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OW MfdiaSen iS ^MQIVJUk I Aihefl«ninil Mcdi* arr»ice*

New super air purifier can eliminate 98%

of the worst pollution in 15 minutes
Eliminates odors, smoke( pollen, dust, germs, mold, pet
dander, carbon monoxide, viruses and much more
By John Whitehead, Media Services
Provides fast relief for allergies and sinus
A powerful new air purifier
lhal is far superior to anything else
on the market has been announced
The PROZONE® purifies air like nature's sun and thunderstorm
by BioTech Research*. 1. Air pollutants (positive charge) are 2. When the activated oxygen contacts 3. The oxidized pollutants are eliminated
It is the PROZONE*. The Fed- suspended in air. Air pollutants pollutants, it oxidizes them.
eral Government, United Nations, • H • •: • • • . . .. • . • • from the air and air now contains
many other institutions and many *•'••; * 1V '-'~\' "•-'*'• /-'» additional healthy oxygen.
major corporations use PROZONE' " " * «•"*•!" *.S".V1" '.*•"**" '."" V*' ."•"" -I*

products to purify air, or, water, or,

Thousands of people across the
nation are already using the PRO-
ZONE' and getting sensational
results. Testimonies from a few of
the thousands of PROZONE" users
Activated oxygen
(negative charge)
expands throughout
area and seeks out
air pollutants.
are provided on this page.
The PROZONE* eliminates a Oxidized pollutants
wide range of air pollutants. The are broken up into
PROZONE" can eliminate 98% of harmless carbon
_ dioxide and ash.
the worst pollutants from the air in The ash, which is
15 minutes. These worst pollutants OUT: Activated now negatively PROZOHE*
are the ones that cause the most 03 oxygen charged and it PROZONE* Harmless ash (negatively charged) will not rise in the
misery such as allergy causing pol- (negative charge) drops to the floor. air again. It is swept up during regular cleaning.
lutants, odor causing pollutants and
The PROZONE'runs quiet,
Testimonies from a few of the thousands of satisfied PROZONE® users
The PROZONE* is the most remarkable product that I have tried in years. All of the claims hold true. Not only did it eliminate ttie dust in my
has no fillers, has nothing to replace
house, I have not had a sinus headache or scratchy throat since I began using it The whole house smells fresh and dean. You would never be
and there is nothing to clean. If you
able to tell that I have two dogs and a cat It is also nice not to have to bother changing filters. You just plug it in, turn it on and forget about it It
have an electronic air purifier that
you have to wipe off the internals to is truly refreshing to use a product that does everything that it is supposed to do and more. Michelle Goldsmith
clean or has no fan, beware. I will The PROZONE* that I used in my apartment for approximately a week was different than any air purifier that I have tried. Everyone was able to
explain shortly. take deeper breathes Itian normal in the apartment My cats now stay in the room more when someone is smoking. They would not before. My
The PROZONE'eliminates boyfriend's allergies were unnoticeable when he was inside. I personally like the fresh smell the PROZONE* let off. Jenny KIco
from the air many more types of
pollutants than do filters. It does not I have terrible sinus problems. I'm also allergic to dog and cat dander, grass, dust, and ragweed. Before using the PROZONE* I had
produce toxic oxides of nitrogen to take antihistamines and use allergy/sinus nasal spray. I was embarrassed because my eyes were red and I always sounded like
like other electronic air purifiers. I had a cold. I then got the amazing PROZONE". I plugged in the PROZONE" and went about my daily duties when I suddenly noticed
The PROZONE"-brings relief I wasn't coughing or wheezing or clearing my throat This was incredible. The PROZONE* really works! I am so happy. My eyes are
for allergies and sinus quickly. Cus- clear and I can breath. I've tried many other air purifiers, they're all in my storage room with other failed products. The PROZONE'
tomers report it provides belter The PROZONE9 Area Model truly does what it claims to do. Diane C. Vance
sleep, reduces fatigue and improves
mental abilities. done with a patented process using area to ihe machine. They do not The Wjll Streci Journal recent; detector. But, this carbon monoxide Q. I understand that you are
The PROZONE 1 utilizes the 2 forms of ultraviolet light. Most eliminale pollutants at the source. ly reported lhal there is 5 times can be very toxic and damaging to running a 10 day sale on a residen-
methods that nature uses to elimi- popular ozone air purifiers use elec- Therefore Ihey are very inefficient. more air pollution in a house than your health. The PROZONE* tial model which will be available to
nate pollution from the air which is Incal spark lo create ozone. This The PROZONE" patented acti- there is in ihe open air outside the removes this low level carbon readers of this publication. What is
the sun and ihundersiorms. Every- spark can be hazardous. It can vated oxygen generator disperses house. Every day you breathe all monoxide. the price and the sale price ?
one is aware of that fresh air smell cause an explosion if you have a activated oxygen like guided mis- these pollutants into your lungs and Q. How much electricity A. The residential model we
after a thunderstorm. gas leak and many can produce acid siles throughout the room. It seeks many go into your body. docs the PROZONE" use? are offering at this sale price is the
