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Jurnal Kesehatan Vol.14 No.

2 December, E-ISSN (2622-7363) P-ISSN (2086-2555)



Oleh :
NPM: 2129051059


TA. 2022/2023
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol.14 No.2 December, E-ISSN (2622-7363) P-ISSN (2086-2555)

Supriadi1, Suryani2, Lia Anggresani3, Santi Perawati4, Rizky Yulion5

Email : rizkyyulionputra30@gmail
1,2,3,4,5 Prodi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Haran Ibu Jambi


Background: Self-medicating is something that is considered quite important in the Keywords:

delivery of information related to success in the series of treatment therapies. Traditional Medicine; Modern Medicine;
Traditional medicine and modern medicine also do not escape the role of self- Self- medicating
medicating in the community so that the community also supports the success in the
creation of health controlled by a person. Method : Conducted a search in an online
database with a large repository of academic studies, written in English and fully
accessible to the author. Articles under review relating to self-medicating as well as
its relation to traditional medicine and modern medicine. Result : Self- medicating in
the category of traditional medicine if needed greater attention, considering the
potential of Indonesia's natural wealth is in traditional medicine. On the modern
medicine side, self-medicating in modern medicine only needs to be maintained,
because this is already contained in the curriculum of students and students in the
field of health. The method of providing education on self- medicating should also get
attention as well. Given the widespread use of the internet in the community, this
triggers the public can be easier in the search for drug information. This is in the
future by mobilizing health workers also take part in the dissemination of drug
information on the internet so that the public is exposed to the wrong drug information
and successful self-medicating in traditional medicine and modern medicine.
Conclusion: it takes considerable attention to the self-medicating of traditional
medicine so as not to occur improperly from the community that will have an impact
on the harshness of treatment and the terhidarnya community from the dangers of
herbal medicine BKO. This will certainly trigger a comprehensive assessment of the
self-medicating of traditional medicine.

Self-medication can be defined as the use of drugs, both modern and traditional, in the
context of self-medication (Husaini, Mphuthi, & Abubakar, 2019), including by treating
illness or mild symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, flu, pain and others. others without a
doctor's prescription (Meriati, Goenawi, & Wiyono, 2013; Septiaji & Suria, 2017; Suherman,
2019). Currently, self-medication is an option for the community in dealing with diseases
including using herbal medicines as well as modern medicine (P & K, 2014; Zulkarni,
Azyenela, & Penny, 2019; Zulkarni, Repentance, & Aulia, 2019). Self-medication can be a
trigger for health problems due to limited knowledge about drugs so that it will affect a
person's behavior (Aswad, Kharisma, Andriane, Respati, & Nurhayati, 2019).

pg. 138
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

Knowledge about drugs and complaints of the disease will have an impact on drug use. The
limited knowledge of the community on the use of drugs and how to use each drug in self-
medication activities is a source of errors in the treatment therapy series (Wulandari,
Lutfiyati, & Yuliastuti, 2017), this will trigger the use of drugs that are not correct and in
their use which can be a source of medication error (Suherman, 2019) and this can be a
problem for patients, this can be due to the patient's medication history being not properly
monitored (Gleason et al., 2010). Although some research data shows good data on public
knowledge of traditional medicine and modern medicine (Mutmainna, 2020).
Research Methods
The PRISMA method was used (Handayani, Hidayanto, & Budi, 2018) in making a review of
this article which was carried out from June 2020 to September 2020. According to this
guide, there are several steps in this research: 1) determining the eligibility criteria; 2)
determine the source of information; 3) study selection; 4) data collection process; and 5)
selection of data items (24). Figure 3 describes the steps of our work in conducting a
systematic review.
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

Literature Search : google scholar, portal garuda, sinta ristekdikti (science and
technology index), dimension

Search result (n=657)

Scan on title, abstract and keywords

Inklusi (n= 358) Eksklusi (n= 299)

Scan Artikel full text

Inklusi (n= 108) Eksklusi (n= 250)

Selection of articles that match the discussion

Inklusi (n= 35)

Selected article (n= 35)

