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Unit of Competency:

Module Title:

Bogo Livelihood and Technical Skills Training


DRIVING NC II Date Developed: Document No.

Developed By: Issued by:

Practice Career
MARK KEVIN T. Revision #

Welcome to the Competency – Based Learning Material for the module;

Practicing Career Professionalism
This Competency-Based Learning Material contains for you to complete.
The module of competency “Practicing Career Professionalism “ contains the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for DRIVING NC II It is one of the
Common Modules in the National Certificates Level (NC II).
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete
each learning outcomes of the module In each learning outcomes there are
learning resources to help you better understand the required activities. Follow
these activities on your own, and answer he self – check at the end of each
learning outcome/activity. Use the blank answer sheets at the end of the module
to reflect your answers for each self-check. If you need clarification on the
technical terms use in this module, refer to the “Definition of Terms”. If you have
questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your trainer for assistance.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
You may have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in this learner’s
guide because you have:
 Been working for some time
 Already completed training in this area
If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular
skill, you don’t have to do the same training again.
If you feel you have some of the skills, talk to your trainer about having them
formally recognized. If you have qualification or Certificates of Competence from
previous training, show it to your trainer. If the skills you acquired are still
relevant to the module, they may become part of the evidence you can present for
At the end of this module is a Learner’s Diary, use this diary to record
important dates, jobs undertaken and other workplace events that will assist you
in providing further details to your trainer or assessors. A Record of Achievement
is also provided for your trainer to fill-up once you completed the module.
This learning material was prepared to help you achieve the required
competency, in Practice Career Professionalism

DRIVING NC II Date Developed: Document No.

Developed By: Issued by:

Practice Career
MARK KEVIN T. Revision #
List of Basic Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title

DRIVING NC II Date Developed: Document No.

Developed By: Issued by:

Practice Career
MARK KEVIN T. Revision #
Participate in workplace Participating in workplace 500311105
communication communication

Work in a team environment Working in a team environment 500311106


Practice career Practicing career 500311107

3 professionalism professionalism

Practice occupational health Practicing occupational health 500311108

4 and safety and safety

DRIVING NC II Date Developed: Document No.

Developed By: Issued by:

Practice Career
MARK KEVIN T. Revision #

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Practicing career professionalism

MODULE TITLE : Practicing career professionalism

MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This learning material consist of three (3) learning

outcomes, each outcome consists of learning activities for both knowledge
and skills, supported with information sheets, self-check and activity sheets
gathered from different sources. Before you perform the manual exercises,
read the information/activity sheets and answer the self-check provided to
confirm that you are equipped enough with knowledge necessary to perform
the skills specified in a particular learning outcome.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals

2. Set and meet work priorities
3. Maintain professional growth and development


 Personal growth and work plans towards improving the qualifications set for
professionalism are evident.

 Intra and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based

on performance evaluation is maintained.
 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the
performance of duties.
 Practice of appropriate personal hygiene is observed.
 Job targets within key result areas are attained.
 Competing demands to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and
objectives are prioritized.
 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities
and commitments.
 Practices and economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are
followed as per established procedures.
 Training and career opportunities relevant to the job requirements
are identified and availed.
 Licenses and/or certifications according to the requirements of the
qualifications are acquired and maintained
 Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity are
manifested/ observed
 Training and career opportunities based on the requirements of industry
are completed and updated.
 Personal development-social aspects: intra and
interpersonal development
 Organizational goals
 Personal hygiene and practices
 Code of ethics

 Personal growth and work plans towards improving the qualifications set
for professionalism are evident.
 Intra and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself
based on performance evaluation is maintained.
 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the
performance of duties.
 Practice of appropriate personal hygiene is observed.
 Job targets within key result areas are attained.

The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

 Workplace
 Code of ethics
 Organizational goals
 Handouts and Personal development-social aspects
 CD’s, VHS tapes, transparencies


 Role play
 Interview
 Written examination


Learning Outcome # 1: Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals

Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read information sheet 3.1-1 Read and understand the information
Personal development-social sheet
aspects: intra and interpersonal
Answer Self Check 3.1-1 Compare the answers to the answer keys
Read information sheet 3.1-2
Organizational goals

Answer Self Check 3.1-2 Compare the answers to the answer keys
Read Information sheet 3.1-3
Personal hygiene and practices

Answer Self Check 3.1-3

Compare the answers to the answer keys
Read information Sheet 3.1-4
Code of ethics

Answer Self Check 3.1-3 Compare the answers to the answer keys
Personal development-social aspects: intra and interpersonal



Many factors make a person unique in his or her own

way. One of this is personality. We can define personality as
the distinctive and characteristic pattern of thought, emotion,
and behavior that define an individual’s personal style of
interacting with the physical and social environment.

Personality plays an important part in the identification and choice of specific

According to Holland (1985), a person may possess the following personality types:

 Realistic – technician/engineer
 Investigate – scientist/chemist
 Artistic – musician/sculptor
 Social – teacher/social worker
 Enterprising – salesperson/lawyer
 Conventional – accountant/banker

Realistic and Investigative types lack interpersonal skills and have difficulty with
emotional expression of feelings. The artistic and social types are emotional in
the expression of feelings and may dislike highly ordered and repetitive activities.

The personality type one has is linked to specific work environments.


1. MENTAL ASPECT – refers to his intellectual capacity.

2. EMOTIONAL ASPECT – a person’ emotional make up is shown in his
likes and dislikes.
3. SOCIAL ASPECT – how well a person conducts himself with other people
and how well he observes the rules of etiquette that govern society.
4. PHYSICAL ASPECT – heredity and environment determine the entire
physiological system of an individual. Posture, body build and size,
compression and facial expressions, as well as the appropriateness and
condition of clothes, comprise the physical appearance of a person. It has a
lot to do with personality.
5. MORAL ASPECT – this aspect personality has to do with a person’s
awareness of the differences between what is wrong or right.
6. SPIRITUAL ASPECT – is the consciousness of the higher values in life.
DEVELOPMENT – a continuous change for improvement in all aspects of the
person: motor, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral.


The exploration of one’s interest and aptitudes lead one to formulate career and
educational decisions. It is important for one to focus on personal and social

“Know thyself” – it means giving more than what is observed or what is public
knowledge as one’s name. It means really knowing oneself in terms of one’s
strengths and limitations.

One’s sense of identity is usually defined by individual traits and goals, by

personal; achievement and fulfilment, by social responsibilities and relationships.

A. Strengths

These are qualities, which we consider valuable or helpful in the things that we
do. These are usually seen as positive and traits that enable us to achieve what
we set out to do.

B. My Interests
One’s interests are usually manifested in what one chooses or prefers to do. A
person may be interested in a basketball game, in reading a book, or in
gardening. Any of these activities may give a person a sense of satisfaction or
C. Parents’ Interests and Expectations

The career development of an individual and one’s career decision- making

skills will be enhanced if the family becomes involved in the process. The
family has expectations, dreams, aspirations, and hopes for each member,
which ultimately influences the person’s goals and choices.

D. My Values

A person’s values are his/her personal convictions about what is desirable.

Values influences how a person acts and what we expect of others. These
also influence our choices and our goals.


INTRAPERSONAL DYNAMICS – (inner self) dealing with one’s inner self,
like emotions
Intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills are two competencies that
leaders must continually develop and refine in order to have the optimal positive
effect on followers in situations that require changes to activities, procedures, and
Intrapersonal skills concern the state of
mind of an individual and the behavioral
stability of that person as measured by
their emotional intelligence.

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP – (outer self) Personal and social relationship of

a person with others which develops systems of shared expectations.
Interpersonal skills on the other hand is
concerned with social intelligence in terms
of the interaction of multiple individuals
and the effects of communication on
accomplishing objectives and building
relationships within groups and

Interpersonal development helps organizational leaders to achieve

"instrumental goals" that further the agenda of the firm.

According to social scientists, there are four distinct stages a person

passes through in route to improving communication with others.

 The first is "beginning awareness", in which the subject learns that a

better way to behave will help achieve more effective results.

 This is followed by the second stage, "awkwardness", in which the initial

forays at implementing new behavior skills are not as honed or refined as
one would like and mistakes are more common.

 The third stage, "skillfulness", marks a time when the subject is proficient at
implementation and achieves success in expression with satisfactory
results, but needs to conduct considerable planning and real-time thinking
in order to execute.

 Finally, after further practice, one arrives at the fourth stage called
"integration." This level is achieved when appropriate automatic reactions
take place without conscious intervention on the part of the performer. The
key to achieving the fourth stage of behavioral proficiency occurs when the
subject understands the concept of "cognitive complexity," defined as the
ability to understand a plethora of different angles for examining an issue,
or putting yourself in the other person's shoes.

