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Despite the storms,

Beauty arrives like

it was always going to.
Despite the darkness,
the light returns.
Despite your loss,
Your heart will be full again.


SESSION 2022-23
Dear Students,

Holiday is the time that we all eagerly wait for. We all make plans to enjoy, to relax and to empower
ourselves during these gala days. This summer vacation the Holiday Homework so designed by the
mentors of the school is a medium for you all to achieve the motto of “Fun and Learn”.

The activity based assignments will foster curiosity, develop creativity , enhance knowledge and instil the
joy of learning among you all. They will certainly help you discover a new you who is more enriched and
confident and performs every action to perfection.

As it is well recognized that Raman Munjal Vidya Mandir School not only focuses on academics but lay
equal importance on Co-scholastic Competencies .The school also desires you to adhere to the following
guidelines for a fulfilling break:

• Follow a schedule during holidays. Be a good time manager .

• Read newspapers daily and stay updated with current affairs.
• Do the homework independently, only ask for assistance from your parents or guardians
• Give time to pursue your hobby.
• Appreciate nature and go for “Nature Walks”, plant trees and spread the message of Nature
• Remember to have a wide mouth container filled with water outside your house for the birds to get
respite from the scorching heat.
• Pray to almighty daily and thank for the blissful life that you enjoy.
• Be a helping hand to your parents and learn the skill of shared responsibility.
• Do the work by following the guidelines given with each work or activity
• Always wish and welcome the guests with a smile.
• Spend time with your parents and grandparents ,their rich experience will help you overcome challenges
with ease.
• Minimise the use of gadgets
• Keep the home clean and mess free.
• After eating, keep the plate in your kitchen and rather love washing it yourself.
•Water the plants and rejoice the beauty of nature.
“Every action is important and every deed is vital…..”
Wishing all the students a joyful learning and Happy Holidays

Kind attention please

• The school will reopen on 1st July 2022 i.e. Friday.
• The school office will remain OPEN during the summer vacation on all working days.
• Clear all kind of your dues (if any) at the earliest to avoid late fine and further

1. Movies can prove to be the best source of entertainment as well as learning.
Watch any one of the following motivational movie based on Cooperation and create
your own album.
a. Invictus- An inspiring story of Nelson Mandela
b. Miracle- Story of Herb Brooks, the player turned coach
• How to do - Include
1. A beautiful cover page
2. Index ( Topic and Page Number)
3. Main character and his struggle
4. Motivational dialogues from the movie (Minimum 5 dialogues)
5. Message learnt
6. Interesting 10 new words learnt from the movie and their
synonyms.(Note - Adhere to the given sequence of the pages)
• Where to do -Prepare a Self made file.

2. Know the Poet

Gather information about Rabindranath Tagore, Vikram Seth and William
Wordsworth.Also, talk about his famous writings.
• How to do - Prepare a biographical sketch using Name, Date of Birth,
EducationalQualifications, Family, Work, Achievements. (Note - About 120-
150 words)
• Where to do – Use well decorated A-4 size sheet.
3.Sometimes, just saying red or green or white is not enough. The
colour has to be further described, like:
a. black-eyed daughter
b. red love-knot
c. yellow gold
d. golden noon
• How to do - Write down 20 words or expressions that you can associate with
thefollowing colours and frame three sentences for a different colour each.
• Where to do - Make flashcards for the words.
4.Do Not Use Me
Even though habits are sticky, bad ones should be left behind. Ponder upon the bad
habits/ etiquettes which you must swipe away from your regular routine.
• How to do - Think of 7-8 bad habits that you possess and wish to get rid of.
Formsmall cards and write those down beautifully in cursive handwriting.
• Where to do - Create a small bin/ box and place your cards in it.

