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New advanced heating pad from Canada
brings pain relief in as fast as 30 minutes
Hospital studies show it relieves pain from arthritis, back, bursitis,
carpal tunnel, tendonitis, hemorrhoids, migraines and more
By John Whitehead, Media Services
(Saskatchewan, Canada) An I have had painful arthritis
advanced heating pad developed |K|;
m>£ ^Hf*l
^Aj^A/DAlrsEr-1 in my knees and upper
|;j||«imsi),ccu>«M; •' „„ r ' • 1.
back for many years now. I
in Canada is bringing users a have been to many doctors
wide range of pain relief. Finally
you can get pain relief without
dangerous drugs.
(; Jf?£
who could not help me.
My son-in-law's compa-
g ny was offering the Ther-
Some users report relief *^W^TT^W
^soiite"/---^-*-.- I
• '-•.,.:k^«*gr -.
motex heatnj pad and he
from arthritis pain and other I rf^/jitS..
&stenr-T-rT\> . \ _ jt gave me one to use. After only 30 mfcwte of
pain in as fast as 30 minutes. i^witd-v Jg^-qasss; use, it took away the arthritic pain in my
This remarkable heating ^/hr^^^p™ j** t.,4- knees. After only another 30 minutes of use it
took away the arthritic pah In my back.
pad was developed by Ther-
motex Therapy Systems Ltd. Using the ThermoTex heating pad is so
located in Calgary, Canada. It Over 30,000 people in the sparsely populated area of Saskatchewan, The pad is a registered medical device. Pictured above Is wonderful. It is so soothing and relaxing.
was then made available to the Canada (1) were among the first to use the Thermotex heating pad. Wr- a woman using the Thermotex heating pad on her back, Now I will never give up my Thermotex
tually an were sold by word of mouth. The Thermotex heating pad is (Professional models,) heating pad. This pad will pay for itself
public in the remote Canadian now available in the United States. Thermotex Therapy Systems LTD is many times because now I do not need
province of Saskatchewan. located in Calgary (2). those expensive pain drugs. FtoryLepora
Virtually no advertising
was needed to sell the Ther- 1 wsnt to shsro I used to have I've had back
motex heating pad in a pet? and if it docs not relieve your
with Thermotex neck aches problems for the
m A. Yes, a pet can be pain, we will gladly refund
Saskatchewan. As soon as a y wonderful which lead, to past fifty years,
few people tried it and got news about my killer migraines helped with the use of a your purchase price.
and have been on Thermotex h e a t i n g p a d .
such dramatic results, they at least once per strong pain killers Q. Is there also a war-
spread the word like wildfire. could no longer month. After 3 for the past ten When a Thermotex heating ranty on the Thermotex
In a short period of time over wipe the table weeks of daily pad is used on a pet, we rec- heating pad?
30,000 people in Ihe sparsely after a meal because she could sessions with the Thermotex doing a lot of doctoring all these ommend that you wrap the A. Yes. Every unil comes
not turn on the kitchen tap. heating pad, I have had only one years. heating pad with a cotton with a one year limited war-
populated Saskatchewan Mom needed both hands to headache in 18 months which I
Province were using the A specialist told me that I've towel, and make sure that the ranty on all parts and labor. For
drink her coffee. caused by experimenting. I went got to learn to live with It as at cord is protected so that it a free copy of Ihc wrillen war-
Thcrmotcx heating pad. Today, six weeks after nine days without using the my age I've got degeneration of
The Thcrmotcx heating cannot be chewed by the pet. ranty send a self-addressed,
using the Thermotex heating Thermotex heating pad to exper- the spine. Q. Can you use a Ther- stamped envelope to: BioTech
pad is safe to use and its use pad, she has resumed all nor- iment and I did get one 1 then got a Thermotex heating
has no known side effects. mal duties, including cooking. headache. Now I know that every pad and 1 used It faithfully for one motex heating pad for as long Research, 7800 Whipple Avc.
