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Lack of Scientific Recordkeeping of Disaster Incidences: A Big Hurdle in
Disaster Risk Reduction in India




This article looks at the causes of disasters around the world, as well as how to deal with
disasters and obstacles especially in India. The goals of this article are to raise awareness
among all parties about the management of records in a country that is prone to disasters,
and to draw political attention to the fact that this is a serious issue. Secondly, to determine
whether the disaster is dangerous or risky, and to ensure that communication is not
disrupted during the disaster. Thirdly, a system for collecting reliable and objective data on
disaster-related losses. This article discusses about how to develop the development of
DRR so that it is known to everyone in India. In addition, the law relates to not dumping
foreign matter into the river and this article also discusses the importance of recording every
important data.

Keywords: Disaster risk reduction, climate change, adaptation and India

Introduction of the Article

This article examines the occurrence of disasters that occur around the world, how to
manage disasters and obstacles. The meaning of disaster cannot be defined because there
are various meanings between researchers about the meaning of disaster. There are
characteristic features of disasters that have been decided by the researcher, for example,
disasters occur suddenly and unpredictably that cause human, material, economic, and even
environmental losses. Every catastrophic event that occurs in a country, the country’s
economy will suffer huge losses. This is a serious matter, as most of the countries that often
face disasters are less developed countries. According to a recent UN survey, weather-
related disasters have the greatest impact on India and China. To manage disaster impacts
efficiently, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) need to be
combined with development activities aimed at being able to manage disaster impacts
efficiently. Disaster management is a planning process to help those affected by disasters,
processes involved such as preventing disaster threats, reducing the risks, consequences
and dangers of disasters, preparing for disasters, and providing temporary shelter for victims
and rebuilding their homes. This disaster management is known all over the world because
there are parties who can afford to pay for this management to managing situations that
occur during and after a disaster. DDR is a concept and practice of reducing disaster risk
through systematic efforts to analyse and reduce the causative factors of disasters. DDR is
characterized as the philosophy and practice of reducing disaster risk by systematically
analysing and reducing disaster causal factors. Some of components of DRR include
reducing exposure to hazards, reducing vulnerability of people, property and facilities, wise

land and environmental management, and enhancing preparedness and response
capacities as well as early warning for adverse events.

Objectives of the Article

The objectives of this article are:

i. To increase the concern of all parties on the management of records in a country that
often suffers from disasters that is to attract political attention not to take this matter
is not serious.
ii. To assess the disaster whether it is dangerous, risky, and ensure communication has
no problems during the disaster.
iii. Institutional framework for gathering accurate and objective disaster-related loss

I agree with these objectives because many consider records to be unimportant and do not
feel anything if important records related to organizations, individuals or even countries are
lost during a disaster. Whereas the loss of records during a disaster is a matter that will be to
our own detriment because we cannot recover those records. In addition, as a country that is
often hit by disasters, they need to always be prepared for disasters such as providing
complete needs for the people and the country needs to prioritize security.

Discussions of the Article

This article discussed about problems that DRR having. DRR greatly benefits anyone who
uses it. This is because, it can prevent the loss of countries, organizations as well as
individuals caused by disasters and become the cause of human suffering. Although DRR
has the advantages as stated, DRR has a problem namely the development of DRR. The
reason DRR has development problems is that it is not known to many. This is due to the
lack of awareness campaigns on the importance of DRR to all communities in India.
Therefore, DRR needs to plan well to conduct a media campaign and it should attract the
interest of the public to participate in the campaign and it can deliver the purpose of DRR in
a language that is easily understood by the people. The campaign should state long and
short-term profits if they are taking DRR services. The materials used during the awareness
campaign are proof of service and state local risk scenarios to overcome losses suffered in
previous disasters. This will lead, communities in India comply with regulations and practice
risk reduction. In addition, this article discusses the importance of studying the extent of
hazards and disaster risks. However, the country did not carry out this study, and the impact
of infrastructure insurance still has to be paid at a high price because the country does not

know the extent of the hazards of the infrastructure. If the country reviews this, infrastructure
insurance will offer reasonable prices if the area is at low risk of hazards and structures that
coincidence with DRR requirements. This study will provide awareness to the community on
the extent of the hazards in the area and it will also alert investors that this place will be a
loss to investors in the event of a disaster. In order to attract political attention to invest in
DRR, people need to be concerned about DRR which causes political attention to be
focused on DRR. When politics is concerned about DRR, there are appropriate legal
measures in place to measures in place to ensure the safety of the people. Moreover,
countries need expert research investments related to technologies that can withstand
disasters and thus DRR can improve their practice. This will cause the people to use the
relevant DRR services. DRR requires hiring among officers in the department so that they
can appreciate the importance of DRR as well as appreciate the steps of DRR in the
department's programs and schemes.

Apart from introducing DRR to the people, the country should also establish new
laws relating to land use and disposal of excavation materials. This will prevent the
occurrence of riverbeds and rapid siltation of rivers and streams, as well as mass instability,
erosion, and siltation of agricultural lands, wetlands and springs. This problem is the main
cause of disaster. When a new law is created, this will not happen and it is likely that
disasters will be less likely to occur in India. Subsequently, Act National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) and State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) need to
issue authority to issue guidance in order to ensure that DRR steps are adhered to in
departmental plans and schemes. Finally, this article discusses the importance of recording
accurate data on disaster losses. With this data, the responsible parties can review the
losses suffered each time a disaster occurs. However, the data recorded has a small amount
whereas the disaster victims who have received more assistance than the recorded data.
This indicates the responsible party does not care to record data accurately. In this case, the
District Emergency Management Authorities may be tasked with the task of gathering
disaster loss data and documenting the vulnerability status of properties impacted by

From this article, I observe that disaster-hit countries should always consider
initiatives on how to deal with disasters without having major losses. In addition, the country
should always promote services such as DRR that benefit all in managing disaster risks in
India. The country also needs to establish new laws relating to environmental care so that
people take care of the environment and love rivers without throwing inappropriate things in
river. Finally, countries should always record data on important matters so that they can be
referred to in the future.

Conclusion of the Article

This article concludes that DRR can help people and countries experiencing disasters. In my
opinion, as a country that often experiences disasters, they need to take advantage of DRR
because DRR can help the country to manage the risks that will be experienced when
disasters occur. The country and the people must work together in overcoming the problem
of disasters without pointing a finger at any party because we must be responsible to make
our country always safe. Disasters are things that happen suddenly. However, there are
some disasters that stem from people not know how to take care the environment.
Therefore, as citizens we need to take care of our environment. This is because, we as the
people will suffer the losses if the disaster is caused by us who do not take care of the
environment. As a country, always monitor the situation of the country whether it is safe or
not and also always give awareness to the community about the disasters that often occur in
the country. Lastly, the country also need to ensure the safety of the people is a priority
when disasters happens.


Rautela, P. (2016). Lack of scientific recordkeeping of disaster incidences: A big hurdle in

disaster risk reduction in India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 15,


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