5.Be a poet.
Using the literary devices you are familiar with, compose your own poetry.
• How to do - Pick out any one social issue amongst gender discrimination, racial
discrimination , illiteracy, child labour and corruption. Compose a minimum 12
long poetry. The composed poetry should have a rhyme scheme, use of a literary
device, division of stanzas.
• Where to do - A very well-presented A-4 size sheet.
Points to remember
1. Adhere to all the given directions.
2. You will be judged on the basis of your content, handwriting and presentation.
3. Reading novels should be focused on during the vacations.
4. Prepare well for the PA - 1 Exams.
विषय व िंदी

• कला एकीकृत गततविधि---(सामूहिक)

• तेलंगाना तथा िरियाणा के िाजकीय पशु/पक्षी का आकर्षक धित्र बनाकि ि धिपकाकि िोिक

• तथ्य A4 साइज़ पष्ृ ठ पि ललखिए |

• A4 साइज़ पृष्ठ पर ‘माता-वपता का जीिन में योगदान’ विषय पर अनुच्छेद विखिए |
• आिविक परीक्षा-1 के बाद का करिाया गया समस्त पाठ्यक्रम पूरा करके याद कीवजए।
• वनम्नविखित विषयोिं पर100 से 125 शब्ोिं में अनुच्छेद अपनी उत्तर पुखस्तका में विखिए ।
(क)सिंतुवित भोजन
(ि) विज्ञापनोिं का म त्व
(ग) िृक्ष िगाओ,िरा सजाओ
(घ) जीिन में त्यो ारोिं का म त्व

Revise Unit 1 and 2 and solve the given assignment based on them in the Maths
practice notebook.

PUZZLE & Riddles

To make the maths enjoyable and develop an enthusiasm for numeracy some puzzles
and riddles are given below. Read them carefully and solve them on A4 size sheet.

1 .The given table shows the freezing point in 0F of different gases at sea level. Convert each ofthe
following into 0C to the nearest integral value using the relation and complete the table.
C = 5 (F-32)
Gas Freezing point Freezing point at sea level
at sea level (0C)
Hydrogen -435
1. Solve the following riddles: - Krypton -251
Oxygen -369
(a) Minus of Minus six Helium -458
Minus minus of Argon -309
What do you get if this is added to minus-minus seven again?
(b) ADD the value in riddle (a) to minus four and then minus two and you take away
DIVIDE this by minus two.
What is this value can you
(c) Take the result of riddle (b) and SUBTRACT from it minus six MULTIPLY this
byminus two. What will be no.
3 Use the integer -2, 4, -5, -12, 20, -25 and 50 just one each in
thewheel to make the product 1200 along each line.
4 “Equinoxes” are the two days of the year when the sun is
directlyabove the earth’s equator due to which the days and
night are oneof nearly equal length everywhere on the earth.
Find the name of the month of autumn equinox using suitable 1 E
properties of Integers by solving the following questions. Match -1485 T
-120 S
youranswer with cxorrect letter given in the table and fill it in the
-30 P
box provided in each question. -4 R
-1250 B
(a) (-1) X (-2) X (-3) X (-4) X (-5) ------ 1849600 E
(b) (18946 X 99 – (-18946) ---------- 600 E
(c) -1 + (-2) + (-3) + (-9) + (-8) ----------- 0 M
(d) 15 X (-99) -----------
(e) -143 + 600 -257 +400 -----------
(f) 0 ÷ (-12)
(g) -125 X 9 – 125 ------------ ((h) (-1) X (-1) X (-1)
20 times-------
(h) -4 + 4 - 4 + 4 -4 + 421 times----

5 Water can only flow through the pipes, if the

fractionsare equivalent show the path of water by
As we all know that flora and fauna are very important for human
existence. We should conserve flora and fauna of any place to maintain
biodiversity and ecological balance. Forests play a vital role to achieve this
aim of conservation as they offer home to much of the world’s diverse
array ofplants and animals. Now we are going to have comparative study of
forest cover area of both Telangana and Haryana. Following data shows the
forest cover of Haryana and Telangana. Using the data construct a bar
graph of forest cover of Haryana and Telangana.
(VDF-Very Dense Forest MDF-Moderate Dense Forest OF – Open Forest)
Class Area (Sq. Km)
Class Area (Sq. Km)
VDF 1600
VDF 28
MDF 8800
MDF 400
OF 11000
OF 1100
Also following data shows the species of plant type observed in a
rapid assessment in bothTelangana and Haryana. Using the given
data construct a double bar graph.
Telangana Haryana
Plant Type No. of species Plant Type No. of species
Tree 167 Tree 45
Shrub 65 Shrub 43
Herb 35 Herb 50

