Review (I - Iii)

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Period: ….. REVIEW (I – III)

 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen and identify specific information
related to theme Me and my friends ; use simple sentences to write about themselves;
read, listen to understand a short story.
 Materials : Ss’ Name Tag, Puppets, Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
 Sing “Where will you be?” Ask Ss to sing the song
What’s What do you do…? Ss choose a number and T open the blank.
your address?
What’s your town How often…? Ss answer the question under the blank
like? .
Where did you go…? How did you get (call weak ss reapeat the answer)
Did you go…? What did you do at
the party?
Where will you be…? What will you do…?

I. Listen and tick:
-Give ss a few seconds to look at the pics.
Check comprehension and elicit information
in the pics.Ask ss guess which pics. Check
comprehension and elicit information in the
pics.Ask ss guess which pics will be
-Play the tape twice,ss check their prediction
and tick the correct pictures.Share with
-Call ss to give the answers and T gives
feedback.Key:1b, 2c

II. Listen and number:

- Do the same steps as the first part.

- Key: a 3 , b 4, c 1, d 2
III.Listen and tick Yes ( Y) or No (N)
- Explain how to do the task
- Give Ss a few seconds to read and guess the
-Play the tape twice,ss check their prediction
and tick the correct pictures.Share with
-Call ss to give the answers and T gives
feedback .
Keys: 1 N 2Y

Pass the secret !
-Divide class in to 5 group ( six or seven Ss)
- Ask Ss to line uo a line in row.
- Whisper the sentence to the first St in the
row. The first then whispers to the second …
to the last. And the last say aloud the
- The group that says the sentence correctly
in the shortest time wins the game.

- Review and practice the skill
Period: ….. REVIEW (IV-V)
 Objectives ; By the end of this lesson, Ss can read and identify specific information
related to theme Me and my friends ; use simple sentences to write about themselves;
 Materials : Puppets, Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :

Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities

3’ WARM UP :
 Sing “What did you do on Ask Ss to sing the song
Teacher’s Day?”
What’s What do you do…?
your address? Review the patterns.
What’s your town How often…? (call weak ss ask and answer some simple
like? patterns)
Where did you go…? How did you get
Did you go…? What did you do at
the party?
Where will you be…? What will you do…?

Read and circle a or b:

-Ss read the text in silence.Check

comprehension. Give ss time to do the task.
-Share, and give the answer on the board.T
gives feedback.Read the text again in choral
then individual
-Key: 1.b 2 b, 3.a, 4.b , 5a


Write about you. Then tell the class: - Explain how to do the task
- Give Ss a few seconds to read the questions
and check their understanding.
- Do the task individual. Ask Ss share their
writing with partner.
- Invite some Ss o read their answers aloud
Interview : - Ask Ss move around the class and ask
Name Where What did What will
you do
What’s their friends to complete the task
did you you do ? next
go last holiday? place
summer? like ? - The first pupil who completes the task
correctly is the winner.

Review and practice the skill

Week:……………………. REVIEW
Period: …..
Short Story
 Objectives ; By the end of this lesson, Ss can read, listen to understand a short story.
 Materials : Puppets, Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :

Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities

3’ WARM UP :

Name Did you How did What did What - Ask Ss move around the class and ask
go to the you get you do? will we
10’ picnic? there do next their friends to complete the task
- The first pupil who completes the task
correctly is the winner.

I. Short story:

-First,ask ss look at the pictures and ask them

12’ questions ( Apart from the cat and the mouse,
What can you see?- a chair, a door, a
window…Who is the brown mouse?....)
- Play the tape, ss read and listen.
- Ask ss act out some scenes in story.

7’ II. Answer the questions:

-Tell ss that they are going to read and
answer the questions. Give them a few
seconds to read the text in silence, and check
their comprehension.
- Give ss time to do the task
- Share the answer with their partners
- Ask ss to give the answer and T gives
(Ask some good ss to act out the dialogue
if have time)
5’ 1.They went to the beach.
2. Yes, they did.
3. He went on holiday with Maurice and
4. They went to the mountains.
5. No, they didn’t because it was cold and
rained all time.

III. Unscramble these words from the

story: -Explain how to do the task.
-Have Ss look at the scramble letters and find
the words form the story.
- Ask Ss to share with partners.
- T corrects
- Call a few pairs read aloud.
Holiday beach family mountains rained

IV. Read and complete:

- Tell ss that they are going to read and
complete a conversation.Give ss time to read
and check their comprehenshion. Limit time
to do the task.
- Share with partners.
- Call some pairs to read the conversation
(If there is no time, give this task for

Ask Ss to write the task II in their notebooks.

V. Work in pair. Talk about your last

holiday: - Ask Ss write a similar conversation to the
- Ask them practice in pairs.
- Invite a few pair to act out.

VI. Read and match:

-Show the poster, ask ss to read the sentences

and match the questions with the answers.
- Set time limit for ss to read and complete
- Share with partner.Call some ss to give the
answers and T gives feedback
Keys: 1b 2e 3d 4a 5c

§ HOMELINK: Prepare for New lesson ( Unit 6)

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