The Thermotex heating She enjoyed a fishing trip day I maintain my neck with a week and 1 just can't believe that of a period of time as desired? N.W., Canton, OH 44767.
pad is now being offered to with my Dad for the first time session of sheer relaxation using 1 can lie awake at night without a A. Yes, you can't use a End of interview.
the public in all of Canada in years. the Thermotex heating pad. continuous nagging back pain. Thcrmotcx healing pad for too For those who wish to
and in the United States. Handy Hanson MarkBrvaker Tony Young long of a period of time. obtain a Thcrmolex healing
Thousands arc being sold A Thcrmolex heating pad pad, the following is provided.
with rave reviews from con- should be used for a minimum The Thermotcx heating
sumers. Testimonials from a Penetrates
period of 30 to 45 minutes, and pad will not he available in
few of these consumers arc The Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad. through the skin (here is no recommended max- U.S. stores on a wide basis
also published on this page. t° the muscles, imum lime limit. for an indefinite period of
od vessels, Q. Arc there any times time u n t i l d i s t r i b u t i o n is
Media Services inter- , joints
viewed the president of when I should not use the established and large enough
and bone.
Thermotex Therapy Systems Thcrmolcx heating pad? production lines arc built to
Ltd, Francis Docherty. This If you have a disease, handle the required amount
Relieves tension injury or condition, including of stock.
interview follows: pressure.
but not limited lo Ihosc listed In the meantime, those
0- What (ypes of pain
below, before beginning lo who w a n t lo obtain the
docs the Thermotex heat- Expands blood
ing pad relieve? use the Thermotcx heating Thcrmotcx heating pad can
vessels to carry
A. Them arc four sources of away toxins,
pad be certain to consult order direct from Thcrmo-
reduces with your hcallh care profcs- lex Therapy Systems Ltd.'s
pain. One is inflammation char-
acterized by redness, heat and Inflammation sional concerning it. U.S. distributor, BioTech
and brings Specifically do not use in Research®, in Canton, Ohio
swelling. Two is muscle stiffness, nutrition to case of: pregnancy, malignan- by using the Special Read-
soreness or spasms. Three damaged areas.
involves the toxic conditions cy (including skin lesions), er's Discount Coupon on
caused by various toxins such as desensitized areas (no feel- t h i s page. If you order
motcx products and "the oth- and cleansed and inflamma- motcx heating pad? ing), circular diseases, edema- within 10 days of the date
lactic acid. And, four is stress or ers." They tell us that they will tion is reduced. A person then A. There arc many condi- tous areas, scars or burned of this publication, Ihc dis-
hypertension caused by unpleas- never give up their Thermotex experiences pain relief. tions and ailmcnLs for which a arcas, active tuberculosis, counl provided by this
ant physical or psychological heating pads for a "million dol- The heat also relaxes Thermotex healing pad can adrenal suppression, lupus, coupon is $75. If you order
conditions. Unlike drugs, which lars" once they have used the muscles and expands other help to relieve the pain includ- multiple sclerosis, diabetes, after 10 days, you may use
only target one source of pain, the Thcrmolex heating pad even tissue to relieve tension and ing: Arthritis, back strain, Bur- hemophilia, surgical implants. the coupon to order the
Thcrmotcx hearing pad relieves one, single time. pressure on nerves. sitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Q. Is the Thcrmotcx Thcrmotcx heating pad at
pain from all 4 sources. Q. Can you elaborate Q. Will :i Thermotex constipation, Crohn's Disease, heating pad guaranteed? the regular price. The Ther-
Q. How does the Thcr- more on how the Thermotex infrared heating pad Dupuylren's Conlracture, ear- A. Yes! Every Thermotex motex heating pad can pay
motcx heating pad pain heating pad relieves pain? relieve carpal tunnel pain? aches, Fibromyalgia, golfer's healing pad comes with a 60 for itself many times over in
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produced by drugs? that emanates from Ihc Ther- is the result of inflammation of hip pain, intestinal cramps, lac-
A. Drugs only relieve pain molex heating pad penetrates the carpal tunnel in the wrists. tic acid build-up, menstrual
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pain impulse. But drugs may way to llie bone, ll safely and pad helps to reduce the inflam- spasms, Osteoarthritis, Plantar The price of Ihc Thermotex heating pad is $299. People read-
produce harmful side effects gently heats the tissues and mation by increasing the blood Fasciitis, repetitive strain ing this publication get a $75 discount with this coupon and
like nausea, bleeding or worse. increases the blood supply at flow to the area.
