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Chapter One: Introduction

Aga Bayou

Adama Science and Technology University

July 21, 2021

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1 Signals

2 Systems

3 Basic signals

4 Classifications of a Signal

5 Basic Operations on Signals

6 Classification of Systems

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A signal is a function of one or more variables that conveys

information about some (usually physical) phenomenon.
For a function f , in the expression f (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ), each of the {tk }
is called an independent variable, while the function value itself is
referred to as a dependent variable .
Some examples of signals include:
A voltage or current in an electronic circuit
The position, velocity, or acceleration of an object
A force or torque in a mechanical system
A flow rate of a liquid or gas in a chemical process
A digital image, digital video, or digital audio
A stock market index

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A system is an entity that processes one or more input signals in order

to produce one or more output signals.

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Signals and Systems Defined

A signal is any physical phenomenon which conveys information

Systems respond to signals and produce new signals
Excitation signals are applied at system inputs and response signals
are produced at system outputs

Figure: General Structure of a Communication System

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Figure: Processing a Continuous-Time Signal With a Discrete-Time System

Figure: Processing a Discrete-Time Signal With a Continuous-Time System

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Signal Types

Number of independent variables (i.e., dimensionality):

A signal with one independent variable is said to be one dimensional
A signal with more than one independent variable is said to be
multi-dimensional (e.g., image).
Continuous or discrete independent variables:
A signal with continuous independent variables is said to be continuous
time (CT) (e.g., voltage waveform).
A signal with discrete independent variables is said to be discrete time
(DT) (e.g., stock market index).
Continuous or discrete dependent variable:
A signal with a continuous dependent variable is said to be continuous
valued (e.g., voltage waveform).
A signal with a discrete dependent variable is said to be discrete valued
(e.g., digital image).

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A continuous-valued CT signal is said to be analog (e.g., voltage

A discrete-valued DT signal is said to be digital (e.g., digital audio).

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Conversions Between Signal Types

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Message Encoded in ASCII

Image Filtering to Aid Perception

Original X-Ray Image Filtered X-Ray Image

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Feedback Systems

Sound Recording System

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Recorded Sound as a ”S i gn al”

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Basic signals

Unit-Step Signal (u(t))

Defined as (
1 t≥0
u(t) =
0 t<0

It is used as best test signal

Area under unit step function is unity

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Cont. . . .
Unit Impulse Signal (δ(t))
Defined as (
1 t=0
δ(t) =
0 t 6= 0


Z ∞
δ(t)dt = u(t)
δ(t) =
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Ramp Signal (r (t))

Defined as (
t t≥0
r (t) =
0 t<0

Z ∞
u(t)dt = r (t)
dr (t)
u(t) =

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Cont. . . .
Parabolic Signal
Defined as (
t 2 /2 t≥0
x(t) =
0 t<0

u(t)dt = r (t)dt = x(t)

d 2 x(t)
u(t) =
dt 2
r (t) =
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Signum Signal (sgn(t))

Defined as 
 t>0
x(t) = 0 t=0

−1 t<0

Figure: sgn(t)=2u(t)-1

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Exponential Signal
defined as:
x(t) = e αt
The shape of exponential can be defined by α
Case ii: if α < 0 i.e is -ve then →
x(t) = e −αt
Case i: if α = 0 → x(t) = 1
The shape is called decaying

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Case iii: if α > 0 i.e +ve then → x(t) = e αt
The shape is called raising exponential

Rectangular Signal
The rectangular function (also called the unit-rectangular pulse
function), denoted rect, is given by

−1 −1
1 if ≤t≤

rect(t) = 2 2
0 otherwise

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Due to the manner in which the rect function is used in practice, the
actual value of rect(t) at t = ± is unimportant.

If x(t) = Arect

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Cont. . . .
Triangular Signal

x(t) = A 1 − |t|
T x(t) = A 1 −

Sinusoidal Signal
The form of x(t) = Acos(ω0 t + φ) or Acos(ω0 t + φ)

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Real Sinusoids
A (CT) real sinusoid is a function of the form

x(t) = Acos(ωt + θ), (1)

where A, ω, and θ are real constants.

Such a function is periodic with fundamental period T = and
fundamental frequency |ω|.

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Cont. . . .

Sinc Function sinc(t)

Defined as
sinc(t) =
= 0 for = ±1, ±2, ±3, . . .

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Sampling Signal (sa(t))

sa(t) =
= 0 for t = ±π, ±2π, ±3π, . . .