Ques: How flora and fauna of a place helps

to maintainecological balance?
Logical Reasoning Questions

1. If L stands for +, M stands for -, N stands for X and P

stands for ÷, then14 N 10 L 42 P 2 M 8 =?
2. If 20 -10 means 200, 8 ÷ 4 means 12, 6 X 2
means 4 then100 -10 X 1000 ÷ 1000 + 100
X 10?
3. In a certain code EXPLAINING is written as PXEALIGNI, how is PRODUCED
written inthat code?
4. In the series give below how many 8s are there each of which is exactly
divisible by itsimmediate preceeding as well as succeeding numbers.
2838 2482 4868 2824 8382 86

5. Rohan ranks seventh from the top and twenty sixth from the bottom in a
class. How manystudents are there in the class?
6. Vijay’s position is 14th from upwards in a class of 43 students. What will be
his position fromdown wards?
7. In a class 3 of students are girls and rest are boys. If 2 of girls and 1 of boys are absent.
What part of total number of students is present.


Q1: Evaluate each of the following: (i) (-40) ÷ 5 (ii) (-256) ÷ (-4) (iii) (-1525) ÷ 25
Q2: Fill in the blanks: (i) 259 ÷ ----- = 259 (ii) (-83) ÷ ----- = -1 (iii) ----- ÷ (-6) = -2
Q3: Evaluate each of the following: (i) 45 ÷ [(-2) + (-1)] (ii) [56 + (-2)] ÷ 14
(iii) [(-18) + 10] ÷ [(-4) + 2] (iv) -15 + (-23) –(-24) + (-17)
Q4: In a quiz (5) marks are awarded for each correct answer and (-2) marks for incorrect
answer. Find (i) Ruchi’s total score if she answered 10 questions right and 8 were wrong.
(ii)the number of wrong answers, if she scored 22 in total and gave 6 correct answers.
Q5: Subtract -8 from 15 and 15 from -8 . Are the two results same.
Q6: Find the value of (i) 23967 x 99 + 23967 (ii) 1982 x 776 – 982 x 776
Q7: State which is greater: (i) (12 + 6) x 10 and 12 + (6 x 10) (ii) {(-3) – 7} x (-2) and (-3)
– {7 x (-2)}
Q8: The product of two integers is -182. If one of them is 13, find the other integer.
Q9: Using distributive property, find
(i) 49x 17 (ii) (-26) x (-14) (iii) (-39) x (-15) + (-1) x 39
Q10: Using convenient grouping, evaluate:
(i) 25 x 31 x (-4) (ii) (-2) x 4896 x (-5)
Q11: If a=3, b= -2 and c= -1, verify that (i) b x (a + c) = b x a + b x c
(ii) b x c x a = a x b x c = c x a x b
Q12: Find an integer which when multiplied by 3 and then 2 becomes (-18).
Q13: Priyanka bought 25 apples. She kept 13 apples with her and distributed the remaining
apples equally among her three friends. How many apples did each of her friends get?
Q14: Rajan had ₹ 6000 in his bank account on a particular day. A week later, he deposited ₹
1500 and next day, he had to withdraw 11/3rd of his total balance. Find the balance amount
inthe bank after withdrawal.
Q15: Taking today as zero on number line, if the day before yesterday is 17 January, what is
the date 3 days after tomorrow.
Q16: Subtract the sum of -42 and -147 from the difference of -283 and -415.
Q17: The sum of two integers is -278. If one of the integers is -156, find the othe
Q18: In a quiz, ₹ 300 are awarded for every correct answer and a penalty of ₹ 75 is put for
every incorrect answer. Madhuri answered 15 questions out of which only 6 were correct.
How much money is earned by Madhuri in the quiz.
Q19: Express as directed. (i) 19/4 as mixed fraction (ii) 8/9 as a fraction with denominator
27Q 20: Which is greater: (i) 4/5 or 7/8 (ii) 9/11 or 9/13
Q21: In a class test Rohit answered 32 out of 40 questions correctly while 8 were incorrect.
(i) Write the fractions of answers he answered correctly. (ii) Write the fractions of
Q22: Multiply (i) 2/5 X 4/9 (ii) 3/ 7 X 14/ 11 (iii) 1 3 x 6 1
(iv) 2 /3 X 9 /5 X 7 /11
5 4
Q 23: Each side of a square is 4 m. Find its: (i) area (ii) perimeter

