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Unit 8 : What are you reading?

Week: …………………………... Lesson 1 (1,2,3)- Page 52

Period: ……

 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can use the words and phrases ( ghost story, fox, crow,
magic, lamp, snow white, dwarf…..) related the topic “ Favourite books”. Ask and answer
questions about what story/book someone is reading , using “ What are you reading?
 Materials : Puppets, Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
I.WARM UP: Sing a song
How do we learn English
1. Presentation: - Teacher models one by one word: Ss
 Pre teach vocabulary: listen and repeat
- Ghost story: truyện ma ( Choral- group and individually)
- Fox: con cáo - Good Ss : Read the whole words.
- Crow: con quạ - Below average Ss :Fox, Crow,
- Magic: ma quái, ma thuật Magic,Lamp.
10’ - Lamp: chiếc đèn
- Snow white: bạch tuyết
- Dwarf: chú lùn
 Checking vocabulary:
Slap the board
Set the scene

- Introduce the characters in the picture

on page 52 and what they are doing.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen
& point to the lines, then listen & repeat.
- Practice the dialogue:
(Teacher- Class /Group A –Group B /
S1- S2)

 Form & Usage:

What are you reading? - Aks ss to draw out the target item
10’ I’m reading……………………… - Check how to use the pattern.
(Hỏi bạn đang đọc sách gì.?)

2. Practice: - Run through the pictures

(Teacher- Class / Group A–Group B /
S1- S2)
- 2 pairs model- then pairwork. T calls
10’ some pairs to speak out and give indirect
- Below average Ss : ask
- Good SS : answer about the story you
2. Production: - Have the class Toss the2 red and blue
balls while the music on. When the
music off the ss has red ball ask, ss has
blue ball answer.

III. HOMELINK: -Write vocabulary.

Practice and learnt by heart the target item.
_ Do exercise Part A /page 32.
Week:….……………………….. Unit 8 : What are you reading?
Period:…… Lesson 1 (4,5,6 )
 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask and answer question about favourite book
fluently; listen and recognize the titles of the stories, read to comprehend a paragraph and fill in
the blanks
 Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ -Divide class into three groups. One group say 3
sentences about a story.
- The group get 1 points if they can get the story
correctly with one sentence, two points with 2
- The group with fewest points at the end of game


-Show the pictures to indentify the characters and

their activities and guess What each person does (
4/ Listen and tick: ( P53)
below average Ss).T keeps ss’prediction on the
* Pre-listening: Guessing board.
-Show the poster for ss to read and think about what
* While – listening: may be in the blanks.

- Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the
blanks then share with their partners
- Call some ss to give the answer on the board,
other ss give comment.Then T lets ss listen to the
tape again to give feedback and check their
Keys: prediction.
Nam: The fox and the crow -Declare ss have the correct answer or prediction
Mai : Aladin and the Magic Lamp
Linda: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Call some ss to talk about 4 correct answers.
Tom: The story of Mai An Tiem - Good Ss say about Nam and Tom’story’s name.
* Post – Listening: - Below average Ss:Mai and Linda ‘story ‘s name.
5/ Read and complete
*Pre – reading:
10’ Show the poster, ask ss to read the sentences focus
on the context to select the appropriate words form
the box.
-Set time limit for ss to read and complete
*While reading: -Share with partner.
-Call some ss to give the answers and T gives
Keys: 1. Free 2.reading 3.Snow feedback.

*Post –reading:
Role- play

Do exercises part B / on page 32, 33
Practice the target item.

Week: ………………………….. Unit 8 : What are you reading?

Lesson 2 (1,2,3)
Period: …

 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask and answer question about frequency, using
“What’s He’s/She’s......”
 Materials : Puppets, pictures, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ Whisper -Ss play the game in two groups.
A: Ss1:I am reading The Fox and the -Teacher write two sentences on two small
Crow paper . A student in each group choose one
B: Ss1:I am reading The story of Mai An paper , read then whisper to Ss2 … Ss3….Ss4
Tiem. say them aloud in front of class.
- Which group say right sentence is the winner.
1. Presentation:
 Pre teach vocabulary:
- character: nhân vật - Teacher models one by one word: Ss listen
- generous:hào phóng, rộng lượng and repeat ( Choral- group and individually)
- hard-working: chăm chỉ
- kind: ân cần, tốt bụng, tử tế -Below average ss read: character,kind,clever
- clever: thông minh, lanh lợi gentle.
- gentle: hiền lành, dịu dàng -Good Ss :read the whole words.
 Checking vocabulary:
Rub out and remember
 Set the scene

- Introduce the characters in the picture on page

54 and what they are talking about
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen & point
to the lines, then listen & repeat.
- Practice the dialogue:
10’ (Teacher- Class /Group A –Group B / S1- S2)

 Form & Usage:

10’ What’s - Aks ss to draw out the target item

He’s/ She’.............. - Check how to use the form

2. Practice:

- Run through the pictures

(Teacher- Class / Group A–Group B / S1- S2)
- 2 pairs model- then pairwork. T calls some
pairs to speak out and give indirect correction.

