.
 Select Add (the green '+' sign in the upper left corner) from this window and the following window
should appear

 We are interested in the Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-Component of displacement. Click
 Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK. The 'Time History Variables' window
should now look as follows
3. List Stored Variables
 In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'List' button, 3 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following window will appear listing the data:

4. Plot UY vs. frequency

 In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'Plot' button, 2 buttons to the left of 'Add'
The following graph should be plotted in the main ANSYS window.
Note that we get peaks at frequencies of approximately 8.3 and 51 Hz. This corresponds with the
predicted frequencies of 8.311 and 51.94Hz.
To get a better view of the response, view the log scale of UY.
 Select Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Graphs > Modify Axis
The following window will appear
 As marked by an 'A' in the above window, change the Y-axis scale to 'Logarithmic'
 Select Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
 You should now see the following
This is the response at node 2 for the cyclic load applied at this node from 0 - 100 Hz.
 For ANSYS version lower than 7.0, the 'Variable Viewer' window is not available. Use the 'Define
Variables' and 'Store Data' functions under TimeHist Postpro. See the help file for instructions.
Transient Analysis of a Cantilever Beam

This tutorial was created using ANSYS 16.2 The purpose of this tutorial is to show the steps involved to
perform a simple transient analysis.

Transient dynamic analysis is a technique used to determine the dynamic response of a structure under a
time-varying load.
The time frame for this type of analysis is such that inertia or damping effects of the structure are
considered to be important. Cases where such effects play a major role are under step or impulse loading
conditions, for example, where there is a sharp load change in a fraction of time.
If inertia effects are negligible for the loading conditions being considered, a static analysis may be used
For our case, we will impact the end of the beam with an impulse force and view the response at the
location of impact.

Since an ideal impulse force excites all modes of a structure, the response of the beam should contain all
mode frequencies. However, we cannot produce an ideal impulse force numerically. We have to apply a
load over a discrete amount of time dt.

After the application of the load, we track the response of the beam at discrete time points for as long as
we like (depending on what it is that we are looking for in the response).
The size of the time step is governed by the maximum mode frequency of the structure we wish to capture.
The smaller the time step, the higher the mode frequency we will capture. The rule of thumb in ANSYS

time_step = 1 / 20f where f is the highest mode frequency we wish to capture. In other words, we
must resolve our step size such that we will have 20 discrete points per period of the highest mode

It should be noted that a transient analysis is more involved than a static or harmonic analysis. It
requires a good understanding of the dynamic behavior of a structure. Therefore, a modal analysis
of the structure should be initially performed to provide information about the structure's dynamic
In ANSYS, transient dynamic analysis can be carried out using 3 methods.
The Full Method: This is the easiest method to use. All types of non-linearities are allowed. It is
however very CPU intensive to go this route as full system matrices are used.
The Reduced Method: This method reduces the system matrices to only consider the Master
Degrees of Freedom (MDOFs). Because of the reduced size of the matrices, the calculations are
much quicker. However, this method handles only linear problems (such as our cantilever case).
The Mode Superposition Method: This method requires a preliminary modal analysis, as factored
mode shapes are summed to calculate the structure's response. It is the quickest of the three methods,
but it requires a good deal of understanding of the problem at hand.
We will use the Reduced Method for conducting our transient analysis. Usually one need not go further
than Reviewing the Reduced Results. However, if stresses and forces are of interest than, we would have
to Expand the Reduced Solution.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

The simple cantilever beam is used in all of the Dynamic Analysis Tutorials. If you haven't created the
model in ANSYS, please use the links below. Both the command line codes and the GUI commands are
shown in the respective links.

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type
 Select Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Transient The following window

will appear. Select 'Reduced' as shown.

2. Define Master DOFs

 Select Solution > Master DOFs > User Selected > Define
 Select all nodes except the left most node (at x=0).
The following window will open, choose UY as the first dof in this window

For an explanation on Master DOFs, see the section on Using the Reduced Method for
modal analysis.
3. Constrain the Beam
Solution Menu > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On nodes Fix

the left most node (constrain all DOFs).

