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Iceland World

Guiding light for sustainable
humans and nature
Table of contents

● Summary of our meetings

● Our meetings and Journey
● The three deltas of our mission
● Next steps
● Annexes
Summary of our meetings
Meeting with Dr. Mahendra Shah in Iceland, 24. - 27. September 2019
● Day 1 - introductory lunch at Marina Hotel. Travelling to see Sólsetrið under Mt. Esjan. Meeting
Kolbrún Björnsdóttir at the herbal apothecary. Cacao ceremony with Óli Stef and Norse mythology
story telling.
● Day 2 - visit to the Blue lagoon. Meeting at Bárugata with Sigurjón and Ásgeir Brynjar.
● Day 3 - Journey to Laugarvatn and Borgarfjörður - the Crystal circle.

Attendees ;
Anna Björk Árnadóttir, Arnar Ingvarsson, Daníel Hjörtur, Erla Ólafsdóttir, Linda Mjöll Stefánsdóttir, Sigurjón
Geirsson and Jaideep Shah. Together the Icelandic team and Jaideep form the seven musketeers working
with Dr. Mahendra Shah on building a better world.
Laugarvatn and the Crystal circle journey
On the morning of the 26th of September we
embarked on a journey to visit some sites of
interest for our future project, Iceland World
We started of with a short visit to Halldór
Laxness visiting centre where Sigurjón gifted
Mahendra with Laxness ́ book World Light,
which sure to say has been the theme of our
discussions so far, i.e. to make Iceland the
world light.
Laugarvatn and the Crystal circle journey
Our next stop was at Laugarvatn to visit briefly
Fontana Spa, needless to say we all agreed that they
had a missing element when it comes to our vision of a
spa and using the uniqueness Iceland has to offer. The
name alone, Fontana, does not do our land justice.
After a lovely lunch at Lindin restaurant we headed
towards Borgarfjörður and took a less traveled route to
get there. On our route the landscape was astounding
as anywhere you go in Iceland. We traveled past OK
which was once a glacier but is no more and that is a
tangible reminder of global warming.
The Crystal circle
We arrived in Borgarfjörður at our first stop, of
what we have called the Crystal circle,
There we visited Snorrastofa, cultural and
medieval centre, and got a very intriguing
history lesson from Sigurjón about how we all
connect all the way from India to Iceland
through Norse mythology and Snorri ́s stories.
At Snorrastofa we walked to Snorralaug,
Snorri's pool and sat down in a little cave by
the pool to summarize our vision and our
journey. We listened to Sigurjón, Linda and
Daníel describe how they were seeing our
vision come to life.
The Crystal circle
Next stop on our Crystal circle was
Hraunfossar, the Lava waterfalls.
Seeing the water finding its way
through all the cracks in the lava walls
and feeling and seeing the intenseness
of the powerful stream is a very unique
experience. The power of the stream
truly represents the power water holds
and how important it will be in all of our
healing, both at Sólsetrið and at
The Crystal circle
Our third and final stop on the Crystal circle was at Krauma spa at
Deildartunguhver. Its safe to say that we were all blown away by the
land and the surroundings of the spa. The vastness all around and
the exquisite nature wherever you looked was breathtaking. We all
agreed that this could be the perfect place for a resort. There you
could really recharge, relax and rejuvenate. There we could see our
vision of a resort come to life. There we could envision a centre
where people come to get the ultimate resort experience. They would
be getting so much more than just a relaxing place with a massage
and hot tubs. We talked about offering treatments with Cranio and
physiotherapists, nutritionists, massage therapists, herbal
apothecaries, nourishments in the way of Ayurveda and much more.
Most importantly, we all agreed that in order to make a change we
need to help people become sustainable human beings.
The Crystal circle