Interpersonal Conflict

In interpersonal conflict, you are in

conflict with other individuals. This is
considered a major level of conflict and can
occur between co-workers, siblings, spouses,
roommates and neighbors. This is the form of
conflict most people have in mind when they
think about being in conflict.

Intrapersonal Conflict

Intrapersonal conflict is also called

intrapsychic conflict. It occurs within you. This
conflict can develop out of your own thoughts, ideas,
emotions, values and predispositions. Intrapersonal
conflict occurs when you internally argue with
yourself about something, such as when you want a
new pair of shoes but you know you should not
spend the money on them


These types of conflicts are important because we encounter them on a daily basis
and have to negotiate through them. You may think of conflict as negative, but
both interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict can have benefits.

Healthy conflict provides you with

the skills to develop better
relationships, gain an understanding
of yourself, increase your resolution
skills and avoid negative and
damaging reactions.

Intrapersonal conflict can be disruptive and stressful if you do not understand

your own needs and desires, reports Help Guide. Therefore, it is important to
understand your deep emotions and interests and stay in touch with yourself,
suggests Help Guide. This deeper understanding of yourself will give you a
better basis for negotiating through interpersonal conflicts, allowing you to
develop better, more trusting relationships, reports Help Guide.


There are ways you can improve your chances of positive conflict resolutions,
whether it be intrapersonal conflict or interpersonal conflict. The Help Guide
suggests tips to help you increase your chance of healthy conflict
resolutions. Managing your overall stress is important to help deal with
conflicts. When you are experiencing too much stress, you are at higher risk
of succumbing to the emotions drawn out in conflict. It is also important to
be aware of your own emotions and keep them under control so that you can
focus on the facts.

Incorporating humor will enable you to communicate

more information that may be hard to talk about, and
it will help put things into perspective.


Personality development is the developing a personality cult so as to create a

strong positive impression about self with the targeted group, or in general; and
more pertinent aspect of such personality is to maintain and prove in a long run.

Personality may be defined in the following aspects;

Imp. Points for an Ultimate Strong negative aspects to spoil

Personality personality:

 Appearance.  Unhygienic
 Intelligence.  Hurting attitude.
 Smartness.  Useless approach.
 Non-beneficial communication.
 Trustworthy, High integrity and  Untrustworthy, Irresponsible, Lack of
Responsible. integrity.
 Knowledge, in depth.  Below average performance.
 Management.  Powerless egoism.
 Efficiency.  Financial indiscipline.
 Economic independence.  Mismanagements.
 Morality / Character.  Uncontrolled burst of negative
 Being beneficial / advantageous. emotions.


OBJECTIVES: After completing this activity you should be able to:

1. Prepare one’s career which includes on personal competencies

2. Design and build an actual career stating strengths, interests and goals.

Materials needed: Activity Sheet and pen

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-1

2. Answer the activity no. 1 one’s Career.

3. Let the trainee give honest and freedom of choice to organize a personal
career planning.
Your own career
A. Strengths
Come up with five traits, which you consider as your strengths. In what instances have
these become helpful?
B. My Interests

1. What are some of your interests? List some of them and identify why these or
things are interesting to you.
2. What are some activities you are not interested in or prefer not to indulge.

3. What do your interests reveal about you?

C. Parents’ Interests and Expectations

1. What does your father expect of you? How does your mother want you to
2. Discuss with your parents or guardians your goals. Find out what their
views are.

My Values

1. What is important for you?

2. Choose among the list, and rank according to importance to you.

_____ making use of my abilities
_____ receiving high pay compared to the amount of work I do
_____ having a feeling of accomplishment
_____ having pleasant working conditions
_____ being able to work alone
_____ being able to do things for others
_____ being somebody
_____ receiving praise and recognition
3. Discuss how your values influence your lifestyle

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Write the letter of the correct answer in the spaces
provided before its number.

____ 1. A development that a person seek to understand the psychological

mechanisms and sociological dynamics that determine the emotions they
experience within oneself.
a) interactive
b) interpersonal
c) intrapersonal
d) personal

____ 2. In a conflict, these provides you with the skills to develop better
relationships, gain an understanding of yourself, increase your resolution
skills and avoid negative and damaging reactions.
a) conditional conflict resolution
b) final resolution
c) healthy conflict resolution
d) initials conflict resolution

____ 3. A conflict concerned with social intelligence in terms of the interaction of

multiple individuals and the effects of communication on accomplishing
objectives and building relationships within groups and organizations.
a) interactive
b) interpersonal
c) intrapersonal
d) personal

____ 4. Which of the following is NOT considered as a strong negative aspects to

spoil personality:
a) hurting attitude.
b) smartness
c) unhygienic
d) useless approach.

____ 5. Which of the following is NOT considered as.

a) appearance.
b) intelligence.
c) lack of integrity.
d) morality / character.

Fill in the blank the missing word. Check your mastery of Personal
Development by completing the questions or tasks below:

__________ 1. It plays an important part in the identification and choice of specific

__________ 2. A continuous change for improvement in all aspects of the person.
__________ 3. Dealing with one’s inner self
__________ 4. Dealing with outer self
__________ 5. It means giving more what is observed or what is public knowledge
as one’s name.


Multiple choice.
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. c

Fill in the blanks.

1. planning one’s career
2. development
3. intrapersonal dynamics
4. interpersonal relationship
5. Know thyself


Organizational goals

“Goal setting is one of the basic tools used by organizations to assist in setting a
direction and achieving it. Successful organizations often set long- and short-term
goals for service development, improving quality, reducing errors, becoming more
customer-focused, and building better internal and public relations.”

A goal is often confused with an objective. A goal is a clear statement of intended

future results or expectations.

A goal is:
 A relatively short-term statement of direction and purpose.
 The result of a strategy or plan.
 A cumulative result of a number of objectives.
Criteria popularly used in setting a goal is the acronym “SMART” as a way of
evaluating the goal

 A goal is SPECIFIC when it provides a description of what is to be

accomplished. A specific goal is a focused goal. It will state exactly what the
organization intends to accomplish. A specific goal will make it easier for those
writing objectives and action plans to address the following questions:

Who is to be involved?
What is to be accomplished? Who is to be
Where is it to be done? involved?
When is it to be done?
 A goal is MEASURABLE if it is quantifiable. Measurement is accomplished
by first obtaining or establishing base-line data. It will also have a target
toward which progress can be measured, as well as benchmarks to measure
progress along the way. A measurable goal will answer questions such as:

How much?
How many?
How will you know when it
is accomplished?

 Goals should be appropriate to and consistent with the mission and vision of
the organization. Each goal adopted by the organization should be one that
moves the organization toward the achievement of its vision. RELEVANT goals
will not conflict with other organizational goals. As noted earlier, goals are set
by or in concert with the person responsible for achievement. It is important
that all short-term goals be relevant (e.g., consistent) with the longer-term and
broader goals of the organization.

 Finally a goal must be (time bounded) bound by time. That is, it must have
a starting and ending point.

It should also have some

intermediate points at which
progress can be assessed. Limiting
the time in which a goal must be
accomplished helps to focus effort
toward its achievement.

An objective, by contrast, is "SMARTER". It is:

 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Relevant
 Time-bound
 Exciting
 Recorded

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep
inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the
will must be stronger than the skill.”
- Muhammad Ali

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Write the letter of the correct answer in the spaces
provided before its number.

____ 1. It is one of the basic tools used by organizations to assist in setting a

direction and achieving its goals.
a) goal setting
b) management
c) planning
d) programming
____ 2. In goal setting, these means there should be a limiting time in which a goal
must be accomplished.
a) measurable
b) smart
c) specific
d) time bounded

____ 3. This means goals should be appropriate to and consistent with the mission
and vision of the organization.
a) attainable
b) relevant
c) smart
d) specific

____ 4. A measurable goal will answer questions below such as, EXCEPT.
a) How long will you stay in America?
b) How many trainees enrolled in Plumbing NC II
c) How much is the cost of a coca cola?
d) Why is do you need to stay late at night?

____ 5. What is the popular word used as acronym by organizations to assist in

setting a direction and achieving its goals.


1. a
2. d
3. b
4. d
5. c
Personal hygiene and practices

Hygiene means health and healthful living. Good health means well balances
condition of body and mind which enables one to perform all functions normally.
Regardless of your age and gender, personal hygiene plays and importance role in
everyone’s life from day one till death.

Hygiene is synonymous to health, immunity and fitness. As the old saying goes,
health is wealth and unless hygiene is maintained there is no point in doing
any amount of grooming or beauty job.

Maintaining good hygiene boosts your confidence level in public appearances

and attracts respect as well.

Personal hygiene requires the practice of good

health habits, such as good food, plenty of sleep,
exercise, recreation, daily bath and a wholesome
mental attitude. A person who has good spiritual
outlook in addition to good physical and mental
health will be a source of strength, faith, and
inspiration to his peers as well as to the people he
comes in contact with.