4. Apply Loads
We will define our impulse load using Load Steps. The following time history curve shows our
load steps and time steps. Note that for the reduced method, a constant time step is required
throughout the time range.

We can define each load step (load and time at the end of load segment) and save them in a file
for future solution purposes. This is highly recommended especially when we have many load
steps and we wish to re-run our solution.

We can also solve for each load step after we define it. We will go ahead and save each load step
in a file for later use, at the same time solve for each load step after we are done defining it.
a. Load Step 1 - Initial Conditions
i. Define Load Step

We need to establish initial conditions (the condition at Time = 0). Since the
equations for a transient dynamic analysis are of second order, two sets of initial
conditions are required; initial displacement and initial velocity. However, both
default to zero. Therefore, for this example we can skip this step.
ii. Specify Time and Time Step Options
 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step ..
 set a time of 0 for the end of the load step (as shown below).
 set [DELTIM] to 0.001. This will specify a time step size of 0.001
seconds to be used for this load step.


Write Load Step File

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Write LS File

The following window will appear

 Enter LSNUM = 1 as shown above and click 'OK'
The load step will be saved in a file jobname.s01

b. Load Step 2
i. Define Load Step
 Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On
Nodes and select the right most node (at x=1). Enter a force in the FY direction
of value -100 N. ii. Specify Time and Time Step Options

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step ..
and set a time of 0.001 for the end of the load step
iii. Write Load Step File
Solution > Load Step Opts > Write LS File
Enter LSNUM = 2
c. Load Step 3
i. Define Load Step

 Select Solution > Define Loads > Delete > Structural > Force/Moment >
On Nodes and delete the load at x=1. ii. Specify Time and Time Step

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step
.. and set a time of 1 for the end of the load step
iii. Write Load Step File
Solution > Load Step Opts > Write LS File
Enter LSNUM = 3
5. Solve the System
 Select Solution > Solve > From LS Files The

following window will appear.

 Complete the window as shown above to
solve using LS files 1 to 3.

Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

To view the response of node 2 (UY) with time we must use the TimeHist PostProcessor (POST26).
1. Define Variables
In here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted. By default, Variable 1 is assigned
either Time or Frequency. In our case it is assigned Frequency. We want to see the displacement
UY at the node at x=1, which is node #2. (To get a list of nodes and their attributes, select Utility
Menu > List > nodes).
 Select TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer... and the following window should pop up.

 Select Add (the green '+' sign in the upper left corner) from this window and the following
window should appear

 We are interested in the Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-Component of
displacement. Click OK.
 Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK. The 'Time History Variables'
window should now look as follows

2. List Stored Variables
 In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'List' button, 3 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following window will appear listing the data:

3. Plot UY vs. frequency

 In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'Plot' button, 2 buttons to the left of 'Add'
The following graph should be plotted in the main ANSYS window.

A few things to note in the response curve

 There are approximately 8 cycles in one second. This is the first mode of the
cantilever beam and we have been able to capture it.
 We also see another response at a higher frequency. We may have captured some
response at the second mode at 52 Hz of the beam.
 Note that the response does not decay as it should not. We did not specify damping
for our system.

Expand the Solution

For most problems, one need not go further than Reviewing the Reduced Results as the response
of the structure is of utmost interest in transient dynamic analysis.
However, if stresses and forces are of interest, we would have to expand the reduced solution.
Let's say we are interested in the beam's behaviour at peak responses. We should then expand a
few or all solutions around one peak (or dip). We will expand 10 solutions within the range of
0.08 and 0.11 seconds.

1. Expand the solution

 Select Finish in the ANSYS Main Menu
 Select Solution > Analysis Type > ExpansionPass... and switch it to ON in the window
that pops open.

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > ExpansionPass > Single Expand > Range of Solu's
 Complete the window as shown below. This will expand 10 solutions withing the range of
0.08 and 0.11 seconds

2. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS

3. Review the results in POST1

Review the results using either General Postprocessing (POST1) or TimeHist

Postprocessing (POST26). For this case, we can view the deformed shape at each of the 10
solutions we expanded.

