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Unit 2:Project Planning And Scheduling
2.1 Definition Of Planning
2.2 Steps In Planning
2.3 Importance Of planning
2.4 Construction Site Planning
2.5 Work Breakdown Structure
2.6 Bar Chart
2.7 Linked Bar Chart and Milestone Chart
2.8 Advantages of Construction Schedule
2.9 Preparation of Construction Schedule
2.10 Material Schedule
2.11 Labor Schedule
2.12 Equipment Schedule
Prepared by: Prajwol N. Shrestha
2.13 Financial Schedule
2.1 Definition Of Planning

“If you fail to plan ,you’re bound to fail”

• In simple, Planning is something that’s come in mind and the answer of Wh
• According to the LF Urwick , “ Planning is fundamentally a mental
description to do things in an orderly way, to think before and to act in the
light of fact rather than guesses.”
• Planning is the course of action to achieve the desired results taking in the
considerations of presents needs and future requirements.
• It forms the basis for the project present needs and the future requirements,
schedule, resources, quality ,risk.
• Planning is the critical to the project management process.
• In planning there are many alternatives and among them the most efficient
and economic plan is selected for further process.
• Planning is done to
✓ Eliminate or reduce Uncertainty.
✓ Improve efficiency of the operation
✓ Obtain better understanding of the objectives
✓ Provides basis for monitoring and controlling.
Objectives Of Planning

The main objectives of planning of a work is to execute the project or work most economically in terms of
money and time both.
1. Proper design of each element of the project.
2. Proper Selection of Plant and Equipment.
3. Proper management of repair and maintenance of equipment at site.
4. Procurement of required materials well in advanced.
5. To arrange constant flow of funds in entire project duration.
6. To provide level of safety and compensation.
7. Proper arrangement of communication and mobility in site.
Principle of Planning

1. It should be readily understandable.

2. The plan should be realistic.
3. Plan should be flexible.
4. Plan should be comprehensive.
5. Plan should incorporate the system of monitoring and controlling.
2.2 Steps in Planning

Following steps are involved in planning:

1. Identifying the likely problems to be encounter in the execution of the work.
2. Ascertaining alternative feasibility of execution of the works.
3. Fixing the time of start.
4. Deciding the time of materials delivering at sites.
5. Deciding the quantities and durations of various types of machines and
7. Deciding numbers and the durations of the different types of labors for various works.
8. Estimation of the financial help if needed.
9. Estimation of duration of completion of work.
10. Evaluations of the effectiveness of plan adopted.

Broadly ,planning involves following steps:

1. Setting Objectives
2. Determines the alternatives
3. Evaluating Alternatives
4. Selecting the best alternatives
5. Formulating the real plan
Stages of planning
1.Pre Planning
Set up Objectives.
Feasibility Study.
2.Detailed planning
Detail design and drawing
Specification of materials are prepared.
Quantity estimate ,BOQ, Scheduling
Stages of planning
3. Monitoring and Controlling
Progress of construction is monitored as per the proposed schedule.
Updating of schedule
Planning by Client in Different Stages
1. Pre-Construction Stage /Pre-tender Stage
✓ Clients Sets clear Objectives of the projects and communicate to all concern
✓ Client select consultant (if needed) to investigates the project and to determine
the budget required.
✓ Takes approval from respective authority.
✓ Selection of project team
✓ Select contractor through competitive bidding process.
Planning by Client in Different Stages
2. Construction Stage Planning
✓ Revision in objectives in respond to unexpected event.
✓ Make site available for the contractor
✓ Timely payment and settlement of claims
✓ Keep the changes less
✓ Timely decisions
✓ Update performance bond of contractor.
Planning by Client in Different Stages
3. Post Construction Stage Planning
✓ Prepares project operation and maintenance schedule
✓ Project ownership.
Planning by Contractor in Different Stages
1. Pre-Construction Stage /Pre-tender Stage
✓ Purchase and careful study of tender document
✓ Study of BOQ and specifications to determine the quantities and
Qualities of work required.
✓ Study of site and site investigation.
✓ Determine the method of work execution.
✓ Decide to bid or not to bid.
Planning by Contractor in Different Stages
2. Construction Stage
✓ Site Mobilization and processing
✓ Working out the detail quantities of the materials and determine the sources of its procurement
✓ Determine the detail about construction workforces (Manpower)and equipment.
✓ Planning for the camp facilities, access road, accommodation, site offices and layout (Job layout)
✓ Planning for surveillance like proper lighting ,ventilation, drinking water, sanitation, first aid
✓ Study interdependence of different items of works and fixing the sequences of them.
Planning by Contractor in Different Stages
3. Post Construction Stages.
✓ Demobilizations of plant and equipment.
✓ Demobilizations of labors
✓ Clearance of materials inventory and its stock.
✓ Handover the project to client in targeted date
✓ Responsibility for defect liability construction within its period.
2.3 Importance Of Planning.
1. Making Objectives clearer.
2. Reduces risk and uncertainty.
3. Helps in better coordination.
4. Helps to ensure economy and efficiency operations
5. Serves as basic of control.
6. Helps in decision making process.
7. Helps in tracking the organization in right path.
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