Q24: The cost of 4 1 kg of sugar is ₹ 68 . Find the cost of 1 kg.

Q25: The product of a fraction and the sum of 2 and 3 is 5 . Find the fraction.
7 11 95
Q26: Evaluate (i) 1 ÷ (ii) ÷ 20 (iii) 3 3 ÷ 2 2
104 13 6 5 5
Q27: Find the number such that its 2/5th is 12.
Q28: If the cost of a notebook is ₹ 6 1, how many notebooks can be purchased for ₹ 126 2
3 3
Q29: A book contains 320 pages. Vishal reads 3/5 of the book. How many pages he has
stillto read?
Q30: A tin contains 21 kg of sugar. If 2/3 of it has been consumed, how much sugar is left
inthe tin?
Q31: Simplify: (i) 68.5 – 21.45 + 26.2 – 13.46 (ii) 34.26 – 15.029 + 3.04
Q32: Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 18.60 m and breadth is 7.05 m.
Q33: If the cost of a book is ₹ 29.75, find the cost of 32 such books.
Q34: Divide: (i) 3.411 by 37.5 (ii) 0.768 by 16 (iii) 26.313 by 1.75
Q35: The area of a rectangle having breadth 2.6 m is 19.50 sq.m. Find the length of
Q36: The total weight of certain bags of rice is 650.16 kg. If each bag weighs 4 kg, find
thenumber of bags.
Q37: In a class there are 36 students. If 4/9 of the students are girls, find the number of
boysin the class.
Q38: Simplify the following: (i) (1/4 of 2 2) ÷ 3/5 (ii) (3/7 ÷ ½) ÷ 7/8 (iii) 3.5 𝑥 0.24 – 0.037
7 0.21
Q39: If the product of two decimal numbers is 17.55 and one of them is 2.7, find the other.

Subject- Science
• Learn the following Chapters thoroughly and prepare your own question bank.
❖ Chapter- 1 Nutrition in Plants
❖ Chapter- 2 Nutrition in Animals
❖ Chapter- 9 Soil
❖ Chapter- 17 Forests : Our Lifeline

• Learn the NCERT Exercises of the Chapters done in the class.

• Do the Art Integrated Project (Chapter – 17 Forests : Our Lifeline) as per the
guidelines given.
• Guidelines for AIP Class VII Science

• Art Integrated Project M.M. - 05

• Theme : Flora and Fauna

• Topic : Chapter 17 – Forests: our lifeline
• Subject Integrated : Hindi and Mathematics
• Objective : To describe about the different types of Forests found in Telangana and
Haryana .
• Procedure : Students will describe the forests as per their topics on A4
Sheets.(maximum 4 sheets)

• Topics-
• Group 1- Roll no 1- 5 Dry Teak Forests Telangana
• Group 2- Roll No 6- 10 Southern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forests, Telangana
• Group 3- Roll no 11 – 15 Dry Savannah Forests, Telangana
• Group 4- Roll no 16 - 20 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests , Haryana
• Group 5- Roll no 21 – 25 Tropical Thorn Forests , Haryana
• Group 6- Roll no 26 – 30 Subtropical Pine Forests, Haryana

• Practice the NCERT Exemplars of Chapters -1, 2, 9 , 17 through Google and write in
practice note book .
• Solve the Assignment of Chapters 2 and 17 in your Science note book.