Personal hygiene and style are also absolutely necessary components of being
successful in the work place.

Ask yourself (or those around you):

1. Is your perfume attractive?
2. Is it too heavy?
3. How are you taking care of your skin?
4. How often do you wash your clothes, shampoo, shower, shave,
manicure and pedicure?
5. What kinds of hygiene products are you using?
6. How do you attend to facial hair?
7. Do you keep your hair in good condition and have it styled regularly?
8. How do you select your dress for the occasion/event?
9. Did you use natural/local products in your personal hygiene?
10. How did you deal yourself when having hang-over?
Taken together, hygiene practices play an important part in giving others signals
as to your personality, your sexuality, and your sense of self worth.

The rules of hygiene vary with the requirement of each individual, and each
person adapts what is needed from the general rules and formulates a code of
rules for personal hygiene. The rules cover all consideration of personal
characteristics including but not limited to:
1. Cleanliness – daily bath
2. Oral hygiene – care of mouth and teeth
3. Diet – including weight control
4. Posture – walking, standing, sitting
5. Clothing – good quality which can be kept fresh and crisp by frequent
6. Relaxation – mental and physical exertion, sufficient time for rest.

Personal Hygiene Checklist

1. Daily bath and deodorant.
2. Oral hygiene- brushing of teeth and mouthwash
3. Diet weight control
4. Hairstyle
5. Clothes- uniform and shoes should be properly fitted
6. Facial make-up – wear appropriate cosmetics
7. Posture
8. Hands must be cleaned and fingernails cut or trimmed short
9. Avoid dangling jewelry
10. Be relaxed

Keeping oneself in good health makes one feel optimistic and everyday activities
tend to run smoothly. On the contrary, when one is sick, it almost seems that life
is not worth living. Poor health handicaps you in all your enterprises, limits your
achievements and robs you on the enjoyment of living.

Rules of Health
1. Get sufficient exercise. 2. Provide for an adequate amount of sleep.

3. Maintain good habits of eating 4. Cultivate personal neatness.

Rules in Taking Food

1. Avoid sweets like candy and pastry.

2. Cultivate a desire for the natural flavors than to choose artificially seasoned


This means making you become more accepted socially and improves your own
self-respect. It stimulates you to your best efforts. Unless personal neatness and
cleanliness is given proper attention, friends and associates will tend to accord the


For the men:

1. Keep your fingernails short and clean.
2. When cutting your toe nails, do it straight across.
3. Keep your tie and shirt wrinkle-free.
4. Wear a necktie with a long sleeved shirt.
5. Don’t wear belt and suspender together.
6. Wear dark suits at night and for formal occasions.
7. Shoes must be polished or washed as needed.
For the ladies:
1. Keep your hair neat and tidy. Keep it out of other person’s faces.
Never brush your hair in public places.
2. Never remove your shoes in public.
3. Fragrance of cologne or perfume should be subtle, never overwhelming
and sneeze inducing.

Hand care

Humans use their hands to do most of their jobs and duties and hence it is the
most important part to take care of when it comes to hygiene.

You have to keep washing your hands with

good quality soap after each task that you
do with your hands. In epidemic or flu
season or while on travel it is advisable to
use an alcohol based sanitizer to keep
rubbing your hands with.
Washing hands from time to time is
probably the most important aspect of
personal hygiene

If you want to avoid falling sick often, hygienic way of hand washing is
very important.
To wash your hands properly, you have to;
1. First wet your hands,
2. Apply some liquid soap (or soap cake) – preferably anti-bacterial soap – and
3. Rub vigorously on all parts of you hand till above your wrist.
4. You have to rub soap well into your fingers and nails with interlaced
fingers and even rub the back of your palms.
5. Keep doing that for 10-15 seconds before washing it off with a lot of
water and
6. Pat dry with a clean towel.

A cleansing bath not only removes
perspiration and waste products from the skin
but serves to stimulate circulation, so the
condition of the skin is improved. The daily bath
helps to quiet the nerves. A mild, pure soap and
plenty of lukewarm water is used.


The hair should be thoroughly combed and

brushed at least once each day. The best time for
caring for the hair seems to be in the morning
after the bath has been given. Brushing the hair
once or twice a day helps to keep it clean and
lustrous and is beneficial to the scalp by
increasing circulation. The brush should have
moderately hard bristles and the brushing
should be done in firm, even strokes which begin
at the scalp and move outward toward the end of
the hair. The style in which the hair is worn is, of
course, a matter of individual choice.


To promote personal hygiene, care of the nails must be given due

consideration. A well-kept fingernail not only enhances the general appearance but
is an added protection against infection. Scratching the body surface with dirty
fingernails or from eating food that has been handled by hands with nails that are
not clean may have bad results.
At regular intervals, fingernails should be trimmed
or filed so they are all at desirable length. Frequent
washing of the hands with mild soap with
lukewarm water helps to keep nails clean and
prevents hangnails. Push cuticle back each time
the hands are washed and use lotion or cream at
night to improve reconditioning of the nails.


Great emphasis is now placed on the importance of
brushing the teeth trice a day; seeing the dentist twice a
year. Dental products are widely advertised and the
general public is reminded of the importance of good oral
hygiene maintaining health. A healthy condition of teeth
and gums depends to some extent on proper nutrition.
Foods that require chewing, thus furnishing the exercise
and activity
needed for teeth and gums to keep them in good
condition should be contained in the diet.

In giving proper mouth care, one should be familiar with basic requirements
for a satisfactory dentifrice and toothbrush. The dentifrice which maybe a liquid,
paste, or powder, maybe chosen for the flavoring agent used and the effectiveness
with which it cleanses and polishes the teeth. A strong salt solution made from
ordinary table salt maybe used as a substitute for a commercial dentifrice.

The proper method of holding the

toothbrush is circular and up and down
movement so the teeth are brushed
downward or upward away from the
gum line. When the teeth have been
thoroughly brushed, the mouth should
be rinsed well. Teeth should be brushed
before breakfast each morning and after
meal during the day.


If you are wearing artificial dentures, it is necessary to take care of them

and see that they are not misplaced or broken. When not in the mouth, the
should be immersed in a mild antiseptic solution. A suitable container should be
used, labeled clearly and kept in the bedside table drawer. Where there is little
danger of the dentures being broken or lost.


1. Keep hair short or wear a cap.

2. Wash the hands before starting to work and apply a barrier cream for
protection against dermatitis.
3. Keep the hands and arms away from all unprotected areas of skin and from
the hair when working.
4. After the work, wash the hands with medicated soap.
5. Report even slight cuts and abrasions to the trainer/company first aid
6. Wear clean clothing as often as possible and avoid a build-up of dirt on any
working clothes.


MULTIPLE CHOICES: Write the letter of the correct answer in the spaces provided
before its number.

____ 1. This plays an importance role in everyone’s life from day one till death
regardless of your age and gender.
a) goal setting
b) personal hygiene
c) personal life
d) interpersonal

____ 2. The following are some of the appropriate personal hygiene practices
a) After the work, wash the hands with medicated soap.
b) Keep hair short or wear a cap.
c) Keep the hands and arms away from all unprotected areas of skin and
from the hair when working.
d) Wash the cars during rainy days..

____ 3. If you are wearing artificial dentures, what is the proper care when it is not
in the mouth?
a) Dentures should be immersed in a mild antiseptic solution.
b) It should be place in a glass of water.
c) It should be placed in a clean plastic container.
d) Should be wrapped in a clean sheet of paper and place it inside the

____ 4. In proper care of mouth, how many times in a year are advisable of seeing
the dentist?
a) as need arises
b) once a year
c) thrice a year
d) twice a year

____ 5. In proper care of hair, it should be thoroughly combed and brushed at

least _________ each day.
a) four times
b) once
c) thrice
d) twice


1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. b
Code of ethics

An ethical code is adopted by an organization in an attempt to assist those in

the organization called upon to make a decision (usually most, if not all)
understand the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and to apply this
understanding to their decision. The ethical code therefore generally implies
documents at three levels: codes of business ethics, codes of conduct for
employees and codes of professional practice. Professional codes of ethic vary
from organization to organization.


The duty to preserve one’s life implies the duty to work. Work is a creative
process for self-development when properly combined with leisure. It is healthful
and promotes both mental and physical well-being.


Work is the legitimate use of our mental and bodily powers for
economic gain of profit.

1. Work is the “use” or application of our physical powers to accomplish a

certain task. It is considered “use” because nobody can own another
man’s body, nor can anyone sell his body or any part of it, for purposes
of material advantage and gain. The sanctity of human life demands
preservation, care and proper use of our bodily faculties.
2. Work is the purpose of obtaining an economic gain for the laborer. It
belongs to the essence of work that is compensated. Such compensation
is based on justice and can take the form of wages, share in harvest or
commercial goods.