We ended our visit to Krauma with a stunning

meal at the restaurant on site. During our
meal we managed to discuss the next steps
of our journey. We made a plan to put our
vision into words and make a presentation to
represent to the government and possible
investors. Those plans are further described
in the following slides.
The Crystal circle On our way back from our Crystal circle we
ended up at the place where it all began,
The view from Sólsetrið at night where the
lights of the city glow so beautifully, and the
mountain blowing softly at the back of your
neck and the oceans tranquility mesmerising
you into a state of real relaxation all the whilst
enjoying being in nature but yet at the same
time so close to the city.
Sólsetrið truly is the starting point of this
Table of contents

● Introduction
● Our meetings and Journey
● The three deltas of our mission
● Next steps
● Annexes
The three deltas
1. The Summit, the Forum 2. The Crystal centre of 3. The Zen Wellness
and Pyramid structure at sustainability and resort of excellence -
Esjan wellness - Esjan Krauma

Delta 1: The Summit, the Forum and Esja pyramid
The Summit at the Esja Pyramid
will be held in connection with a
Forum held in Reykjavik in 2020.
Alternatively we can hold it in e.g.
late September. We will work on
preparing this event in
collaboration with the Spirit of
Humanity Forum, Icelandic
government, Islandsstofa and the
Nordic CEO committee on SDGs
issues and other parties.
Delta 2: The Crystal centre of sustainability and wellness
The Centre of sustainability and wellness, Esjan
At Sólsetrið we will build turf domes and/or hobbit
houses. Together with activities in the Pyramids that
will be a Crystal Centre of sustainable growth and
wellness - the World Light for developing sustainable
people and nature. Daníel has prepared his vision on
building the turf domes and how this relates to the
pyramid structures. Linda has prepared a vision of the
how Solsetrid future vision regarding working with
We need to elaborate further on our vision how this
centre of sustainability and wellness at Esja will be
best connected to activities of the pyramids built
at Esja and the Zen wellness center of excellence.
Delta 3: Zen wellness spa and resort, Iceland
- Wellness centre of Excellence.
We have learned that majority owners of Krauma
could be open for the idea of getting in a new
investor to develop Krauma into a high quality Spa
and they would be willing to to work together to get
new investors in to build up a Zen wellness resort
at Krauma. They also have shared vision for using
the Greenhouses for e.g. Aquaponics.

Table of contents

● Introduction
● Our meetings and Journey
● The three deltas of our mission
● Next steps
● Annexes
Proposed next steps
1. Dr. Mahendra Shah will consider establishing an Icelandic registered holding company
for his activities in Iceland. The working title of this company is Zen Wellness Holding -
ZWH Ltd.
2. The first investment of the holding company will be in a company established around our
vision. We suggest that will be called Sól World Light. The holding company of Mahendra
could own 70 - 85% of Sól World Light and remaining 15-30% could be owned by the 7
musketeers. The initial share capital contributed by Mahendra through ZWH Ltd could be
USD 80K/ISK 9M. These initial funds will be used for development including identifying
the necessary knowledge and funding partners for:
- Development of the Pyramid project and the Summit held in Iceland 2020 and working
with Sólsetrið on the development of the Turf domes/ hobbit houses project.
- Together the Pyramids of Esja and Sólsetrið will be called the Crystal Centre of
Sustainability and Wellness and through that cooperation we will develop further the
concept of Sustainable Wellness Iceland, i.e. an ecosystem of experts working together,
globally and locally, on issues related to wellness and sustainability.
Proposed next steps - cont.
3. Next investment proposed to the holding company is to buy the available 14% minority
shares in Krauma Spa. That investment will provide a great opportunity to develop further
the concept of the Zen Resort of excellence - Iceland building on existing infrastructure at
Krauma, including the requisite relationships with key local business partners here in

We strongly believe that these three steps will be big steps toward
the vision of making Iceland as the World Light of wellness and sustainability.
● The Summit, the Forum 2020 and Esja
● The Forum 2020 prefered partners
● Sólsetrið -Current buildings and new turf
● Krauma Spa - info about current
● Krauma Zen Resort Iceland.
● World Crystal Centre of Sustainability
and Wellness
The Summit, the Forum 2020 and Esja pyramids
The summit, the forum 2020 and the Esja pyramid.