Figure 1 Diagram Alir PRISMA

Eligibility Criteria
The following inclusion criteria were established for the review guidelines:
IC1: Research journals, peer-reviewed written in Indonesian and English;
IC2: Government regulations in Indonesia related to the topic to be researched; and
IC3: This study aims to study self-medication of traditional and modern medicines, especially
in Indonesia.
In this study, we will only focus on self-medication of traditional medicine as well as modern
medicine. This will be expanded further with the scope and discussion of research studies and
Indonesia. We will also discuss this study on every existing health service facility, especially
in Indonesia. The papers and sources used as studies are of course all papers that have been
comprehensively reviewed by experts in their respective fields by considering the inclusion
criteria in this review.
The selection of each article is focused on the online database indexed on Google Scholar,
Garuda Portal, Sinta Ristekdikti (Science and Technology Index), Dimension. We eliminated
articles that were not fully accessible to the author. In addition, we also scanned the list of
references included in the article to find related studies.
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

Selection Study
(1) Keyword search, selected according to our research interest in reviewing the study to be
adopted; thus, it is related to the research topic. Search keywords related to "self-
medication" (including terms such as "traditional medicine", "modern medicine", "self
(2) Exploration and selection of identified article titles, abstracts, and keywords were carried
out based on eligibility criteria.
(3) Each article that will be included in the review discussion, is part of the article included
in the review discussion that will be made by the author, and this is limited by the
eligibility criteria.
(4) The article reference list is scanned to find related studies and start this phase.
Data Collection Process
Data collection was done manually using a data extraction form consisting of the following
content: article type, journal or conference name, year, topic, title, health technology,
participants, keywords, country, research methodology, and user acceptance factors.
Potentially relevant articles are rated by the authors.
Data Information
The studies drawn from each article consist of:
(i) Study of self-medication / self-medication globally
(ii) The relationship of self-medication to traditional medicine
(iii) The relationship of self-medication to modern medicine.
The purpose of explaining self-medication data is to provide information to researchers, the
public at large who have looked at self-medication activities as a way to improve health
quality, both with traditional and modern medicine choices. The next data is then used to
provide an explanation of the relationship between self-medication and traditional medicine
which is then followed by the linkage of self-medication with modern medicine. All of this is
used to summarize what is happening around us and what trends are caused and what factors
directly affect each object as illustrated in each of the articles written by previous researchers.
Study selection
The search results obtained in an online database of 660 articles written in English and
Indonesian written from 2006 to 2020, matched the keywords to be analyzed. Furthermore,
the articles are filtered by title, abstract and keywords; self-medication of the remaining
articles which are then reviewed on the full text. A total of 622 articles were discarded due to
inappropriateness with the topic. We also removed some articles that the authors could not
access. Finally, a total of 35 articles were selected in the review resulting from scanning the
reference list.
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

Study characteristics
This section describes the demographic data of the selected articles for discussion. The results
showed that from a total of 657 selected articles, identified also included in the association of
self-medication with traditional medicine and modern medicine. In addition, there are also
several articles that discuss self-medication as well as traditional medicine and modern
medicine at the same time.
Research Results & Discussion of Trends
and Public Perceptions
The existence of the slogan "back to nature" for some people globally, indirectly triggers the
perception of many people about traditional medicine which is better known as herbal
medicine. This also includes the category of organic food, supplements and vitamins with
herbal claims and also automatically builds the perception of many people that herbal
medicines are automatically safe for consumption (Suryono, Nurhuda, & Ridwan, 2019). To
achieve optimal conditions in their use, traditional medicine itself requires self-medication
and education to be more precise and safer in its use (Sari, 2010; Widayati & Wulandari,
A review of the demographics of self-medication of traditional medicine on the knowledge of
the category of vocational high school students is already in the good category (Sunardi & Sri
Sumartini, 2018), but for the student category, it is still classified as moderate (Fatmah, Aini,
& Pratama, 2019) so the potential use of traditional medicine can be further optimized
through education which is expected to form a deep understanding of traditional medicine
self-medication properly and will compensate for modern medicine self-medication.
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