Damped Response of the Cantilever Beam

We did not specify damping in our transient analysis of the beam. We specify damping at the same time
we specify our time & time steps for each load step.

We will now re-run our transient analysis, but now we will consider damping. Here is where the use of
load step files comes in handy. We can easily change a few values in these files and re-run our whole
solution from these load case files. Open up the first load step file (Dynamic.s01) for editing Utility
Menu > File > List > Other > Dynamic.s01. The file should look like the following..

/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 5.7.1 UP20010418 14:44:02 08/20/2001

/TITLE, Dynamic Analysis
DELTIM, 1.000000000E-03
TIME, 0.00000000
TREF, 0.00000000
ALPHAD, 0.00000000 BETAD,
DMPRAT, 0.00000000
TINTP,R5.0, 5.000000000E-03,,,
TINTP,R5.0, -1.00000000 , 0.500000000 , -1.00000000
NCNV, 1, 0.00000000 , 0, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
ACEL, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
OMEGA, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0
DOMEGA, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
CGLOC, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
CGOMEGA, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
DCGOMG, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000

D, 1,UX , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000

D, 1,UY , 0.00000000 , 0.00000000
D, 1,ROTZ, 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 /GOPR

 Change the damping value BETAD from 0 to 0.01 in all three load step files. We will have to
re-run the job for the new load step files. Select Utility Menu > file > Clear and Start New.

 Repeat the steps shown above up to the point where we select MDOFs. After selecting
MDOFs, simply go to Solution > (-Solve-) From LS files ... and in the window that opens up

select files from 1 to 3 in steps of 1. After the results have been calculated, plot up the response
at node 2 in POST26. The damped response should look like the following


Conduct a mode frequency test on a cantilever beam for a frequency range of 0-

1000 Hz

48 | P a g e

To conduct simple modal analysis on a cantilever beam.

Software used:
ANSYS 16.2


1. Preferences:

ANSYS main menu→ Preferences→ structural→ ok.

2. Preprocessor:

 Create Keypoints
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS

We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for this structure
as given in the following table:

KeypointCoordinates (x,y)
1 (0,0)
2 (1,0)
 Define Lines
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.

 Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add→ Beam → 3D finite strain

 Define Section
Beam > common sections > H=0.01m & B=0.01m.

 Define Element Material Properties

49 | P a g e
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic →EX: 2.068e11, PRXY: 0.3

To enter the density of the material, double click on 'Linear' followed by

'Density' in the 'Define Material Model Behavior' Window

Enter a density of 7830

 Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Contrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will specify 10 element divisions along the line.

 Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

3. Solution stage:

i. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Modal

ii. Set options for analysis type:

Select: Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options..

A window will appear

 select the BLOCK LANCZOS method and enter 5 in the 'No. of modes to
 extract'
 Check the box beside 'Expand mode shapes' and enter 5 in the 'No. of
 modes to expand'
 Click 'OK'

 A window will appear, in it enter
  Start frequency= 0
  End frequency =1000
 Click ok

iii).Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Keypoints

50 | P a g e
Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

iv. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS

4. Post Processing Stage:

i. Verify extracted modes against theoretical predictions

Select: General Postproc > Results Summary...

ii. View Mode Shapes

 Select: General Postproc > Read Results > First Set.This selects the
results for the first mode shape

 Select General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed shape . Select 'Def +
undef edge'.The first mode shape will now appear in the graphics

 To view the next mode shape, select General Postproc > Read Results >
Next Set. As above choose General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed
shape . Select 'Def + undef edge'.

iii. Animate Mode Shapes

Select Utility Menu (Menu at the top) > Plot Ctrls > Animate > Mode Shape

Thus the modal analysis on cantilever beam is done and the results have been
51 | P a g e


To study graphing functions of one variables, two variables, curve fitting, roots
of polynomials and matrix basics using MATLAB.

Software used:


MATLAB code for one variable:

Plot y =sinx, 0≤x≤2π, taking 100 linearly spaced points in the given interval.
Label the axes.