The Summit at the Esja Pyramid will be held in connection with a Forum that
can be held in Reykjavik June or September 2020.. We will work on
preparing this event, the summit and the forum, in collaboration with the Spirit
of Humanity Forum, Icelandic government, Islandsstofa and the Nordic CEO
committee on SDGs issues as other interested local and international parties.
See more about SoH and the Nordic mission on SDGs on next slide.

At Sólsetrið or near Sólsetrið we will build the first pyramid and later the second
pyramid. We will work with a consulting engineering companies such as Efla or
Verkís. Together with their expertise we will find the best spot to place the
pyramids at Esja. both structurally and energetically. There is also an
opportunity to purchase land north of Sólsetrid if needed.

The first pyramids will be used for parts of the Summit. There we will invite
keen investors and governmental officials to experience first hand the intense
energy of the pyramids. After the summit the second pyramid. Together they
will be used for Sound-sight-Aroma-Touch Healing retreat at Esja. Between the
two Pyramids there will be ZEN refreshment and rest place for visitors.
The Forum 2020 prefered partners
The Spirit of Humanity Forum is a global network of organisations,
communities and individuals committed to help bring about change in
governance and decision-making, based on core human values. Iceland
is the main host of the SoH Forum. Reykjavik city was chosen as the
venue for the Forum as it aims to become a global capital for peace, and
places emphasis on human rights and peace in its work and policies.

Nordic Region for Sustainable future. In a meeting held in Reykjavik

August 2019 the Nordic Prime Ministers agreed on the objective that the
Nordic Region will become the global leader in combating climate
change and achieving a more sustainable society as well as becoming
an even more integrated region. The Prime minister of Iceland, Katrin
Jakobsdottir, has lead this work in the Nordic countries. While in Iceland,
the prime ministers also met with Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future,
that shares the prime ministers goals. Links Nordic sustainable future
Iceland Summit 2020 - Earth Odyssey 2022
Iceland Summit and the Forum in 2020. As a committed land of Sustainability
as of 2019 and with the Summit and Forum planned Reykjavik 2020, Iceland
can from now on take part in the Earth Odyssey programme towards
documenting the various issues, developments and human/nature stories
going on in the land. The Summit in Reykjavik 2020 will also be filmed, that
can be part of the Earth Odyssey project on sharing solution for a better world
and sustainable future.

Earth Odyssey 2022. In 2022 we would be able to make our own presentation
within the Crystal Centre both towards documenting how far we have come as
well as presenting in a Story Telling manner what our ongoing Crystal Core
values are. Excursions by children and youth to places of interest and
learning can be made to better connect the future voices with what is really
being activated around our country in the way of sustainability.
Sólsetrið -Current buildings and new turf domes
Current buildings. The housing options at Sólsetrið (Skrauthólar) consists of
two barns and a cowshed, total of 450m2 and a top floor of an additional
180m2 used as an apartment at the moment. The cowshed is used as a venue
for all kinds of events such as, cacao ceremonies, yoga retreats, drumming
ceremonies, weddings and much more. One of the barns is a workshop and the
other barn is split into a sauna, bathrooms, laundry room and storage rooms.
There is a building permit for an additional 100m2 building south of the
cowshed. In all of the buildings mentioned above there is an option to host
workshops in collaboration with Hjallastefnan, kindergartens, to start with and
then elementary schools. In those workshops we will focus on creativity in
various forms. At Daníels house there will also be a small workshop to work on
specific projects such as sculpting.

The Turf domes/ Hobbit houses. We will be adding group facilitating options
at Sólsetrið. Preferably so called Hobbit houses or Turf domes in the hills of
Esjan, possibly above the pyramids, which would refer to the icelandic heritage
i.e. the old turf houses we used to live in, so turf and stone would be used as
the exterior look, For these houses we would consider using the earthbag
method. (
Esja Sólsetrið and the Pyrmids

At Sólsetrið we will build turf domes and/or hobbit

houses. Together with activities in the Pyramids
that will be a Esja Crystal Centre of sustainable
growth and wellness - the World Light for
developing sustainable people and nature.

