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Author: Dr. R. Praveena, M.S. OG POST-GRADUATE

Guided by Prof. and HOD Dr. V. Rajalakshmi, MD, DGO,
Asst. Prof Dr. Preetha, MD, DGO, Govt. RSRM lying in hospital Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai

Introduction Confusion Of Diagnosis

She delivered an Alive , term, Boy baby of weight 3.04kg with an
Taenia solium or more commonly called tape worm is one of an APGAR 7/10 and 8/10. The entire process of delivery was uneventful. The normal physiological changes in pregnancy contribute to
intestinal parasite. various adjustments which have an impact on the
Neurocysticercosis is a preventable infection caused by larval On Post-op Day 3, patient suddenly developed headache. Patient had presentation of several diseases.
cysts of the Tape worm. These larval cysts infect various parts of Bilateral frontal headache, which was dull aching type. There were no
the body causing a condition known as cysticercosis. Larval aggravating factors. Headache reduced after PARACETAMOL IV The common symptoms of Neurocysticercosis are seizures,
cysts in the brain cause a form cysticercosis called infusion. But patient had recurrent headache . headache, dizziness , visual disturbances, altered mental
Neurocysticercosis. Neurocysticercosis which affects the brain is status, etc.
the most severe form of the disease. She was then advised CT Brain.
CT Brain showed a suspicious hypodensity in Right Temporal region These common symptoms of Neurocysticercosis are
How do people get Neurocysticercosis? for further evaluation. confused with that of preeclampsia and eclampsia often
making us miss the diagnosis.
If a person eats undercooked , infected pork , he/she will acquire She was then planned for MRI Brain.
a tape worm infection in the intestine . They will then pass tape MRI Brain showed Therefore, eliciting the history of exposure in endemic areas
worm eggs in their stools. If they don’t wash their hands properly T2/ FLAIR hyperintense lesion with surrounding edema in left medial as well as the personal , social and family
after defecation , they may contaminate food or surfaces with frontal gyrus and occipital lobe possibly Tuberculoma or history is the key for suspecting the diagnosis in patients in
feces containing these eggs. These eggs may be swallowed by Neurocysticercosis. Suggested MRI contrast. neurological symptoms.
another person or the same person if they eat contaminated food.
Once inside the body, the eggs hatch and become larvae that find MRI contrast confirmed Neurocysticercosis with both vesicular and Matter Of Concern
their way to the brain. These larvae cause Neurocysticercosis. colloidal stages of cyst.
Diagnosis and management of Neurocysticercosis during
pregnancy is challenging. But prompt intervention is crucial
for better maternal and fetal outcome.

There is no evidence of vertical transmission to fetus .

However, cysticercosis can be transmitted horizontally from
the mother to newborn and hence screening of mothers with
NCC for tape worm is important. All the family members
should also be screened.

Most pregnancies with NCC are associated with good

outcome and there is no fetal malformation or brain damage.
However sustained seizures may pose a major risk to the
fetus due to hypoxia.


Proper hand washing before and after eating and after using
Case Report washroom.
Avoid eating raw and undercooked meat
Washing of raw fruits and vegetables properly.
A 20yr old Primi with 38 weeks gestation , resident of Old
washermanpet came to OPD for regular antenatal visits. Her
Blood pressure was 140/90 mm Hg and repeat Blood pressure MANAGEMENT
after 4 hours was also 140/90 mm Hg . Patient was admitted in
view of Newly diagnosed Gestational hypertension. Patient was immediately seen by Neurologist.
A course of steroid and anti helminthic was prescribed.
Inj. DEXAMETHASONE 4mg IV BD for 5 days followed by a tapering
Induction of Delivery was done in view of Term and dose of oral Prednisolone.
Gestational hypertension. Tab. PRESNISOLONE 80 mg OD for one week followed by 60 mg OD for
Foley induction was followed by PGE2 gel induction was one week followed by 40 mg OD for one week and finally 20 mg OD for
followed by Oxytocin Acceleration. In view of Failure to one week along with TAB. ALBENDAZOLE 400mg BD for 21 days.
progress , patient was taken up for Emergency LSCS.

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