Factors of Education, Economy and Knowledge

The factors that hinder the development of traditional Indonesian medicines include
educational factors and economic aspects that are raised by traditional medicines themselves
to the people who manage traditional medicines (Widayati & Wulandari, 2018).
Communication is important, so that the delivery of knowledge information can reach the
general public. Properly processing traditional medicine, of course, will increase the income
of local residents and the important thing is that the implementation of self-medication of
traditional medicine residents can be well received (Suryono et al., 2019). If we reflect on
what is happening in the field, there are still several sectors that have a direct impact on
traditional medicine.
in practice (Theresiana, Kamaluddin, & Erina, 2018) is a trigger for them to prove themselves
to each other and also triggers the development of modern medicine and traditional medicine
to develop more rapidly. For example, traditional medicine with almost no side effects
claims, as well as modern medicine with other claims. This is not necessarily true, because
preclinical and clinical testing continues to be carried out. In addition, research related to
drugs continues to be carried out by related scientists (Suryono et al., 2019).
The safety of traditional medicine must also be studied in depth, this is of course inversely
proportional to the category of modern medicine. Modern medicine before being sold to the
public, of course, has passed very strict preclinical and preclinical tests. Traditional medicines
are grouped based on the level of depth of their safety assessment. Category of herbal
medicine, only based on empirical experience. Category of standardized herbal medicine,
preclinical trials have been carried out. The phytopharmaceutical category has gone through
preclinical and clinical trials. In this case, traditional medicine is also required to standardize
simplicia to support assurance of quality, safety and usefulness, which is a strategic aspect
from a medical and economic perspective. (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,
2008; Yulina, 2017). By examining the phenomenon of traditional medicine in the field, we
see that there are irresponsible individuals who intentionally add modern medicine to
traditional medicine with unknown doses and tend to be good which are claimed to be
effective herbal medicines. This is included in the BKO category, which very often occurs in
traditional medicines with the herbal category, therefore the public must be vigilant because
this is still minimally known by the public (Pratiwi, Saputri, & Nuwarda, 2018; Roihanah,
2019), and this is of course alone will tarnish the reputation of traditional medicine itself in
the wider community. Unlike modern medicine, the safety of modern medicine has been
ensured before it reaches the patient. But this is not free from cheating.

By looking at various aspects, it is quite obvious that the trend of using herbal medicines in
Indonesia in particular is experiencing a positive perception and this of course must be
balanced with the provision of appropriate education to the community in order to obtain
optimal and rational administration of traditional medicines. Through the provision of
education in schools to students, this can be started, which is expected in the future they can
become experts in their fields with special expertise in the field of self-medication. Self-
medication is expected to experience a shift in its form and media, given the development of
facilities and infrastructure for internet access by the public. This will give the public free
access to self-medication-based information on the internet.
Analysis Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine Used In Self-Medicating By Community : A Review

The safety of traditional medicine must also be studied in depth, this is of course inversely
proportional to the category of modern medicine. Modern medicine before being sold to the
public, of course, has passed very strict preclinical and preclinical tests. Traditional medicines
are grouped based on the level of depth of their safety assessment. Category of herbal
medicine, only based on empirical experience. Category of standardized herbal medicine,
preclinical trials have been carried out. The phytopharmaceutical category has gone through
preclinical and clinical trials. In this case, traditional medicine is also required to standardize
simplicia to support assurance of quality, safety and usefulness, which is a strategic aspect
from a medical and economic perspective. (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,
2008; Yulina, 2017). By examining the phenomenon of traditional medicine in the field, we
see that there are irresponsible individuals who intentionally add modern medicine to
traditional medicine with unknown doses and tend to be good which are claimed to be
effective herbal medicines. This is included in the BKO category, which very often occurs in
traditional medicines with the herbal category, therefore the public must be vigilant because
this is still minimally known by the public (Pratiwi, Saputri, & Nuwarda, 2018; Roihanah,
2019), and this is of course alone will tarnish the reputation of traditional medicine itself in
the wider community. Unlike modern medicine, the safety of modern medicine has been
ensured before it reaches the patient. But this is not free from cheating.

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