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English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region Schools
Division Office of Caloocan

Quarter 3: Week 1
Argumentative Essay

Most Essential Learning Competency: Compose an argumentative essay



To the Learners:
The key to learning is through a better understanding of the text.

As you begin with this module, there are simple reminders that you must follow to

successfully accomplish the tasks and activities.

1. Read and follow the instructions in each task in this module.

2. Take note of the important concepts essential in understanding the lesson. Use
one notebook to compile all notes.
3. Answer all the activities to accumulate points. Each task should be accomplished
in a given period of time.
4. Record each score right after the assessment and make sure it is signed by your
parent or guardian.
5. Review your lessons before taking your post-test.
Have a wonderful journey ahead!


In this lesson, you will compose an argumentative essay.

Specifically, this module will help you to:

a. differentiate fact from opinion;

b. identify the different types of claims used in an argumentative essay;

c. write a meaningful thesis statement;

d. compose a complete introduction, body and conclusion for an argumentative essay; and,

e. reflect on your understanding of the lesson.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1


DIRECTIONS: Read the questions below and write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided.
1. The statements below are characteristics of an argumentative essay. Which statement does NOT
A. It requires the writer to investigate the topic.
B. It collects, generates, and evaluates evidence.
C. It requires heavy phrases and dialogs.
D. It narrates a story.
2. This is the part of the essay that introduces the problem and the background information needed in
the argument.
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Reference
3. It restates the main claim and provides general statements to summarize an argument.
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Reference
4. It contains logical reasoning. Each paragraph that it contains has a topic sentence and supporting
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Reference
5. The type of claim that supports truthful details of investigation.
A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Opinion


Let’s Recall! Activity 1: Identifying FACT and

Objective: Differentiate fact from opinion
An essay uses a point of Directions: Read each sentence below and
view to oppose in an
write F if it states a fact and O if it states an
This point of view can either opinion.
be in a form of FACT or
1. Fish ball is one of the popular street
foods in the Philippines.
2. Food is a huge part of Filipino culture.
3. The Filipino family goes to church
4. The Philippines is influenced by the
Spanish people.
5. In the Filipino family tradition, the
eldest male usually starts the meal.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1


A genre in writing that requires the writer to investigate a topic is an argumentative essay. It
allows the writer to collect, generate, and evaluate evidence. Also, it requires heavy phrases and dialogs.

Characteristics of an Argumentative Essay

There are some important characteristics your argument should have; this includes persuasiveness
and logical reasoning.
Note the following characteristics:
• The essay must present and explain the issue.
• It should give reasons and supports to prove its point.
• It should prove that opposing arguments are wrong.
Parts of an Argumentative Essay

1. Introduction – the problem and the background information must be presented here. A thesis
statement is present.
2. Body – The reasons and its supporting details/evidence should be presented by each paragraph
here. Supporting evidences may come from primary or secondary resources. It can either state
personal experiences, quotes, and other claims.
3. Conclusion – The main claim should be restated in the conclusion. This includes at least two or
three general statements to summarize the arguments.

Example of an Argumentative Essay

Carefully read the essay below. Do you think this essay exemplify good characteristics of
an argument? Why or why not?

Globalization Process: A Barrier to Our Adaptation of Filipino Language

Elizabeth M. Rural

Language is our culture’s intrinsic expression. Our identity, specifically the attribution of
our beliefs, customs, and values, depends on it. Our language binds our culture and traditions
together through shared values and by it, the Filipino heritage is conveyed and also preserved.

As globalization comes to our context, language acquisition nowadays involves conflicting

issues on the youth's language adaptation. Hence, it is the global process that creates barriers to
the adaptation of the Filipino language. The concept of globalization represents interconnection
among people across the world, and these connections involved the exchange of cultural ideas,
values, and information. This idea of the global process creates development for cultural, social,

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1

and political trends. With this, language becomes the most important facet for globalization.
Through it, good communication happens. However, there could only be one recognized as a
universal language. This inflicts the language of almost 80% of the media today (Kenton, 2018).
Now, every child in the Philippines is exposed to a foreign language more than their own
vernacular. In fact, the national language of the Philippines is now also used rarely because
English has been more extensively in demand for both local and international schools (Quijano,
2012). This is what globalization brought to us. The country pays more attention on globalization
process rather than preserving our own culture. Thus, people of different cultures now recognize
globalization as the most important tool for the country’s progress and development.

Therefore, the globalization process modifies our own interpretation of the culture, so as
our own expression of communication. Although we still commonly recognize and use the
Filipino language at home, the impact of global aspects easily reaches young minds through
television and other multimedia platforms. It is no doubt that one day, our very own language will
be swiped off the surface along with the remaining Filipino culture, beliefs, and values.


Kenton, W. (2018). Globalization. Retrieved from

Quijano, C. (2012). Philippines: The Role of Language and Education in Globalization. Retrieved from


Activity 2: Identifying the characteristics of a good argumentative essay

Identify whether the statements present issues, reason with supports, or refute opposing arguments.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

a. issues or case b. reasons and supports c. refutes opposing arguments

1. It is unreasonable to trust religion or belief because it forms non-ideal concepts about the
2. The immortality of the soul is a combination of mental entity, intellectual, and moral qualities.
This is stated by Plato before the Common Era as he entered Judaism.
3. How do these scholars predict the Day of Judgment? While there is no proof that this day will
come, they have written testaments which are until now the subject for debates.
4. Plato argued that the soul is inherently indestructible. According to him, its constituent refers to
soul as mental entity.
5. Thomas Aquinas tried to state a counterclaim. He insisted that the soul is also a form of our body.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1


An argumentative essay is a genre in writing that makes a clear assertion or argument about
some issue. To write an argument essay, it is vital to remember that an argument is different from
a regular, emotional argument. Persuasive technique is needed to make the reader agree with
your thesis statement. There are three types of persuasive claims:
Claim of FACT set out to argue with truth (can be presented with evidence)
Claim of VALUE set out to argue with what is right and what is wrong
Claim of POLICY set out to argue with problem and the solution

Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an Argumentative Essay

The DO’s
Follow your teacher’s guidelines.
Introduce your topic clearly.
Write a strong thesis statement.
Give importance to referencing and styles.
Organize your thoughts using an outline before you start.
The DON’Ts
Don’t use phrases to preface a statement.
Don’t use signposting.
Don’t use too many facts.
Don’t use opinionated articles to support your claims.
Do not write lengthy phrases.