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Classifications of a Signal

There are five types of signals

1 Continuous-time and Discrete-time Signals
2 Even and Odd Signals.
3 Periodic and Non-periodic Signals.
4 Deterministic and Random Signals
5 Energy and Power Signals.

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Cont. . . .

Continuous-time and Discrete-time Signals

Continuous-time signals
If a signal is defined for all instants of time, then it is known as a
continuous-time signal.
A continuous-time signal is written as:

x(t), −∞ < t < ∞

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Discrete-time signals
If a signal is defined only at specific instants of time, then it is known
as a discrete-time signal.
A discrete-time signal is written as:

x(n), n : is an integer

Discrete-time signals are rare in nature and mostly obtained by

sampling continuous-time signals.

 n = −3, 0, 2
x(t) = 2 n = −2, −1, 4

0 otherwise

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Even and Odd Signals
A continuous-time signal x(t) is said to be an even signal if it satisfies
the condition:
x(−t) = x(t), for all t
Deterministic signals can be described by some mathematical formula.
A continuous-time signal x(t) is said to be an odd signal if it satisfies
the condition:
x(−t) = −x(t), for all t
Even signals are symmetric about the vertical axis whereas odd signals
are asymmetric.
Similarly, a discrete-time signal x(n) is said to be an even signal if it
satisfies the condition:
x(−n) = x(n), for all n
A discrete-time signal x(n) is said to be an odd signal if it satisfies the
x(−n) = −x(n), for all n
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Cont. . . .
A general continuous-time signal x(t) can be decomposed into its even
and components as follows.
x(t) = xe (t) + x0 (t)
Define xe (t) to be even and x0 (t) to be odd, i.e.,
xe (−t) = x(t) and x0 (−t) = −x(t)
Putting t = −t in the expression for x(t), we will get:
x(−t) = xe (−t) + x(−t)
= xe (t) − x0 (t)
Solving for xe (t) and x0 (t), we obtain:
xe (t) = [x(t) + x(−t)]
x0 (t) = [x(t) − x(−t)]
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Cont. . . .
Similarly, a general discrete-time signal x(n) can be decomposed into
its even and components as follows.
x(n) = xe (n) + x0 (n)
Define xe (n) to be even and x0 (n) to be odd, i.e.,
xe (−n) = x(n) and x0 (−n) = −x(n)
Putting n = −n in the expression for x(n), we will get:
x(−n) = xe (−n) + x(−n)
= xe (n) − x0 (n)
Solving for xe (n) and x0 (n), we obtain:
xe (n) = [x(n) + x(−n)]
x0 (n) = [x(n) − x(−n)]
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Determine whether the following signals are even, odd or neither. If

the signals are neither even nor odd, evaluate the even and odd
t 0≤t≤1
1 x(t) =
0 otherwise
2 x(t) = 1 + tcos(t) + t 2 sin(t)
3 x(t) = cos(t) + sin(t) + cos(t)sin(t)
4 x(n) = n2 + cos( )
5 x(n) = nsin(0.25πn)

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Cont. . . .

Periodic and Non-periodic Signals

A continuous-time signal x(t) is said to be periodic with period T if
there is a positive non-zero value of T for which:

x(t) = x(t + T ), for all t

If x(t) is periodic with period T , then it is also periodic for all integer
multiples of T . That is:

x(t) = x(t + kT ), k is anteger

The smallest positive value T is known as the fundamental period .

Any continuous-time signal which is not periodic is called a
non-periodic or aperiodic signal.
All continuous-time sinusoidal signals are periodic.

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Cont. . . .
Consider a continuous-time sinusoidal signal x(t) given by:
x(t) = Asin(ω0 t + φ)
This sinusoidal signal is periodic for all values of t and its
fundamental period is given by:

T =
All continuous-time complex exponential signals are also periodic.
Consider a continuous-time complex exponential signal x(t) given by:
x(t) = e j(ω0 t+φ)
This complex exponential signal is periodic for all values of t and its
fundamental period is given by:

T =
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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the following continuous-time signals are periodic or
non-periodic. If the signals are periodic, find their fundamental period.
1 x(t) = sin(4πt)
2 x(t) = tan(10t)
3 x(t) = e j(2t+7)
4 x(t) = 2t + 5
5 x(t) = e (−2t)
6 x(t) = e j(8πt)

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Cont. . . .

A discrete-time signal x(n) is said to be periodic with period N if there

is a positive non-zero value of N for which:

x(n) = x(n + N), for all n

If x(n) is periodic with period N, then it is also periodic for all integer
multiples of N. That is:

x(n) = x(n + kN), k is anteger

The smallest positive value N is known as the fundamental period .