The Right Work

The right to work is based on natural law. Man has basic needs which
must be satisfied in order for him to survive. This right implies the right to private
ownership. If a person cannot own the means by which he derives his
subsistence, then he cannot provide for his life and for those of his dependents.

Work as a Natural Duty to Oneself

Work is directed to the promotion of life. It is a personal duty since each

one has the moral obligation to take care of himself and not be a burden to
others. The obligation assumes greater proportion as one becomes head of the


Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Company Officials and

I. Declaration of Policies - It is the policy of company to promote a high standard
of ethics in its service to the public. Company officials and employees shall at
discharge their duties with the utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and
loyalty and uphold the company interest over personal interest.

II.Norms of Conduct

a. Commitment – company officials and employees shall always uphold

the companies interest over and above personal interest.

b. Professionalism – company officials and employees shall perform and

discharge their duties to the highest degree of excellence, intelligence
and skill.

c. Morals – company officials and employees shall remain true to management

at all times. They shall at all times refrain from doing acts contrary to law,
good morals, good customs, public policy, public orders, public interest and
existing company rules, regulations and policies.

d. Service – company officials and employees shall extend prompt, courteous,

adequate and responsible service to their customers, and provide
information of their policies and procedures except when confidential in
nature in clear and understandable language, they must be selfless in their
duties and actions to the community in general.

Dignity – company officers and employees shall at all times honor God
the Almighty, be loyal to the Republic of the Philippines and

Simplicity – company officers and employees and their families shall

lead prudent lives appropriate to their position and income.

e.Disclosure – company officers, Division Heads, Department Heads and

employees shall not use or indulge, confidential or classified information
officially known to them by reason of their office and make available to the

public interest unless with written consent and approval of the President
of CEO.

III. Penalties – any officer or employee, regardless of whether or not he or she holds
office or employment in a casual, temporary, hold over, permanent or regular
capacity committing any violation of Code of Ethical Standards shall be
penalized in accordance with the penalties imposed by over Company’s
Code of Discipline.
Set and meet work priorities

 Organizational key result areas (KRA)
 Work values and ethical standards
 Company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment

Competing demands to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and
objectives are prioritized.
 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities
and commitments.
 Practices and economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are
followed as per established procedures.
 Job targets within key result areas are attained.


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

 Hand outs on
 Organizational KRA
 Work values and ethics
 Company policies and standards
 Sample job targets
 Learning guides
 CD’s, VHS tapes, transparencies


 Role play
 Interview
 Written examination

Learning Outcome # 2: Set and meet work priorities

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read information sheet 3.2-1
Organizational key result areas (KRA)
Answer Self Check 3.2-1 Compare the answers to the answer
Read information sheet 3.2-2
Work values and ethical standards

Answer Self Check 3.2-2 Compare the answers to the answer

Read Information sheet 3.2-3
Company policies on the use and
maintenance of equipment
Answer Self Check 3.2-3 Compare the answers to the answer
Organizational key result areas (KRA)
Organizational Key Result Areas (KSA)

“Key Result Areas” or KRAs refer to general areas of outputs or outcomes for
which the department’s role is responsible.

Key Result Area in simple Terms may be defined as Primary responsibilities of

an Individual, the core area which each person is accountable.


Profit : The net profit or surplus before tax planning efforts, produced
by the efficient operation and effective administration of your

Sales/income/ : The gross or top line billing/invoicing produced by all

revenue operational activities of your enterprise.

Community : The way your organization is perceived by the social, vendor,

image customer and employee communities - Stakeholder

Customer/client : The policies, procedures and values that determine how

satisfaction your people provide service, and to what degree your
customers/ clients' needs will be satisfied.
Physical : The physical space, layout, ambiance, tools and equipment that
environment your people work in and with. Satellite offices, branches.
People : The number, positions, qualifications, pay scales, benefits,
and training/development needs of your people at all
levels. How you compensate them; how you recruit, hire,
appraise performance, promote and transfer; your
organization's policies & structure.

Diversification : The identification/creation/acquisition of new products,

services, geographic & demographic markets to ensure
your organization's continued competitive viability.

Systems , : The methods, principles and technologies used, the "way you
procedures & do things," to ensure the best use of human, financial and
technology equipment resources to generate profit and satisfy your
Importance of KRAs.

• Set goals and objectives

• Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management
• Make value-added decisions
• Clarify roles of department or individual
• Focus on results rather than activities
• Align their roles to the organization’s business or strategic plan
• Communicate their role’s purposes to others

Conditions of KRAs

• Key result areas (KRAs) capture about 80% of the department’s work role.
The remainders are usually devoted to areas of shared responsibility.
• Each KRA should capture at least 5 % of work role

Value of KRAs.

Identifying KRAs helps individuals: ·

1. Clarify their roles
2. Align their roles to the organisation’s business or strategic plan
3. Focus on results rather than activities
4. Communicate their role’s purposes to others
5. Set goals and objectives
6. Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management
7. Make value-added decisions

Read information sheet 3.2-2

Work values and ethical standards

Work values are set of standards that determine attitudes, choices and actions.
Your work values are those things in your work life that you consider to be
important. It is crucial to know your work values if you want to find your ideal
job. When you design your career based on your values, your motivation will be
greatly increased and your chances of success and fulfillment will greatly

Developing your values

The first step in developing gender values is to develop your gender sensitivity
and raise your gender awareness. Gender awareness is a way of seeing, a

insights which form our understanding of people and society. It means looking at
things with new eyes, which are constantly open to new learning.

Understanding the differences between sex and gender, developing the ability to
identify gender issues and biases and appreciating the importance of gender
sensitivity, gender equality and gender equity are all important in achieving a
happy career life.

List of Top Ten Work Values that Employers Look for in Employees

Work Values Description

1. Strong work ethics Possesses

willingness to work hard and smart.

Learns the most efficient way to complete
tasks and finds ways to save time while
completing daily assignments.

Shows concern about his/her job and
complete all projects while maintaining a
positive attitude.

Doing more than what is expected of the job

Shows management that you utilize good
time management skills and don’t waste
valuable company time attending to
personal issues not related to the job.

Manages time effectively

2. Dependability and  Comes to work on time; keeping your

responsibility supervisors abreast of changes in your
schedule or if you are going to be late

Are responsible for their actions and

Shows your employer that you value your
job and that you are responsible in keeping
up with projects and keeping them informed
of the things that they should know about.

3. Possessing a positive  Gets the work done in a reasonable period of

attitude time and motivates others to do the same

without dwelling on the challenges

that inevitably come up in any job.
 Creates an environment of good will
and who provides a positive role model
for others.
 Having a positive attitude is something
that is most valued by supervisors and co-
workers and that also makes the job more
pleasant and fun to go to each day.

4. Adaptability

Maintains flexibility in completing tasks in
an ever changing workplace.

Being open to change and improvements

Adaptable to the personality and work
habits of co-workers and supervisors to be
able to work effectively as a team.

Views change, strategies and ideas as
opportunities to complete work assignments
in a more efficient manner
5. Honesty and integrity  Is trustworthy and maintains honesty and
integrity above all else

When working for an employer they want to
know that they can trust what you say and
what you do.

Successful businesses work to gain the trust
of customers and maintain the attitude that
“the customer is always right”.

Responsible to use his/her own individual
sense of moral and ethical behavior when
working with and serving others within the
scope of his/her job.

 Requires little supervision and direction to

6. Self-motivated get the work done in a timely and professional
 Takes the initiative to get the work done
without any prodding from others

Employers can do their part by offering a safe,
supportive, work environment that offers
employees an opportunity to learn and grow.
Working in a supportive work environment
will provide employees with a better sense of
accomplishment and increased self-esteem.

7. Motivated to grow and

learn  Interested in keeping up with new
developments and knowledge in the field. It
has been noted that one of the top reasons
employees leave their employers is the lack
of opportunity for career development within
the organization. Learning new skills,
techniques, methods, and/or theories
through professional development helps
keep the organization at the top of its field
and makes the employee's job more
interesting and exciting. Keeping up with
current changes in the field is vital for
success and increased job security.
8. Strong self – confidence 
A self – confident person is someone who
inspires others.

A self-confident person is not afraid to ask
questions on topics where they feel they need
more knowledge.

They feel little need to impress others with
what they know since they feel comfortable
with themselves and don’t feel they need to
know everything.

Does what he/she feels is right and is willing
to take risks.

Admits mistakes.

Recognizes their strengths as well as their
weaknesses and are willing to work on the

Have faith in themselves and their abilities
which is manifested in their positive attitude
and outlook on life.
Exhibits professional

behavior at all
9. Professionalism  Professional behavior includes learning every
aspect of a job and doing it to the best of one’s

Professionals look, speak, and dress
accordingly to maintain an image of someone
who takes pride in their behavior and

Completes projects as soon as possible and
avoid letting uncompleted projects pile up.
 Completes high quality work and is detail-

Are enthusiastic about their work and
optimistic about the organization and its
10. Loyalty  Loyalty in today’s workforce has taken on a
new meaning. It would mean employees
wanting to feel a sense of satisfaction in their
jobs and will do a good job when they feel that
the employer is fair and wants to see them
succeed. Although this may mean only
staying for five or ten years in a position,
employees can offer loyalty and make an
important contribution during their time with
the company.