Chapter 17 Forests Our Life Lines
Q 1. Tick the correct option :
1. Which of the following serves as green lungs?
a)Green pigment of the plants b) Forests
c)Kitchen Garden d) Green Houses Gases
2. Which of the following are producers?
a) Humans b) Domestic animals c) Plants d ) Both man and animals
3. Primary Consumers are
a) Carnivores b) Herbivores c) Omnivores d) Producers
4. In which of the following, forests do not help
a) Rainfall b) Erosion c) purification of air d Calcination
5. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate.
b) Forests protect the soil from erosion
c) Plants and animals in the forests are not interdependent on one another.
d) Forests influence the climate and water cycle.
6. Arrange the following components of a food chain in proper sequence – grass, frog, eagle,
insects, snake.
(a) Grass → insects → frog → snake → eagle.
(b) Grass → snake → insects → frog → eagle.
(c) Grass → snake → eagle → insects → frog.
(d) All are possible
Q 2 Fill in the blanks:
1. In a forest, trees form the uppermost layer, followed by ………………. The
form the lowest layer of vegetation.
2. Different layers of vegetation provide ………………. and ………………. for animals.
3. The forest keeps on ………………. and ………………. and can ……………….
4. Forests protect the ………………. from erosion.
5. ………………. helps forests to grow and regenerate.
6. Branchy part of a tree above the stem is known as the ………………. of the tree.

Chapter 2. Nutrition in Animals

I Tick the correct option:
1. Feeding tube is present in :
a) Spider b) Butterfly c) Frog d) Amoeba
2. Humans are
a) Herbivore b) Carnivore c) Autotrophs d) Omnivore
3. The total number of teeth in an adult human is
a) 28 b) 30 c) 32 d) 34
4. Ruminants are able to digest while humans cannot digest it
b) Vitamins b) Proteins c) Fats d) Cellulose
5. Read the following statements with reference to the villi of the small intestine :
i) They have very thin walls ii) They have a net work of thin
blood capillaries close to the surface . iii) They have small pores
through which food can easily pass. iv) They are finger like
Identify those statements which enable villi to absorb digested food :
a)(i),(ii),and (iv) b) (ii), (iii)and (iv)
c) (iii) and (iv) d) (i) and (iv)

6. Another name of food pipe is :

a)Trachea b) Larynx c) Pharynx d) Oesophagus

7. Choose the correct order of terms that describes the process of nutrition in ruminants .
a) Swallowing partial digestion Chewing of cud Complete digestion
b) Chewing of cud Swallowing Partial digestion Complete digestion
c) Chewing of cud Swallowing mixing with digestive juices Digestion
d) Swallowing Chewing and mixing partial digestion Complete digestion.
8.In which of the following organs does the digestion begins?
a) Oesophagus b) Liver c) Salivary gland d) Anus
9.A substance secreted by the Gland ‘Y’ helps to digest carbohydrates . Name the gland:
a) liver b) Pancreas c) salivary glands d) small intestine
10. Bile juice helps in :
a) Protecting the inner wall of the stomach.
b) Break down fats
c) Digest proteins
d) Digest Carbohydrates

II Observe the diagram carefully and answer the questions -

1 What kind of organism Amoeba is ?
Ans ------------------------------------------------------------
2 What is peculiar about the shape of amoeba ?
Ans ---------------------------------------------------------------
3 What role does the contractile vacuole play in the body of amoeba ?