Any discrete-time signal which is not periodic is called a non-periodic
or aperiodic signal.
All discrete-time sinusoidal signals are not periodic.

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Cont. . . .

Consider a continuous-time sinusoidal signal x(t) given by:

x(n) = Asin(Ω0 n + φ)

This sinusoidal signal is periodic if and only if

= rational number
The term rational number is defined as a fraction of two integers.
Given that the above discrete-time sinusoidal signal is periodic, its
fundamental period is evaluated from the relationship:

N= m

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The fundamental period is calculated from the above equation with m

set to the smallest integer that results in an integer value for N.
All discrete-time complex exponential signals are also periodic.
Consider a discrete-time complex exponential signal x(n) given by:

x(n) = e j(Ω0 n+φ)

This complex exponential signal is periodic iff is a rational
number and its fundamental period is given by:

N= m

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Determine whether the following discrete-time signals are periodic or

non-periodic. If the signals are periodic, find their fundamental
 πn π
1 x(n) = sin +
12 4
2 x(n) = cos
3 x(n) = cos
7πn π
j −
4 x(n) = e 8 2
5 x(n) = 2 u(n)
6 x(n) = e j(3n)

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Cont. . . .
The sum of two periodic continuous-time signals may not be always
Consider a continuous-time signal x(t) given by:

x(t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t)

If x1 (t) is periodic with fundamental period T1 and x2 (t) is periodic

with fundamental period T2 , then x(t) is periodic if and only if:
T1 m
= = rational number (2)
T2 n
The fundamental period of x(t) given by:
T1 m
= = rational number
T2 n
T = nT1 = mT2
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Cont. . . .
In the above equation, the values of m and n must be chosen such
that the greatest common divisor (gcd) between m and n is 1.
The sum of two periodic discrete-time signals may not be always
Consider a discrete-time signal x(n) given by:

x(n) = x1 (n) + x2 (n)

If x1 (n) is periodic with fundamental period N1 and x2 (n) is periodic

with fundamental period N2 , then x(n) is always periodic with
fundamental period:
N1 m
= = rational number (3)
N2 n
N = nN1 = mN2
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Determine whether the following signals are periodic or non-periodic.

If the signals are periodic, find their fundamental period.
1 x(t) = sin(4πt) + cos(3πt)
2 x(t) = sin(4πt) + cos(10t)
3 x(t) = e j(2t+4)
 πn+ cos(10t)
4 x(t) = cos + cos
12 18

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Cont. . . .

Deterministic and Random Signals

Deterministic signals are those signals whose values are completely
specified for any given time.
Deterministic signals can be described by some mathematical formula.
Thus, a deterministic signal can be modeled by a known function of
time t.
Random signals are those signals that take random values at any given
time and must be characterized statistically.

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Energy and Power Signals
The normalized energy E of a continuous-time signal x(t) is defined as:
Z ∞
E= |x(t)|2 dt

The normalized average power P of x(t) is defined as:

1 ∞
P = lim |x(t)|2 dt
T →∞ T −∞

Similarly, for a discrete-time signal x(n), the normalized energy E is

defined as:
E= |x(n)|2
The normalized average power P of x(n) is defined as:
1 X
P = lim |x(n)|2
N→∞ 2N + 1

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Cont. . . .

A signal is said to be an energy signal if the normalized total energy

E has a non-zero finite value, i.e., 0 < E < ∞.
On the other hand, a signal is said to be a power signal if it has
non-zero finite normalized average power, i.e., 0 < P < ∞.
A signal cannot be both an energy and a power signal simultaneously.
The energy signals have zero average power whereas the power
signals have infinite total energy.
Some signals, however, can be classified as neither power signals nor
as energy signals.

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Cont. . . .

Categorize each of the following signals as an energy or power signal or
 0≤t≤1
x(t) = 2 − t, 1 ≤ t ≤ 2

0, otherwise

5cos(πt), −1 ≤ t ≤ 1
x(t) =
0, otherwise
(  πn 
sin , −4 ≤ t ≤ 4
x(t) = 2
0, otherwise

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Basic Operations on Signals

Consider a continuous-time signal denoted by x(t). The signal y (t)
obtained by scaling the amplitude by a factor A is given by:

y (t) = Ax(t)

The value of y (t) is obtained by multiplying the corresponding value of

x(t) by the scalar A.
A physical example of a device that performs amplitude scaling is an
electronic amplifier.
Similarly, a discrete-time signal is given by:

y (n) = Ax(n)

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Cont. . . .