Offering jobs that encourage learning and the
development of new skills also gives
employees a sense of empowerment in the
workplace. Aligning employees’ values with
the goals of the organization will foster loyalty
and a bond between employer and employee.

Fostering good relationships within an
organization and offering constructive ways
to handle conflict provides a win – win
situation for both employer and employee.
Work Sheet No. 1: Work Values – What Is Important To Me?

Direction: Put a check mark on the box that best describes the significance of
the work value in your life.

No Work Value Very Important Not So Important

1. Steady income with good benefits
2. Chance for advancement; increased pay
3. Doing a variety of tasks
4. Respect and Recognition
5. Friendly fellow workers
6. Pleasant Physical surroundings
7. Expectations by boss clearly defined
8. Flexible hours; control over own time
9. Regular hours ( little overtime)
10. Chance to use my own ideas/creative
11. Opportunity to learn new things
12. Having clearly defined tasks
13. Spirit of competition; chance to be successful
14. Having responsibility
15. Working with details, data, numbers
16. Working with things/machines
17. Seeing results of work; accountability
18. Working with an organization/people of high
19. Producing high quality work
20. Equal opportunity for men and women
21. Respect for the right of women-men
Read Information sheet 3.2-3
Company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment
To ensure safety and practice economic use of Resources Company adhere
guidelines on the maintenance of equipment.

1. Follow all established safety regulations.

2. All required safety outfits for the job must be worn at all times.
3. Always wear uniforms during work hours and be sure to put on the required
safety outfits while on work.
4. Do not engage in any form of horseplay, practical jokes, throw things and other
activities that are dangerous.
5. Do not enter processing sections or operate equipment not under your
charge. Never enter restricted areas you have been authorized to do so.
6. Equipment, tools and spare parts are to be properly arranged, kept clean,
orderly, and in their proper locations.
7. Handle carefully all equipment, tools fixtures, spare parts etc. Never transfer
or take them out without proper authorization from the supervisor.
8. Never operate any machine or equipment until you have been properly
instructed on how to use it safely and properly.
9. Do not use any vehicle unless you have been authorized to do so.
10. Safety equipment and gadgets have been installed for the protection of all
employee. Never remove or take off any of these gadgets and fixtures.
11. Handle all inflammable materials with care.
12. Always follow good housekeeping practices and keep all common areas
and work areas clean and orderly at all times.


General Provisions:
1. Use of mechanical equipment. Where mechanical
handling equipment is used, sufficient safe
clearance shall be allowed for aisles at loading
decks, through doorways and wherever turns or
passage must be made. Aisles and passage ways
shall be kept clear and in good repair, with no
obstruction across that could create a hazard.
Permanent aisles and passageways shall be
appropriately marked.

2. Secure Storage. Storage of material shall not create

a hazard. Bag container, bundle etc. stored in tiers
shall be stacked, blocked, interlocked and limited
in height so that they are stable and secure against
sliding or collapse.

3. Housekeeping. Storage areas shall be kept free

from accumulations of materials that
constitute hazards from tripping, fire,
explosion, or pest harborage vegetation control
shall be exercised when necessary.

4. Clearance limits. Clearance signs to warn

of clearance limits shall be provided
5. Rolling Railroad Cars. De rail and /or
bumper blocks shall be provided on
spur railroad tracks where a rolling
car could contact other cars being
worked, enter a building, work or
traffic areas.

6. Guarding. Covers and /or guardrails

shall be provided to protect personnel
from the hazards of open pits, tanks


To provide adequate protection, the protective clothing and equipment selected

must always be:
1. appropriate for the particular hazards
2. maintained in good condition
3. properly stored when not in use, to prevent damage or loss
4. kept clean and sanitary

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) includes all clothing and accessories

designed to create a barrier against workplace hazards. Some examples are as

Head protection – hard hats  Body - special suits
 Eye - safety glasses  Hand - gloves
 Face - face shields  Foot - safety shoes
 Ear - ear plugs

Personal protective equipment can be very effective in reducing injuries when the
protective equipment is selected based on its intended use, when employees are
trained to its use, and when that equipment is properly maintained. The company
is required by the law to provide protection for the employees and to ensure that
the equipment is worn by the workers.


1. Identify the company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment.

Activity Sheet

1. Divide the class into smaller group.
2. The group will discuss the company policies on the use and maintenance
of equipment.
3. Choose any group presentation to present the group output. Be creative
and resourceful.
4. Evaluate each presentation.


Check your mastery of company policies on the use and maintenance

of equipment by completing question/task below:

1. Give at least five company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment.





2. Identify materials handling and storage




Answer keys


Check your mastery of company policies on the use and maintenance of
equipment by completing question/task below:

1. Give at least five company policies on the use and maintenance

of equipment.
To ensure safety and practice economic use of resources company
adhere guidelines on the maintenance of equipment.
1. Follow all established safety regulations.
2. All required safety outfits for the job must be worn at all times.
3. Always wear uniforms during work hours and be sure to put on the
required safety outfits while on work.
4. Do not engage in any form of horseplay, practical jokes, throw things and
other activities that are dangerous.
5. Do not enter processing sections or operate equipment not under your
charge. Never enter restricted areas you have been authorized to do so.

2. Identify materials handling and storage

1. Use of mechanical equipment.
2. Secure Storage. Storage of material shall not create a hazard..
3. Housekeeping. Storage areas shall be kept free from accumulations of
materials that constitute hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or
pest harborage vegetation control shall be exercised when necessary.
4. Clearance limits. Clearance signs to warn of clearance limits shall be
5. Rolling Railroad Cars. De rail and /or bumper blocks shall be provided on
spur railroad tracks where a rolling car could contact other cars being
worked, enter a building, work or traffic areas.
6. Guarding. Covers and /or guardrails shall be provided to protect personnel
from the hazards of open pits, tanks etc.
Maintain professional growth and development

 Qualification standards
 Gender and development (GAD) sensitivity
 Professionalism in the workplace
 List of professional licenses


1. Training and career opportunities relevant to the job requirements

are identified and availed.
2. Licenses and/or certifications according to the requirements of the
qualifications are acquired and maintained
3. Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity are
manifested/ observed
4. Training and career opportunities based on the requirements of
industry are completed and updated.


The students/trainees must be provided with the following

 Quality standards
 GAD handouts
 CD’s, VHS tapes on professionalism in the workplace
 Professional licenses samples


 Role play
 Interview
 Written examination

Learning Outcome # 3. Maintain professional growth and development

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read information sheet 3.3-1

Qualification standard

Compare the answers to the answer

Answer Self Check 3.3-1 keys

Read information sheet 3.3-2

Gender and development (GAD)

Compare the answers to the answer

Answer Self Check 3.3-2 keys

Read Information sheet 3.3-3

Professionalism in the workplace

Compare the answers to the answer

Answer Self Check 3.3-3 keys

Read Information sheet 3.3-4

List of professional licenses

Compare the answers to the answer

Answer Self Check 3.3-4 keys
Qualification standards


It is common in business to have employee whose

performances are not satisfactory and who are
sometimes an actual problem to management. In
getting the right man for the job there must be a
better system in selecting the best man for the job.


The first requirement of the selection process is knowledge of

1. the exact nature of the work in the vacant positions
2. its duties and responsibilities
3. the requirements of the job, such as mental effort, skill and physical demands

A JOB DESCRIPTION – tells what is done on the job, how it is done, why it
is done, and the skills involved in doing it.

JOB SPECIFICATIONS – to determine the right kind of man needed for the job
it is necessary to know the specific qualifications of the man who is to do it, the
amount and type of experience needed to perform the job, special training on the
job and on jobs related to it, special abilities and aptitudes, age, physical
qualifications and other requirements.

JOB ANALYSIS – the study of each job operation involved in a certain job. It
includes information about the essential abilities, experience, and training to
do the job.
TRAINING – this involves observing others who are skilled in the performance
to be learned and /for following instructions.


1. Capacity for human growth – everyone in an organization should dedicate

himself towards constant personal growth and development in order to make
the company grow and develop.
1. Unique value of each human person – each one is a person in his own right,
different from all others. Each one must be developed and trained.
2. Training and development is established on the belief in the possibility of an
ideal union between the organizational objectives and the employee’s interest.



1. To attract and retain competent members.

2. To motivate members to strive to increase their contribution to

the organization.

3. To achieve maximum value from their work in return for training

and development cost incurred.


