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Video Vocab Lesson #10: School

10 Vocabulary 2
Learn Spanish with FREE Podcasts

Spanish English Class
la estudiante student noun
la maestra teacher noun
el salón de clase classroom noun
la clase class noun
el pupitre desk noun
la silla chair noun
la pizarra chalkboard noun
el cuaderno notebook noun
la tarea homework noun
el examen exam noun

Vocabulary Sample Sentences

Los buenos estudiantes siempre entregan la tarea. Good students always hand in their homework.
La maestra está harta de la directora. The teacher is sick of the principal.
Se prohíbe comer en el salón de clase. Eating is prohibited in the classroom.
La clase de español es divertidísima. The Spanish class is very fun.
Estos pupitres son para zurdos. Those desks are for left handed people.
Aquella silla está bien cómoda. That chair is very comfortable.
2 Belén escribió su número en la pizarra.
Esta mañana me equivoqué de cuaderno.
Belén wrote her number on the chalkboard.
This morning I took the wrong notebook.
La tarea se entrega al principio de la clase. "Homework is handed in at the beginning of every
El profesor odia calificar los exámenes. The teacher hates grading tests.

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