PROZONE' makes both air in the air. out and eliminates pollutants at the Q. How lon« does it take for A. Only 50 walls. Therefore, PROZONE" Area Model. It purifies
and water purifiers. The inventor of After this ball of oxygen atoms, source as well as in the machine. the PROZONE 1 lo remove pollu- you use no more electricity than a the air in an area up to 1,000 square
the PROZONE* an and water 0,, is formed by the patented PRO- Q. What ahout Ihe air puri- tants from the air in a room? 50 watt light bulb. feet in size. It measures 6 inches by
p u r i f i c a t i o n technology is Ron ZONE* process, its natural tendency fiers lhal claim lo have no mov- A. It depends on the amount of Q. Is the PROZONE* totally 6 inches by 2-1/2 inches. Il weighs
Barnes, engineer and physicist, is lo get back lo On. Therefore, it ing parts and no fans? Do they p o l l u t i o n and room size. A 400 safe to use? 1-1/2 pounds. Other air purifiers
who was NASA's chief engineer starts dispersing activated oxygen, operate on the same principle as square loot room can have 98% of A. Definitely yes. PROZONE* cost $350 to $700. The price of the
for air and water purification for the which is negatively charged, the PROZONE*? the worsl pollulanis removed in as air or water purifier technology or PROZONE* Area Model is only
International Space Station. PRO- throughout the room. Pollulanls lhal A. No. Those units are eleetro- fast as 15 minutes. Up lo 1,000 both is used by ihe Federal Govem- $290 plus $ 12 shipping for a total of
ZONE* air and water purifiers float in the air are positively charged. slalic filters. You must pull out Ihe square feet will take longer. The menl, ihe United Nations and many $302 delivered. But, for ihis 10 day
before now were only used by gov- When tins activated oxygen contacts electrostatic plate and wipe it off. PROZONE"' eliminates the worst of the major corporations in the sale readers can get this unit at a $75
ernment, institutions, businesses the pollutant, it oxidizes ihe pollulanl They do not provide adequate pollutants the fastest, the ones lhat world. Studies on ozone show that discount tor only $227 delivered.
and in mansions. and breaks it up into harmless carbon ozone. There is no way Ihey can cause suflermg and unpleasantness. it has no harmful effects on human There is a limit of 3 units at ihis dis-
PROZONE" customers include: dioxide and a negatively charged ash come close to cleaning the air to the 11 quickly removes pollens, pet dan- tissue. The ozone produced by the count. The PROZONE* Area Model
The U.S. Federal Government which drops lo Ihe lloor. level of the PROZONE'. ders and other allergy causing pol- PROZONE 1 is amazing because it will nol be available in siores for an
i n c l u d i n g Ihe departments of Now this is i m p o r t a n t . That If lliose units have an ultravio- lutants. Odors disappear in minutes. removes everything bad, but, does extended period.
Defense and A g r i c u l t u r e , and ash, once it drops lo the floor, will let bulb, they will kill some fungus Smoke is also removed quickly. If not harm anything that is good. End of interview.
NASA; The United Nations; NATO; not go back into (he air again It is and bacteria. But if they do not you have pollulanis in the walls, Q. Does the PROZONE 1 ' For readers who want to
President George W. Bush in this harmless there on the floor until it have an ultraviolet bulb, when you carpets and furniture H will also come with a warranty and a satis- obtain the PROZONE" Area
private home; Residence Inns, Holi- is swept or vacuumed up through go lo wipe them o f f , l u n g u s and remove those. B u t it w i l l take faction guarantee? Model at t h i s 10 day sale price
day Inns, Marriott Hotels; The Four regular cleaning. bacteria thai you are wiping off is longer to do lhat. It eventually sani- A. The PROZONE 1 comes please see the Special Readers
Seasons. The Riu Carlton, The Q. But why do they give alive and can be harmful. Those tizes a room. It will even sanitize with a one-year warranty on parts Discount Coupon on ihis page.
Olympics, Wal-Mart, Tyson Foods, ozone levels in air pollution unils do produce some ozone, bul, and deodorize your clothes. and labor and a 60 day total satis- Those readers ordering after 10
Johnson and Johnson, Dow Chemi- alerts? Docs ozone cause an aller- again, Ihey do not produce enough The PROZONE' w i l l take a faction guarantee or all money will days from the date of this publica-
cal, Texaco, The Ford Molor Com- gic reaction? lo be effective and they also can musty room and make it smell like be refunded. tion must pay regular price.
pany, The Chicago Bears, The Uni- A Absolutely not. Ozone produce oxides of nitrogen which fresh air again. In fact, it will make
versity of Conncclicut, The Univer- relieves allergies, That alert is a big can be harmful. Those units have Ihe room smell like the pleasant fra-
sity of Maryland, The University of misunderstanding. Nature increases no fan. They say they move air with grance you experience after a thun- SPECIAL READER'S DISCOUNT COUPON
Michigan and many more too ozone in high pollution conditions an electronic charge. There is no derstorm. The price of the PROZONE" Area Model is $290 plus $12 shipping for
numerous to print here. to balance out pollution. So the way to purify the air in a room to an Customers report that the a lotal of $302 delivered. People reading this publication get a $75 dis-