1. Equitable manpower development treatment.

2. Opportunities for deserved advancements, promotions or transfers.

3. Favorable work situations in which maximum contributions can be made.

4. To be kept informed on training matters affecting him.

the manpower development program
A good manpower development program must provide a planned strategy for a
continuing development of the abilities of all employees and officers so that they
can continue to maximize their contribution towards the attainment of the
company’s goal and at the same time achieve their own employment goals.

Formal training and development programs should be directed towards

the following:
1. Preparation of staff for specific new job assignments.
2. Expanding working skills, functional expertise and management competence.
3. Broadening working perspective, inter-functional understanding and
business outlook.

Actual training activities, however, must be based on:

1. Well-defined goals and objectives to be achieved.

2. Training needs of staff identified for training and development.

Manpower development and training requires the harmonized efforts of

the following:

1. Trainee – who must have the motivation and capacity to learn and apply his

2. Trainor – who must have the expertise and interest to teach.

3. Immediate superior – who must put his confidence in the trainee and provide
him with opportunity to apply his learning.



1. Identify trainings and career opportunities.

 Activity Sheet
 Pen


1. Read Information Sheet No. 1

2. Analyze the importance of qualification standards including the trainings and

career opportunities.

3. Answer the Activity Sheet No.1

4. Ask the instructor to evaluate your answer.

Give your own opinion on “ the effectivity of an individual to work depends on his
qualification to the job”.

Complete this statement : formal training and development programs should be :



Check your mastery of Qualification Standards by completing question/task
A. Identify the following:

_____________ 1. This involves observing others who are skilled in the performance
to be learned and /or following instructions.

_____________ 2. Tells what is done on the job, how it is done, why it is done,
and the skills involved in doing it.

_____________ 3. The study of each job operation involved in a certain job.

_____________ 4. One who must have the motivation and capacity to learn
and apply his learning.

_____________ 5. One who must have the expertise and interest to teach.

b. What is the Philosophy of Training?




1. Training

2. A job description

3. Job Analysis

4. Trainee

5. Trainor

1. capacity for human growth
2. unique value of each human person

3. possibility of an ideal union between the organizational objectives

and the employee’s interest.

Gender and development (GAD) – is about being faithful to the principle that
development is for all.

Fairness and equity demands that

everyone in society, whether male or
female has the right to the some
opportunities to achieve a full and
satisfying life

Principles for Gender-Fair Society

1. Marginalization – both male and female should be given equal pay for work of
equal value, economic independence and economic opportunity
2. Subordination – equality in the quality participation in decision-making
and recognition of capabilities.

3. Multiple burden – there should be shared parenting and shared housework.

4. Gender stereotyping – liberation from stereotyped images where male

is considered superior from female.

5. Violence Against Women – women freedom from violence and

from harassment.
Personal – personhood development.

Gender awareness

Gender equality means that women and men enjoy the same status and
conditions and have equal opportunity for realizing their full human rights and
potential to contribute to the national, political, economical, social and cultural
development of their countries. They should also benefit equally from the result
of development.

Gender equality is therefore the equal valuing by society of both the similarities
and differences between women and men, and the varying roles that they play.

Gender equity moves beyond a focus on equal treatment. Gender equity is the
process of being fair to women and men. It means giving to those who have less
on the basis of needs, and taking steps to compensate for historical and social
disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level
playing field. Equity can be understood as the means, and equality is the end.
Equity leads to equality
A gender-blind person is someone who does not explicitly
distinguish between the sexes. Assumptions incorporate
biases in favour of existing gender relations and so tend to
exclude women.

A gender-sensitive/aware person is someone who recognizes that

women and men are constrained in different and often unequal ways, and that
they may consequently have differing and sometimes
conflicting needs, interests and priorities.
Becoming a gender sensitive person

 Respectful of the “pagkatao” of every individual across the lifecycle and social
 Recognizes gender inequalities and biases transmitted from generation to
generation, and the need to transform structural and personal inequities and
 Commits self to healing relational inequities and biases at the personal and
institutional levels.
 Works towards empowering and gender-fair relationships in all aspects of life.
 Possesses the gender lens at looking at specific gender issues in different


1. the right to life, dignity and self-development
2. the right to nationality
3. the right to legal equality
4. the right to quality education
5. the right to equal employment
6. the right to greater political participation
7. the right to adequate social, health, and other support services
8. the right from fear and violence
9. the right to freedom from exploitationand abuse
10. the right to reproduction to include the right to decide the number
and spacing of children
11. the right to protection from suffering,heavy losses, repression, and
cured treatment during armed conflict and the ravage of war.

Practicing My Work Values

I should…

1. Be consistent in doing your daily actions that

reflect what you believe are right and wrong.
2. When you commit a mistake, admit your
mistake and do something about it.
3. Develop communicatin skills in responding
appropriately to people who ask you to act in
inappropriate ways.
4. Honesty is still the best policy.
5. Simplicity. The most profound solutions are

Self-esteem. All behaviour derives from self-esteem.

– People may essentially have three main degrees of self-esteem:

High Self-esteem - is to feel confidently

capable for life, or, to feel able and
worth, or to feel right as a person.

Middle ground self-esteem - is to waver

between the two states above, that
is, to feel able and useless, right
and wrong as a person, and to
show these incongruities in
behavior, acting, at times, wisely,
and at rashly others, thus
reinforcing insecurity

Low self-esteem - corresponds to not

feeling ready for life, or to feeling
wrong as a person.

Self-esteem and lack of self-esteem compared.


 Self confident  Arrogant
 Feels worthy  Feels worthless
 Happy  Sad
 Inner Peace  Inner Turmoil
 Respectful  Lacks Respect
 Can learn from mistakes  Cannot cope with mistakes
 Takes calculated risks  Stays in comfort zones
 Can hear criticism  Crumbles with criticism
 Accepts and empowers others  Critical of others
 Obstacles a means to move forwards  Obstacles are barriers to progress
 Clarity  Confusion & indecisive

lack of self-esteem
Self esteem is how we
feel about ourselves at
any given moment

Be the Change of what you want to see in the world

Mahatma Gandhi
Assessing Workplace Ethics

A. Application (Plenary)

 pentel pens/ markers,
 masking tape,
 manila paper,
 photocopies of Worksheet
 metacards

Time frame: 1.5 hours

Instruction to the trainees:

1. Answer the following questions and Write down the answers on a manila paper
which will be posted on the wall for reference.

 What do you consider as the top three (3) problems in the workplace?
 What work values are critical to the success of an organization?

2. You will be given a metacards and reflects on the statements written in it.
3. Categorize the metacards you are holding and put the card inside the pocket
mark “Gender aware/sensitive characteristic and the Gender blind/bias
Work Sheet No. 1: Work Values – What Is Important To Me?

Direction: Put a check mark on the box that best describes the significance of
the work value in your life.

No Work Value Very Important Not So Important

1. Steady income with good benefits
2. Chance for advancement; increased
3. Doing a variety of tasks
4. Respect and Recognition
5. Friendly fellow workers
6. Pleasant Physical surroundings
7. Expectations by boss clearly defined
8. Flexible hours; control over own time
9. Regular hours ( little overtime)
10. Chance to use my own ideas/creative
11. Opportunity to learn new things
12. Having clearly defined tasks
13. Spirit of competition; chance to be
14. Having responsibility
15. Working with details, data, numbers
16. Working with things/machines
17. Seeing results of work; accountability
18. Working with an organization/people
of high integrity
19. Producing high quality work
20. Equal opportunity for men and women
21. Respect for the right of women-men


1. Identify gender equality
2. Analyze the rights of women

 Activity Sheet
 Pen

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3. 3-2
2. Divide the class into smaller group.
3. Give them 5 –10 minutes roles play about gender equality.
4. Evaluate the presentation.


Check your mastery of Gender and Development by completing question/task


Match Column A and Column B. Write the letter on the blank.

Column A Column B

_____1. development is for all a. Subordination

_____2. equal pay for work of equal value b. Marginalization

_____3. freedom from harassment c. Gender and Development

_____4. shared parenting d. Violence Against Women

_____5. quality participation in decision-making e. Multiple Burden

Give at least five rights of the women.







Matching Type

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. e

5. a

1. the right to life, dignity and self-development

2. the right to nationality
3. the right to legal equality
4. the right to quality education
5. the right to equal employment
6. the right to greater political participation
7. the right to adequate social, health, and other support services
8. the right from fear and violence
9. the right to freedom from exploitationand abuse
10. the right to reproduction to include the right to decide the number and
spacing of children
11. the right to protection from suffering,heavy losses, repression, and cured
treatment during armed conflict and the ravage of war.


PROFESSIONALISM – is viewed and perceived as the way of respecting the rights
of others. The way to live one’s life as long as it is within the confines of good moral
conduct befitting one’s profession.

“Clients and customers judge a company not only by quality of its products and
services but also by the kind of service personnel who serve them.”

