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Harland Sovereign

OGL 300
Module 6 Paper

1. Name and briefly discuss the three things you identified that you would like to eliminate
or reduce in your life. 
a. Sugar
b. Coffee
c. Sleeping through the morning gym time
2. Then name which activity/item you actually gave up for three days. Why did you select
this one?
I gave up sleeping through my morning gym time because I was very good at
working out 5 times per week for a long time, until I got a full time job along with
my 18 credit schedule. It is important to me to be physically in shape along with
being mentally sharp.

3. Day One: Describe your experience on the first day.

How did it go? How did you react? How did others react? What differences did you
notice? What did you do instead?
How did it feel to change this pattern?

On the first day going back to the gym, early in the morning, I did not want to get out of
bed when my alarm went off, I knew that I did not have to leave for work for another 2
hours so I was tempted to stay in bed. I know that bad habits are easier to form than
good ones so I convinced myself to crawl out of bed and go. Once I made it to the gym
(after a fair helping of caffeine) I felt great, and I felt even better after I had finished,
even throughout the remainder of the day. My girlfriend noticed me up early when I
texted her early in the morning am hour before she woke up for work. I enjoyed the first
day in my pattern change.

4. Day Two: Describe your experience on the second day.

How did it go? How did you react? How did others react? What differences did you
notice? What did you do instead?
How did it feel to change this pattern? How was Day 2 different from Day 1?

On the second day, I was more prepared for the early morning. Because I forced myself
to wake up early the day before I was very tired when it came time to finally go to sleep.
The second morning I awoke more fully rested but still ready for a helping of caffeine
before going to the gym again. Day two, for me, was easier than day one because of the
quality of sleep that I got the night before.

5. Day Three: Describe your experience on the third day.

Same here: how did it go? What did you notice? What did you do instead? What
differences did you notice from the first two days?
On day three, I suffered in the morning due to a lack of sleep resulting from a late night
of homework from the night before. I did, however, get out of bed quickly, knowing that
I would be tempted to stay in bed if I sat on the decision for too long. The third day was
easy once I arrived at the gym because I knew what my plan was for that day (due to
some planning from the previous day). I started with a mile on the treadmill and then
did a back and shoulder workout for about an hour. This, like the other days, made me
feel energized for the rest of the day going forward.

6. Wrap Up: What did you learn from this experience? 

This experience taught me that no matter how early it is, going to the gym in the
morning is something that helps my day be more productive. I love the feeling of being
energetic throughout the day, no matter how terrible I feel getting out of bed in the
morning. This is a good thing for me to continue to do even after this assignment.

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