BioTech Research* will now weather services measure ozone adequate degree w i l h o u l a fan. PROZONE' helps them sleep much count with this coupon and pay only $227 delivered if you order within
provide PROZONE* residential levels lo determine how high the Electronic charge air movement is better. This is likely because there 10 days. Il comes in the decorator color of black which goes with any
units to the public which are custom pollution because ozone is easy to very minimal. is more active oxygen in the air and decor. There is a strict limit of 3 units at the discount price - no excep-
made for BioTech Research*. These measure. Q. Does the PROZONE 1 pollutants are removed. You can tions please.
unns use the same patented PRO- Q. There are so many air have anything you have to clean, also be much more alert when you • To order by phone, call TOLL FREE 1-800-585-0915 Ext. PGZ661.
ZONF.' air purification technology purifiers on the market. How is there anything you have to are awake because you are taking in Place your order by using your credit card. Operators are on duty 24
as the institutional, commercial and docs the PROZONE* differ? replace, and does it run quiet? more oxygen. hours, 7 days.
industrial units. A. You cannot compare ihe A. There is nothing to clean Users report that they now feel so • To order by mail, by check or credit card, fill out and mail in this
For more details on how the PROZONE* with any other air and nothing to replace. And. the fan much better since they have the PRO- coupon.
remarkable PROZONE* works, purifier on the market. That would runs super quiet. ZONE*. Users say lhal before they This product carries a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not totally
here is my interview with BioTech be like comparing a diamond to a Q. What is the range of pol- were taking medication for allergies, satisfied, your purchase price will be refunded. No questions asked.
Research 1 Chief of Staff For lump of coal. lutants that the PROZONE 8 sinus and many other such ailments. There is also a one year warranty.
Research And Development, John The PROZONE1 has a patent- removes from the air? They said they do not have to take the
Whuakre. ed technology and other air puri- A. It removes nearly all organic medication while they are in the pres-
Q. Mr. Whitakre, how did fiers do not have it. and inorganic pollutants. ence of the PROZONE*. People
>ou choose the PROZONE* for Other air purifiers fall into 3 Organic pollutants removed by should consult their physician before •\DDRESS
your custom made residential air categories. One is forced air filtra- the PROZONE* include: fungus, bac- they stop their medication.
purifier? tion systems where the filter has to teria, formaldehyde, ammonia from Q. Let's elaborate more on CITY STATE ZIP CODE
A. We have carried out research be changed. Two, are electrostatic pet urine, cooking odors, skunk odors, odors, which are a major prob- Number of units you want:
to find ihe best air purification tech- filter systems where an electrically ferret odors, fecal and other urinary lem in most houses. Will the Check below to get discount:
nology in the world over the past 7 charged plate snares a few types of odors, perfumes, colognes, tobacco, PROZONE8 eliminates cigarette D I am ordering within 10 days of the date of this publication, therefore I
years The PROZONE* beat every pollutants. But. the electrically smoke and creosote from fireplaces. odors, pet odors, mildew odors, get a $75 discount and my price is only $227.
other technology by a wide margin. charged plate has to be cleaned. It also removes viruses. and so on from the air?
Q I am ordering past 10 days of the date of this publication, therefore I
Our research found that it is the best And, three, as aforementioned, elec- The PROZONE* removes ihe A. Yes, ii will. pay full price of $302.
air purifier in the world. It was devel- tric spark ozone air purifiers can following inorganic pollutants: dust, The odor eliminates power of
produce oxides of nitrogen that form Ihe PROZONE* is such lhal il will Enclosed is $ in: D Cash D Check Q Money Order
oped by a scientist who was a NASA melhylene chloride, phenols, PCBs,
an acid in the air which is corrosive (Make check payable to BioTech Research) or charge my:
chief engineer. h u m i c acid, DIMPs, glycerols, even eliminate skunk odor wilhin
and toxic. The electric spark can minutes. DV1SA D MasterCard D Am. ExpTOptima DDiscover/Novus
Q. How docs the PROZONE8 kepones, methyl ethyl keytones,
work? cause explosions and it will interfere acetone from fingernail filings, Q. Will the PROZONE* Account No. _ Exp. Date /
A. The PROZONE' takes com- with radio and T.V. signals. styrene, nitro compounds, formic eliminate carbon monoxide from Signature
mon oxygen, which is 0^, and raises Typical air purifiers require the acid, benzoic, butanes, ethanes, pen- the air? MAIL TO: BioTech Research Dept. PGZ661
to the level of ozone, which is Oj. air to be brought lo and pulled lanes, propanes, methanes, alcohols, A. Yes. Many people do not 7800WhippleAve.N.W.
The ozone, Oj, is created in the through the unit, either by a fan or cyanides, detergents, phosphates realize that most houses have car- Canton, OH 44767
PROZONE1 like it is done in nature electronic charge. This causes the and many more too numerous to bon monoxide but il is not to a level
by the sun and thunderstorms. It is pollutants to be drawn through (he mention here. detectable by a carbon monoxide

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