The Three Dimensions of Professionalism

1. Physical projection

This includes:

 Proper grooming- clean cut, no body odor, clean fingernails, well pressed
uniform etc.
 Good posture- straight body, no hands on pocket, relaxed
 Natural smile
 Eye contact but not sneering look
 Absence of unpleasant mannerism like scratching hair, biting nails, etc.
People with mannerism lose their poise and make an impression that they
have no confidence in themselves
 Pleasant disposition, no display of irritation
 Appropriate dress and wardrobes- one that fits the occasion and the place
 Oral hygiene, no bad breath
 Appropriate make up for women, not one that too heavy

2. Verbal projection
This includes:

 Being careful with tone, pitch and body language. Tone must be warm and
not harsh to the ear
 Well modulated voice- too loud can be interpreted as aggression, too soft
voice projects weakness of character and inhibition
 Spontaneity in expression, not stammering. This indicates mastery of ideas,
making the person sound more credible
 Speaking with authority- ability to explain and justify ideas, readiness to
answer questions. This gives an impression that one knows what he is
talking about.
 Tactfulness- saying the right things on the right time and in the right place
 Assertiveness in expressing oneself- sensitivity to the feelings of others,
always conscious of ones social impact.

3. Behavior and performance

This includes:
 Adherence to professional/industry standards of service
 Compliance to standard operating procedures
 Assertive behavior
 Adherence to work ethics and respect to protocol
 Being discreet with confidential matters
 Practice social graces- proper table manners, telephone courtesy,
appropriate behavior in public, etc.

Professionalism means avoiding bad habits at work like:

o Yawning
o Grouping together with other staff for a chat while on duty
o Using sign language like pointing a finger (instead, approach the person and
say what you want)
o Shouting, giggling, loud conversation and horse playing.
o Daydreaming, eavesdropping
o Indulging in customer’s private conversations
o Putting hands on pocket and playing with pocket coins
o Leaning on walls, tables and chairs (for bellboys, security guards, escorts, etc.) o
Sneering or staring look
o Frowning look and show of irritation
o Chewing gum while on duty or while talking to customers o
Bluffing customers
o Reading newspapers/magazines while on duty o
Singing, whistling
o Use of rude and insulting language
o Pointing at something at someone with a finger
o Interrupting customers conversation unless for valid reasons o
Divulging confidential information to customers.

o Leaving one’s station longer than necessary.

Unhygienic Practices To Be Avoided:

o Smoking in non smoking areas
o Coughing/sneezing in public without covering the mouth
o Scratching body parts
o Spitting on walls, floors, sink, grounds, etc.

For Food Handlers:

o Tasting food in view of customers o
Handling food with bare hands
o Serving food/cutleries that have fallen on the floor o
Putting foods in dirty tables
o Cooling warm/hot food by blowing air out of the mouth o
Wiping perspiration with wiping cloth used for service o
Combing hair inside the dining room
o Using strong perfume


1. The professional worker does not require close supervision or direction. He

directs himself. He plans his own activities. He works independently.
2. The professional worker does not regard himself as an employee. He regards
his supervisor as fellow professional worker.
3. The professional worker does not work by the hour. He expects the overall
sum for which he agreed to perform his duties.
4. The professional worker adjusts his working hours to meet the necessities of
his duties without regard of thought for overtime work.
5. The professional worker takes full responsibility for the result of his action
and efforts. He makes his own decision and acts upon them.
6. The professional worker continuously seeks self improvement. He takes advantage
of every opportunity to improve his knowledge and understanding.
7. The professional worker contributes to the skills and knowledge of the
profession. He develops new ideas and shares these to fellow workers.
8. The professional worker is loyal to his fellow workers. He never gossips about
them nor about those he serves.
9. The professional worker avoids humor and hearsay. He does not credit
information received from “grapevines”.
10. The professional worker adjusts his grievances through proper channels. He
discusses them directly and privately with his superiors. He avoids
complaining and grumbling with others.
11. The professional worker meets his professional obligation. He fulfills
completely all agreements and obligations entered into with fellow workers,
whether they are legal or moral obligations.
12. The professional worker is sensitive to the problems of his fellow workers. He
always considers the effects of his action on the welfare of others.
13. The professional worker does not advance himself at the expense of others.
He aspires for promotion on the basic of preparation and worthy
14. The professional worker’s chief desire is render service. To improve his
profession is his consuming desire.
15. A professional worker is responsive to change when and where change is
necessary. He welcomes new developments in his profession as an
opportunity and a challenge.

Basic Duties of Workers:

1. Work honestly and comply with all agreements.

2. Never injure capital, nor steal from the employer.
3. Never outrage the person/s of authority or the employer.
4. Never employ deceit not violence in presenting a cause.
5. Never consort with agitator” or men of evil principles.

Basic Duties of Employers:

Employers have the sacred task of caring for their workers. Theirs is the
golden opportunity to become the ethical “man for others” – they must be fair-
minded and generous in their dispositions. The following are their basic duties
towards their workers:

1. Respect the human dignity of the workers.

2. Appreciate their works.
3. Never treat them as slaves for making money.
4. Never assign them tasks beyond their strength; do not employ them in work
not suited to their age or sex.
5. Give them commensurate wages.
6. Provide for their health and social recreation.
7. Provide them time for the practice of their religion.
8. Instruct them on how to use their money wisely.
9. Instruct them to love their family.
10. Provide them with the opportunities for promotion.

Guidelines on Leaves and Absences/Tardiness

Vacation Leave

1. Every employee must first secure the written permission of his immediate
superior and department manager using company prescribed forms before
going on vacation. (i.e. two days before the intended leave.)

2. Vacation leave forms must be properly filled out and must be approved by
the supervisor at least two days before the intended leave.

3. Absences may be charged to vacation leave only if duly authorized and

approved by the employer/department head and noted by HRD.

Sick Leave

1. If an employee needs non-emergency medical help during working hours, he

must first secure a clinic pass from his immediate superior.

2. Upon consultation with the company physician, the employee must

immediately report the outcome of his consultation to his immediate
superior or department head by presenting the clinic pass.

3. In case of sickness at home or elsewhere, the employee has to notify the

company within twenty-four hours either by letter or by phone.

4. If an employee gets sick outside the company premises, he should try his
best at the earliest opportunity to come and personally consult with the
company physician.

Other terms observe at the workplace:

Absence without official leave – being away from work without due notice
from the employer.

Authority – one who is vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down an

execute management policy; effectively recommended in the interest of the

Code of Discipline – contains the principal rules and regulations of the


Emergency Cases – means unforeseen circumstances such as natural calamities

where there is a considerable impairment of day to day normal activities; sickness,
giving birth, death or any accident involving either the employee or immediate
members of his family which shall include the lawful spouse, the children and
Emergency Leave – being away from work due to occurrence of natural calamities
or circumstances beyond human control.

Insubordination – means the refusal, deliberate failure or unwillingness of an

employee to follow and/or submit to authority.

Loafing – spending time in idleness such as going to other areas inside or outside
the premises just to let time past or to waste time or staying in his work post doing

Malingering – means pretending or feigning inability, incapacity, to avoid, to stop,

to finish or complete duty or work.

Malversation – means unauthorized spending of funds entrusted to him, whether

directly of indirectly by the company.

Morality – the quality of human acts by which they are constituted as good, bad,
or indifferent.

National Certificates – these qualifications are nationally recognized and

transportable which means they are recognized anywhere in the Philippines.

Paternity Leave – means the husband employee with notice to the company does
not report for work because his legitimate wife gave birth.
Profane Language – means words, phrases or signs written or uttered; or pictures,
print, sketches, or such other visual, audio or oral media uttered or done without
respect, with malice, irreverence or contempt.

Recognition – sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement.

Tangible Rewards – material rewards such as cash rewards, bonuses,

trophies, citations, etc.

Tardiness – means lateness in reporting to work either for the first hour of work or
from break period like returning to work assignment after coffee or lunch break.
Tardiness offenses can be classified into excused and unexcused.

Under Time – rendering work less than the minimum number of hours required
of the employee per day.

Work – the legitimate use of our mental and bodily powers for economic gain
or profit.


1. Identify professionalism in the workplace.

Activity Sheet
1. Read Information Sheet No.3
2. Answer the Activity Sheet No. 3
3. Ask the assistance of the instructor to evaluate your answer.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to check how far you are from
being a professional:
3 ; Always 2 : Almost Always 1: Rarely 0 : Never


Do I wear a uniform that is clean and wrinkle free?
Do I ensure proper matching of colors in my attire?
Is my hair neatly combed, clean and worn in style that is becoming to
Do I always feel and look clean and tidy?
Do I use simple jewelries appropriate to my job?
Is my hair neatly combed, clean and worn in style that is becoming to
Am I free of unpleasant mannerisms?
Are my shoes well shined and their heels in good condition?
Do I change my stockings and underwear everyday?
Are my nails clean, well shaped, with moderate length?
Do I make it a habit to wear deodorants, especially when I
perspire heavily?