Consider a continuous-time signal denoted by x(t). The signal y (t)
obtained by scaling the time t by a factor a is defined as:

y (t) = x(at)

If a > 1, the signal y (t) is a compressed version of x(t).

If 0 < a < 1, the signal y (t) is an expanded version of x(t).
Similarly, discrete-time signal is given by:

y (n) = x(an)

If a > 1, then some values of the time-scaled discrete-time signal y(n)

are lost

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1 A triangular signal x(t) shown in the figure below.

Find and sketch the time-scaled version signals of x(t) given by:
y (t) = x(2t)
y (t) = x( t)
2 The discrete-time signal x(n) is given by:

 n = -2, -1, 0
x(n) = −1, n = 1, 2

0, otherwise

Sketch and label the time-scaled signals given by:

y (n) = x(2n)
y (n) = x( n)
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Time-reflection or reversal
A continuous-time signal x(t), The time-reflected version of x(t) is
obtained by replacing the time t with –t and is given by:

y (t) = x(−t)

Similarly, the time-reflected version of the discrete-time signal x(n) is

given by:
y (n) = x(−n)

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Cont. . . .

Consider a continuous-time signal x(t) shown in the figure below

Sketch and label the time-reflected version the above signal.

The discrete-time signal x(n) is given by:

1, n = -2, -1

x(n) = 2, n = 0, 1, 2

0, otherwise

Sketch and label the time-reflected version the above signal carefully.

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Consider a continuous-time signal denoted by x(t). The time-shifted
version of x(t) is defined as:

y (t) = x(t − t0 )

Where t0 is the time shift

If t0 > 0, then x(t) is shifted to the right.
If t0 < 0, then x(t) is shifted to the left.
Similarly, for a discrete-time signal x(n), the time-shifted version is
written as:
y (n) = Ax(an − n0 )
Where n0 is the time shift
If n0 > 0, then x(n) is shifted to the right.
If t0 < 0, then x(n) is shifted to the left.

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Cont. . . .
Consider a rectangular pulse x(t) shown in the figure below.

Sketch the time-shifted version of x(t) given by:

y (t) = x(t − 2)
The discrete-time signal x(n) is given by:

 n = 1, 2
x(n) = −1, n = -1, -2

0, otherwise

Sketch and label the time-shifted signals given by:

y (n) = x(n + 3)
y (n) = x(n − 1)
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Let x1 (t) and x2 (t) be two continuous-time signals.
The signal y (t) obtained by the addition of x1 (t) and x2 (t) is defined
y (t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t)
Similarly, for discrete-time signals we have:

y (n) = x1 (n) + x2 (n)

A physical example of a device that adds signals is an audio mixer

which combines music and voice signals.

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Let x1 (t) and x2 (t) a pair two continuous-time signals.
The signal y (t)resulting from the multiplication of x1 (t) and x2 (t) is
defined as:
y (t) = x1 (t)x2 (t)
Similarly, for discrete-time signals we have:

y (n) = x1 (n)x2 (n)

A physical example of a device that multiplies signals is a radio

amplitude modulator (AM).

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Combined signal operations

Given a continuous-time signal x(t), we can define another
continuous-time signal y (t) by applying two or more signal operations

y (t) = Ax(at − t0 )
Similarly, for discrete-time signals we have:

y (n) = Ax(an − n0 )

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Classification of Systems

In the analysis or design of a system, it is desirable to classify the

system according to some generic properties that the system satisfies.
For a system to possess a given property, the property must hold true
for all possible input signals that can be applied to the system.
If a property holds for some input signals but not for others, the
system does not satisfy that property.
We can classify systems into the following six basic categories.
1 Linear Vs non-linear systems
2 Time-invariant Vs time-varying systems
3 Memoryless Vs memory systems
4 Causal Vs non-causal systems
5 Stable Vs unstable systems
6 Invertible Vs non-invertible systems

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Cont. . . .

Linear Vs non-linear systems

A system is linear if it satisfies the principle of superposition.
A continuous-time system with input x(t) and output y (t) is said to be
linear iff:

T [a1 x1 (t) + a2 x2 (t)] = a1 T [x1 (t)] + a2 T [x2 (t)]

Similarly, a discrete-time system with input x(n) and output y (n) is

said to be linear iff:

T [a1 x1 (n) + a2 x2 (n)] = a1 T [x1 (n) + a2 T [x2 (n)

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are linear or non-linear
1 y (t) = 2x(t)
2 y (t) = e x(t)
3 y (t) =
4 y (t) = 3x(t) + 5
5 y (n) = x(n + 2)
6 y (n) = x(n) − x(n − 2)
7 y (n) = sin[x(n)]

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Cont. . . .