Dear students
Your this year’s summer break is going to be different from past two years.
Unlike the two previous years this time you can go for holidays and enjoy
that excitement of planning of going on a trip, doing shopping and packing.
So believing the same we thought let’s take you all on a visit to different
ecosystems like:
The snow covered peaks of Northern Himalayas, The two water bodies
Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, The Thar Desert of West, The mighty rivers
of our nation etc. But the twist is you will enjoy the trip to a destination of
my choice, isn’t it very unusual.BUUUTTT!!!!! HOLD ON DON’T FORGET TO
• ROLL NO. 1 TO 10: Prepare a model of the ecosystem you will find
in The Thar Desert.
• ROLL NO. 11 to 20: Prepare a model of the kind of ecosystem can be
found in an ocean or sea.
• ROLL NO. 21 to 30: Prepare a model of the ecosystem The river
plains or a river’s journey through the mountains.
• There are many other destinations also in our package like: The
Deccan Plateau, The evergreen forests etc, if anybody wants can visit
the place of their choice, instead of mine.
Now let’s ready for packing and try to manage these given items from your
home only, avoid any new shopping.
❖ Waste thermocol
❖ Fevicol
❖ Left over pages of scrap book,
❖ Colours
❖ Cardboards
❖ newspaper
❖ plaster of paris ( handle with care in adult’s supervision) etc.
Nehra) and 9873957580(Namita Yadav)
❖ Extra bonus points you can earn by keeping in mind the given
➢ Neatness
➢ Creativity
➢ Content coverage.

After coming back now it would be STUDY TIME. So do the given work:
➢ Learn all the chapters done in the class.
➢ Complete all the written work.
➢ Improve your reading skills and vocabulary by reading all the
chapters thoroughly.
➢ Solve the given assignment


Q 1 Tick the correct option.

1 The art of writing alphabets in artistic way is known as:
a) Calligraphy b) chronicle c) miniature
2 The reason for tripartite struggle was:
a) Panipat b) Kanauj c) Madurai
3 The founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty was:
a) Dantidurga b) Mahipala c) Nagabhatta
4 The first battle of Tarain was fought in the year:
a) AD 1191 b) AD 1192 c) AD 1591
5 Rajaraja was an important ruler of ____________dynasty.
a) Chola b) Pratihara c) Rashtrakuta
6 The word environment is taken from _____________ language.
a) French b) German. c) Latin.
7 The Universal Adult Franchise is the right to ____________
a) Vote b) Freedom c) speak
8 The first state to introduce mid day meal was:
a) Tamil Nadu. b) Karnataka. C) Bihar.
9 The type of inequality exists in India:
a) Religious inequality b) Casteism. c) Gender inequality.
d). All of the above
10 Rosa Park, an __________ women fought for equality.
a) British b) American c) African.
Q 2A) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
The inscriptions of Cholas who ruled in Tamil Nadu refer to more
than 400 terms for different terms.The most frequently mentioned
tax is vetti, taken not in cash but in form of forced labour, and
kadamai, or land revenue. There were also taxes on thatching the
house, the use of a ladder to climb palm trees, a cess on succession to
family property etc.
1 Which tax is most frequently mentioned in the chola inscriptions?
2 What was kadamai?
3 Who collected all these taxes?
Q 3 Match the following.
1 Man physical
2 Elections human made
3 Parks unstable
4 Soil water
5 Hydrosphere natural resource
Q4 What does the picture in shaded portion signifies?

Q5 This is a picture of temple at Gangaikondacholapuram. Answer the

following questions
related to the picture

1 Which ruler took the title of Gangaikondacholapuram?

2 What is the meaning of the word Gangaikonda?
3 By which name the temple is known now?
विषय - संस्कृत

1-लोट् लकार पाठम् आधृत्य एकम् पृष्ठ पत्रम् रचयित्वा तस्य

उपरर एकम् आदर्श वाक्यम् यलखत।
(लोट् लकार पाठ के आधार पर एक पृष्ठ पत्र (Book Mark)
बना कर उस पर एक आदर्श वाक्य यलखखए|)

2-“यवषि संवधशनम् गयतयवयध कािश” - भवान् स्वयमत्रेण सह

वाताश लापं कृत्वा पिाश वरणस्य यवषिे एकम् कॉयमक खरि पम्
रचित ।
(अपने यमत्र के साथ बातचीत करते हुए पिाश वरण के यवषि पर
एक कॉयमक खरि प बनाइए । )

3- कृतम् कािशम् स्मरणं कुरुत |

(करवाए गए कािश को पय़िए व स्मरण कीयिए|)