Do I wear light cologne during my duty?
Am I free of body odor?
Am I free of any bad breath?
Do I wear simple and appropriate make-up? (ladies only)
Do I retouch my make-up from time to time? (ladies)
Do I fix my hair from time to time?
Am I relaxed and not rattled by irritating or uncomfortable situations
on the job?
Do I maintain a good posture while on the job (straight body, not
leaning on walls, chairs)
_________ Sub-total ( A )


Do I speak with a friendly tone and modulated voice?
Do I use a simple language in my conversation with people?
Do I maintain eye contact while conversing with others?
Do I pay full attention when talking to them?
Do I express interest in what people say by active listening,
nodding head, asking questions, etc.?
Am I more of the listener rather than a talker?
Do I allow others to finish their statement before I react?
Am I cautious of the words I speak to avoid hurting or
antagonizing others?
Do I know how to keep confidential matters?
Do I avoid speaking gossip nor indulging in gossips?
Do I generously use magic expressions like please, kindly, may, do
you mind, I’m sorry, etc.?
Can I maintain my composure when talking to unreasonable or
irritating person?
Am I honest and sincere in my communications and avoid
bluffing anyone?
Do I avoid unpleasant non-verbal signals like sour face,
inattentiveness, sneering or staring look, etc., when dealing with
________ Sub-total ( B )


________1. Do I know and practice my table manners?

________2. Do I avoid by passing people in the organization?
________3. Do I know how to respond when introduced to someone?
________4. Do I keep my appointments and come on time?
________5. Do I give way to ladies (if man) or to elderly?
________6. Do I keep my work area organized and tidy?
________7. Do I practice basic courtesies in the use of telephone?
________8. Do I respect the privacy of others or their personal space (i.e., not
opening their letters, not too close, no eaves dropping, not meddling
in their conversation)?
________9. Do I have the habit of greeting people I meet like company officers,
customers, etc.?
________10. Do I avoid gossiping about my boss and my company to other people?
________11. Do I refrain from unhygienic practices like spitting in public areas,
sneezing without covering my mouth, etc.?
________ Sub total ( C )

Add your score per category. The average score is calculated as total score divided
by the number of items.
Total Score :
Average Score :
Remarks :
A. Physical Projection :
B. Verbal Projection :
C. Ethics/Social
Graces :
Grand Total :

Average score of
2.8- 3.00 is high score
2.5- 2.70 is moderate or
Below 2.5 is not acceptable
From the results of the test, identify your weak points as a professional.

Physical Projection

Verbal Projection

Ethics/Social Graces

Check your mastery of Professionalism in the workplace by completing the
question/task below:

What is a professional worker?






What is a professional worker?

1. The professional worker does not require close supervision or direction.
He directs himself. He plans his own activities. He works independently.
2. The professional worker does not regard himself as an employee. He
regards his supervisor as fellow professional worker.
3. The professional worker does not work by the hour. He expects the
overall sum for which he agreed to perform his duties.
4. The professional worker adjusts his working hours to meet the necessities
of his duties without regard of thought for overtime work.
5. The professional worker takes full responsibility for the result of his
action and efforts. He makes his own decision and acts upon them.

Licenses and /or certifications:

 National Certificates – given to the individual who passed all NC level (I-IV)

 Certificate of Competency – given to the individual who passed per NC level.

Required to passed test of skills and test of knowledge.

 Professional Licenses – Board examination taken by graduates under

the Philippine Regulation Commission.

Sample of Licenses/Certificates

1. COC:
Baker, Lathe Machine Operation
Date Encoder Dressmaking,
Building Wiring Installation, Domestic Refrigeration
Computer Technicians Automotive Service Technician,
Cellphone Repair, Finishing Carpentry
Mechanics, Electric Arc Welder
2. National Certificates

Plumbing NC II Front Office services NC II

Bookkeeping NC IV
Carpentry NC II
Machining NC II
Housekeeping NC II

3. Professional Licenses:
Teacher Chemical Engineer
Civil Engineer Architect
Nurse Electronics Communication Engineer
Electrical Engineer Medical Technology
Doctor Marine
Mechanical Engineer Certified Public Accountant
Programs and services that a trainee can avail:

Job-hunting seminar
Equipping students with the techniques and skills that will make
them competitive in their search for jobs and career enhancement.

Job and career fair

Inviting business companies, government and non-government offices to

do recruitment and initial screening among students/trainees.

Career Counseling
To help students know themselves, their strengths and weaknesses
and guide them in enhancing their academic training, knowledge
and technical skills to become competitive in their chosen field.

Student Trainee Deployment

To match and give referrals to companies/industries requesting for


SSS/GSIS membership Application

To facilitate membership and applications.

Seminar on career options(YP4SC)

To provide students with adequate information on other career
options; inspire students to become entrepreneurs and encourage
them to try career paths based on their potentials.
Attaining Competitive Edge

Job market is driven by knowledge and skills; so one must work for
continuing education. Cross functionality or multi-tasking of workers if preferred,
so more knowledge and skills a worker has, the more his edge is. These add
value to the competitiveness of the worker for the job.

Below are tips in getting the job after an employment:

Reflect your professionalism in the quality of your output – You are

responsible for submitting a professionally-written resume and letter of
intent containing substantive and meaningful information, convincing
enough to make the hiring officers want to employ you, and not someone
else. (Resume is an individually designed document summarizing personal
interest and qualification so that a potential employer will become
interested in the applicant)

Analyze the content of your document – try to identify your

qualifications that will make you stand out from other applicants. Let your
grasp of the profession and your intellectual powers shine through your
written documents.

Check for errors and improve documents – conduct a careful review of

your documents. Refine it.

Package yourself:
 Employers are interested in two things about you; knowing
yourself and developing your compatibility with the
 Image projection through power dressing, correct hygiene and
good grooming. A good appearance generates a feeling of self
confidence and well-being. Looking competent has the prime
Communication skills – be able to express thoughts, ideas and feelings
effectively whether oral or written.

The cover letter: A cover letter is a business-like written response to

an existing job opening highlighting one’s qualifications for the job or
service. It should be so worded that could sufficiently arouse the
would-be employer’s interest about the possible employee for him to
merit an interview. It must be brief and direct to the point.



1. Classify the different professional licenses and certifications:

Activity Sheet

1. Divide the class into a smaller group.

2. The group will conduct an interview of people who obtained and renewed their
licenses relevant to their career.

a) Let the group formulate their guide questions based on how the
individual obtained their licenses and certifications.

b) Report the group output .


Check your mastery of Professionalism in the workplace by completing the

question/task below:

Classify whether the following sample are professional licenses or certificate of

competency. Write them on the box below:
Professional License
Programs and services that a trainee can avail:

Job-hunting seminar
Equipping students with the techniques and skills that will make
them competitive in their search for jobs and career enhancement.

Job and career fair

Inviting business companies, government and non-government offices
to do recruitment and initial screening among students/trainees.

Career Counseling
To help students know themselves, their strengths and weaknesses
and guide them in enhancing their academic training, knowledge and
technical skills to become competitive in their chosen field.

Student Trainee Deployment

To match and give referrals to companies/industries requesting for

SSS/GSIS membership Application

To facilitate membership and applications.

Seminar on career options(YP4SC)

To provide students with adequate information on other career
options; inspire students to become entrepreneurs and encourage
them to try career paths based on their potentials.

Attaining Competitive Edge

Job market is driven by knowledge and skills; so one must work for
continuing education. Cross functionality or multi-tasking of workers if
preferred, so more knowledge and skills a worker has, the more his edge is.
These add value to the competitiveness of the worker for the job.
Below are tips in getting the job after an employment:

Reflect your professionalism in the quality of your output – You are

responsible for submitting a professionally-written resume and letter of
intent containing substantive and meaningful information, convincing
enough to make the hiring officers want to employ you, and not someone
else. (Resume is an individually designed document summarizing personal
interest and qualification so that a potential employer will become
interested in the applicant)
Analyze the content of your document – try to identify your
qualifications that will make you stand out from other applicants. Let your
grasp of the profession and your intellectual powers shine through your
written documents.
Check for errors and improve documents – conduct a careful review of
your documents. Refine it.
Package yourself:
Employers are interested in two things about you; knowing
yourself and developing your compatibility with the company.

Image projection through power dressing, correct hygiene and

good grooming. A good appearance generates a feeling of self
confidence and well-being. Looking competent has the prime
Communication skills – be able to express thoughts, ideas and feelings
effectively whether oral or written.

The cover letter: A cover letter is a business-like written response to

an existing job opening highlighting one’s qualifications for the job or
service. It should be so worded that could sufficiently arouse the
would-be employer’s interest about the possible employee for him to
merit an interview. It must be brief and direct to the point.

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