My Future Teaching and Learning Personal Goals in The Multigrade Classes

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My Future Teaching and Learning Personal Goals in the Multigrade Classes

Quarter/Periodical People Involved Goals/Objectives Activities and Strategies Anticipated Difficulty Contingency Plan
 Conduct LAC Sessions
1st  Inexperienced
and Re-Echo in MPPE
 Teacher development and training teachers in teaching
Train teachers in multi-grade Curriculum
Teachers, School multi-grade classes
teaching with the use of the  Allocate funds for
Head  Benchmarking at Multigrade  Budget allotment in
multigrade toolkit seminars and
Demonstration School Projects (MDSP)  seminars and
workshops and
include in AIP and SIP
 Allocate funds for
 Budget allotment in seminars and
Improve the curriculum delivery of  Re-orientation on Multigrade Program
2nd seminars and workshops and
the multi-grade schools in Philippine Education (MPPE)
Teachers, School workshops include in AIP and SIP
Head, MOOE In-  Lack of Facilities in the  Purchase materials
To upgrade teachers on the current  Conduct of seminar and trainings for
charge, Local conduct of workshop (e.g. generators,
trends in teaching with technology improvement of curriculum delivery
Government Unit with the use of projector, speakers)
and ICT support in multi-grade using technology and ICT for convenient
schools technology
delivery of lesson
 Ask assistance to LGU
 Provision for MG Daily Lesson Plan
Exemplars (MG-DLPs) and Integrated  Access and  Conduct LAC Sessions
3rd Teachers, School
Provision of Learning and teaching Multigrade Lesson Plan Exemplars (IMG- comprehending the in using the provided
Head, MOOE In-
support materials to all multi-grade LPs) designed with Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources
charge, Multigrade
schools (LR) are developed by UNICEF conducted (LRs)
Program Team
Philippines and the Basic Education
Sector Transformation (BEST) program
 Request for
procurement of
4th  Conduct ocular inspection in all materials
School Head, classroom to determine their needs  Deteriorated  Submission of letter of
Teachers, PTA, Pupils, To procure needed materials for  Request for the procurement of classroom request and
School Property classroom improvement materials façade/paintings/ liquidation
Custodian  Prepare liquidation and furniture/structuring  Allocate funds for
accomplishment report classroom

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