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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
Graduate Studies and Applied Research

Anne Patricia A. Ongsitco

MAEd- Filipino

Assignment 2. Part I. Discuss the following statement based on your own perceptions, observations,
insights and experiences.

1. Hardware, Software and Human ware, what are they and how they relate to each other.
 Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer. Computer Hardware is
any part of the computer that we can touch these parts. These are the primary
electronic devices used to build up the computer. Software is a collection of
instructions, procedures, and documentation that performs different tasks on a
computer system. we can say also Computer Software is a programming code
executed on a computer processor.
2. What are the parts of the CPU and explain their functions and processes?
 There are six components of the CPU the following are control unit (CU); arithmetic
logic unit (ALU); registers; cache; buses and clock, the CPU considered as storage of
data, instructions and the programs.
3. How important to understand computer specifications?
 It allows us to predict the performance of a computer in different workloads,
understand what features it will provide, and find the best value component that
meets our needs. Also, it allows us to match components to each other to find the
best balance between them.
4. Where did you used application software and the system software?
 We used application software to complete some task like for example creating
documents, spreadsheets, database and some publication, even designing graphics
and even playing games.
5. What input and output devices helps you a lot in terms of your work?
 During this time of pandemic those devices helps me a lot in my teaching profession.
For output devices are the following: Speaker or Headset/Headphone we usually use
that for our discussion in online class. For input devices are the following Scanners to
scan some important document that needed in our presentations, digital
cameras/webcams one of the needed equipment to conduct online classes,
electronics whiteboard and microphone to conduct discussions.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Graduate Studies and Applied Research
Assignment 2. Part II. Write your fullname using the binary numbers below.
A n n e

0100 0001 0110 1110 0110 1110 0110 0101

P a t r i c i a

0101 0000 0110 0001 0111 0100 0111 0010 0110 1000 0110 0011 0110 1000 0110 0001

A l z o n a

0100 0001 0110 1100 0111 1010 0110 1111 0110 1110 0110 0001

O n g s I t c o

0100 1111 0110 1110 0110 0111 0111 0011 0110 1001 0111 0100 0110 0011 0110 1111

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