-Ask Ss about the pattern the character of the

-Good Ss answer

3. Production: Walk and talk

- Ask 1 ss to walk around the class when the

music on,when the music off he/she stops and
ask the nearest friend some questions.Then his/
her friend will be the next

III. HOMELINK - Learn by heart the voc. and pattern.

Guide to do exercises in WB.

Week: ………………………….. Unit 8 : What are you reading?

Lesson 2 (4,5,6)
Period: …

 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen and write about the main characters
 Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :

Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities

5’ I. WARM UP :
Dialogue music chairs T asks some students about the sentences
part 3.
10’ -Good Ss : “What book /story are you
reading”.”What’s the main character
like ?”
-Below average Ss :Do you like….?Do you
like ?
4/ Listen and number Page 55
* Pre-listening:Guessing

* While - listening

10’ - Ask ss to read the sentences and options

then guess which option may be mentioned
(below average Ss)

-Play the tape twice,sts listen and number

the pictures. Share with partners. Call some
sts to show their answers
* Post listening: Recall - Listen to the tape again then check their
answer. T gives feedback.
Keys: 1.kind 2.clever 3.hard-working
4. generous
5’ 5/ Write about your daily activities:
* Pre- writing:
- Call some pairs to the front to speak out
what they’ve just heard

*While- writing: - Ask ss read the sentences and check their
understanding. Discuss with partner about
the answers.

- Set a time limit for ss to do the task.Swap

and read the writing with their partner. Call
some ss give answer by writing/reading

Keys: 4 2 5 1 3

-Call some ss to retell

* Post- writing:

6/ Let’s sing: - Get ss read the lyrics, teach new

words.Play the tape twice and ss sing
along.Then sing and do the action for fun.

- Guide to do exercise in WB and Practice

singing at home

- Do exercises in WB in class.


Unit 8 : What are you reading?

Lesson 3 (1,2,3)
Week: … ……………………………
Period: …

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can practice pronunciation and stress.
Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
Procedure :

Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities

I.WARM UP: Interview

5’ Name What are you What’ - Ask Ss move around the class and ask their
reading? ? friends to complete the task

- The first pupil who completes the task

correctly is the winner.


1. Listen and repeat:
- Have Ss look the words and pay attention on
the stress.Play the tape, ss listen, point and
repeat in choral
10’ - Ss practise saying the words and the
sentences in pairs ( call some below average
ss to say aloud)
- T says some words– ss listen and find the

2. Listen and circle :

- Have Ss look at the chart on page 56;and
guess which words may be in the blanks
- Play the recording. Ss listen & write. Share
with their partner
- Get some pairs read aloud. And T gives
3. Let’s chant:
Key: 1a 2b 3a 4b

- Get ss read the chant sentence by sentence

- T plays the recording, Ss listen and repeat
sentence by sentence. Then practise chanting
5’ in choral then role play until ss get fluency.
- Call some good Ss or SS have abilities
chant again the pattern.

Guide ss to do exercise in WB.

Unit 8 : What are you reading?
Week: … ………………………..
Lesson 3 (4,5,6,7)
Period: …

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can read and write about their daily activities.
Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ I.Warm-up: Chant
“What are you reading?”
-We can change part warm up by part
6 project .
5’ II. NEW LESSON: T shows the picture of Tom then ask ss to
4.Read and tick: guess What is Tom reading?.
- Pre- teach voca:
- Comic book: truyện tranh
- police: cảnh sát - SS open the book and read individualy to
- brave: dũng cảm check the prediction.
While-reading: - Ask ss to read and answer the question
10’ -Ss do the exercise. Then compare in pairs.
- Monitor do activity and offer help (below
average ss)
-Call some ss to give their answer and the
others give comment. T gives feedback.
Key :
1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4.N 5. Y
- Call some good Ss ask and below
average Ss answer .

 Post-reading:
10’ Retell - Ask ss to write a short paragraph about
5.Write about your day: their favourite books.
-Ss write individually using information
about themselves.
-Ask Ss to read their writing
-T checks Ss writing.
6. Project:
- Ask Ss move around the class and ask
Name What do What do What do How often their friends to complete the task
do you go
you…… you…… you……
morning afternoon evening?
- The first pupil who completes the task
correctly is the winner.

-Have Ss to read the statements and check

7. Color the stars their comprehension.
-Invite a few pupils to read the statement
- Help pupils who find it difficult.

- Do the exercises in your WB


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