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‘ta /E-malt: RBI (Telephone: 011-26172672 tere Fax +: OL1-26103100 sedrentt anftrea Ferity ear FR AAT AAT ATT Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (Ministry of Labour, Govt. Of India) after fait sat, 14-shaach aren ote, ag ect 110066 Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi — 110066 » www.epfindia.nicin No, Co-rd9(6}204tiAmendment Scheme! Date: 26.00.2014 ‘ er All Aditional CPFCs (Zones) 28 AUS 2014 ‘Al Regional PF Commissioners In-Charge of RegionaliSub Regional Offices Subject: Guzate Notification on enhancement of statutory wage cling to Rs. 15,000, minimum pension of Rs $000 per month and 20% altional relief on the amount of assurance benefit admissible under EDL Scheme, 1976 regarding, st, Instructions were issued vide Head Office letter dated 14.07.2014 (placed at SI. No. 268 of the circular segment ofthe website), dated 23.07.2014 placed at SI. No. 289 ofthe circular segment ofthe website) and dated (01.08.2014 (placed at Si. No 314 ofthe circular segment ofthe website} wherein fied offces were drected to start preparatory activities pending issue ofnoffication onthe above subject 2 Now, the Government of india, Ministry of Labour & Employment issued nolfictions enhancing statutory ‘wage celing from existing 8s, 6500)- to Rs, 15,000, fixing minimum pansion of Rs. 1000 per month and 20% zxkitonal relief on the amount of assurance benelt admissible under EDL| Scheme, 1976 . The copies ofthe said notiicalions are encosed herewith. 3.__Aithe Additional CPFCs (Zones) and al Regional PF Commissioners, In-Charge of Regional / Sub-Regional Offices are requested o ensure implementation of the sai¢ notfications in eter and spn Enclosure: As above Yours ft, An PK ‘Additional Central P. F. Commissioner-| (Compliance) Copy to Chief Vigtance Officer FA& CAO ‘Al Addional CPFCs, Head Quarters, Director (NATRSS) ‘i Adltional CPFCs Grade-| & Grade-l Head Offce, Director (Audit) Director (Official Language) for Hind transtatio. All Officers, Head Office AIIRPECS In-Charge of Zonal Training institutes, 10. All Deputy Directors (Vigilance), Zones 41. AllDeputy Directors (Auli?) 42, RPFC (NOC) for web upload : 13, Web Administrator for web upload. 79d Efe 44, PS to CPFC for information. (P. K. Udgata) ‘Additional Central P, F. Commissioner-| (Compliance) Senger ens 4 ‘ise de Zo wme-pee REGO. L3300899 Jal # The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDINARY arr eee 3 ave (3, PART IISeetion 3Sub-section (I) ‘ater & venferr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY way oe PERT, MpRTT, ST 22, 2014 /mTETT 37, 1936 No. 442] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 2014/SRAVANA 51.1936 vey te Cone Fae o af feet, 22 war, 2014 wor Ah.s08e ).afarO for FAY gar ehh rir aA, 1952 (1982 19) arn 7 seem (1) me sfee ere Sarr ute afd ar wih ay ge ee eT agra ater sfteq fait aver with sady wfiften, 1952 % afte ot dine act & fr frafafs door want & arate 1. (1) pratt mtr after Oe Giateaynoen, 2014 wey aT (2) 7e 01 Paver, 2014 werd arti 2. sptarét after PR Mer, 1952 % Ce) fear 2 Rave (ae ave (ii) # tere ae te i at ae oe TT wer" & afgeenfta fer arc, Cw) Serare 26 & setter (6) Beare vee gare ate ch a we ares ee ETE aT stents fer area; (a) trae 268 B oestar (2) age Boner oe: gar ae ais at oie gt at ont Gi aor og ee ea" A wfSee Roar rE fora, wa-35012/1/2012 wae) ape gar Brg are ar sRo7GyT0N4 0 2 ‘Feoaht: 1) (2) 3 4 6) ‘THE OAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. [Paar sec 3¢)) astartt after AR ctor, 1962 fers 2 Pracax, 1952 81 Herr HATA. 1509 ere wea crags, ATH, VE 3, ST ae iy H seater Ag a ate aia rret ét are 8 Prefer; axftrerrrat ren sittin Fer sa err aia, 584, fevin 11 RE, 1959 rar, 1522, Foie 16 fear, 1980 earP. 201, Petes weed, 1964 iar Ph, 689, Penis 19 azar, 1990 vara Fr, 326(8), Ferrera wg, 2001 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION ‘New Debi the 2nd August, 2014 GS.R. 608 (E)—In exercise ofthe powers conferred by section $ read with Seb-seetion(|) of