Time-invariant Vs time-varying systems

A system is said to be time-invariant if a time delay or time advance in
the input signal leads to an identical time-shift in the output signal.
A continuous-time system with an input x(t) and output y (t) is said to
be time-invariant iff:

y (t − t0 ) = T [x(t − t0 )]

Similarly, a discrete-time system with an input x(n) and output y(n) is

said to be time-invariant iff:

y (n − n0 ) = T [x(n − n0 )]

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are time-invariant or time-varying.
1 y (t) = sin[x(t)]
2 y (t) = tsin[x(t)]
3 y (t) =
4 y (t) = x 2 (t)
5 y (n) = x(−n)
6 y (n) = x(n) − x(n − 2)
7 y (n) = nx(n)

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Cont. . . .

Memoryless Vs memory systems

A continuous-time system is said to be memoryless or instantaneous if
its output y (t) at time t = t0 depends only on the values of the input
x(t) at the same time t = t0 .
On the other hand, if the response of a system at t = t0 depends on
the values of the input x(t) in the past or in the future time, it is called
a dynamic system or a system with memory.
Similarly, a discrete-time system is said to be memoryless if its output
y (n) at time instant n = n0 depends only on the value of its input x(n)
at the same time instant n = n0 . Otherwise, the discrete-time system
is said to have memory.

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are memoryless or memory
1 y (t) = x(2t)
2 y (t) = x(t − 5)
3 y (t) = x 2 (t)
4 y (t) = 3x(t) + 5
5 y (n) = x(n + 2)
6 y (n) = x( )
7 y (n) = e x(n)

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Cont. . . .

Causal Vs non-causal systems

A continuous-time system is said to be causal if the output at time
depends only on the input x(t) for t < t0 .
Similarly, a discrete-time system is causal if the output at time instant
n = n0 depends only on the input x(n) for n ≤ n0 .
That is, the output of a causal system at the present time depends on
only the present and/or past values of the input but not on its future
A system that violates the causality condition is called a non-causal or
anti-causal system.

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are causal or non-causal.
1 y (t) = x(t − 2) + x(t + 2)
2 y (t) = x(t − 2) + x(t − 5)
3 y (t) = x 2 (t − 2)
4 y (t) = x(2t)
5 y (n) = x(n − 3) + 4
6 y (n) = x( )
7 y (n) = e x(n−2)

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Cont. . . .

Stable Vs unstable systems

A system is referred to as bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO)
stable if an arbitrary bounded-input signal always produces a
bounded-output signal. .
A continuous-time system with input x(t) and output y(t) is said to be
BIBO stable iff: .

|x(t)| ≤ Bx < ∞ ⇒ |y (t)| ≤ By < ∞

Similarly, a discrete-time system with input x(n) and output y(n) is

said to be BIBO stable iff: .

|x(n)| ≤ Bx < ∞ ⇒ |y (n)| ≤ By < ∞

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are BIBO stable or unstable.
1 y (t) = 2x(t) + 5
2 y (t) = x(t − 5)
3 y (t) = x 2 (t)
4 y (n) = eP
5 y (n) = Pn+2 k=n−2 x(k)
6 y (n) = nk=−∞ x(k)

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Cont. . . .

Invertible Vs non-invertible systems

A continuous-time system is said to be invertible if the input signal
x(t) can be uniquely determined from the output y (t) for all time
n ∈ (−∞, ∞)
Similarly, a discrete-time system is said to be invertible if the input
signal x(n) can be uniquely determined from the output y (n) for all
time n ∈ (−∞, ∞)
To be invertible, two different inputs cannot produce the same output
since, in such cases, the input signal cannot be uniquely determined
from the output signal.

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Cont. . . .

Determine whether the systems with the following input-output
relationships are invertible or non-invertible.
1 y (t) = 3x(t) + 5
2 y (t) = cos[x(t)]
3 y (t) = x 2 (t)
4 y (t) = x(t − x(t − 2))
5 y (n) = 2x(n) + 7
6 y (n) = x(2n)
7 y (n) = e x(n)

Aga Bayou (ASTU) Signals and Systems Analysis July 21, 2021 69 / 70
Thank You

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