1. Create an Excel sheet to calculate the sales of Wagan -R and Maruti Sales Center.
Project Work TextBook Page No. 158.

2. Read the lesson No 3. Advanced Features of Excel


* Solve the given Assignment

* Write a Biography on any one personality from the following chapters, on an A 4 sheet,
paste picture also.
Roll No. 01 to 06 - First in World
Roll No. 07 to 12 - Famous Musicians
Roll No. 13 to 18 - Indian Olympic Medallists
Roll No. 19 to 24 - Indian Freedom Fighters
Roll No. 25 to 30 - Freedom Fighters of the world

Assignment Chapters 1 to 10
Q 1. Answer in one word
(i) Who was the first governor general of free India?
(ii) Who was the first women cosmonaut into space?
(iii) Who was the first president of India?
(iv) Name the place where Olympic games 2020 were fixed?
(v) Name the freedom fighter who had spent 20 years in Portuguese jail?
(vi) For which sport did P.V Sindhu receive Olympic Bronze medal in 2020-2021?
(vii) Name the first U.S president to visit India?
(viii) Pandit Shiv Shankar plays which musical instrument?
(ix) Name the Indian Singer, Composer and Song writer who was awarded Padma
Bhushan in the year 2010?
Q 2 Make the analogue pair-
(i) Cock : Hen :: Bull : _____________
(ii) Buck : Doe :: ____________: Mare
(iii) Pen : ___________:: Hen : Chick
(iv) Doe: Bunny :: ____________: Piglet
Q3. Fill in the blanks :-
(i) ____________ was the most significant singer of 20th Century.
(ii) The baby of tiger, wolf and fox is called _____________.
(iii) Animals on the verge of extinction are called_____________.
(iv) ____________ and ______________are famous Veena players .
(v) ___________ was awarded with Grammy in 1993 for the Album ‘A meeting by
the River’.
(vi) ____________ in 1900 won Silver Medal in Olympics for Athletics.
Q 4. Expand-
IUCN : ___________________________________________________________________
WWF: ___________________________________________________________________
Q 5. Match the following-
1. Gadar Party a. Lala Lajpat Rai
2. Anti Simon Commission Procession b. Ram Prasad Bismil
3. Kakori Train Dacoity c. Moti Lal Nehru
4. Swaraj Party d. Annie Besant
5. Home rule league e. Lala Har Dayal

Q 6 Choose the correct option-

(i) Music always has____________.
a) Singer b) Listener c) Rhythm d) Musical Instrument
(ii) Blue whale is a___________-
a) Fish b) Mammal c) snake d) Giant Lizard
(iii) Hindustan Socialist republic is associated with which freedom fighter?
(a) Annie Besant (b) M. K Gandhi (c) S C Bose (d) Bhagat Singh
(iv) Nelson Mandela is a freedom fighter of which country?
(a) USSR (b) south Africa (c) China (d) Indonesia
(v) Zakir Hussain is famous ___________ maestro
(a) Sarangi (b) Tabla (c) Flute (d) Sarod
(vi) A train transportation that uses two sets of magnets to attain high speed
(a) Vivek Express (b) Metro (c) Maglev (d) Fairy Queen
Q 7.Find the missing number


Art: Draw and colour any one landscape and any one still life of your choice on A-3size

Craft: Make any one craft work of your choice using empty bottles.
1 - Write 5 Alankar using 7 Notes.
2 – Make a beautiful collage on various dance form . (Any 5)
3 - Make any two Musical instruments using material like thermocol, cardboard, A3 sheet
4 - Learn all Prayer and Pledge from your Almanac.

Reading is an adventure that never ends

* Read the newspaper daily and try to solve crossword puzzles, riddles etc. published in it.
* Read as many books as you can. Write on A4 size coloured sheet about the book you like
the most and why?
*Make your project beautiful by drawing/pasting pictures related to the story.
Some of the suggested readings are
* Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
* The Room of Many Colours by Ruskin Bond
* Charlie and the Chocolate factory by Roald Dahl
* Ignited Minds by APJ Abdul Kalam
* How the Sea became Salty by Sudha Murthy
* Harry Potter by J K Rowling

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