Commands to solve the above simple problem are given below.

y = sin(x);
plot = (x, y);

MATLAB- two variable function

3D plot

[x,y] = meshgrid([-2:.2:2 , -2:.2:2]);

z=x.*exp(-x.^2 -y.^2);
MATLAB-Curve fitting
Fitting a polynomial for the given distribution

x = [1 2 3 4 5];
y = [5.5 43.1 128 290.7 498.4];
p = polyfit(x,y,3)
x2 = 1:.1:5;
y2 = polyval(p,x2);

MATLAB-Roots of polynomial

Find the roots of the polynomial 5x3+8x2+6x-6=0 and x5+4x3+16x2-20=0


p = [5 8 6 -6]; roots(p)
p = [1 0 4 16 0 -20]; roots (p)

Matrix addition and Subtraction:

a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
b = [7 5 6; 2 0 8; 5 7 1];


Matrix Transpose and Inverse:

The transpose operation switches the rows and columns in a matrix. It is

represented by a single quote (').
a = [10 12 23; 14 8 6; 27 8 9]
b = a'

The inverse of a matrix A is denoted by A−1 such that the following relationship
holds AA−1 = A−1A = 1

a = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 1 2 5] ;

Algebraic solving - Solving a system of equations

Solve the following set of equations:

4x – 2y + z = 15
-3x –y + 4z = 8
x – y + 3z = 13


A = [4 -2 1; -3 -1 4; 1 -1 3];
b = [15; 8; 13]
x = inv(A)*b

The graphing functions of one variables, two variables and matrix dealing
have been studied using MATLAB and output is validated.


To solve simple equation, differential equation and multiple equation system


Software used:

Solve the equation y = 3x + 2


Step1: Provide the input ‘x’ using the ‘Step’ function.

Step2: Multiply the input with the ‘Gain’ function.

Step3: Provide the constant 2 for addition

Step4: Use ‘Add’ function to sum the variables

Step5: Get the output using the ‘Scope’ function

Final Solution: Connect all the blocks and run the case to get the final solution

Solve the equation (dy/dx) = 3x + 1 – 2y


Step1: Provide the input ‘x’ using the ‘Sine’ function.

Step2: Multiply the input with the ‘Gain’ function.
Step3: Provide the constant 1 for addition.
Step4: Use a ‘Sum’ function with inputs for + + and – to determine dy/dx.

Step5: Use an ‘integrator’ to find y.

Step6: Plot both input and output using ‘bus’ block followed by the ‘Scope’

Final Solution: Connect all the blocks and run the case to get the final solution

Solve the equation (dz/dx) = 2x - y - z ; (dy/dx) = 3x + 1 - y

Solving dy/dx

Step1: Provide the input ‘x’ using the ‘Sine’ function.

Step2: Multiply the input with the ‘Gain’ function.
Step3: Provide the constant 1 for addition.
Step4: Use a ‘Sum’ function with inputs for + + and – to determine dy/dx.
Step5: Use an ‘integrator’ to find y.
Step 6: Connect the blocks and use ‘Create a subsystem from selection’ to crate
the first equation block

The output of this block is y.

Solving dz/dx

Step1: Repeat the previous solution steps to determine z.

Step2: Create a sub-block for z.

Step3: Insert a bus with three inputs and one output.

Final Solution: Connect all the blocks and run the case to get the final solution

Solution to simple equation, differential equation and multiple equation systems
were obtained and output are validated.
Find the force in spring damper at static equilibrium using ADAMS software.

Aim: To find force in spring damper at static equilibrium using ADAMS software

Software Version:

ADAMS 2013.2


Step 1. Create a new Adams Database

a. Click on New model.

b. For the Model name change it to spring mass.

c. For the Gravity choose Earth Normal (-Global Y).

d. For the Units, set it to MMKS - mm, kg, N, s, deg.

e. Then click OK.

Step 2. Build the Rigid Body.

a. From the Main Toolbox, right-click the Rigid Body tool stack, and then select the Rigid Body: Box

b. Create a Rigid Body: Box by clicking on the grid. The dimension of the box is not important, so just
create any type of box.

c. Right-Click on the Box and choose Part:PART_2 : Modify. Input the Mass as 187.224.

d. After inputing the Mass, click OK.