The Thermotex healing pad injury. Rheumatoid Arthritis, pay only $224 if you order within 10 days.
the affected area. Q. How can a Thermo- Rotator Cuff injuries, Sciatica, • To order by phone, call TOLL FREE 1 -800-466-7688 Ext.
goes directly to the source of The natural response of the tcx heating pad relieve pain shoulder problems, sinus prob-
the pain for relief. THPI 785. Place your order by using your credit card. Opera-
body to the increased tempera- related to arthritis? lems, spastic bowel, sports
Q. Is the Thermotex tors are on duty 24 hours, 7 days.
ture is to try to maintain a con- A. Most types of arthrilis injuries, sprains and strains,
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teiu inilis, tension and stress,
A. The Thermotex heat- means that (lie body automati- a check, money order or credit card information.
ness, and a Thermotex heat- TMJ, and whiplash.
ing pad is a registered med-
ical device and it is totally
cally tries to lower the temper- ing pad is an ideal form of Q. Can you use a Ther- This product carries a 60 day unconditional, no-risk guarantee.
ature in the area. Therefore, it pain relief. motex heating pad on bro- If you are not totally salisfied, your purchase price will he
safe to use. expands blood vessels to The infrared heat that refunded. No queslions asked. There is also a one year warranty.
ken bones?
Q. How do you compare increase blood flow. emanates from a Thermotex A. Several of our cus-
the Thermotex heating pad When the Thermotex heat- infrared heating pad penetrates tomers have informed us that Name
with other heating pads? ing pad delivers heat to the tis- the body all the way into the they, and also their doctors,
A. You cannot compare sues, the blood vessels actually joints, thus increasing the have felt that their Thermo- Address
the Thermotex heating pad increase in diameter via a blood flow to the target area. It tex heating pads have helped
with other heating pads that change called vasodilation. also expands tissue lo relieve them to speed up the healing City State Zip Code
are available all over the Then oxygen and nutrients in pressure. The increased blood process that is related to bro- Check Below and sign below to get discount:
world. That would be like the bloodstream are able to flow also helps lo flush away ken bones. In that regard, G I am ordering within 10 days of the date of this publication,
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Other heating pads only initiate the process of healing the arthritic inflammation. • order to create heat that per- therefore I will pay full price of $299.
heat the surface of the skin and the damaged cells and tissues. Q. Does a Thermotex meated through their casts. Signature:
a few layers below. The Ther- In addition, toxic sub- infrared heating pad cure Q. Can a Thermotex
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can safely be used on children,
the various layers of the skin ly. The toxins are then filtered relieve the pain and stiffness but we suggest that you use the Account No.. . Exp. Dale /
and muscles to a great depth in and eliminated by organs such and can help some people to lowest setting, while regularly Signature
order to reach the nerves and as the kidneys, the lungs, and resume normal activities. checking the area being treated
tissues where the actual cause the digestive tract. As the Q. What are some exam- MAIL TO:
and making sure that the child is
of the pain originates. damaged, inflamed areas ples of various ailments BioTech Research Dept. THPI 785
feeling no discomfort 7800 Whipple Avc. N.W.
Customers who used the receive the increased supply of whose pain could be relieved Q. Can a Thermotcx Canton, OH 44767
Thcrmotcx heating pad know blood, the cells arc nourished through the use of a Ther- heating pad be used to help Visit us online at
the difference between Ther-

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