- At Esja and by building up the Zen resort, Iceland at Krauma, a

local community of experts in growth, healing and nutrition will start
to be built up. This local community of experts working together
with global experts could furter be a start of a World Crystal Centre
of sustainability and wellness. See more about that on next slide.
World Crystal Centre of Sustainability and Wellness
The Crystal Centre of Sustainability and Wellness will be an eco system of experts
working together, globally and locally, on issues related to wellness and sustainability.
The Vision of the World Crystal Centre is to develop world class high quality approach
to healing and inner work, with integration to daily life. The goals are;

● To enhance self-sustainable, joyful and happy individuals, with a sense of

purpose in life.
● To make the people of Iceland and the rest of the world more whole,
integrated, self realized, sustainable beings.
● To become both a local and global role model for professional, natural,
authentic, approach to human sustainability and earth sustainability.
● To establish world class tourism of wellness retreats that could
● Through requisite cooperation with local and international investors this center
of excellent could be important step toward establishment of an international
Wellness fund.

Solsetrid will be part of the Crystal Centre with focus on growths and integration.
Krauma Spa - info about current ownership
Current ownership. Sigurjon had an informal meetings with the representatives of the
owners of Krauma and we learned the following :

Krauma was founded by local people in Borgarfjörður that started this without
adequate resources to fully support the business. Current owners acquired their
ownership 3 years ago. These owners also own Höfn Hótel in í Hornafirði in east
coast of Iceland and work closely as a team. Minority interest is held by 2 local
farmers owning total 14%. The minority interest owners could be looking for an exit.
The 3 majority owners are happy to replace them with an international investor that
comes with expertise on how to develop Krauma further as a professionally run Spa
and wellness centre. The idea of this expertise could relate to a Zen Spa was
appealing to them. The new minority shareholder participation could also include:
- cooperation from the buyer to purchase two existing greenhouses and
converting these into some form of landmark related to Iceland for the tourism
trade, such as Aquaponics.
- cooperation with the owners on additional related projects, e.g. developing a
high quality and holistic inner work treatment facility in combination with spa
and wellness.As well as developing retreat at their other hotel at Hornafjordur.
Krauma Zen Resort, Iceland - possibilities
Possibilities at Krauma : The current majority owners do not have any formal
plans of expansion but they are open to work together with partners to find new
investors with the possibility to develop Krauma Zen Spa Resort in connection
with Krauma Spa. The current majority owners are open to leasing or selling
the land to new investors as developers for building a resort or to sell to a new
investor their entire shareholdings in Krauma Spa.

As tourism is one of the foundations of the Icelandic economy, there is likely

interest from other domestic investors, particularly pension funds, to invest in
an opportunity to bring Iceland into the forefront of sustainable wellness
tourism. Their Initial investment in this could ultimately lead to the
establishment of a wellness fund with domestic and international investors.

There may as well be an opportunity to work with Icelandair Hotels on

developing the Krauma Zen Spa Resort. That resort would be the paradigm of
what Iceland should be as a destination and as a centre of excellence in
nutrition, wellness and healing for other hotels in the hotel chain.
The Crystal circle - a new tourist route of Iceland
The Crystal circle could in the future become a new tourist route in Iceland -
presented as an alternative the popular Golden circle. The new Pyramid
structure at Esja could then be an entry to the Crystal Circle.
- At the Esja pyramids the travelers start with a Sound-Sight -Aroma-Touch retreat
and relaxation, and after that they go to the refreshment place that will be located
between the to pyramids. In this refreshment area the visitors can, through
multimedia presentation learn all about the Global Crystal Centre of Sustainability
and Wellness, the new eco system of international experts working together on
the issue that relates to building more sustainable humans and nature.

After this morning healing visit at Esja Pyramids and a visit to the refreshment
area The Crystal circle route takes you to Hraunfossar and the norse mythology
centre at Reykholt and even go into the glacier Langjökull, before visiting the
Krauma Zen for a Spa retreat and dining. On the way back
travelers can drive through Thingvellir
National Park to pass the OK, the glacier that
because of global warming is no longer a glacier.

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