Step 3. Constrain the Block to Move Only in the yg Direction.

a. First right-click on the screen and choose Rotate XY then rotate the model until it is similar to the
view below. It is best to check the translational joint that will be created by rotating the model to
make sure that it is fix in the yg direction.

b. Now click on Joint: Translational.

c. Choose the Rigid Body: Box, when it says “Select the first body” on the bottom of the screen.

d. Choose the Ground, when it says “Select the second body” on the bottom of the screen.
e. Choose the, when it says “Select the location” on the bottom of the screen.

f. Choose the cm.X, when it says “Select the direction vector” on the bottom of the screen.

g. To verify the expected behavior, simulate the model by clicking on the Interactive Simulation

h. Click on the Play icon to run the simulation and click on the Reset icon.
Step 4. Move the Working Grid.

a. To ensure that the spring damper is aligned with the Yg direction, move the working grid to the
cm of the Box. First click on Settings: Working Grid....

b. Change Set Location to Pick.

c. Pick on the cm of the Box.

d. Click OK. Now the working grid is in the center of the box.
Step 5. Add the Pre-Defined Spring Damper

a. Click on the Translational spring damper.

b. Input the K value of 5 and the C value of 0.05.

c. Choose the, when it says “Select the first point” on the bottom of the screen.

d. Right-click anywhere on the ground to display the Location Event. Enter 0, 400, 0, and change Rel.
To Origin to Rel. to Grid.

e. Click Apply
Step 6. Verify the Distance of the Spring Damper.

a. Click on Tools and choose Measure Distance.

b. Click on First Position and choose cm, because this is the position where one of the spring end is

c. Click on Second Position and choose MARKER_5, because this is the position where the other
spring end is located. Then click OK.

d. Verify the value of Y.

Step 7. Finding the Force in Spring Damper at Static Equilibrium

a. Select Interactive Simulation Controls on the Main Toolbox.

b. Select the Static Equilibrium tool.

c. Select Force Graphics... under Settings on the Main Menu.

d. Put a check on Display Numeric Values on the Force Graphics Settings.

e. Click OK. Zoom out until you can see the force value.

The force in the spring damper at static equilibrium is 1836.04 N.

In the four-bar linkage shown, control link OA has a counter clockwise angular velocity omega = 10
rad/s during a short interval of motion. When the link CB passes the vertical position shown, point A
has coordinates x = -60 mm and y = 80 mm. By means of vector algebra, determine the angular
velocity of AB and BC.
Aim: To determine angular velocity of 4 bar link.

Software used: ADAMS 2013.2


Step 1. Creating the Model

a. Start Adams/View.

b. Create a new model. (Model Name = Fourbar, Units = mmks, Gravity = none)

c. Modify the spacing of the Working Grid (X = 10mm, Y=10mm)

d. Click Units from Settings menu

e. Select Radian from Angle pull down menu

f. Click OK
Step 2. Create a Marker

a. Press F4 to Open Coordinate Window

b. From Bodies ribbon, select Construction Geometry: Marker

c. Create a marker at each of the following coordinates: O (0, 0, 0); A (-60, 80, 0); B (180, 180, 0); C
(180, 0, 0)

Step 3. Create Links and Joints

a. From Bodies ribbon, double click Rigid Body: link

b. Create links OA, AB, and BC, using the markers as end points.

c. From Connectors ribbon, double click Create a Revolute joint

d. Make revolute joints between two links at points. A and B, and between link and ground at O and
Step 4. Add Motion

a. From Motions ribbon, select Rotational Joint Motion

b. Enter (1rad) in Rot. Speed text field

c. Select joint at point O

Step 5. Testing the Model

a. From Simulation ribbon, select run an Interactive Simulation

b. Set End Time to 10 and Step Size to 0.1

c. Click Start.

d. Click Plotting

e. Create a CM position plot for link OA in X component

f. Create a CM angular velocity plot for LinkAB and LinkBC in mag component

g. Use the Plot tracking tool

h. Follow the plot curve. Find the angular velocity at X = 0.0


The angular velocity of 4 bar link was determined and output is validated.

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