Section 7 ofthe Employes’ Providet Funds and Mivcllanous Provisions Act, 1982 (19 of 1982, the Cen Cioverament hereby rakes the flowing Scheme, further to amend the Employees Provident Funds Scheme, #952, nares (1) This Scheme raay be called the Employees’ Provident Funds (Amendment) Scheme, 2074 (2) shall come into force on and from the 1" day of September, 2016. Inthe Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952,- (@) in paragraph 2, in clause () in sub-clause (i), for the werds words" fifleen thoustind rupees” shall be substinuted; (8) in paragraph 26, in sub- parograph (6), for the words “six thousand and five hundred rupees". the words “fifteen thousnaé rupces” shall be subscuted: (6) in paragraph 26A, in sub-paragraph (2), in the proviso, for the words “six thousand and five hundred rupees”, wherever they oscur, the words “Biteen thousand rupees” shall be substituted. ‘thousand and five hundeed rupees", the CF No. S-3801242012-85.41] ARUN KUMAR SINHA, Adal. Seey, NNote:- The Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 was published in the Gazette of india, Part Il, Section 3. Sub- section (i) dated the 2nd September, 1952 vide notification number $2.0, 1509 and de celevant paragraphs were subsequently amended as follows: (GSR. 585, dated the 11th May, 1939, GS. 1522, date the l6th December, 1960, GSR 201, dated the fh February, 1961. ‘GSR. 689, dated the 15th October, 990. GSR. 326 (Eh dated be eb May, 200. afar tf feat, 22 area, 2014 arr F609 (@).—atar ht ter PR ae Enh owte afBhe, 1982 (1952 77 19) A ETT 7 Ai rearg (1) are ofee ore OT art nee atest ar aR ee ge eae tare Ae ee, + 1995 1 atcasre #0 fry Piette trae wah &, og (1) ay ator saber era (Sstter) ase, 2014 ager (am Tee 244 | Sg TAS 5 BRNO 3 ee 2 (2) 101 Farrar, 2014 a ae aa are # aun hh apart erm Storer, 4952. (qagecta apr Star we H shila) erg eter 2 vty eT oh a re ett a STE Ee att ee aT eee ETE Oa eee aftearhte Peg TET a gn doer & trav 6 & ave (a) F vg aoe, eT Ud ATT “ara eae Aer PR ator, 1952 3% 27-8" pare “she wr Hae Ga Fae a sis Gore ea eae ona ee Y oree eT Few arity 4 at dior er 11 8) soon (1) atte oe seg Pre Pratt sfteatite Raq wre, aera °(A) Bere rear ere er tere fie ere oT it ors Paher At azeTT A Pref A arth & as ata gd Eh ory 8 Arar Hh Sere way ches Sha ke aenrt faa eet aA A amet ate saftey aaa Sor strc Bert athe eae ar Prater 01 Paeaz, 2084 we wk hea ares Tar far arenas sere ae Pear omer, oft fs fires eg gore ate ore at ery fore AT TT aT Paral & fire oftware dag gare wed wimg & snarits gor: aang Pe ate acm tery Fafa cesar eran Ee RY A ate are Pe TaN he aga Bra at ar ear a at ge ara here Fe fee seh ore AYA He sforera ra TE ae = tar stare eB aaah oe a, A oa Ree A pore & Pee ee Sree eee UH a ore; (09) rhe (2) ore ET a 12 wre" a at arse ar a TAR Pac “ars arg" one sre i ant; @) se-45 GRR (see tre ate ae are che th aRGS00 we ae “HE gar Tir aftentitg fir orci; (a) goqn ar ear Te (9) 3-7 (3) pant, Rafat sete stomata Pear ane, anne a) + Ree, 2004 9 RR aegis atfara arzea ott Red ep amber fer ug ET site at ee aftr A orf ee opere ar seers % =e A, & te ed wi ger ig eT Ee ee ee ane sera gee oot afte we dr are eet ramet word Pa orgie weer HT, tag Gane oye & afte ae A A ale Hoe afttiree seeett area one stant aT ay Re abate vee are re aoa are be siren sxfates Sierera Bw 81.16 where Gt ge 8 ates Sar eo, aed FR ary Peas ar wetter 1 feta, 2014 8 ag are ara hte Pro oT aad ag oft fi arta after ART i * = fir aT a onan TT wer eof Rr af oe raf (Peantt ratify, AE Rewer at ge ea ga ra aT A armen A Sera AY yea afta A aT ovr Beg TEL apa Bear ere Part Ba ace St are Ata BR fhe, ng re eras ay aber te FAA dear ata eo. em Te ey efit art Re rey afar PAAR TAH stata Pare area 4 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [Pant See: 39) 8 genre 12 ae. ter (2) F Pere rege seers fing ore are wae Pe se wae nfire Fore TTA sree Te 1 RATT, 2014 aK Gera are Fra & A “a aT te heat tg fe He ate eae we sre ge are orate, eg gare cok afttarg & staan are oe Prater A ore 6a aor Fer 14 fre rae ter aftenfte feat sem, ate: 4. wre ony arbre tare By Fry ra STB ge fra whe oe Ares are ana afe are waeR rar ate FAA oe array 58 ak Ty PA MF we, TH a TAB, Bt Ar 12% eet (YF faPR Re ore Bar aA ah, aT me mee eae yA ana PRR Prorat arm ere we a7 gw Aho eT rg oe PA AB ah at arg Ea wT so ea aT TA ara er aT PAE ie reer ar he are wine aa ste ae ta agate AY arm ce a a fea ara Ta oT: meg ag a BR tars eee, sata are ers ator, 1971 % siesta aret Reh fa Fag ara in! 36 argare: wear we-taT Fgh ere eH afer aria a A Fa spre arer Refi aisrarat ar afatee ftrer ere Rr (94. 