Summary of the Lesson

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents an assertion or an
argument. This type of essay uses persuasive claims of fact, value, and policy.
To determine the characteristic of an argumentative essay, it is important to
recognize the forms of issues stated in the text, logical reasons and supports, and the
signals that refute the opposing arguments.
The argumentative essay also follows the Introduction-body-conclusion format
wherein the thesis statement can be found at the last paragraph of the introduction.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1


Activity 3: Agree or Disagree

Objective: Distinguish between claim of fact, value, and policy.
Directions: Read the statements below and write AGREE or DISAGREE on the space
1. Christianity is a religion that base their doctrines according to Jesus Christ’s beliefs in
life, teachings, and death. This statement is a CLAIM OF VALUE.
2. People are considered “Christians” if they love their neighbors. This statement is a
3. Christians believe that their only messiah is Jesus Christ. This statement is a CLAIM OF
4. Those who help others are recognized as Christians. This statement is a CLAIM OF
5. Christians should submit their spirituality to their savior Jesus Christ. This statement is a


Activity 4: Writing your Thesis Statement

Objective: Write a meaningful thesis statement.

Directions: Follow the three steps in writing a good thesis statement.
Step 1: Choose a topic below for your essay.
Topic 1: Filipinos and their Religious Beliefs
Topic 2: The Traditional Filipino Family Values
Topic 3: Social Beliefs and Customs in the Philippines
Step 2: Identify the claim for your chosen topic.
Example 1: (Claim of Fact) The Filipinos uphold a strong religious belief about Jesus Christ as son of
Example 2: (Claim of Value) The 21st century learners must recognize and practice the traditional
Filipino family values in order to restore their culture’s heritage.
Example 3: (Claim of Policy) The Filipino children should bring back the old practices of ‘mano po’ as a
way of respect for elders.
Step 3: Gather at least 3 to 5 facts about your topic.
Example topic: Filipino Social Beliefs and Customs
Fact 1: The term ‘mano po’ from Filipino practices was taken from the Spanish language.
Fact 2: The Filipinos are devoted to Christianity as their pre-dominant religion.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1

My topic:

Activity 5: Fact – Opinion Sheet

Objectives: Formulate facts and opinions.

Directions: Based on your Step 3, write a one-sentence opinion from each fact that you
have written.

Activity 6: Writing an argumentative essay
Objectives: Compose an argumentative essay.
Directions: Write an argumentative essay following the given parts of an essay provided
in this lesson. Use the questions below as a guide for your writing.
Have you chosen a topic that interests you the most? Reason out!
Write an argumentative essay with an Intro-body-conclusion format about what you have in
your mind concerning this topic. Use your fact-opinion sheet as a guide in writing your body.
Before you begin, you must remember to note the following:
What is your stand in this argument?
What is your thesis statement to make this argument?
Do you have factual details to support your reasons?
What persuasive techniques do you need to pull an argument?
If you do have answers to these questions, you may now begin!

Let’s begin!

Use one whole sheet of paper to write your ARGUMANTATIVE ESSAY.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1




Directions: Match the term in Column A with its correct description in Column
B. Write the letter of correct answer on the space provided.

1. Introduction A. set out to argue with truth

B. set out to argue with what is right and what is wrong
2. Fact
C. Presents the problem and the background
3. Conclusion
D. a genre in writing that aims to set an argument
E. presents a general statement and a summary of the
4. Argumentative essay
5. Claim of Value


It’s Journal Time!

Reflect on what you have learned from this lesson. Complete the diagram below by
writing your insights.

English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1



Education, Department of. 2015. Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, English-
Learner's Material. Pasig City: Rex Bookstore.

Images retrieved from:

“Mano po” Image

ICONS image


English 10 – Quarter 3: Week 1
Name: Grade and Sec:

Pre-Test Fact 2:
3. Opinion 2:
Fact 3:
Activity 1: Identifying FACT and OPINION
Directions: Read the statement below
and write F if it is fact and O if it is Opinion 3:
3. Activity 6: Writing an argumentative
4. essay.
5. Directions: Write an argumentative essay
following the given parts of an essay provided in
Activity 2: Identifying the characteristics of a this lesson. Use the questions below as a guide
good argumentative essay Directions: Read the for your writing.
statements below and write on the space (Write this on a separate sheet of pad paper
provided the correct letter that corresponds to )
the idea presented.
1. Post-Test
2. 1.
3. 2.
4. 3.
5. 4.
Activity 3: Agree or Disagree Directions: Read
the statements below and write AGREE or Reflection
DISAGREE on the space provided. Directions: Reflect on what you have
1. learned from this lesson.
3. I learn to write .
4. I realize the importance of
Now I can
Activity 4: Write a meaningful thesis
My topic:
Thesis Statement:

Activity 5: Fact – Opinion Sheet

Directions: Based on your Step 3, write a one-

sentence opinion from each fact that you have

Fact 1:

Opinion 1:


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