380127 2012-04-11) sree gar Rig ae af Preah or aitsraT #t Peis 16 Aaez, 1996 $F winger eer eA 74808) eect warfare ay nar Prat are eds fc me see Pecan, eH, fs TER rw arm ere Peed one 15 ae as re oe ed we WT” (Ee sre 15I25/32007- BRRIYIIL) aren gm fir, arc we cae Femoral ar, 1995 si fens te ee, 1995 gen een mL 748) DOE eT, ay rare Fee ew 14 we, 2015 8H sarge Svar mA. 80H) oF Be tT fp a (MINISTRY OPLABOURAND EMPLOYMENT NOTIACATION New Delhi, the 19% August2014, GSR. £93 (E)— In exercise of the powers confered by section GA, read with sub-section (1) of section T ofthe nployees Provident Funds end Miscetianeots Provisions Act, 1952(19 of 1952), the Cental Government hereby makes {he following Scheme further to amend the Employees" Pension Scheme, 199, namely:= 1. Q) This Scheme may be called the Employees’ Pension (Second Asmendment) Scheme, 2014. 42) salt come ata force on te It day of Sepemver, 2014, 2 __ Inthe Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 (hereinaRe: refered to asthe principal Scheme), in paragraph 12, afer sub-paragraph (7), the following sub-paragraph shal be inserted namely- “(7a) The monthly member's pension including any relief payable to any existing or fure member under this paragraph shall not be les than one thousand ropes forthe financial year 204-15." 3. In the principal Scheme, in paragraph 15, forthe words, brackets and figures~sub-paregraphs (2). (5) of parmgraph 12, a8 the case may be,", the word and figures“ paragraph 12” shall be subaiute. 4. Inthe principal Scheme in paragraph 16,- (2) sub-parmaraph (2), in clause (a), afer subsclaose (iv), the following sub-clause shall be inserted, ame “(oy mathe cases, where the monthly widow pension including rete, if any, i less than one thousand rupees ermoath, the amount of monthly widow pension in such cases shall be enhanced to one thousand rupees pet ‘ronkh forthe financial year 2014-2015."; (©) insub-paragreph (3), for clause (b, the following clause chall be substituted, maine “(b) Monthly children pension fr each child shall be equal 10.25 percent ofthe amoust admissible tothe widow of the deceased member as monthly widow pension payable under classe {a} af sub-paragraph (2) Provided thatthe minimum monthly chldien pension inctuing rele, I ny, for e8ch child ofthe decened ‘meaber sah wot be less than to hundred and fifty rupees per month forthe Financial year 2014-2515-°: (0) imsub-parngraph (4), for clause (0, the following elms shai be substituted, namely: (om ttre 3(1)} ee BH | TH a (a) ifthe deceased member is rot survived by any widaw, but i survived by children falling within the definition of fail ofthe widow pension is not payable, the eile shall be eatitled roa monthly ophan pension equa to 75 per ‘ent ofthe amount of the mandhly widow pension as payable under clause (8) of sub-paragraph (2) Provided that the minimum monthly orphan peasion including ree, ifany foreach ompuan shal ote less than sever hundred and fifty rupets per month for the nancial year 2014-15. Dr No. R48428/3/2007 8-100) [ARUN KUMAR SINHA Al. Sey oot Nate.- The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 was published in he Gaxete of India vide notification number GSR 748(E), dated the 16th November, 1995 and was lasly amended vie notficaion number GS. 8. 80(E}, dated the 14h February, 2053, Printed by te Manage, Cavesoment of Indi Press, King Road. Mayapur, New Delhi 1Ud6s ‘nd Pubtibed by the Coatoder of Faxes, Oth 110054

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